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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Just read this article-thought our Canadian friends might be interested for tonights adventure https://www.yahoo.com/news/powerful-cannibal-solar-burst-hit-152054554.html
  2. No further news on any oxygen arriving. Doing all my bad habits...and the meds they gave me? One I have to take 4 times a day with food. I am loving food right now. I ate olives, and pickles and celery with peanut butter, and bring on dinner! (PredniSone) However, the other med has to be taken on an empty stomach. Ummmmm......There has been no sign of an empty stomach, so I guess tomorrow I will have to take it in the morning. When I get up.....before I hit the on button on the coffee machine. It was nice visiting...but I have to go back to work now. I wonder what I can munch on until dinner.................. Im sure I will get the hunger under control.
  3. Right now, this best explains my morning so far... What I had written blew away like dust in the wind. So at this point, Im going to back away from posting. I'll be back.
  4. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I love chocolate mousse. The farmers market near us has it once in a while. It has little chocolate bits in it, yummy. My mom used to make it from a box, but I never see that at the grocery store. I love my computer. I love coming into the den in the morning, and sitting down and catching up with all of you. And I love knowing that there is security on it. BUT for the last couple of days, the computers in my life and in my business, and in my dr's offices, all seem to have lost the ability to have humans actually interact with them correctly. I had an appointment early this morning that I cancelled on line yesterday. And then several hours later I got an email to check into my appointment. I tried to cancel it again, and it said I had to call to cancel. So between shifts yesterday I called, was on hold for 20 minutes, Victoria picks up, verifies all my information, and when I told her that I had tried to cancel on line, she said, Oh, you did.....Then why send me another sign in form? Our calling system crashed last night at my job, so I actually did get to sit at the table and eat dinner which was nice, and then it came back up, and I went back to work. Chuck picked up our meds yesterday afternoon, and the phone rang this morning reminding us to pick up our meds I wish that people actually spoke to each other, this way, when you are done, what you wanted to accomplish was done too. I did get a call from the oxygen people this morning. Everything was good, but they had the wrong company for my part N. And that had to be corrected. If they approve it, then I will get the oxygen. It is what it is, and watch out for emails that look personal, they are SPAM!
  5. Thanks @1ANGELCAT for posting the news about Henry Kissinger. He was my hero growing up. @JazzyVI am so sorry that you are having health problems, and your house is now having problems. We have decided to give each other a washer and dryer for Christmas, as they are more than 22 years old. And the dryer takes more than two hours to dry anything. There seems to be a seal that goes around the back of the dryer, and most of it is dangling down, so I am thinking that the air is actually going out the back. But I did go out today and clean out the vent, and it only took an hour to dry sheets.... No oxygen yet. The dr's office called and said they were going to order it, and that they would call me once that done, and that was at 2, and that's the last call that I got. Long day today. Hope everyone gets a good nights rest!
  6. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it is 26 degrees. And sunny. But the sun hasnt come up over the hill yet. Wednesdays here are trash days. There are 3 different trash trucks. The regular trash, the lawn and leaf pick up, and the glass and plastic recycle truck. Three chances that I will be out with the dog going bananas barking and trying to drag me along as she tries to attack the trucks. So far, recycle has come by. I can only hope that the other two come by before 10. When I was at the docs yesterday they checked to see if I had any yeast infection in my throat, from all the antibiotics I had taken on the ship. Nope, but this morning I woke up with a terrible sore throat. Must have slept with my mouth open all night. One of DH's docs told us that people usually swallow at least one spider at night during their lives. Really makes me want to sleep on my stomach. I would love to try the meal today. If you have ever seen Salt, Fat, Acid and Heat on Netflix that is one of the recipes she makes. Looks really yummy! Plans for the day? Work. Finish the front garden. Plans for the weekend? Plastic wrap the porch, so that the stray cats can sleep with a heater and some warmth. I think this winter might be a bit harsh on them. The NOAA weather site says that we are very dry and have no humidity, so our area is a fire hazard, but we are supposed to get 4 inches of rain this weekend. And a new tiger stray showed up yesterday. very cute, and not wild. He approached me when I called him tiger, not close enough to pet though. DH said, I guess you want to adopt him too. Well, yes I do, but I did not tell him that. He was going to clear out a room for him.
  7. @rafinmdThey will order it, and the company will call and set up delivery. They also need to find out if Medicare will cover it. Nothing yet.
