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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @catmandoreport. He says Right now I feel fine. All is good.
  2. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! To therapy, lunch and then Chuck starts his treatments today. I finally got the end of training last night, and will start on the new campaign this evening. @grapau27Thank you for the food porn. A view from a great fish restaurant about two blocks from the pier in Grand Cayman. I love the colors of the water (I know, it's not a HAL ship) I love my marshmallows BURNT or melting in cocoa. I loved Rodney Dangerfield. My favorite lines were the following lines from Back to School. Rodney is asking a teacher out on a date- r-Would you like to go out tomorrow night. Teacher- I have class. r-would you like to go out Thursday night Teacher-I have class. r-Well, call me when you have no class. I loved the Band, last saw them live in the 80's at a small theatre in Buckhead GA. (ritzy part of Atlanta)
  3. i might have overdone the cat pics yesterday and completely forgot this morning-
  4. @dobiemom I have a terrible time taking naps. I either wake up and cant do anything, or I say-"screw it" (can I say that here? )and just sleep til the next day. I get it. @Quartzsite CruiserWhen we move the passenger seat in the car, it jiggles something under the seat, and a light comes on that indicates we are in an unsafe car....we can either re-jiggle the box, or another way to clear a light is to disconnect the battery, and then reconnect. You might want to try that. I managed to make breakfast (late ) this morning. so who knows when or what lunch will be. I saw a recipe for cooking turkey breast in a crock pot and smothering it in cranberry sauce. I have left over chicken and leftover cranberry sauce, so i may slice the chicken and heat it in the cranberry sauce, and serve it with leftover stuffing and instant taters....in an hour or two- right now it's time to walk the dog! I just saw the fires basically flying across Hawaii, and I hope that @DeeniEncinitasis safe and sound.
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! My computer says it's 70 and partly sunny and earlier it said expect high winds today. I am never sure that my computer knows where it is. I didnt turn on the tv this morning to verify any weather, because it's summer in Atlanta and it will do what it wants to do. We have become more like the tropics, with afternoon thunder showers around 4 pm every day. Problem is that there is no beach here. I miss the ocean. I was supposed to get my last training last night before I start the California campaign, and I called my boss at the time I was supposed to, and I got no answer. I tried again, and he answered he is having a family emergency health crisis, I told him we would try today if things looked better. He said no, I will call you later...Then I got a text from the big boss, that it really was a crisis, and I may or may not get trained on the last part today either. So, I can either pick up hours on the other job, or actually have a day off. I am not angry, family always should come first. And jobs, well for me, they just happen. So I may just take a day off... I am a little off the base with today's days, so excuse me while I share some things I love no polka, polka dots! I never did the Polka, but I am a huge fan of Yayoi kusama's infinity mirrors with polka dots... She is a very interesting artist and these pictures (not mine) demonstrate her art. You walk into a dark mirrored room, one or two people at a time, and then the lights are turned on, The pumpkins above are made of glass. No touching! You are allowed two minutes. After two minutes, the lights go off, they open the doors, and you walk back out, not through. At the exhibit we saw, the non mirrored rooms were splattered with polka dots. Her outfits she wears are polka dots, and she lives in a mental institute, but can come and go as she pleases. She just feels safer there. I am not a big fan of modern artists, but this is jaw dropping, and for my gardening friends, you should check out Andrew Goldworthy's art
  6. This is all of us dancing today! Ballet cats Jazz cats Modern dance.... interpretation..... and Tap
  7. @rafinmd I hate to even mention having to spend money, but with all the heat, if the air had not come back on, I would have stayed in a hotel. All the heat is not healthy!!!!! I know part of my problem with sleeping last night, was caffeine, lack of cat, and anxiety about today. But I was thinking about all the wonderful things that I have seen since DH and I started dating, back in 2000. We knew each other before, we met when he was married, and I wasn't dating. ( I told my room mate I had a crush on Chuck)we met again a year later and he was divorced, and I was dating a dweeb, the dweeb and Chuck worked at the same company until I tossed the dweeb (serious drinking problem, that I couldn't handle, his parents couldn't handle, his company couldnt handle, so we all just let him handle it himself.) A couple of months later I had tickets to a symphony and no one to go with, so I asked Chuck if he wanted to go, and we have been together since. I digress, and then I started thinking about happy childhood memories, and since I really didn't have a happy childhood, I only came up with one. My father, brother and I were in the mountains above Arosa Switzerland, and my dad asked us, to pick as many wild flowers without getting up off the grass, and we had a beautiful bouquet, over 16 different varieties of flowers in front of us. I fell asleep about 2:45 with the vision of the flowers in my head. (not my picture)
  8. @dfish Wow on those pictures! I wish I was there ! ok, are you ready? Good news on the lung. What started out as 8mm large, and the doc wanted to do emergency surgery, to which I said, no, I have to go to Alaska, to right before we left, it was 10mm, but not cancer, go to Alaska. Got covid. Came home had another CT, and met with him today. He was very excited, whatever it was has broken apart, nodules he said, there are 5, but nothing bigger than 5mm. With the COPD I still havent passed a breathing test to his satisfaction, but breathing tests every 4 months, and one CT per year with follow up visit. Happy Cat dancing! And tomorrow, I can sleep late. I hope.
