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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @dfish I love the look of the wrap. We had something like that at a Turkish fast food place in Vancouver, but it had either lamb or chicken, as a meat, and I guess I could have added the entire garden of veggies, but I had no idea what it was I had ordered. And the sauces, oh my! DH and I decided that was one of the best meals we had ever had!
  2. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I woke to pouring rain, with the alarm going off. I hate that! I love to sleep to the sound of rain. However, from what I saw on the news, those of you in the Northeast are getting too much rain! Our rain comes in pop ups. the sky is blue, then you hear thunder,m and then Wham !! about an inch of rain in 15 minutes, the sky is blue, ..reminds me if florida. I bought a plant last week at Krogers, and right now, it's getting root rot from the rain. DH has an appointment with the eye doc this morning. He wants to get the upper lid lifted, well, I am pretty sure that the eye infection is back, and no lid lifting, but more drops....we shall see. i have a new conspiracy theory about the earth's heat. Maybe it's heating from the inside out...a lot of active volcanos...just a theory. Well, I ended up with a repeat campaign, Yay. 20 hours a week, which is fine right now, The hours are good, and I will get Fridays off, and work on Saturday mornings. I get retrained this afternoon, so it's the doc, make lunch, walk the neighbors dog, find my old folder for the campaign, get trained, and back to work!
  3. As of right now, I have no idea if I have a campaign to work or not. I need to remind my boss, that if i am not working, i will be forced to clean my house! It was sunny this morning, but now after a brief shower it's like a sauna. Furnando cat loves being on the porch. At night he has been sleeping along my spine sucking body warmth off me. But heck, it makes the spine feel better. I have had carpel tunnel, it's what made me give up my musical career. Practicing guitar and writing songs 8 hours a day, and then performing at night for 2-4 hours. Whatever this is, doesn't feel like what i had before. BUT it was circled on my chart at the therapist. I talk to my lung doc in a month, while he will have the results in to his office by now, he is not the type to tell me anything over the phone. And there is a bit of a language barrier. I'm still stuck on body painting- henna is nice, I think i could do that, I hope it washes off after a while, I once came up with an idea of pouring paint all over my self, and rolling down a hill on a large canvas.....Dh didnt want me to scare the neighbors, i would have done it at night...just scare the raccoons.
  4. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! The therapist told me that the pinched nerve is actually in my shoulder (torn rotator cuff from about 8 years ago, she said lots of repeat damage)...but they dont have a clue about the elbow pain, or the numbness in the hand. But when I left, I felt better, and now, OUCH! It's a Formula 1 weekend, with f2 and f3 and porche, and I need to wake DH up, so I can watch some racing before work. Yes, I still have one gig, that is only 10 hours a week. About the body painting, well they do it even to cats-
  5. @smitty34877Glad you got a good report! @cruising sisterPrayers for Baby Murphy and the family. @mamaofamiI am sorry to read about your friend Judi. Hugs. Well apparently I don't seem to fit into anyone's campaigns right now, so who knows, I may actually have to clean the house! 🙀 And that will take up the entire month of July. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Wednesday we had some real heavy rains, yesterday we had thunder, with sunshine, and today, they are talking pop ups. I have therapy this morning and then on the phones for the last day of Arizona opera. Now I cant sell tickets to you but for folks in AZ, you are getting a great opera this October, Frankenstein. I say great only because the people who saw it in London loved the set, the story and the music. I wish I could afford to travel more, just to see the "things" in the world.
