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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! The computer is currently saying "feels colder". Feels colder than what ...oh 36 , now I know it feels colder than 36. The wind last night was so persistent that while i was trying to go to sleep I thought I heard a motor running. DH and I got up to inspect, and it was the wind. Constant! We did end up with standing water in the back near the patio, but that was it, we live on a hill, with the house in the middle of the hill. DH is now a house sitter at our neighbors house. They have gone back to Vietnam for a month. Last year they said a month, and were gone for two. So who knows for this year. I would love to save energy. In 2020 we had the house re roofed. Turns out that there were two roofs. One laid on top of the other. When the new roof was put on, they removed both roofs, and the house is always colder now. Not enough insulation. Temps this weekend will be below freezing, so perhaps a nice fire in the wood burning stove on Saturday night. I am glad to read that all of you are safe after yesterdays storms. Looks like this weekend is another repeat. I didnt have any trouble with taking the dog out last night, I did it between major wind gusts. She was a bit nervous being outside. When DH called about having to attend jury duty, at the end of the recording they said, that since they had cancelled, and he didnt need to show up, he was excused until next year. I told him to hang on to his paper work. He can send it in next year, that he is over 70. I got out of jury duty this year, because I am his caregiver. But when I get called again, I will be over 70. Still his caregiver. I dont really have a house plant, I have a plant that DH gave me for my birthday, it spent the spring, summer and fall outside, and this winter I brought it in. The TV is currently discussing plant appreciation day. LOL. Not much going on today, walk the dog, and work. So, off I go...
  2. I had an epiphany after DH walked out of the bank and said it would take an hour to see the notary. The security guard mentioned going over the the bank in Tucker, and I started thinking Chick fil A. Of course I will drive you to Tucker, and half way there DH says, no, I'll just go to the court house, show them my ID, and then I asked if he actually had to attend. There is a phone number on the the card you are supposed to call sometime after 5 the night before. He called, and due to the weather,court was cancelled today. So we had breakfast at Chick Fil A on our side of the world. I wanted to dine in, he wanted the drive thru. It is pouring, and he said, go use the other line, so I got in the other line, and it was closed. So we got to dine in anyway. We forgot smokes (yes don't nag) and so I sent him out by himself. I think this is the first time we have not been attached at the hip since before our cruise. A moment of peace. Well I did throw him out of my doctors appointment yesterday when he startd whining about having to wait. It is my appointment, I said, so why dont you go back down to the car. Which he did. In hind sight after the botched second attempt, I wish he had stayed. Oh well. I also yanked my oxygen away from him last night, when I looked over and he was using it, and smoking at the same time. That was the last straw, as my oxygen was down to 82. No dog walking today, the neighbor texted me yesterday that due to the bad weather she would be working from home. BUT she would still be going to play pool tonight. And she doesnt pay me for Tuesday night so that she can play pool. So I get to go out in cold nasty weather, while she is out having fun, and I have to cut my hours at work, so that she can go have fun. Not fair. Well off to take care of Bubbles needs.
  3. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! The tv weather people are in their zone right now, we are in a tornado watch, and now a severe thunderstorm warning. I am seeing flashes in the sky, of light, but not bolts, and with the count of once you see lightening, one mississippi, two mississippi, the storm is about 5 miles away. DH is supposed to be at jury duty today. He totally forgot, until I reminded him yesterday, when I asked if he had contacted the court's office yesterday morning. He is trying to get out of the service due to his age. He should be trying to get out of it, because of his cancer and treatment. Unfortunately which ever way he goes, he needs to send a notarized copy of the form. He did go to the docs yesterday with me, and while they did have a notary there in the office, she had already gone home, and my appointment was a fiasco any way I look at it. So he is off to the bank this morning, during the worst of the storm to get his form notarized, and then come home, scan it, and send it. A new nurse, who is afraid of needles. The non working sensor and reader for the diabetes, they could only get a report from October. I told her that before we started. So the doc asked me, well how will she know my history for the last 3 months. I mentioned a blood test. She got mad at that, but had the nurse do it. My primary had mentioned that she wanted a testosterone test also, due to the amount of facial hair I have, but she forgot to tell the endocrinologist that so I mentioned it when the nurse came back in for the blood test. She went and asked the doc, who said do the test, and the nurse got 4 vials of blood. Said I was done, and I checked out and made an appointment to see my diabetes dietician. And then I heard them calling me by my last name, The nurse had forgotten that last test. Since my arm was a one and done, and bruising, she went for the vein in my hand. All was going well, until I heard the sucking of air, she pulled the needle out, and lets just say my hand is severely bruised. She wanted to try again, and I said, NO. Told her I would be back in a month anyway. @Crazy For CatsI am so sorry for your loss of Amelia. She was a lovely and beautiful fur baby. Well, I'm off to drive DH to the bank.
