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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It's a Formula 1 race weekend, they are in Singapore, and they are racing at night. I slept well, in fact I didnt even get up in the middle of the night at all (of course I was up until midnight catching up on the F1 news), but the eye still hurts, and the vision is still pretty bad out of it. I have an eye appointment on Tuesday, guess I will wait until then. I was cleaning out the spam on the computer and found an email from our hotel. Turns out that beginning October 1st all 4 star hotels in Rome are increasing their room tax. Glad I caught that. Then I worried that perhaps I had cleaned out spam that I needed to read. Oops! I am a rock collector. Especially when I go north to New England. The quartz imbedded in to the black stone is so beautiful to me. I fill my suitcase up every time I go up there. When we hike in the park at Stone Mountain, I seem to always find quartz, and bring that home too. There is a place in Helen GA where you "pan" for gemstones, by buying a bucket of sand that has rocks in it. You can keep all of them, and if there is one you want for a ring, or necklace you can pay to have it cut and polished. I have a ruby from one adventure. The stones I don't want polished, I have placed on the kitty graveyard in the back of our yard. DH and I both work today, I am doing 5 hours, he is doing 6, I told him I would take him out to dinner. I have no idea where, as I took him out for BBQ last night( I pay for dinner on Fridays with my dog walking money). The places we like to eat have early closings. We cant start work until 1 our time. I actually am doing a 12-5 shift, DH is doing a 1-7 shift. @JazzyVYou can take Scott off the rotation list. He is back home. Thank you. I too am interested in Vegan scallops.
  2. My neighbor to my left complained to me two weeks ago, that one of my weedy wild trees was hanging over her garage, and she wanted me to cut it down. DH asked our yard guy how much he wanted to cut it down, and he said 300. He would have to get on the roof and cut from there. Well I guess she asked her yard guy to do it because i looked out the back bedroom and it seemed to be gone. But on Wednesday I noticed that when i went outside, and went to the left , i could not see through the upside down U walk through azaleas on the right, camillia on the left, why? the back of the side yard was blocked. I took a short glance and figured that he had put the tree on our side of the yard to cut up. But when i was walking the dog today, I noticed that our neighbor had a huge pine limb that wasnt on her tree any more. Guess what is at the end of my yard? Her pine tree, the fence is demolished, its on the roof, it's killed and broken the flowering trees, and it is so massive, that I cant cut my way through. Because part of it was lying against the house, I wanted to make sure that the two windows behind it were not broken, so I clipped and part of the pine needles hit me in the face and stabbed me in the eye. Eye is very sore. I told DH that if it was not better tomorrow take me to the ER. I really am having a hard time seeing out of it. The windows are not broken, the air conditioner did not get squished because the limb hit the roof. But neither DH nor I are physically able to get up on the roof to take a look. I guess I will have to call the insurance people out tomorrow morning. Night all!
  3. @CrabbyPattiI am sorry to read that your father passed away, but you were a great care taker, he passed where he wanted to be, and you cant ask for more than that.
  4. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I seem to have been off a day all week long, I thought Wednesday was Thursday, my neighbor thought Wednesday was Friday (that was a big disappointment for her, being off two days) and DH managed to "remain" in the correct day. I finished my work schedule until we leave, hard to believe I only technically work for 3 more weeks, and then sadly kiss both jobs goodbye. Not sad for the vacation, but sad that those jobs are not there to come back to. When we worked in the office, we belonged to one boss, and if a campaign ended, then we were automatically trained for another, no days off, no looking for work. Now we work from home and DH and I get added to existing campaigns after they start, and when they slow down, we are the first to be let go. I had two sales yesterday, the first order I totally screwed up. It wasn't a big order, but the boss had to call the patron back to verify and make corrections. Oops. The boss told me to call him on my next order so that it didn't go through with boo boos. I got another sale, and called, and he wasn't there. So I sat, and waited, before I sent it through. After awhile I started texting him, and he called back, we went over the order, and all was good.. And then he realized the size of the order, and he was amazed. Biggest sale of the day! Am hoping my remaining days are as good, because I really want to keep the CA job when I get back. I love the quote. When we are looking at something, or reading something, we do bring ourselves and all our history, education and past to the viewing. We each see things through different eyes. @ger_77I hope all goes well with Maurice's procedure today. Make sure that he is comfortable, pain free, and behaves like a good patient.