  6. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I know my doc says it's a pinched nerve in my elbow, but the truth is the pain that shoots from my spine to the shoulder blade is what has kept me off the computer. The hand feels like it's asleep, and the elbow? enh not much pain. Its the back that hurts! On the 4th, I got up and put heat on my back for an hour. Then I braved up, made pasta salad, and crock pot ribs, sat back down, put the heat back on and binged Doctor Blake all day. If I didn't move, kept the heat on the back it was the first full day (well from 10-10) that i had no pain. Today I go for an MRI to see how the tumor in my lung is doing. Chuck goes back to his doc on the 20th to see if he qualifies for a new form of chemo. Tomorrow back to physical therapy for me. Not only did my NY campaign end this past weekend, but my Arizona Opera gig ends this Friday. It was supposed to last until the end of July. So as of Friday I am down to 10 hours a week working. Not so great financially, but in reality I need less work time, and more care of both myself and Chuck time. My "boss" is looking for more work for me in another campaign, but I am going to a California campaign at the end of July. @Denise TI had covid in May, and since then my blood sugar and blood pressure have both gone up. I think that the weakness in my muscles was also caused by the Covid. My doc said that the muscles got weak and pinched the nerve, which is why I am in pain. I was pretty strong before I got on the ship, and was a blob when I got off, and that got worse when we got home. Good luck, I hope your doc can help you. There has been a cute black and white stray cat that has been munching on our left over cat food, for several years. Fawn hated her, and chased her away, but with Fawn gone, "Slinky" is coming in to feed twice a day. She is very scared of humans, but if I sit on the porch, I can see her before she knows I am there. I noticed the other day that she is a mom...or about to be. I told DH my discovery and he said, oh no kittens! But then he realized, oh wow kittens....I think Slinky is living in an old dog house in the back 40(very wooded thicket in the back) he realized that the house has no roof, so he wants to put a tarp over it so that if she is in there with her kittens, they wont get drowned in the extreme rain falls we are getting.
  7. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! We had several rounds of thunder and lightning last night, but only one round of rain. It seems that in the hood , the thing to do on a holiday is shoot your gun up in the air. It's too bad that the earth doesn't stop spinning, so that the bullets come down on the shooters. Ack, this country maybe just this county drives me nuts. I have my therapy this morning., I went last Friday, but it turns out I was off a week, this week it's Monday and Friday. MRI on Thursday to see how the "growth" in my lung is doing. @dfish, Zum makes a sea salt soap, maybe you could buy that get in the tub, and pretend you are at the beach? @smitty34877I hope you get better news this morning. @kazuI hope Ivan is doing better later this afternoon. To all the recent toe accident participants, I hope you all feel better soon.
  8. Happy Sunday Dailyites! Yes it still hurts to 1) sit and 2) type but I am checking in! It's thundering with no rain...I wish I could remember what I did yesterday...oh yes. F1 was on, with f3 and f2 and I watched that, went to Macy's to pay a bill, mailed the rest of the bills, went to the bank to make a deposit, and caught up with the book club gang for dinner at Vietvana. We then came home, watched Doctor Blake, and an episode of Alone. If my arm wasnt so wonky and the pain wasnt there, I would recall my UFO experience, I did have a witness, but i think his memory might be worse than mine. I do recall years ago seeing the head lines on the National Inquirer stating that "your cats may be aliens". So I went and got more cats...
  9. Good Afternoon My Dailyite Friends! the back is so much better, and the hand while still going numb in not bothering me as much, I just really have to be careful on the computer, Neighbors....my neighbor on my right, speaks Vietnamese only. my neighbor on my left is from Jamaica, she has a temper on her, and her husband went totally crazy after their son died. I thought I knew grief before but this man went absolutely bonkers. One day when it was in the 20's he was walking around in the street wearing a speedo and his wife's fur coat. She had the locks put on the outside of the house, so he could not get out. She put him in for observation, but he left and made it home in the dead of winter in his jammies and bare feet and thought our house was his house. He was trying to open a door that wasn't there (he was in our yucca , and was bleeding everywhere) Chuck took him over to his house, got the wife to open the door and after that he was seen no more. He was