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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. and I too could NOT FIND IT.

    A brief review;;;3rd Scenic cruise and LOVE the rooms with tub(jr suite)and butler with room service. Also, have real balcony and can have AM coffee out there,,great treat.Free pressing of 2 articles a day, nice touch.

    Every detail covered, all tips, drinks,excursions,airport pk up,bus and guide tips,...you name it. Get off ship owing NADA.

    Food can be a little to fancy for me, but Im unusual and picky.Others LOVED variety and choice of 3 restaurants.

    Did northern France and YES, did dock in Honfluer. Would book extra day pre and post cruise in Paris(or more) if you can.


    Hope that helps...did take Avalon,yrs.ago,for southern France. What a mess,,,all the good things about Scenic NOT available on that one.And would NEVER take another, same with Viking.

  2. and not try to just get "younger" age group. We ve been doing them since when we were in our 40 s. Just picked area we wanted to see, did our own thing in ea.port.Or choose to participate in tours,activities avail.Have always enjoyed ourselves ,,,no matter WHAT the age of cruisers.Most in good shape,both physical and mental. Well traveled and interesting, good educations,etc.....why limit yourself.Give one company a try, if not for you,try another. So much depends on your finances,what we could afford in our 40 s different now.

  3. but totally agree with above. If you simply can t walk, afraid you d be bored on these small ships. That being said,have seen passengers with walkers getting around slowly ON OWN. The gentle walker group STILL requires you to keep up,but al slower pace.Even saw a wheelchair being used,but he could still get on and off ship on his own.Then only able to go a short distance,being pushed.

    Also some shipbound passengers said they enjoy just sitting in louge and looking out the windows.You must use stairs to get to top deck.

  4. Just my 2 cents, but I now DO LISTEN to advice from Flyer Talker,


    I learned the hard way on2 oversea flights, had booked them thru cruise company and 2nd one thru online agency. Both times I confirmed my flights, got my seats, and somehow computers did NOT have the connecting flights.Don t ask me how it happened, and was on way home from Vietnam using Asiana air and US partners.


    Sure I thought I saved money,but ended up paying more in long run and such a hassle.Now rather book my own,worth the extra cost(sometimes)and no hassles.

  5. use search engine above and will link you to lots of posts,etc. I used this for my trip 2 yrs.ago and all the info there was very helpful.Also, can look under AMA posts and reviews.Put mine there.


    Also ,get a guidebook, do online research,etc. We LOVED it, but a fair warning its quite a physical challenge.Lots of walking,climbing,heat,etc. Some older folks had difficulty keeping up. I was 69 at time,but tried to get in best shape possible and SO glad I did.

    Lots of info on packing,food,sidetrips,etc. Also, look at videos on you tube .

  6. Having been on 12 river cruises, with al l the main companies, I also agree that is Scenic(Gem) in particular is top of the line. No comparison to Viking,sorry, in any category. Like Royal Carribean to Seabourn, for instance.

    I ,also, could not post under member reviews since that ship not listed.We did this same Paris to Normandy cruise in June.

    Only complaint ,for me, was food was almost too fancy.Weird, I know, but ended up getting choices off everyday menu on some occasions. Also, felt too many buffets for dinner, picky right?

    My DH enjoyed the battle field tours more than I did,but Had plenty of other tours I liked. Also, loved the concert, violinist brought tears to my eyes.Even liked the bus ride to chateux because area so pretty,many DID complain at the time tho.

    So, Scenic ,is number 1 for me.Next is AMA.But,remember ALL ships in every line can be VERY different.So much on staff, ship design,etc.:)

  7. Can find under river section by using search engine mode,plus there was a great,detailed one before mine.


    Re.food. The French one had very FANCY food, many liked it,but too too for me.But I m one for "plainer food" ..so hard to compare. Similar(or better) to food on the 3 AMA cruises I took.


    We also took Douro cruise(but on Uniworld)and just a great area.More scenic in fact than French one.Good you re doing a few days pre and post on both.


    Scenic certainly provides a luxury experience and love the really ALL inc. features.We got off and had NO BILL to pay.

  8. is Scenic Gem. That s why we choose it and went in June. Do get a brochure and look at website. Really 5 star in most areas.Everything REALLY inc. even tips to guides,drivers,etc. Plus butler service, good food,free drinks,ALL free excursions,...could go on and on. You really DO GET what you pay for.

    Got off last mo.,,,so any questions,,please ask.\

    Do read all the fine print about ports and length of bus trips to some cities on the other lines.This one docked right in the towns.]

    Also enjoyed all the major lines,and AMA great too...but this one better due to this point.Also, NEW ship.:)

  9. or jr.suite,panorama,etc. We just washed out shirts,etc by hand then had pressed (2 per day)FREE. But be SURE to mark Press,,,they accidently washed 2 and TRIED to charge me.Refused,so make sure to check.Also, just washed and hung socks,etc.in shower like above poster said. Nice perk.We left last mos cruise owing NADA. :)

  10. Observer, it certainly is one and the same, Sujith. Wellseasoned, will do. It is a lovely day in Bergen sunny and maybe warm.

    So enjoyed your comments, can you tell us all the details your experiencing.To counter some of the many negative comments posted?

