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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. When looking for something else to do on the computer, I get attacked by the strangest ads....and I loved this.
  2. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Happy Hanukkah to those celebrating! If i am still working next year at this time, I will take Hanukkah off. Calling people on a Holiday is just dumb in my opinion. Not many people answered, and those I did get, were, not now, Happy Holiday! I got one small donation, and that was from a retired doctor, who had had his business in NYC, but went home to Houston when he required back surgery. He gave because I got his attention when I told him the division I was fund raising for paid the rent to the LC, so that NYC could run the two biggest blood donation drives in the city. DH appreciates the questions about his health, but basically he says he feels crappy all the time. Whatever this weird disease is that we both got on the ship, I am now down to 4 times a day, when the cough is bringing up the goo glue. Morning when I rise, when the sun goes down, when I lie down to sleep, and in the middle of the night. This is an improvement over 24 hours a day. And I am seriously sleeping, I used to wake up at 7, and now it's 8:30. Maybe because I work nights, and stay up later, or I am so grateful for sleep. My computer keeps saying regarding the weather, Temps to Plummet. Once in a while it goes back to the degrees and sunny, but basically Temps to Plummet is much scarier. I know we are supposed to get slammed with rain this weekend, its the monday and after that the temps to plummet. Tonight we are going to the Atlanta Master Chorale's Christmas concert with our friend Debbie. She is joining us for the season subscription we purchased. We went last year, and enjoyed it, talked her into going to a spring concert, and the 3 of us became subscribers for this season.
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! When I got up, it was 29, in an hour, it's gone up to 34. Sunny! The outdoor cats were quite cold last night. I need to prep the porch for them, so they can stay on the porch with a heater. I just have to bribe them onto the porch..... And Tazi came out from under the futon, and slept on the bed. I do think she either drooled on me for hours, or peed on me...My night shirt was wet this morning...but it was the only thing that was wet...maybe I drooled on me all night. Today is change the sheets day, get in touch with doc to get med refill, walk the dog, and work this afternoon and night. I did call out sick yesterday, it was nice to just chill, and not have to put on the happy face for hours.
  4. @kochleffelWith our strays, we use Temptations. However since Tazi(one of the indoor furbabies) had the nervous breakdown two weeks ago, (and while we were gone) they are no longer working. She could care less, she is just going to hide under the futon in the spare room. I guess I will have to sleep on the futon for a night, and maybe she will come out and snuggle again. We are taking away all of her hiding places.
  5. @kazuI love the fact that you have made Ivan a new puppy (so to speak) before we left for Rome, you were having problems getting him in and out of the house, and when I got back I was reading that he was jumping the fence to the backyard. At first I thought, Oh My, you have a new dog...well you do, and it sounds wonderful! @Seasick Sailor I hope that you make it to the island in time for your ship's patient. Needing blood sounds like an accident, and that is always scary. When I got sick on the ship, the doc told me if I was not better in three days, then they would put me off in Portugal. I have no idea at that point, how we would have ever gotten home. But, we did visit two islands of Portugal, and both times, people were released to the local hospital. The same in Grand Turk, and as we were rounding Key West to get back to Tampa, the Coast Guard came out early that morning and took a heart attack victim off the ship. (we did not stop at key west).
  6. My mother in law (Momma Norma) raised her great grandaughter (Hailey) when her granddaughter went off to the slammer. I will not say that Hailey is a kind, nice or a caring young lady. She is smart (but lives on the stupid side..plans no future) very pretty, and conniving. (How to steal from Momma's hand bag). Now is this her fault? Probably not, Momma never wanted her to do without. So she has everything, and values nothing. @dfishI have always thought that you and Sue offer this child the most calm and trusted household. Will she be with you and be able to attend school in your location? Stay for months and find a stable environment? I am hoping so. Of course it will change your lives, but to be able to change hers would be the greatest gift you can give her. @kazuDH says he feels like words I cannot say here. I am taking off working tonight to keep him company, fix a real dinner, and make sure he gets some rest. He never feels well after the infusions, but add on what he went through yesterday, and it's pretty bad.