institutionalized, and ended up committing suicide. Very sad. My first husband and I bought a modern house in the early 80's. On a cul de sac. if I went out with the dog at night, and then go back in the house i would get a phone call about how cute my night gown was. There were not many people who lived on the street, but I went to all of them and asked the wives if they had also gotten any strange calls at night. Only one said no. So I told her to tell her husband to stop calling the women in the neighborhood at night. And the calls stopped. I wasn't sad to leave he ex, and I wasn't sad to leave that neighborhood. @Crazy For Cats I am sorry that your cat may be ill. I had to take Furnando to an appointment this week, and the vet said he had gained half a pound, and he was getting to be a rather hefty cat. He still after two years is very much a stray cat, and is grateful for every bit of food he sees. @57redbirdI am very sorry to read about your cousin. My prayers are for his family. And now, my arm hurts, so it's time go. I am glad that I finally could post something. I'm reading it all. Our company is giving us a 4 day weekend, arghh, i needed to make up time, and had a ton of call backs....i will be back to work on Wednesday, till then a vacation! and Formula 1
  10. To all of you, my Dailyite friends- Chuck met with his doc today, he is going to try and get him approved for a new medication for the cancer. Apparently it is injected over a period of 30 days, not sure if it is every day for 30 days or X amount of time per week, but we meet with him in 15 days and will have an answer., I started the therapy, they didn't do much with me because they said no matter what they do I will hurt. Yesterday was terrible, I could not work most of the day, so two things that dont help. One is being on the computer, and the other is sitting. Well that's my life.... Back to therapy tomorrow, but Chuck's oncologist thinks its a pinched nerve in my back, not my elbow. oh, and I don't get the same therapist on Friday that I get on Monday-so tomorrow will be like starting anew. Then back to Cynthia next Monday. Hugs and love to all of you @JazzyVI too grew up in a hugless house. Hugs used to scare me. @luvteaching I have been unable to get to the computer to tell you how sorry I am about your DH. You had the patience of a saint, in his care and constant relapsing. Sending you a huge hug. Prayers for Murphy.
  11. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! PT called yesterday, I'm going in this morning. see you all later
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Those muscle relaxers make me sleep late, but the moment i'm up, the ice goes on. I called the therapist, they can see me next Monday. I love the quote. Our society announces every thing immediately, whether it is worthy of reporting or not. Listen to people on their cell phones, talking all the time, but not saying anything. TVs and radios on all the time, as if we are scared of silence. When we go to the symphony, the moment that we should be listening to the silence at the end of the piece, in America, we automatically applaud. Watch a few symphonies from Europe. The music is done, the conductor holds up his/her arms, and lowers them slowly. The silence after the music, makes you appreciate the music more. If you are comfortable with yourself, silence is quite OK. I have canoed down the Delaware river several times when I lived up north. I loved it, leaving in the early morning with the mist rising from the river, and seeing the grey herons, waking and flying over head.
  13. @smitty34877Prayers for you and your DH tomorrow. And to the docs who do the surgery! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  14. @kochleffelso sorry to hear about your fall. I hope that tomorrow is less painful. I see i'm not the only one who want pictures of the new fur babies. To all of you,many thanks for your friendship and caring. I talk about my Daily friends to everyone I know. You have held me together when many times, life was tearing me apart. I know you all feel the same way about being here. @Vict0riann Your day sounded fun, and please no one should have a headache longer than 30 minutes. It might be stress, are you grinding your teeth at night? Get thee to a doc! @luvteachingPrayers being sent your way. We went out to dinner for BBQ tonight. I asked DH to check weather on his phone on the way there. It was hot, and getting cloudy. Way too hot. 90. Weather said 30% chance of rain at 8 tonight. We went at 5, and at the end of dinner I looked out the window and saw a dark cloud approaching the area. Within 5 minutes we had rain, and wind ! what a wind taking the rain sideways. We waited until it abated and ran to the car. Chuck said check the temps, because it felt cold. The temp had changed from 90 to 65 in one hour. The problem with my drugs, no pain medication. So I may be dopey right now, but a dope in pain.