  8. I have returned, The nurse took me back and asked if I was ready for the breathing test. Nope. I told him the reason I was there, sick on a ship? No! He said. And then we talked cruising. He weighed me, only down 8 pounds now. I am OK with that. I need to stop eating gelato. (nope) The other nurse came in, took my oxygen level, and immediately put me on oxygen. Took my blood pressure, very high. And then she left, came back checked my oxygen level again, reset the level of oxygen, and then Bryce (oh my he is cute) came in to talk to me. He read the notes from the ship doctor, asked me how I was feeling, still awful, but better. And laid out a plan for me. Oxygen 24/7. A machine at bedtime. and an oxygen carry pack for the day time. A 30 day supply of a steroid, and another 30 days of a low dose antibiotic. He said the steroids would raise my blood pressure and my blood sugars, so I did cancel and reschedule the appointments with the primary for a physical and my endocrinologist for my blood sugars until I am done with the drugs. He also gave me enough trelogy to get me through to the next appointment when I will have the breathing tests. So that is the plan. I also called out from my first shift, as I was already two hours late for a 4 hour shift. I will work tomorrow night in CA, and do an afternoon shift in NYC. When I was calling for NYC last night, all of my calls were to Florida and Connecticut. I wonder who I will call tonight..
  9. Before I attempt French Toast, I need my Maple syrup. But if I can talk DH into stopping at the store after my appointment, I can get syrup and milk! And maybe some breakfast meat. hmmmm. Why do I always remember what I dont have when I am at the store?
  10. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it is 35 degrees, and once in a while, the temp info changes to HIGH WINDS AHEAD. I hope that they dont show up while I'm walking the dog. This time of year in the US @ger_77 we are bombarded with phone calls(about 16 a day) regarding changing our Medicare. Medicare auto renews, but we have to add our drug prescription plan, and supplemental insurance, we can add dental, silver sneakers, travel insurance, I have even seen an ad on the TV to add on pet insurance.....Medicare does not cover everything. And then on December 7th, the calls all go away. And thousands of telemarketers from somewhere will all be looking for jobs. Yesterday I worked 7 hours. I got one pledge for 1200.00. Long day. I am glad that someone can see me at the Lung doctors, even if its the PA. I am hoping that they can help me. @rafinmd I hope that you are getting the help you need. I read on the googly news that we should ask our docs to check our b12 level, that lack of b12 causes us to be exhausted all the time. And as you older folks know, we dont eat the same as we did in the past, so a lot of our foods that we are eating are not giving us the vitamins we need. Krogers is always out of milk these days, and that is a food that we do need. On that note, I love french toast. My secret ingredients in french toast is vanilla extract, and cinnamon. I love breakfast for dinner, DH not so much, so dinner tonight is left over meatloaf, peas and mashed taters...with gravy....yummy.
  11. There was a sort of cancellation at the lung doctors, its actually with the Doc's PA, tomorrow at 1. On Friday when I called it was 12/28. Yippee! DH and I said the same thing about the Portuguese Royalty moving to Brazil...chickens! @rafinmdI hope you get some much needed rest tonight.
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I couldn't keep up yesterday with the Daily. We had to watch the race, had to eat something, had to figure out the grocery list for the week, had lunch out before shopping, because no one should shop on an empty tummy, shopped, unloaded groceries, put away cat food, watched the two F2 races, caught up current with the new British Baking show, I ordered my Jackie Lawson Advent calendar, and then tried to go back to watching Midsomer Murders, but DH said he couldn't stay awake, and we went to sleep at 10:30. BUT I started and couldn't stop coughing, and got up at 1:30. Looked in the mirror, and my eyes are very red. I thought they would look better this morning, and they don't. Today's schedule is make breakfast, walk the dog, prep the dinner, make lunch, work in California from 1-5, and then work in NYC from 5:30-8:30. And then curl up on the sofa and go back to Midsomer. @sailingdutchyCongrats on your favorite driver winning , again, but I do hope that next year brings a larger group of winners. Makes for more interesting races. But Max, and his car were incredible this year. @rafinmdGosh, Roy I am glad that you went to urgent care, and are getting the care you need. Of course it does sound like sleep evaded you courtesy of staff and test times. I hope you get some rest today. And you have lots of Florida friends who are more than willing to help you out. Take advantage of the offers. I talked with my BFF last night. Our mutual friend is still in the hospital. The amazing thing is, that his wife (they filed for divorce 3 years ago, when she took all of her money out of their account, and left) has come back to take care of him. But he doesn't appreciate the effort, and says she is being mean to him. He doesnt like the nurses, and he doesnt like the doctors, and he is feeling terrible. But the BFF says he feels so bad, that the phone calls are very short. BFF is heading down to NJ for a funeral this weekend, and will stop in and see him.
  13. @rafinmdI totally understand the lack of energy feeling. Get to urgent care! And let us know what they say, and if they help you. Hope you are feeling frisky again soon!