  7. oh dear, once again, I lost my post. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailites! Its 43 and sunny, so says the computer, and it is sunny and the temperature when I went out to feed the stray cats actually seemed warm. @ger_77Chuck is probably not feeling much better than yesterday. He seems quite low on oxygen and has been using my tank, both last night and evening. I think he may have been under a bit too long. They did find more blockage during the test yesterday, and he is scheduled for an angioplasty again in January. But they never ask before they schedule, and we get home and see the calendar and have to reschedule, as they scheduled for a day he has an infusion. Which also happens today. So, it's walk the dog, and then drive to midtown, downtown. While looking for a picture of a mitten tree, I saw that it is also Put on your own shoes day. Was I wearing someone else's? I celebrate the "I can bend over and tie my shoes day". I hope everyone has a great day today. I too like snow, but in the Atlanta area it is not normally loved. No one knows how to drive in it, and those who do, get confused when they see southerners drive in it. We get no plowing in the suburbs, so if you make it home during a snowfall, you are stuck at home for at least an hour or up to 3 days. In the 30 plus years I have lived here, I have seen snow once before Christmas (not including when it snowed on Halloween at Road Atlanta at a week long event). Most of our snow comes in January-april and it is a wonderful thing!
  8. @bennybear I am slow, and dont know much abut photography and cameras. I have always enjoyed your photos. Which one was taken with the Nikon? DH had a rough time. They. have him wearing a sock on his left hand, so that he doesnt use it at all today. He does keep nodding off, and since he went off to the bathroom 10 minutes ago, I will check on him in 10 more. They will be doing an angioplasty on his right leg on January 3rd. I feel sometimes like it's always something, but if it wasn't would it be living?
  9. Since DH had to be put under for these tests, I was sent home for a couple of hours. To quiet the grumbling tummy, I had a small slice of leftover quiche(it did have a soggy bottom). Started a load in the washer (since the dryer takes two rounds since it's dying) i do one small load a day to stay ahead. This doc always lets DH out too early-they need to let him "knock off the sleep" before they hand him back over to me. Because then its watch time until he unfuzzes. His balance has been off for the last couple of days, but when I mention that it is, he gets huffy. There are chores that are requiring climbing a small ladder and I am not letting him do that. So I will be doing that. Ugh. @ger_77Your evening sounds very fun! And I am happy to hear that your friend is doing better. Is this the friend who met the new woman and they are taking a cruise with you? @cunnorlCongratulations on the new baby in the family (we are of course expecting pictures) @seagarsmokerI too am glad that the interview went well. Is it a place where you want to be? @dfish and @JazzyV you both have been in my thoughts and prayers while you try to find medical help to get your diagnosis and repairs started. I wore a uniform in school, every afternoon when I got home, I would put on my blue jean overalls. I pretty much wear jeans for everything, and if two of my cats were not orange and white, I might be able to be brave and get black jeans. That would be my dressy outfit. But, my favorite pair is (and I ordered them from a child hood love) my Green Jeans. (if you remember Captain Kangaroo). Off to walk dog, and pick up the DH. (the fuzzy DH)
  10. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Up very early as DH has appointment and tests with the heart doc. We moved the bed yesterday to block Tazi from going behind it and piddling (OMG!), We lowered the back headboard, and apparently didn't put the bed back in exactly old place, as I jammed my right baby toe on it in the middle of the night. Currently 37 degrees, it says clear...too dark and cold to check right now. I love the quote (makes me want to improve my behavior). @grapau27I was fascinated by the way the water company handled the leak and clean up. In the county I live in, if there is a water leak, the water company comes out, digs it up, sort of fixes the problem, and then instead of filling the hole, they put a large metal plate over the hole. People hate toi drive over the plate, as sometimes the plates shift. Days can go by, even months, until they come out and fill in the hole, and take away the large metal plate. By then, because the pipes have been exposed to all the elements again, they usually have to work on the pipes again. This picture shows our type of repair, but not my neighborhood. Does anyone else have this problem too? Or is it a Georgia thing?
  11. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! @seagarsmokerGood luck on the interview.! I hope the job is something you want, and that your interview goes well. I talked with our BFF last night, seems his wish for our little group of 3 vacation next year is to go to Cedar Key. There are 2 Cedar Keys in Florida, and he wants the one up north. DH and I have been several times and really enjoyed the area....not much on swimming there, but great wanderings and walks. Dinner last night at Penny's was great, except her DH had thrown his already bad back out, and was not much for company. He is also seriously addicted to TV, and would not even turn it off during dinner, and her dining room was completed stuffed with stuff. (She is a hoarder.) So we ate off TV trays watching a rather gory show on the tube while eating. That was interesting. She says that they don't entertain anymore...but we are more like family, so they do what they do. The food was good, and we do enjoy their companionship. She sent DH off with slices of turkey and a big blob of dressing, so he has a choice today for what he eats for dinner. I start work right after Furnando's vet appointment, so I am not cooking. Have a great day everyone!