  9. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! being brief, woke up too many times last night, no cats...after we gave them a midnight snack of temptations and catnip they all passed out where they were, and we had no cats to snuggle with us, guess thats why i didnt sleep well. missed the babies, pt yesterday was a bit too much, could not get comfortable was in pain all night this morning i meet up with my lung doctor, to find out their latest results. DH wants to go with me, but that means that he must wake up! If you are not there 15 minutes before your appointment, they will cancel it. too many patients. i guess... then lunch, walk the dog, and go to work, after work I have one more telephone training, and tomorrow I start with my new campaign. While I did send an email to the big boss, I have not heard back from her. There were manager meetings yesterday, and out of my 3 bosses, I only heard from one. So I think I got one of my bosses yelled at, a problem to them I am sure, as telling the truth, was getting to be a problem, she kept placing me in campaigns that she was associated with, so that she knew when I would be available to go back and work one for her when it opened up. so busy day-cats will be celebrated, no more wild parties tonight for them!
  10. Dekalb county Superior Court-if I was one year older I could opt out. In this case, employers cannot excuse jury duty and trust me, no one thinks a telemarketer is that important. And while there is no actual deferral any more because of Covid, because Chuck will be in treatment with the infusions, and his immune system may be off wack, I can get his doc to create a letter. (the same doc that is telling us to take that 25 day cruise, and see Europe) I get called up for jury duty alot. Thought I had finally been called enough. The last one never finished up, the criminal wanted to live closer to his family, and he wanted to move closer to Atlanta, (where he had killed someone, not very far from where I lived at the time of the murder)things were going quite well in his favor until his own lawyer mentioned that he had also killed a police officer in Alabama.. and they threw us out, and told us that the case would be restarted with another group. The time before, I knew the charged's father. The time before was a federal case, and the case date got moved, because we had SNOW in Atlanta. I never got called back. The time before was a different county and I had to go every day, and every day for two weeks I was excused because of the insurance that I had, or the people settled out of court. I'm thinking, this time they might actually have me. My number is 40.
  11. I was very happy to see when I registered for jury duty that there was offered a covid deferral, only to find out that they no longer are doing that, so unless I can get out of it by being diabetic, or I can get Chuck's doc to write a letter, then I'm stuck doing jury duty. I managed to reschedule our eye exams, but that's about it. My PT was quite painful, and Ashley was all excited that I could lift the weights she gave me, which squish my spine together and now I am really in pain, and the hand has gone numb again. I stopped at Burger King on the way home, the restaurant was closed, but the drive thru was open. I said something about it being very quiet, and he said it always is on Mondays. Since he had no drinks to sell, all sold out he said, merchandise comes in on Tuesdays, I hope. No wonder it was quiet. Very slow fast food. After my bk lunch, I walked the dog, and then made chicken salad for dinner with the left over chicken. Well the winds are starting to blow, so off to get the mail, and start working. I'm off at 9:30.
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! @smitty34877What a great picture of the every day more beautiful Camilla. Currently the temperature is 75, but every time the 2 minute news comes on (every 30 minutes), our local weather dude says we have the possibility of strong storms and severe weather today. I saw the map, I think it might be more than a possibility... Yesterdays storms were nice, and with the streets as wet as they are now, it seems that it rained more in the night. On the googly news I saw that they have released the winter weather forecast, the Old Farmers Almanac and the new one differ, but it will do what it wants to do. Penny and I did our own weather prediction for winter yesterday. We both predict a cold snowy winter for the south. If we are right, we want to take over weather predictions on the news..ha!
  13. I tried to copy a couple of paragraphs, but apparently the flooding is also down near the Juneau airport. Copy and paste did not work. I loved Juneau when we were there back in 2016. Well the swimming didnt happen, It has stormed, storm after storm since 1:30. so 6 hours later, it is still pouring, thunder and lightening, and gusts of wind every once in a while. 10 to 1 it will quit at bed time. ( I love to sleep to the sound of rain) Therapy tomorrow and then walk the dog and work. Tonight I baked chicken, so we could have it for dinner tonight (with instant mashed, instant stuffing, gravy out of a jar, and cranberry sauce out of a can (gourmet chef here)- and tomorrow I will make chicken salad for lunch.🙂. I make a mean chicken salad....
  14. Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites! My list of things to do today, breakfast, grocery shop, go over to Penny's for a swim, before the rains come. If the rains come early, then stay home and maybe nap. Leg cramps woke me at 4 this morning, and sleep was on and off after that. I love blues music. Heck, I love all music, but i like to mix it up. I used to go to Blind Willies alot for the blues, but the last time I was there was to see Tom Rush, one of my favorite folk singers from the past. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  15. DH decided that he should study, and then he too had a one on one training with his new boss. We did not get to the museum. We do however need to go to the post office, and we need to go to the bank, and I told DH I will gladly put off doing the grocery shopping tonight, but he owes me one breakfast and shopping tomorrow morning. The truth is, the fridge is empty, and a biscuit with sausage sounds really good for breakfast tomorrow.