  14. @Nickelpenny I give you an A + on the bracelet! Very pretty! I cut down all 3 giant ( 6 feet tall) lantanas...and since Donna my neighbor says that we are going to get rain, I took a cutting and stuck it in the ground. You see back in 2003 I only planted one of them, but a co worker said, why dont you do a cutting and stick it in the ground. And then I had two of them, and then I did the same the next year, and I have 3 of them. So why not try for 4? I have also given cuttings to my green thumb friends (I do not have a green thumb) and they have hardy lantana now too. This lantana smells like Tropical Life savers. Even the leaves are pungent. Since they are outside the den window when I sit at the computer I can see the butterflies and the hummingbirds all summer and autumn. But winter is coming on now. The lizards will move to the side of the house and hang around in the Yucca plants and the sun on the western side of the house. Furnando will miss them, but I noticed that Bubbles sits in the drive and watches them. @Quartzsite CruiserOnce I put up the tree it gets redecorated every day. The joy of cats.
  15. I think my tummy problems were caused by being on so many antibiotics when I was sick on the ship. I am slurping yogurt, and that seems to help. I have also gained 5 of the 14 pounds I lost. While I would love to be thinner, that is not the best way to get there. so the ice cream is helping too. I have chores outside today before the rain comes back tomorrow. And while I am moving slowly., move I must.
  16. Good Saturday morning Dailyites! Computer says its 44. There is also a picture of a large orange...I am assuming they mean sunny. Yup, I opened the curtains and looked out. It's sunny. We are not being bombarded by oranges. @StLouisCruisers-Sandi, I hope that you feel better. This is exactly how I have felt since our cruise. There is only one thing that is not upsetting my tummy.. Ice cream. Last night for dinner, we split a baked potato, I took my left over half a tenderloin and sauteed with onion and some cheese for a philly cheese steak effect, and put on the tater halves. I ate the meat and onion, and that was it. DH ate his left overs and then some. Nothing tastes right to me, and while I get hungry, once I eat something, I am nauseous. I hope your tummy gets better soon! We put up two trees, one small artificial one for the front den, and a real one in the living room/our office area.This year DH is all Christmassy, and I am so not into the season. I get to call my "other" boss to get trained on his campaign, I start with him again on Monday evening. And then I will be out in the front garden cutting down the lantana. All flowers are gone now, and I saw the last butterfly on Tuesday. These are perennials that I planted back in 2003 when I bought the house. During the summer and fall months they are full of butterflies. And then I cut them down, and put up the lights for Christmas in the front garden. DH says that he is more embarrassed by his fall this week, than in pain, but I really do want to be well enough to go with him to the doctors for his next infusion and exam. They did not notice that the lower part of his nose fell off when we were in Italy, and the side of his face that he hit, is the side where the cancer is, and he now has a skin bubble where it is trying to heal. We are getting together for dinner with our friend Debbie today at the Vietnamese restaurant. I think it will be wings for me tonight, with a small bowl of rice. Have a wonderful day! And yes, since it is the season....
  17. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 47. Not really going to warm up that much. We do not shop on Black Friday, I am even dreading going out for essentials. Dinner yesterday was good. I have gotten to the stage, that my steak is cut in half to either end up in another dish, or given to the outdoor cat. (Bubbles loves steak). The baked potato was cut in half too. I did go back for seconds on the creamed onions, and corn pudding souffle. The left over baked potato becomes home fries. And yes, you were right. Walgreens did decide not to be open yesterday, but Dollar Tree was open. So who knows about what is in their detergent, but it got done. @RedneckBob Is Sam the alligator? Your pet? @ger_77Thanks for the info on the sandwich. Am I missing something? I see no pictures of @dfish and family. Are they here and I don't see the, or are they somewhere else? I hope you all have a wonderful day. I have training tomorrow, and DH goes back to work tomorrow, so today is our day off, and I see sunshine outside!