  12. @Nickelpenny umm, whats with the picture of the peanuts? Are they peanuts? While making the quiche, I was cutting the bacon with a sharp pair of scissors, had my glasses on, which means that I can't see things close up, and cut the heck out of my finger with a pair of my mom's old scissors. Gnomes must be keeping them sharp, as they have not been used for more than 30 years. Quiche was good though.🙄 We watched Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas special from 2021. I didn't know the Christmas special existed. The NBC show was one of the best shows ever. And then, poof , it was gone, but the Christmas show was on Roku, and it resolves the ending of the show. ( I can sleep now). Since we had been back from the cruise, I had been so dizzy, I have not wanted to use my shower, as I have to climb into the tub...( i was using DH's walk in shower which has no water pressure, and it takes forever to get hot water).today I got brave, and had the nicest shower. When you travel you really do appreciate the things at home, like bed, shower, and a fridge you can raid anytime you want. And yet I am still looking for a cruise for 2025.
  13. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! It is 63 degrees here too, I might even open a window today to get some fresh air in. I have two baking adventures today, quiche for breakfast, and the now infamous corn bread pudding souffle. We are going over to Penny and Jessie's today. They had she tells me a soul food Thanksgiving with their neighbors, but Jessie asked her for a Traditional turkey with stuffing, and she asked if we would come over. She wanted to cook on Friday, but even though I have been to her house many times, driving at night in her neighborhood? I wouldnt be able to find the turn. I do not see well at night at all to drive. Unless it is well lit (and that area is not). Neither D nor I are upset at the Georgia/Alabama outcome. Neither of us are from Georgia, and we have no ties to the team. (Now if it was GA Tech? that would be different) We got a very heavy rain shower this morning. Furnando has something wrong with his right eye, and has an appointment with the Vet on Monday. Tazi had a nervous breakdown while we were gone, and is living behind the bed. (DH thinks its because of Furnando.) And our neighbor was correct, Bobagingee is a big bully. He picks on Furnando, who runs down the hall and picks on Tazi. It has DH stressed that the only time the Tazi stops hiding, is when we are in bed to sleep. She climbs out from under the headboard, and scurries down under the covers between us. Then Furnando climbs on the bed and snuggles next to me. If he hears her meow or purr, he climbs over me to check on her. Then she starts hissing. Getting to sleep is precarious.
  14. I think that HIMSELF went on to the island today. I do hope you hook up sometime on this cruise. @Haljo1935 Punto Delgado was where we last stopped before the big crossing. We were late leaving, and leaving at night was beautiful. All the lights going up the hills. I hope you get to experience it.
  15. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It is VERY foggy in Stone Mountain today. To the point, that if I had to drive to work, I wouldn't go. But I don't have to drive, so I start work at 9:30. 3 hours in NYC, and then 4 hours in CA. I have figured out my new schedule, as both campaigns need 15 hours each. Instead of splitting shifts all week I will do CA on Monday,Tuesday and split shift on Saturday, and then NYC Wednesday, Thursday and split shift on Saturday. That way I only have to bug the bosses twice a week to switch me, and I get Fridays off. Nice. Chuck studied the carry around oxygen, and will charge it, and hook me up this afternoon. I got an oxygen monitor last night, it says I am one degree off from normal. I dont think so, as I am extremely tired, but that could be from the coughing attacks at 1:30 each morning.
  16. @HAL4NOW I hope all went well with the Mohs, and yes depending on where it was on your body, get someone else to do the hard work. I love your snow, but it looks like you have a small alien flying saucer in that picture...?? to the right between the two trees? Well I just went to check on Sanibel Moorings. They are planning to reopen some of the units in April through August of 2024. Cost per week is 3k, thats double on what we paid pre hurricane. I think we can cruise, get fed, and see sights for around the same amount.....so the rental is not going to happen, and I did promise the guys, I would not take them to south Florida in August again.
  17. @rafinmdSleep well! @JazzyVI wish there was something that they could have given you to alleviate the pain during the procedure. I hope you get back the results and and option of being pain free again real soon. @erewhonAre these solar powered Christmas lights or driveway lights, or sidewalk lights? I have to watch some videos before I start up the oxygen. It's too bad they don't send a person in the box with the machine. It certainly weighed enough. Everything is online these days. I am an old fart who actually wants to talk to a person. I want to ask a question, and not have to wait for 5 days to get an answer. Which reminds me, I called Carnival today, as I needed a copy of what the insurance I had purchased had covered, and when you hit the button about talking to someone after your cruise? There is no longer a person to talk to. You get to go online and send them an email and their response is that someone will get back to you in 4-5 business days. Neither Chuck nor I got a fill out a review of your cruise either. But I think they will figure it out. I cancelled both of my future cruises with Carnival, and sent a second email regarding how terrible the food was, how rude upper management was (and I had names) . I had always wanted to do a back to back and now I have, and all with no assistance from my cabin steward, who said he would help us move next door. He didn't, but his highly strung assistant yelled at us several times. Chuck has always wanted to do a transAtlantic, and now he has, with Acute Bronchitis. I guess, once again I learn that you have to really watch what you pray for. I do want to do the Panama Canal trip, but I will do that with HAL. That's my next goal unless our place we rent in Sanibel has been re opened. There has been no move on that since all the condos are owned by different people, and I guess they can't coordinate the insurance and repairs.