  16. @smitty34877I just remembered something about getting DH to eat. A friend of mine told me that when her grandfather was on chemo, the one thing he wanted to eat was Sloppy Joes. Apparently chemo messes with your taste buds, but he liked it. So I fixed Sloppy Joes, and lo and behold, DH like them. We had them once a week. When he got off the chemo, we stopped having them, but they are on the menu again for this week. Things with fat attached to them were the enemy. No bacon, but he likes sausage. (not anymore) Red meat was annoying, but he developed a strong attachment to chicken wings. Yes, feed him like a kid, it does will help. And chocolate seemed to become the flavor of choice. Boost, fudge popsicles, chocolate ice cream. I will also ask DH what he thought went down well.
  17. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I have to work a couple of hours, DH needs to print out some paperwork, and then we decided to go the Fernbank Science Center Museum. DH got me a membership for my birthday (back in April) and we have not been yet. Something to do, on a warm muggy day. We are meeting up with our friend Debbie for dinner at Vietvanna tonight. And then go grocery shopping. I had my test, and my second to last training session last night. I had my boss on speaker phone, and Tazi cat got on the desk and howled at Mark. How embarrassing. He asked me if that was the cat who attends the zoom meetings, and I said yes. (it's mostly her back end that attends the zoom meetings) . Beer bloats me, but there is nothing like a good NA beer to quench a thirst on a hot day. I love oysters, but will only eat them in months that have an R in them, and underwear? I wont really celebrate that as a day...I wear them, I wash them, I dry them, they have their own drawer to sit in whats to celebrate? They seem to get enough attention. @RMLincolnHurray on booking the cruises yesterday, i can't wait to read what the second cruise is!! @richwmnI along with @rafinmd are concerned-is the New Amsterdam lost at sea? Or is this a test to see if we are actually paying attention? @Mr. BostonI think that MOnday morning is when the retirement will really hit, so make breakfast plans. Not sure of the quote, mainly because I dont have to go look for things that scare me. They happen daily on their own. When DH was put on his chemo it was 8k a month, he was on it for probably far too long, but his doctor got him approved for a grant. It was a new drug, and we found out about from the wife of a childhood friend. I think DH was on it for 8 years. The grant did not end, but after the radiation two years ago, they thought they had all the cancer. Obviously they did not. As far as retiring, ha! DH had a heart attack in 2019, May, and in August I got laid off, with the rest of the office because the Arts center I worked for decided to go to Ticket master to handle tickets. I decided since I was 65, and DH might like a wife to be home with him, that I would just retire instead of going to look for another job. That lasted two weeks. I wanted to go to the senior center, I wanted to go for walks, I wanted to go do things, and I drove him crazy. He was used to his own "me" time, so I called my old boss (the part time telemarketing boss) and started back to work. I didnt work 40-60 hours a week, but it did get me out of the house. And then Covid hit Atlanta, the office was closed by the police (we had an office that was the lower level of a condo complex) and I didnt work for a year. (this was my retirement) When the arts started performing again, we started calling again from home. DH said it sounded pretty easy, so now both of us work, and there went that retirement.. @cunnorl
  18. Well good grief, I thought I had sent the cat earlier, and found it when I opened the box to write in. I paid bills tonight after a lovely pasta with italian sausage and salad. Why not give myself indigestion.... and when I was done emptying my checking account, I said to myself....wait, there should be two more bills in the mail...so I went down the hill to the mailbox, and found a card, just for me...ahhh.. I have been summoned for Jury duty!
  19. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Its cloudy and 74 degrees. We got some great rain yesterday, while I was driving in it. Lots of thunder and by the time we got home, it rained for about 20 minutes. Because its not hot outside, the air conditioner thinks i'm fine. I'm not. I'm hot, so I have all the fans going. DH is sleeping in. And today is one of three days this month that other than work and walk the neighbors dog, there is nothing else planned. BUt I found out yesterday that I have a test over the phone with one of my CA bosses at 6 tonight. So my afternoon will be filled with printing and studying, and gathering my questions. At least I do get paid for this time. @smitty34877 When DH got on chemo on his first treatment type, he lost his appetite, things like prime rib, his favorite food, he just didnt want, or steak, or salad. He wanted ice cream, and sweets. I kept reading (and again with this new medication they are starting) to feed him several small meals through out the day. A hard boiled egg, a baked potato, something that he can control the flavor of, and once prepared, you can just give to him, so you are not cooking all day. A sweet potato would be good, as you can make them sweet. DH went from 240 to 180. He got rid of a lot of clothes. Then he decided he looked good at 185, he eats sweets all the time, and I let him. BUT!! the new treatment recommends that he have a nutritional diet. Fruit flavored jelly beans do not count. What I am trying to say is, right now, your DH doesnt have an appetite, so let him eat what he wants, and add some Boosts. or equivalent. And dont be upset if he doesnt want to eat what you fix. I became a mediocre cook after 3 years......
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