🙄 @mamaofamiI am going to look up the type of surgery Sam has to have, I hope the outcome will stop the brain bleed, and reverse any damage that may have been done. @kazuYou have worked an amazing task to get ready for Lee. Be safe, don't take risks during the storm and i hope you have enough non refrigerated food to last several days, just in case. Your yard is beautiful. @smitty34877I am glad that your hubby is home, that he is able to visit with family and friends, and it is so wonderful that your family and friends are helping out with the cooking and care. @Cruising-alongHave a wonderful cruise. @StLouisCruisersAs the crow flies we are 40 miles apart, but your weather yesterday only gave us dark black skies. Very little rain. We heard thunder all afternoon, it sounded like the Lord above was moving furniture across a wooden floor. For hours. I had all the lights on in the living room (where my work station is) because it was so dark. The humidity is terrible, and I so wish for a CRISP-COOL morning. If I can't get that, then I wish it would just rain. Really rain. My neighbors dog is much better, and I have been walking with her all week. She is all gung ho going down the street, but pants all the way back up the hill, and that part is not a very big hill. Her mom has gone to part time work now, but still wants me to walk the dog. Bless her, she usually drives in when I have just finished. But I do appreciate the extra cash. I guess by the time we finish our Rome to Home trip (or as DH calls it the Wander to Yonder trip) I will lose that dog walking job. (Thank goodness) . I have not been to today's port, I used to drink Blue drinks, no matter what they were called. I have been to Blue Lagoon in the Bahamas.
  5. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it's 69 degrees. And mostly cloudy. Looking out the window, and it's totally cloudy. I have PT this morning, and DH says he needs more ink for the printer, so when i get back we will head over to Staples. With the training yesterday, the extra hours I put in on TX, and CA, I may have goofed. Hours are a bit over 40, and I cannot work more than 40, so will check out where I can cut an hour today.... DH and I went to our favorite Taco place last night, and he had a crab cake sandwich. I wont tell him about donuts, that is his favorite food, and I love ratatouille. When my dad retired he decided to take up cooking, and that was one dish that he would make that we all loved. DH and I are binge watching Midsummer Murders on Roku. Since our hours are so weird, it's great that we can hit pause and then watch more at lunch time or before bed. and sorry, I couldnt resist
  6. Have a great day Dailyites! I'm about to start the never ending day...but I will I hope be back to catch up. Great to hear the caught the fugitive. I love shrimp tacos, so I will be back to the recipes again.
  7. @CrabbyPattiI am sorry to read about your father. Covid is back, or it never left, just mutated itself. Please take care of yourself. I don't want to end up with it again, so I mask everywhere I go. Get plenty of rest, I know that is hard when you are there at the hospital but it can be done, ask for blanket and pillow. And I am glad that he can do hospice. Hugs to you and your family.
  8. Wow! Happy nighttime on Tuesday Dailyites. Yes, I am done for the day, I love the quote. To the point where I have it written down in a notepad that I kept at my old job, and of course brought home. I printed out the recipe from @dfish I'm a little slow (most of the time) but we havent seen @irishjim for a long time. He has not posted since Halloween last year. It was a name I was used to seeing every day. And then about a month ago, I realized I had not. Well I did say that I was going to sign on with a campaign in November, but found out yesterday that training starts tomorrow. How am I going to remember something mid September in Mid November? I cant remember lunch half of the time. Not true breakfast today was bacon and eggs lunch was salmon, refried low fat black beans, and a different type of melon called an orange flesh. dinner was a burger with sauteed onions and red peppers, a side of mushrooms and salad. its called cleaning out the fridge, eat everything But tomorrow who knows, another burger and green beans, and that's as far as I got Training at 10-12 walk dog Texas campaign 2-4 get out early to our favorite restaurant for a taco get back and work a couple hours in Los Angeles... spread like cheap peanut butter DH was cut from his campaign at 12 noon yesterday, and had a new job by 6 p.m. Good night friends oh, we had thunder and lightening today, but no rain here.