  18. Both oxygen tanks were delivered, one to wear and one to use at night. I am also, before I start using them, getting an oxygen monitor to check how I am doing during the day. There was something on the googly news that caught my attention, so I went to the FB to see the ad, and yes it made me cry, and then there was something about a guy rescuing a bundle of kittens where the umbilical cord had wrapped them all up together (poor mom cat) and then I saw something about a father and daughter singing team. She had wanted to keep singing during the pandemic and keep in touch with her choir. Her dad set her up on a web page, and she asked him to join her. Well, if you can - CHECK OUT Matt and Savannah Shaw. OMG! Where have I been for the last 3 years. Even DH who is working today asked me who we were, he thought they were great. @dfish Your drugs are being used by skinny people who have botoxed themselves into believing they are fat. They have money and they don't use insurance.....my most recent add on drug for my diabetes is Januvia at 467.00 a month out of my pocket. I am supposed to take the metformin both morning and night, and I dont...I would never leave the bathroom if I did. So maybe if I did I wouldn't have to buy more expensive drugs. Being adopted I have no idea of what my birth parents had or didn't have. I know I am a sugar addict, but that seems to be getting replaced with an urge for salty. I don't even like the taste of sugar in my coffee. The french toast discussion inspired me, I made it for brunch. No cinnamon, so I used the last of the vanilla and nutmeg on whole wheat toast...not bad, but missed the cinnamon. I have recently been making my coffee with cinnamon, and used it all up. Tasty coffee, and I read somewhere that cinnamon was good for diabetics. or is that wishful thinking on my part? @StLouisCruisersI think Ren made a good decision!
  19. Dog walked. Yesterday the meds I was taking were making me extremely hungry. Which since my "feed" has been off for weeks, I appreciated having an appetite. Until 4:30 this morning! So yes I was up at 4:30. Apparently if you starve yourself for a long time, and then eat a lot, your stomach will rebel. I think that is why when I went back to bed, I slept until 9. @smitty34877I understand not wanting to do much at Christmas. The year my dad passed, I just didnt have the heart to decorate. Even though I have a brother, there is no family connection there, and I felt so alone. And then I decided that I may not have family, but the little old lady across the street had a daughter who "wasnt there", so I decided to be a secret Santa for her. Three weeks before Christmas, I placed a poinsetta by her door. The week before Christmas I put a small living Christmas tree with tiny decorations by the door. And on new Years I put a dandy dressed teddy bear by the door for her date for New Years Eve. After the Little Old Lady passed away, her daughter moved into the house. Turns out she suffered from bipolar disease, and just could not connect with her mom. She told me that her mom had had the strangest Christmas (which was her last) with presents being put on her door. She had no idea where they came from, but while they first scared her, she realized she had nothing to fear, and they made her very happy. I never told her they were from me, but the giving made me happy. It also inspired me to put up my decorate daily Christmas tree in the front window. Decorate daily due to cats. @cruising sisterI loved the pictures of Murphy , thank you for sharing them. She looks very aware of being photographed, got that model pose going on. @grapau27I am sorry to read about your water disaster today. I am glad that you got it fixed. @dobiemomGlad you are feeling better! To all Dailyites I am sending hugs.
  20. Good Friday Morning Daiyites! Rabbit Rabbit, white rabbit. Neighbor is working from home, but she still wants me to walk the dog this morning, in 5 minutes, and I slept until 9. Oops. Turns out that one of two oxygen products will be delivered, sometime today, before 9 pm tonight. Dont know which one, so I just sent an email to the woman I talked to yesterday, who set the account up. I have the day off, but I have lots of calls to make today. to the dog I go, will be back.
  21. I am confused (and that has happened a lot over the last few weeks) I thought Roy @rafinmd was taking the train home tomorrow. Am I understanding that he is now driving back to MD? Did I miss something? Oh this working, keeps me out of the Know.
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