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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. ;Yes, I have,,when sort of forced, given deposits before. Just TRY to avoid it.Have been lucky in many ports doing this. In some out of the way countries, like Viet Nam,Russia,etc,,,,,have just opted for ships tour.Felt safer and had little luck finding on my own.On a few, told guide we would go on own back to ship,,after tipping him.So much depends on WHICH country and port you re in.

  2. YOu can always add on anything not on card.such as waffles,etc.Also be careful re side items, usually a LOT of bacon,etc. and can share for 2.When you order coffee for 2,will get a carafe.

    We LOVE this feature and always get PH or concierge for FULL<HOT breakfast in room.Can ask them to come back in hour or whatever ,or it will sit there till room cleaned in am.

  3. Just found out answer to 1 question, called Old Town Trolley and they said if I booked online that a HOHO bus would be going to terminal every 30 mins.and could get on there and give ticket to driver.Would NOT have to go on shuttle to main office and just ask to be sure its the HOHO bus,not one booked for O tours. What a relief. Now will just have to hope its not too busy with long waits at sites.


    But still need answer as to how to see how many ships in port.Always good to know .

  4. I know we re in the minority, but prefer NOT to do snorkeling,water sports,etc. Live in FL, and sort of bored with that after yrs. of it around here.Know it s great,but what about land excursions. Like to see the islands, learn the culture,etc. Will we be able to do that,or NEED to take O exc. ? Such small islands and large crowd on ship, fear any private LAND ones will be used by O. Have found that on small Carib.islands,at least.

    The scenery sounds lovely and area we ve never been.An old "Adventures in Paradise" tv fan and always wanted to go find Gardiner MCKay ...haha...Sad but I googled him and he s passed away yrs.ago.


    Also, need close to port hotel for first day,just for resting.Then 1 for day room after. Will have to look into that more closely. Perhaps Meridian for first, then Int.Cont for last. Sound good? Moorea sounds great,but don t have that much time .

  5. Thanks all, very kind to give info I needed. Have NO IDEA how to check how many ships will be in port that day.Its. in July,so may be pretty busy.Hate to purchase online since I heard here,no refunds.Guess I can either take the HOHO bus from cruise terminal to main office(but will be confusing since O has booked Trolley for tours from 9 to 10,maybe just wait till after.Or take shuttle into town and walk to main office. Looked at map,but seems confusing to get there,accross an expressway? Tom s port guides lists 3 hoho bus co.,,,Old Town, BOston, and City.Some also inc.a harbor tour.

    Have been there yrs.ago and saw the MAIN sites,but great town to see again.

    Wonder if any other type,ex.O tours, available.May have to check into private one.

  6. Thanks so much for both sites. Unless I hear from any others I ll assume we dock at Black Falcon terminal.

    Very confusing about the HOHO bus tho,,,but Tom s guides explains it.

    Must purchase in town, not at terminal,it seems.

    But can take ship shuttle there.

    Ship sells Old Town Trolley tours, but NOT HOHO. So whole tour with NO STOPS ,confusing.

    Too bad the tickets aren t sold on bus, or at cruise terminal.

    Again, not sure if I purchase online that I can then board bus at the terminal,will have to call and check. Anyone know?

  7. From map on HOHO site I can t see how far it would be ,since not sure where O docks usually.

    Anyone done this, was it far?

    Can you just pay on bus, website doesn t say. Just that a int.paid voucher should be taken to a Main St. location.



    O offers Trolley as option,but not sure if that one stops .Since it says 1 1/2 hrs.tour online.



    Thanks in advance.

  8. I have this cruise booked for next year, so maybe someone on the next one can do a live thread with all the details and photos? I know I would really LOVE it and sure many more.


    I also booked O for larger ship and more amenities thanPG, plus seemed less expensive with everything figured in. Sure any cruise there would be great ,regardless.


    We often take the free excursions option, in far off places, as I have found that many of the small private ones booked by ship far in advance. Plus, had the unfortunate experience on 2 private ones where we BARELY made it back to ship.On others we love the HOHO bus option.Used to walk all over,but older knees are preventing that now.

  9. Heard from rep.from O pres,and she said NO PLANS to remove tubs in near future. Had no



    knowledge of WHY the Regatta O rep. announced it.Said, if this happens in future an announcement would be made.


    So, it seems the ONE O rep. made a mistake? Not authorized to do so,?Just not sure,but will drop it for now.