  18. Happy Thanksgiving Thursday Dailyites! My quiche turned out really well last night, although we ate much later than usual. Leftovers for breakfast. Yum. I did laundry yesterday afternoon. Washed the covers from the sofa and love seat. There was a lot of ginger fur in the lint filter. When we were gone there was apparently a change in cat rule. Bob abused Furnando, and Furnando took his frustration out on Tazi. Last night was the first night that all 3 were in the same room together. Finally a moment of calm. More laundry to do today, but I have to run up to Walgreens to get laundry detergent. I need to vacuum, dust, and set the table and cook. Luckily dinner is not until 4. So lots of time to cook! I hope that everyone has a wonderful day, with making new memories, and cherishing past memories. To al Dailyites-
  19. Ive had no sales the last two days, but really? between medicare folks calling 15 times a day, and then add on a real telemarketer, I wouldnt answer either. My heart doc was not happy hearing that the pulmonologist he had referred me to, kept cancelling my appointments, that he was only in the Dekalb office every 5 weeks. I called today to reschedule, and my doc cant see me until January, and if i change docs they cant see me until 12/21. Turns out my doc got promoted when someone else retired. oh, and the fact that he is not in the country right now might have something to do with why he can schedule appointments. And no, I never heard back from Carrie Lynn. So no oxygen. BUT I am sleeping longer. I'm not getting up at 3:30 anymore. I made it to 6 today before the leg cramps made me get up whimpering. Theraworks now has a roll on, which i put in while i am still in bed, then gingerly walk to the bathroom, and then walk to the den where the foam Theraworks is, put that on, and then crawl back in to bed, avoiding waking the cats and DH up. At this point because I am trying to perform ballet, I get the cramps in the back of my thighs, and just give up entirely with getting back into bed. There has been no successful reentry. But I am up for the local news, and the today show. I don think my childhood friend is backstabbing me, he is trying to manipulate me, which he has been trying to do for three years. When he was calling every single day he would leave messages, like he was sick, and lonely and it would be nice to talk Formula 1 with someone, could i please call him back. When in reality,. he made the mistake of telling me, oh it's ok, if you dont call back, i just will keep calling people until someone talks to me. His telling my BFF that he hates that I am emailing him, and I should call him, was his way of trying to get me to call him. Now if you have spent time in a hospital, there are always nurses and doctors, and tests, and treatments, and why pray tell would I call you not knowing your schedule. I'm thinking that he should call me. When he is free. Thing is, I really have nothing to say to him, because if he had not been so weird about who treated him, he would have had a better chance at recovery. @Nickelpenny Have a wonderful cruise! @Quartzsite CruiserI am happy to know that you are back where you belong, and that except for the mishaps you made it safely. @smitty34877I am glad that you were able to go visit with your family this week! Please tell the poor sock eating puppy, I hope he feels better. @bennybearWhat is the name of your new grand dog? She is beautiful. Well, I'm making Quiche Lorraine tonight, so that we can have it for breakfast again tomorrow while we have to clean the house before company, and cook. And watch the parade!
  20. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Cloudy and cool here, 52, going down into the 30's tonight. If you remember several months ago I complained about a childhood friend, who would call and complain all the time. Mostly about his health, and when a doc would suggest a test, he would call everyone he knew to get their opinion, and then he did nothing. If he saw a doc in the ER, he would refuse treatment because the doc "wasn't like him". It drove me nuts, and I eventually stopped responding to him. Well somehow while I was gone, he found a doc, and decided to get those tests done. Kidney cancer, which has spread. I called our mutual friend who said yes it was true, and not one of his usual rants. The "friend" blames the docs for not finding it. Dont know how they could when he kept postponing the tests. It is said that insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. I have been emailing him some of your great memes, and sending him messages. Turns out he told our mutual friend that he hates getting texts and emails, and that I wasnt nice to him, because I wont call. Even though I told him that I wasnt calling anyone but work people because of my current lung problems. How did his wife stay with him as long as she did I will never know, but she has come home to take care of him. Bless her. His comments to my BFF did not inspire me to pick up the phone. I did call one of my old bosses yesterday, who told me she had been laid off. Not enough work for so many assistant managers. I am glad I reached out to my current bosses, and am back to work, as non working employees would probably not be rehired either. One of my bosses texted me yesterday. He had been assigned to listening to our calls to patrons. He said I did a fantastic job, and in his opInion was AWESOME! I asked him if he could copy the comment, and let me hang it on the wall. He said that he had mentioned it to the other bosses, that I should get something for being so great. 😸 LOL. Told him, I would just staple my cell phone to my wall..
  21. i have an appointment with the bank at 9:30, then come home, walk the dog, then off to the farmers market. And then work. I will call my pulmonologist office, and see if someone, maybe the nurse? can see me this week? Penny called tonight, and informed me that several of the bosses got canned today. That might explain why no one verified my hours at the end of the day.
  22. @dfish I am sorry that you are having such a rough time. I do agree with everyone, having River with you on Thanksgiving is wonderful! Even if your home is not her permanent home, it is nice for her to know a stable home. @JazzyV I know I dont say it enough, but you do a wonderful job keeping up with all of us. I am sorry that your body has decided to kick it's own butt these days, but hopefully you and your docs can get you in a painless state. @aliaschief My heart doc is the only one who keeps on top of things. You are lucky they can get you in and "fixed" before your cruise. @Quartzsite CruiserI do not know what a slide is on a motor home. But I know what crashing your face into something feels like! Dont bend down, and take it easy tomorrow. That goes to you and your DH. No one called about the oxygen. When the lovely Carrie Lynn drops the ball, she does it in style.
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