  4. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 36 degrees, it's cloudy, and just now the "temp" gauge says "feels colder". There is a new stray cat munching away outside, very pretty soft tan. When Donna took care of the cats she fed them at 10 am and 4 pm. This way, she said that the fox, possums. racoons and coyotes would not come in and eat before the cats have a chance. I do understand, but now every cat in the neighborhood knows that too. So I do feed them at 8:30 and a little after 4. Not the indoorians but just the outdoorians. Last night when I took the trash out there was the sound of a crash, and then I heard something large running through the back wooded area. I looked at the bird feeder closest to me and it was swinging away, I looked at the one further away, and there was a racoon in it. about 4 feet off the ground, in a feeder that hangs from a pole. How ever did they get up into the feeders? What's a pirates favorite sock? Arrrgyle! Divorce day? I do celebrate. You can have all the best intentions to make a marriage work, but it takes 100 percent on both sides, and unfortunately in my first two marriages, I was there, but my other halfs were not. When we parted both sides were happier.
  5. What a day, two Midsumer Murders, check to see if Dakar has posted for Saturday, a foot ball game....check to see if Dakar has posted for Saturday, more foot ball, , fix dinner, check to see if Dakar has posted for Saturday, and there it was, one day late, but then after we watched the highlights from Saturday, they showed Sunday! All caught up, and then a Winter Watch from 2023, and then back to football. I took down the tree, the outside decorations, the stockings, the cards, (that I didnt write or mail) I felt like the Grinch. So, now we will be done with Christmas after DH eats two more pounds of cookies, candy and caramel popcorn. Tomorrow is pay the bills day, and my endocrinologist appointment. Maybe the weight loss from being so ill, will help with the blood sugar results. Sweet dreams everyone!
  6. @superoma If it helps Fre makes a very good non alcoholic Sauvignon Blanc. We picked some up at the farmers market a couple of weeks ago. I prefer red NA wine, but the farmers market is only carrying the whites. Ariel makes an excellent Red NA wine, but it has to be shipped, and since it is alcohol free, it can freeze, so we cant get it during the winter months. Good luck. You can do it!
  7. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! @grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David each week. I appreciate it. @smitty34877How nice that "getting older" has its benefits. @rafinmd DH found out that since his radiation appointments were early in the morning, if he didn't eat immediately after, his appetite would be gone all day. Don't tire yourself out on Monday. @Norseh2oCondolences on the passing of your mom. She lived a long life, and she had great kids! I am glad that you and your family got to spend the last week with her. The more Bubbles moves around on the porch, I notice more injuries on him. Originally it was just the top of his head, then I noticed the terrible swollen infection under his chin, and yesterday, now that he in uncurling, a bite on his front leg. I can only think that he was attacked and survived a coyote. He is using the litter box, he is eating, and drinking water. He is no longer trying to escape every time I open the door, and with the heater on the porch, it is a comfortable temperature. He flinches when i try to pet him though, and I think if I can get him in a carrier, I will take him to our vet. Our vet doesnt like to see strays, and this office now seems to be more interested in money that animals. The original vet that I had been seeing since 1979 retired several years ago, and sold the practice to another vet. A young woman that is sweet and wonderful with animals, but she took in another vet who is all about the money. It makes it hard to get an appointment. Everyone wants to see Dr. T, so often we have had to have Dr. P. I am jealous of the snow fall that the north has received. Our last good snow shut down Atlanta for a week. Shari drove me home from work, but was afraid to stop the car, so she drove through the parking lot of a church near my house, and while it was still in motion, I had to fall out. It took her another hour to get to her home, and it was only 3 miles away. How are mashed potatoes a meal? Years ago someone told me that the nutrients were in the skin, so my potato salad has the skin, and if all i have are reds, then they get mashed with the skin. Lunch today is a BLT. So I am not waking DH early. he will eat breakfast and not want lunch. I hope that everyone has a relaxing day!