  9. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! On 9/11/01 I was working in a garden center. My neighbor called me to tell me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, and I thought small plane, and thought nothing of it. I told my boss and he turned on his computer. I went about working in the green house, and he came in and said another plane had hit, and he was going home, he'd be back. He never came back. Not having seen anything, I kept the center open that day, I played classical and relaxing music, and one person came by all day. She sat on the floor and cried. We had a class that night, on What lives in your Pond, we didn't cancel. We had a micro biologist speak, and about 6 people showed up. When the class was over, every one left, DH and I went to get dinner. We sat outside and watched the helicopters fly over the south part of town near the airport. My father had worked in the building next to the trade center, and for once I was glad that he had passed so that he wouldn't have seen his work world destroyed. I ran the garden center for another year without my boss. His brother actually owned the business, and closed the center. Have you ever known a person, who asks you for advise, and when you give it to them they give a thousand reasons, why they wont do what you suggest? When my childhood friend's wife walked out on him 3 years ago, he started calling me. And he can talk, and whine, and complain, and then ask what should he do, and I give him some helpful hints, and he doesn't like it, and then he calls another person until someone will tell him what he wants to hear. He does the same thing with his medical people, he has medical issues, and when a doctor tells him what he needs to do, he calls another doctor (they don't even have to be in the same field) to get another diagnosis. Well on Saturday he called, and since I didn't answer he emailed me. He told me he was going to die, that he had kidney failure, that he was going into the hospital... and I called last night. He was not going into a hospital, he was going to have a test in an outpatient surgery center. He has not been diagnosed with kidney failure, they are trying to find out what is wrong with a kidney. I lost it with him. And I told him that if he wants advise because he doesnt know what to do, then to talk to a professional because I was tired of being in his chain...He has done this with 2 other of our childhood friends, and only one has any sympathy left. I told him that if he does nothing, then nothing will change in his life. You cant talk to every doctor until you find one that will give the answer you like, that you have to take care of yourself. I told him I had to get off the phone. He said he didnt have to get off the phone, and I said I do, because other wise I would slam the phone in his ear. I got off the phone, and looked at DH, and said I'm sorry, I guess that wasnt very nice, and he said he would have done it 3 years ago. Sorry I vented, and I hate to lose a friend, but this is not a friend, this is a leech. And in life, you have to eliminate the negative. And this is why I love being here in the Daily.
  10. Thank you @Cruzin Terri and @cat shepard and @richwmn. We do fly directly to Rome. Atlanta to Rome. I do have RomeCabs to get from the hotel to the ship, but as they have changed our flight time, I am wary of making that kind of commitment. And neither of us have international calling on our phones. We need to somehow get organized. I also need to get to the Atlanta airport. I am too old to put up with taking the train with a bunch of luggage, changing trains and wandering through the train station at the airport. We wont be coming back into Rome after the cruise, we will be staying on, back to Tampa. DH does not want to get a new phone and have a 3 year contract. I have read that we can buy a sim card when we get to the airport in Italy. Customer service with Trac phone is rather useless at answering questions. I will accept any and all suggestions.
  11. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I did sleep until 8:20, but feel I deserve sleeping late for once. I would love to be the second one up, with the coffee made, and the cats fed, and breakfast waiting for me, but that hasn't happened in years. This is what cruising is for. Yes there is laundry to do, and grocery shopping to be done. BUT DH says he will actually make dinner tonight (he wants those scalloped potatoes) which he hasn't had a chance to make. Plus getting up early gives me time to be here, and here is a wonderful place to be. I have a question for you world travelers. What can DH and I expect when we arrive in Rome. What does customs entail? Are we in line for hours? The last time I went to Europe was with my parents, and I don't remember going through customs . And prior to that was flying to school, in Switzerland, and the school reps basically met us at the gate. I remember going through customs upon my return to the US. That's it. So, what happens in Rome? @rafinmd I hope you are feeling better.
  12. While we had great intentions to buy those gifts, we talked ourselves out of it. We have enough stuff in the house, and DH said he has just forgotten to wear his wedding band. He wears a promise ring(braided silver) in the front to keep the ring from falling off. We decided we would rather have something nice from our upcoming cruise. And I ? If one more thing comes into this house to be a decoration and dusted, besides a cat, it's a NO!!!!
  13. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Thank you for all the Anniversary wishes, we've been together for 23 years, but are celebrating 14 this anniversary. Turns out that Anniversary 14, the gift is ivory, which of course is no longer allowed in the US to be sold. @catmando wants to go to the science museum gift shop this afternoon to find an alternative gift. So, while he is hunting for fake ivory, I will be looking for a ring for him. The chemo took him from 220 pounds to 180, and his wedding band has not fit for years. Maybe something masculine with amber...I dont have to worry about amber. Work for 4 hours, then go to the museum, and then out for dinner. And then tomorrow, I get to sleep late! Without an alarm clock! Temperature per my computer says 71, and the forecast for the week, is chance of showers. I see that the temps will get down to 57 for a morning low, maybe open the windows and get some real air. @smitty34877I'm sending hugs to you and Lou. This was the decision my mom made, and it's not an easy one, so my heart goes out to you and your family. If you get a moment, please email me at annie dot mounce at yahoo dot com. Hugs.