  15. Happy post noon o"clock Dailyites! Thanks for all the Mykonos pictures, we will be there in October, with an excursion to Delos. So far the meds are a bit weird, anti inflammatory drug makes my heart race a bit, and the muscle relaxer didn't seem to have any affect on me at all. I slept. But since being asleep is the only way right now to not feel pain, that was nice. Best log Cabin I ever saw was the Long Trail Lodge in VT. We would go here for lunch with my grandparents. I think it burned down. ?? Because when I would go back north to visit, my Dad never took us there. My last stage name was Catfish Brown, so eating them always seemed cannibalistic. I love salmon any way but raw. DH (Catmando) got some bad news last night. HIs cancer is back. I hate that docs will send you the medical report, but not provide what to do next, so he will call his oncologist tomorrow, and get an appointment. He thinks that he will go back on the chemo, that really made him ill for years. Please keep him in your prayers as he faces this again. The chemo is a daily pill, and he lost lots of weight on it, but now he thinks skinny looks good, but even his heart doc said he didn't have enough "meat" on him. off to shower and shop, what a day! Britbox is showing the Doctor Blake Mysteries again, which I loved, and am happy to rewatch. DH is into watching Alone on the History channel. Either way we watch if fine with me.
  16. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! My meds are ready! Yay! But I have to be at work in a half hour, so I'm going to wake DH up to see if he will get them. And since I have to take them with a meal, maybe he can get breakfast? I am so tired of being in pain! The doc asked me yesterday what the level of pain was. I said an 8. -She asked me what that was. In enough pain to make me nauseous. What is a 10? she asked. Passed out on the floor. Chuck said a 10 would be a bear eating my arm, and I said if a bear was eating my arm, I'd still be passed out on the floor. Food trucks 30 years ago, were referred to as roach coaches, but now they offer gourmet food, and you don't have to pay more, to cover the building cost. The only one we see here however is an ice cream truck, and I think they drive the neighborhood to check out possible robbery. I mean the last time we saw one was Christmas Eve...and he went through the neighborhood 5 times.
  17. @kochleffel Enjoy the party today! And the retirement!
  18. @aliaschief I saw the picture of the Momma -opened in 1888. Somewhere in this house, is a small omelet pan that I got when we were there in 62. I still want their omelets, found one place near me that makes them all fluffy puffy, but has the same flavor. Thanks so much for posting the pictures. So far I have found the refresh button this morning, and that has kept me on the site. yay! Enjoy your day on the ship this morning!
  19. @JazzyV Momma Norma was sent home yesterday, and DH is being very weird. He fixed the leaking sinks that I have been begging to have fixed for a year. I asked him if he was planning to go out to Arkansas to be with Mom and he said he was thinking about going, but when he decides, he will do so without checking with me. Guess I should give him his appointment schedule.😸. He can take his computer and work out there, so it might be a nice time to visit with Momma. Well, I still cant read page 1, so i am going to do Chuck's litter box chore for him, and sit on something softer than this chair at the computer. @ger_77I have a cruise booked for 23 and 24 with Carnival, if you are willing to come over to the "other side" and party Annie style....play in the water park, sit in the shade, and eat a lot. (hint...hint)
  20. Good Late Friday Afternoon Dailyites! Lets face it, I have got to do something to my CC pages, as they keep crashing. error not enough memory. Well I dont have that either, but i dont fall over....I just look at you with a blank stare. I went to the docs today. ( I have golfers elbow) I explained the pain. she poked and prodded, and left me in more pain that when I got there, but turns out my muscles got weak, and i somehow pinched a nerve in the back of my elbow, which shoots pain, up and down and up to my shoulder. The shoulder got mad at being tweekes so much, it got inflamed and the muscle locked up. @RMLincoln you were correct, it is inflammation.I get to start taking an anti inflammatory drug with my breakfast ( and right now, they will not be available until tomorrow,) and a muscle relaxer for bed time. (again not ready until tomorrow, which means I cant start taking them until Sunday. ) For one week, apparently these are not good drugs for a person with an addictive personality. She does not want to put me on steroids as that would shoot my blood sugar into hospital stay, and she wants me to get a physical therapist to get me going again. I'm such a marshmallow now, that she said I couldn't even go back to the senior center until a therapist is done with me. An injury caused by repetitive use of the elbow-I dont golf, thinking being on the computer 10 hours a day. I tried for two hours to read page one of today, and couldn't. Hoping this post works. Other than the pain, my NY campaign ends at the end of next week, the California campaign i was hoping for, might not happen, as the CTG is having financial problems in a theatrical way. Right now that will leave me working two campaigns, which total 30 hours a week, and that will last til the mid July, so I'm OK. For 4 weeks.
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