  8. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Today is one of my 8 hour work days. My left hip has been hurting just to sit, so it's going to be a long day. Lovely rain all night. However while it put me to sleep, it didn't keep me asleep. Even DH is up early. And work starts in an hour, for me anyway. I'm wondering if the pizza has butternut squash on it, or is the squash replacing the dough? I will have to wait for @dfish to inform us. I will have to take down Christmas today. Bobbagingee has guarded the artificial tree since we put it up. He will have nothing to protect now. I heard the howling of the coyotes this morning. Yesterday our friend who works at Taqueria del Sol told us that in Decatur, there are less cats around and more coyotes wandering the streets. (this is a major town). I did call the place that we wanted to rent in October on Thursday. I left my message, but no one has called back yet. Now I'm wondering if I left my phone number. I guess I will look up the email address and re address my request. Not much going on here, it is 39 degrees and the computer says temps will drop... Bubbles infection cyst finally burst yesterday. I dont think it made him feel better, he is eating less than two days ago , he hissed at me last night. But it is the first sign in days of his normal behavior.
  9. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! It's 33 degrees, and it's our Taco day! And the run to the store before work emergency shopping day...we are out of coffee! Truly an emergency. I have enough for this morning and the afternoon work pot, and then...disaster! I did start the Fridays off when we got back from Italy, but since the Holidays gave me Mondays off, I need to make up the hours. Monday I have an appointment with my endocrinologist who will yell at me regarding my blood sugar. I had one last sensor with my FreeSTyle Libre 2, and the scanner refused to work, well they think it's the sensor, but I think it's the scanner. So I went back and tried to do the old finger stick, and that reader said no battery, charging the battery didn't work, so there is nothing to read from the scanner, and no way to test. Should be an interesting meeting on Monday. @ottahand7Thank you so much for the food porn! @NickelpennyGlad you are home safe and sound, and I loved the pictures that you posted while cruising. Thank you all for your posts, pictures and funnies! DH made some kind of mistake with his alarm clock, and the time is off by 45 minutes. I got up and thought it was 8:45, and it was only 8. But I wanted to catch up with yesterdays Daily and the 8 am wake up gave me the time! I do feed the birds, and the squirrels, some mice a few rats, and all stray cats.
  10. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday was a good day for DH, we got the results from his last PET scan and it seems the Keytruda is working! The cancer has shrunk a bit, and he was informed that since this seems to be working, he will be on it for a long time. Now to get rid of the pain in his mouth, so that he wants to face a day, instead of sleeping through it. What hours I have had not being at the docs has been spent working, and unwinding after 9 at night. I got a text from the CA boss that I was "becoming the top CTG rep!" Which is good, because I really do want to be on his next campaign, the Hollywood Bowl. That would carry me through from February to May, and then hopefully I can pick up a Symphony campaign somewhere in the country. Bubbles is still on the porch. I have been treating him with hydrogen peroxide, and antibiotic cream, he is eating (special treats) . However my neighbor thinks that the porch door is the way into the house, and I heard someone knocking last night, and then I heard a woman say whoo who and by the time I got off the phone with the patron, and ran out there was no one there. I think she opened the door, and got a whiff of the porch, and ran off. Well he is eating, but his right eye is still shut. Speaking of right eye, the PA who spoke to DH yesterday said that she thinks the eye doc that did DH's surgery went overboard, and that we should go back and complain Well, we could, but she moved to Utah a week after the surgery. She also got mad when she heard he had been using my oxygen. Told him to get his own. Not to share prescriptions. That's all the news that fit to print, time to get ready to walk the neighbors dog.