  14. @dfishThat's exactly what I was thinking. to " figured she had stock in Pharma.". I paid bills this evening, and made a payment on a cruise, and ordered Cruise Cash for our 15 day cruise across the big pond. Might use some for a build a bear.🙀Just what I need, more stuffed animals. Of course I do, I use them as pillows! Or maybe take the art classes where they charge you. I do know that 15 days is a long cruise, especially when there are so many sea days. I told DH tonight that we have to somehow get more involved with our own cruise when we cruise. Walk the 4 laps around the deck 3 promenade for a mile every day. Go to the gym, and go to Bill W meetings.......Line dance? hahahahahahaha @rafinmd
  15. I don't think my doctor was bad because she didn't tell me how many carbs I can eat per meal. I'm sure that someone told me 7 years ago when I was first diagnosed It's just that the older I get, the more I want in writing, and I should go into my doctors office with a list of questions. Like, remind me, but how many carbs, etc.. I worked with a dietician for several years, and when she said I was doing well, do I still want to come back? I replied, yes, it makes me accountable to someone other than my selfish self. But then, she retired! The endocrinologist recommended that I see their new dietician in the office, but when I tried to schedule an appointment, the scheduler said, she was just a basic dietician, she didn't work with diabetes people.....so really? Well I was very happy to hear at my last appointment with the endocrinologist that Cheryl was coming back, retirement didn't suit her, I was ecstatic! But she is not available yet for appointments. Call after my cruise. My BIL Scott is apparently doing better. Has no memory however of why he was in the hospital to begin with, and while he is able to speak, he says his shoulder and thumb hurt, and he doesn't know why. He probably fell at the time he had the stroke. @kochleffelI had been planning on asking about your new fur babies too, the trust will come. Feral cats are like hurricanes, once they have played out their wind, they are the most lovable. It took 2 years for Fawn to allow touching, and then it was non stop belly rubbing from then on. But, only me. Yesterday Bubbles allowed petting, and it made me so happy. No hisses at all. He has taken over yard patrol since Fawn's disappearance in May. When you can, please provide pictures.
  16. @dfish You just gave me the information I needed, and my doc never tells me. I did have rice last night, it was left over, and i added chopped celery, roasted peppers, onions, and black olives to it. I was impressed with the flavor and there were so many veggies, one cup of rice could have fed 3 people. (trying to empty the fridge out)
  17. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I'm off to the vascular doc this morning. Currently posting with cat on the desk, and one by my feet. Finally got my A1c report, not good. Next week, I am going to work 4 8 hour days. and actually take some days to sleep late, Go for walks, and breathe! @smitty34877I have you in my prayers and thoughts. Please make sure that even though your world is out of control right now, that you take some time for self. I did have to think about the quote. @kazu Politicians in the US are currently trying to change the past, by having schools only use books in their teaching, that dont give the whole truth. So in a way, they are controlling the past. Which scares me. If dumb is at the top of the society, then dumb people are being created. I saw a great T shirt yesterday that said, if History repeats itself, I am so going to get a dinosaur!
  18. I have 15 minutes before im back on the clock, but wanted to share two things. I love hummus. I hate chickpeas. to me it is a texture thing. Slimy little buggers. I used to laugh at my old room mate when she said she didn't like lobster or crab, because it was a texture thing. Silly girl. I so get it. I, of course do not have a problem with the texture of crab or lobster (except for the outside...LOL) When my father was in the final stages of life, his body told him or stopped him from swallowing food. His doc recommended that we insert a feeding tube, and chances were 50/50 that either he would start eating again, or be fed the rest of his life with the tube. 4 weeks later, he developed severe edema, and on my last visit to see him, he was bleeding from nose, mouth, tube. I have no idea how or when that happened, as I had talked to him two days prior. But two days after I got there he died. After he passed, with my father lying in front of me, the nurse grabbed my arm, and told me what an idiot I was for trying to keep my father alive. The doctor shouldn't have made that decision, and I should not have gone along with it. All you did, she said, was make your father suffer. So, its not just doctors who lay guilt on those making the decisions. I will always remember that day, and the evilness in her voice. (dad passed in 1998). He, in my opinion was not old. Only 81.I think he may have stood a chance of eating again, but perhaps he needed more attention that he was getting at the nursing home he was in. two minutes left-sea tac airport hotel, Holiday Inn express-they shuttled us to the ship, they shuttled us to restaurants in the area. since Covid who knows. hugs, and back to work.