  11. on member reviews section. Booked Ss Cloud for next June,but just found out the itinerary I chose was cancelled. Offered 10% discount for same cruise in Sept 2016 and booked it. After reading these latest negative reviews I was concered my first SS cruise would be miserable...so very happy to hear about your positive experience SO FAR.Do keep us informed.

  12. and just think, can always TRY Uniworld NEXT time. After 12 cruises, we have to look for which company even doing area we want to see.That does limit us.


    Remember, no matter how you get there or what the ship is like,,,,you re STILL on a river in Europe(or other)and just ENJOY it. Never ALL bad, make the best of it,then learn from experience. Never regretted ANY cruise, TRIE D to enjoy the experience. Think of all the people that NEVER get to do it, I keep this in mind when all the nay sayers and complainers start in.

  13. Its REALLY all inclusive with Scenic, all drinks, all tips(even guides and drivers),free airport pick up(even if you book own flights),choice of 3 excursions in ea port(as stated above).Then theres the cabin, with butler,tubI(in some rooms),room service, internet,I could go on and on.

    Have been on 12 river cruises,with ALL the major lines and Scenic is nowmy favorite.Just top notch,,oh great food.Can t go wrong.You really DO GET what you pay for.Left ship owing NADA,,even pressing clothes inc.:)

  14. but, from MY experience(1 time ONLY) ,,,NOT GATE 1. Budget was tight ,at time,and THOUGHT it was too good to be true,and IT WAS. Out of 12 river cruises ,this was the poorest rated IMO only ,of course.

    Old boat, crummy cabin,poor food,etc.,,could go on and on.

    Can try cheapest fair on regular lines that own ea.ship,and you should have better luck.

    Do remember ALL the add ons, like drinks,extra excursions,aiport pk,up(unless you book air with them),tips to MANY on and off board.Can add up.Some of the all inc.ones(cheapest cabin)can be just the same price at end.

  15. and yes, offer 3 at least shore excursions. Going on one next wk.from Paris to Normandy.Have that tour , plus others for your wife. Also, Somme battle field tours.My DH is a WW history buff.


    Have been on 12 different cruises with all the major lines and Scenic rates number 1 for me in every category. True luxury and you DO GET what you pay for. Top of the line.

  16. and will add this blog helped me decide to book for next yr. on same cruise.Was wavering between Oceania and Regent,but when I saw it was O ,,Regatta, knew I d have to upgrade to PH to get a tub,On Mariner still quite a few offer them. Know its odd,but it helps to determine choice..NEED my bubble bath,haha.

  17. Would you advise spending pre cruise extra day in San Fran? If not, did you have plenty of time to get to ship?Did you use RR air or own?Which side of ship is best for balcony viewing?Did you need waterproof shoes,heavy raincoat or parka?Any tips for this trip apprecieated.LOVED you blog and pics.Thanks:)

  18. thinking of this same cruise next yr.but on Mariner.Have been to Alaska once many yrs. ago and on that ship too.

    Enjoying all the info and great photos.Looks like the weather is not too bad either.

    Plan on taking more out of town excursions,since we ve seen the cities .

    Have till July 1st to decide,but looks good so far.Regent should give you some OBC for helping those on the fence decide.haha:)

  19. and leave in 1 mo. Will post review.CC s was under section for river roll calls also look on search engine here. Read it and made me glad I picked this company AGAIN. Did Budapest to Bucharest last June and Scenic became my favorite line,after 11 others(with all major lines).

    Like docking in Honfluer and not long bus rides.Plus ALL the other perks made me pick Scenic once more.

    You DO GET WHAT you pay for.All the little extras too.

  20. the lite was bright enough for general use,but NOT for reading...for me,at least/I always bring one of those book lites or lit kindle should work.

    Wish they had SCREENS on balcony, do have glass cover but blocks off breeze.That or bugs. Even roll up screen of some sort.Love to have fresh air at nite,but impossible.

    Same on ALL the boats,not just Scenic. Have mentioned this to them,on reviews,and here on CC. But NADA done.

  21. is a full balcony for you.or just French? I ve traveled on both and just give a slight advantage to AMA. But ,remember, ea.ship, itinerary, etc.can determine whole package onboard. Agree with all the above comments, do lots of research,watch videos of ea.ship,etc.


    Sure you ll enjoy either, very similar,but on 3 AMA cruises thought cabin(with 2 balconies, food and excursions somewhat better than Uniworld.But what I LIKE and what you do are always different.


    I ve been on 11 river cruises and love to try new companies.So have been on all the major lines.Favorite right now is Scenic,but can finally afford it now.You DO GET what you pay for.


    Have fun.Remember can always TRY another line for you second one.;)

  22. under member review section.Lots of good tips, use search function.


    Also.look at you tube .Lots of info out there.When I took it ,read up on all of them ,so felt prepared as much as possible.


    Since its third world area, ex.for big citiy hotels,etc(and ship).Try to pack ALL the things you MAY need.Hard to find(such as camera battery,etc....)in many places.


    Google and see you tube videos of elephant rides, may give you more ideas if its for you.

  23. that we took 2 yrs.ago, their were elephants at 2 of the sites we visited. You could opt to NOT take AMA tour and do this on your own. Only 2 couples did and said it was so so, just got up and walked around for 20 mins.with guide who spoke little to no English. Sort of like riding ponies at zoo,etc.

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