  11. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I'll be brief, we are off this morning for DH's infusion in midtown Atlanta. We pass about 4 schools on the way, and it is the first day back to school after winter break. Should be an interesting drive. I did not let Bubbles off the porch yesterday, but he has his heater and a bed, and he got lots of treats that he ate. The top of his heads wound looks better, the one under his mouth does not. He howls when he sees another cat on the carport eating but since I figured out what the howls were about, I doubled down on the -you stay on the porch. Its 31 and clear, and there has been some idea of snow being bantered about by the weatherman. Since it will or may happen this afternoon, I am not worried. There is frost on all the rooftops this morning, looks like winter! I do wish for snow, I would enjoy it. Have a wonderful day everyone. I know I need sleep, because I thought it said Festival of Sheep. I love Tolkien, and Memento Mori is something the doctor on the ship talked to me about when I arrived so ill at the infirmary. The sky just turned a vibrant PINK! Mom always said red sky in the morning, sailors take warning..... For my friends in the Northeast-enjoy your snow!
  12. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It's sunny and 29 degrees in Stone Mountain today. The cats will be celebrating Mew Year Day They even got an email today...well, it was addressed to me, but it ended with how she wished hugs and a great New Year to Bobb and Furnando, her new friends. We had a nice time yesterday at our friends house, however, it was a bit concerning to find out that people who attended had seen their family members who had Covid the day before. And it wasnt just one person, it was several. The hosts brother was there, and he mentioned how his favorite snack was cheese and crackers, so I left the cheese and crackers there. I told him that they were his. I was sent home with ham for sandwiches. Yum. I ate the black eyed peas and collard greens, not something I would go back for seconds on, but they were good, and I survived. Someone mentioned that when you were done eating, you had to leave some of the black eyed bean on the plate, for good luck. There was a special number that were supposed to be left, but she was not too sure how many. Then she said, two. I looked at my plate, and I had 2 left. Heck I need all the luck I can get. I got an email last night from the NY campaign boss with a change of schedule, he changed the entire schedule to my available hours. ARghh! So I can add more hours. Bubbles showed back up, and was in the cat bucket on the porch last night when we got home, I found some hydrogen peroxide and cleaned out his wounds, and put some antibiotics on his wounds, but he is not going to leave the porch! Since he is feral and a stray, not sure if our vet will even look at him. But will call to see if we can get an appointment. He is too weak and in too much pain to put up a fight. Thank you all for being here! With jokes and contributions of food and drink ideas, and your great travel stories. HUGS!
  13. Happy Monday New Years Day Dailyites! I was the first footer out and in this morning. Well last night and this morning, as I am the cat feeder. Bubbles went out yesterday afternoon, sat in the sun for awhile, and the after being fed some deli roast beef, he disappeared, and has not been back. I put out the 3 plates this morning, and just checked to see if anyone had come by, and the black and white scaredy cat was trying to eat all the food. Bless him. When he went searching for the Temptations, I opened the door to put some out, and he ran away. The friends who decided to have the New Years Day party, will be feeding us ham, black eyed peas, and collard greens. I realize that in the south this is a tradition to guarantee that they will have money for the next year. I have never had black eyed peas, or collard greens. In fact I do not remember any kind of food tradition in the house when I was growing up. Is there a Yankee traditional food for New Years Day? My tradition is just watching the Rose bowl. And sleeping the afternoon away. Not today. @dfishhas taught me to roast all veggies (except spinach) sweet potato sounds most wonderful! My favorite roasted veggie is however is (sorry @dfish) carrots. Lots of gunfire last night, but when I heard a machine gun? it was time for bed!