  19. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I worked until 11:15 pm last night, and I start this morning at 10. I'm not really awake, but somehow need to show up for work. The port of the day is on my bucket list, but will have to wait until 2025. Something happened to a cell tower in the Atlanta area yesterday, and all the callers in my county and Fulton county lost internet connection, phone connection, text ability, it was weird, on off, on off. I guess i will attempt to get ready for work. At least today I dont work past 9. And I do get breaks during the day. Which is good as I have nothing in the house to eat for lunch, so I get to pick something up. DH has been reading cook books, he is going to make scalloped potatoes today. Hmmm, and work? Have a great day everyone!
  20. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! The tuesday that feels like monday.....worked yesterday, and will work every day this week. I say that in hope. Yesterday @catmando made the Beef Souvlaki with Tzatziki Sauce that @dfish had posted last week. The flavor of the beef was fantastic, he marinated it for 24 hours, but the Tzatziki was a bit strange for us. I like seeing the cucumber in the sauce, but by blending it, it made it all about the dill. @JazzyVJust as I was about to request removing DH's brother from the rotation, could you please add him on, again. He had a stroke yesterday while in the hospital. SIL says he in not in great shape, doesn't understand what is being said to him, and cannot respond. His name is Scott. I texted my neighbor last night to let her know that I couldn't walk Hope (the dog) on Wednesday, only to find out that Hope the dog had been rushed to the animal hospital last night. Her mom is home this morning, either waiting to pick her up, or transfer her to her regular vet. My neighbor is very hard of hearing, so texting and being short and direct is the best way for us to talk. And it frees up her special phone in case someone needs to reach her. I got an email from my favorite boss, but for my most unfavorite job (fund raising) for parts of October and November. I told him I was currently working for two other people, and that I was going to be gone most of October and November. He sent back another email that said I should really think again about turning down the offer, and I could work Novemberish. What is Novemberish? I thought about it, and responded that if he could tell me what Novemberish was, I would come back to work for him. Well, turns out that Novemberish will stretch out into Decemberish, and I said OK, goodish. I realized that I will be one of the first to go, once the CA renewals will be done, so I will lock myself into a job for post cruise. I have to get ready for PT this morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  21. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! DH has chosen today to be his quit smoking day (again) Which means that I really have to do a better job at putting down the "poof-poofs". I am working today, for 5 hours, DH is going to make the Beef Souvlaki kabobs that @dfish suggested last week, will let you know how that goes. I'm going to roast some red peppers and onions to go with them, and we bought Pita bread at the farmers market yesterday. Not much spare time to relax this weekend, except for catching up on the F3, F2 and F1 races yesterday. When I went out to the Farmers market, I realized I had not left the inside of the house since Friday. It was lovely out, warm, but humidity was down, a breeze was blowing. I contemplated sitting out looking at the stars last night, but DH was prepping the beef marinade, and I was trying to catch up on yesterday's Daily. Watched the Friday add on of Alone Australia, and went to bed at 11. I am very tired. I did, this past year make it to Sitka, one of my bucket list locations. I didn't know I had Covid at that time, I thought I had bronchitis and a stomach bug, so I didnt get off the ship. DH and BFF Dan did the city tour, but Dan got bored and wandered off, And DH finished the tour, and came back to the ship. I sat out side on the ship and watched the eagles. I will ask him to post his pictures today, as even I have not seen them. So my pictures are not of town, sorry, but what I saw from the ship. When we were leaving Sitka, the Coast Guard was doing some rescue tests. What I found fascinating watching the eagles, was that on several shows I had seen, they always talk about eagles and their territtory. I was seeing eagles come out of nests that were not more than 50 feet from each other. Oh yes I did see two of them go after each other, but nothing seriously. I think food and feeding the babies, was more important.
  22. Today is a great day to celebrate- this is my favorite food. It makes every thing taste better.
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