    But ,from the various responses here, it seems a very divided subject.

  10. Sorry, if you read my first and many posts prior to this,you will know I m on Insignia in July. The whole mess started on a Regatta ship. \\the O rep on that is one who announced this during lecture. That s why the Regatta staff is going to be contacted, to get to bottom of this.


    Also, just to cover all bases and give the best info I can. Contacted the Pres.of O and left a voice mail re this. Also, director of passenger services. If I here any more ,will let any interested parties know.


    Those of you not interested, please read other posts.

  11. Just heard from O rep that contacted Hotel Management and they have NOT heard of these plans.Are going to contact Regatta staff to get to bottom of this.Apparently only the O rep.on Regatta is privy to the tub removal?And,if so, did NO ONE else out of the large crowd at lecture hear this?Seems very strange to me.If I hear anymore will let you know.

    Can t believe the BIG CHANGE she clearly announced was a mistake?

    Even went to her desk and she confirmed it.

    Have no real idea about this claim now,just VERY CONFUSED.:confused:

  12. the ticket is on Icelandair, so no use for it unless going there. Plus, its business class and would lose 2,000. Decided if it does change before July, will just deal with it,but NOT like it. Just too much money to lose right now.


    Thank God I have Marina booked next and no prob.there.


    Sure market research was done,just didn't ask ME.Or many of posters here.


    Even got a new Scenic Ocean cruise brochure, and only owner suites had tubs,and for BIG BUCKS ,I might add. Sadly, seems to be wave of the future.

  13. I ve already purchased air and nonrefundable. Final payment is Feb 26 ,so have till then.

    Did hear back from O supervisor who said they contacted Hotel Management and looking into it,may take a few days.

    I ll TRY to be patient till then.

    It just seems odd no one else heard this, about 200 people were at the lecture.Guess it didn't effect them.

    Not trying to make a BIG THING out of this and it could have been dealt with so simply. I take no pleasure "in beating a dead horse" so to speak.

  14. thanks for that update. Am STILL waiting for contact from O Hotel Management, who O phone rep. would KNOW and get back to me. 2days ago.If anyone else has ideas about a final answer, let me know. I m about at my wit s end. Perhaps SHaron M. the Regatta O rep.who told the audience will chime in, no one besides HER seems to know anything.:confused:

  15. acc.to her, the Insignia went into drydock on Jan 4 and tubs NOT REMOVED.Then Regatta will go May 2017, and not sure WHAT will happen then. Called O again and switched to another agent who AGAIN said, had NOT heard of this and would contact Hotel Management and get back to me. Will let you know. Wonder why the O rep on Regatta was informed of this and told the lecture hall, but not one else has heard of it?? This rep even double checked that I WAS on the ship then and asked for O rep name. Keeps getting stranger and stranger.PS, as said,the reason why I m so insistent on info is that I must make a final payment in Feb.for Insignia and wanted to know FOR SURE about this.So sounds like its ok on that ship for now,since really doubt they d do another drydock by July.

  16. Just got an answer to my email question to Oceania special services. Told me all PH room s DO have a tub. Not what I asked, and have emailed them again for them to PLEASE answer the question.


    How hard can it be to respond in prompt manner to a very specific question?


    Must say I m getting a little frustrated.

  17. really don t know how some cruiselines can keep SOME tubs,but O feels they can t. Realize it may take some changes for staff, but how difficult can it be.That way all passengers feel they have been served, not just some.


    I realize it s no problem for many, but on the other hand,it can be a dealbreaker in choosing ships.


    Not trying to be a trouble maker ,just stating my feelings and preferences.Seems other DO FEEL the same.Will be interesting to see how it all turns out.

  18. and glad to hear they have tubs in SOME of the ships still.

    Agree, I DO have a bathtub at home and also want one for 2 wks.on a ship.

    Not sure why there s a problem with leaving some(half)for those that want them.Just have a problem with removing ALL of them.

    It does NOT have to be all or nothing. Want everyone to be happy on their cruise.


    PS. its been a week and STILL have had no response to my email to O guest relations.

  19. and seem to have had no problem. They can just designate starboard or port,etc. or any other way to do it that would be cost effective and pleasing for those of us that LIKE the tub option.

    Sadly, as I ve stated above, that s the only way I ll cruise on the small O ships.Know I m a small statistic and may be ignored, do cruise twice a yr.and get PH on R ships now.Can still go on Marina,etc.BUt have been looking at other companies that offer tubs now.

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