  14. The fireworks have started, gun fire will start after a few more hours. Of course, no sign of Bubbles. I will take the battery operated candles out of the windows tomorrow, but Christmas does not come down until the 7th. I do question the fireworks in a community that is in a drought, and has daily warnings about fire risk, but I am hearing booms from all directions. Way too early, it's not even 7 yet....well just now it turned 7. Before we adopted Furnando, I left the tree up, bought Valentine decorations and got it through February. The ornaments are glass, and that would be a no with the wild fur child around. I had to laugh about jinxing a team. If I root for someone in a car race, they will crash out. This has happened since the first race I went to when I cheered for Lake Speed at the Trenton 250, and it has been the same for 40 plus years. I have been known to cheer on drivers I don't like, but it doesn't work. (I try really hard not to cheer on drivers I like now). Which reminds me, I hope that Peacock is showing the race in Dakar again this year.
  15. I'm back, I got gas, the needed groceries and grabbed some great dark chocolate covered gingerbread (soft) cookies. I didn't need them, but they are so good. I love a cookie, that is a) covered in chocolate and b) takes more than two bites to eat. Today starts my favorite sandwiches day. Nothing fancy being served here. Just well loved sandwiches that I don't get very often. @RMLincoln Do you know what is causing your DH's eye problems? Chuck's started after his last surgery to unroll his lower eyelid after an infection caused the lower lid to roll under. He lost all his lashes due to chemo, and they have not grown back, and he did a second operation to open the eyes wider, as his upper lid was affecting his vision. He asked the doc to work on his blind eye too, so that he looked more balanced. After his oncologist told him to not work on the right side where the cancer is. Do you ever have days you could just scream? I seem to have had a lot of days this year, when I scream like a banshee. It appears that I have not been patient or particularly kind this year. I try. I guess this years resolution, is to keep my mouth shut, until i go outside in the far back of the yard. @dfishI read the book years ago, after going to see an IMAX film on Shackleton, and an exhibit at the Science museum. He became my hero. I did enjoy the film. But, it did make me feel colder. And yes, amazing that all the men survived. Once again it appears that what I am sending you all- you actually have to open. Make sure your sound is on. https://jlcards.com/s0kX3m
  16. Good Sunday Morning Dailyties! It is 31 degrees, and the computer says that temps will drop. The weatherman says it will get up into the 50s. A friend of ours called yesterday and spoke to DH. She invited us over for a New Years Day party. He said yes. She has been sick for over a month. But since he said yes, I said OK. I called her back and asked what I can bring....we ended up deciding I can bring a cheese platter. So now I need to go back out to the store. Yes, I should have gone last night, but after dinner with Penny and Jesse, I was cold and wanted to go home. We watched The Endurance, on tubee? @dfish was this the same film that you watched? It was a documentary narrated by Liam Neelson. DH kept asking me if I wanted Gelato last night, and to tell you the truth, I got home cold, I sat and watched cold, and it was a no for the Gelato. And today I just cant seem to warm up at all. The computer didn't want to turn on this morning at all. I couldnt get online for about 30 minutes. We stay home on NYE, too much wild out there! The cats need us to help protect them from all the noise, gunfire and fireworks. I would love to go to bed around 8 at night, but cant. We have a bottle of NA champagne, which has sat in the fridge for 3 years, and we have junk food snack food, DH has a bag of caramel popcorn which he is looking forward to. Well, off to the store. Argh! I really just wanted a day at home. Maybe get a nap in this afternoon..
  17. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 36 degrees and mostly cloudy. Yup. If you have ever eaten breakfast at a First Watch restaurant, they have their silverware and napkins wrapped up with a piece of paper that has the cutest comments. Two years ago, the comment was "I love you more than bacon" Which we saved and it is on the fridge. Not really sure if I do love anything more than bacon! Except DH. @RMLincolnCongrats on the sale of your home in Maryland. NJ is not that big a state, I grew up there, and yet I realize that I actually saw very little of my home state. I have been wracking my brains for helpful tidbits to tell you, and lo, there is nothing that comes to mind but the food in Chatham, Summit and Morristown. And if I remember correctly, you had already lived in NJ. You know more than I do about NJ. I hope that you feel more comfortable in your new home. Moving is stressful, you have DH's health issues, and it all sort of happened during the holidays, and going to TX for the wedding. When it rains, it pours. Please just breathe, take short drives and learn about your area, adopt a park to enjoy, and unwind. I will admit that sleep is escaping me too these days. I was just getting used to two wake ups in the middle of the night, and sleeping until 8 am, but now its two wake ups, and getting out of bed at 7 or before. My body starts hurting if I stay in bed. @dfishYes to the pain pills, and let your body rest! Sleep is a cure all. Enjoy the dreams. @kazuThank you for taking over the Daily's daily while Rich is off seeing the world. I really appreciate you! @JazzyVYou are amazing! In pain, little sleep, and you still keep the list going! Prayers for you! @smitty34877This young love, is inspiring new chefs! I am happy that your DGS has found a nice girlfriend! DH keeps telling his family how untraditional my holiday meals are. I have no great memories of holiday meals as a kid, mostly my parents dreading having my aunt an uncle over. The political arguments that the adults had, the amount of booze and the rehashing of the past. I prefer to let it all go by eating things I like that don't take a day to prepare, and the ability to walk away from the table. Hence, the sandwiches for this weekend. DH's father took all of Christmas down on the 26th of December, and he too does not have great memories of the holiday. So as adults, why do a repeat? DH and I ate at an Italian restaurant last night, an early dinner. I had been getting emails from the restaurant, that if we came in during the month of December, we would be given a red envelope. If we brought the envelope back unopened in January, we would possible win something, like a meal, a dessert, an appetizer, the big win was pizza every week for a year. At the end of the meal, I asked for our envelope and was informed they were out. I don't think they were. I think the red envelopes were for the "usual" customers. We have not been "usual" customers since they moved their location. The inside is very dark, the tables and two of the walls are painted black, and it just does not have the same appeal as the original restaurant. Mamma is not at the door greeting us, and the family feel has left. Will we go back in January? Not so sure. I did bring back the leftovers, and can eat off that for a week! I loved the quote. Anne Frank was probably the wisest child. The quote gives us hope, but when i read it the words that came out of my mouth, were "how sad" since she was robbed of her future. Hugs to All!
  18. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! 37 and cloudy today, whispers of snow in the upper part of the state, but not here. @smitty34877 its warmer in New York than the southlands. Oh my, now the computer says High Winds Soon! DH and I have 4 days off in a row! I need to pay a bill in person, I need to stop by the vets with a gift, I need to mail my BFF his Christmas present, and I need to walk the dog. We are going to get together with our friends tomorrow for a late lunch, and on Sunday I will be making New Jersey Sloppy Joes. This is the rye bread, meat, coleslaw swiss cheese with thousand island dressing sandwich. On Monday I will make pastrami Ruebens.. As I will have rye bread and thousand island dressing. My mom said that if you do something on New Years Day, you will do it all year. There is some truth to that, I usually do laundry on New Years Day, and I do laundry all year. I don't clean the house on New Years Day, and that also effects how I treat the house throughout the year. We do go for a walk on New Years Day. I am hoping that we can do that this year, as we both have become couch or chair potatoes being at work every day. Now the computer says Morning Brief...politicians, that must be what will be making the High Winds soon! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! @seagarsmokerSorry about the flu. get well soon!
  19. @dfish Prayers to you and your doctor, and nurses, that the surgery goes well, and that you will enjoy that cup of coffee when you get home. And take care of yourself! Hugs.
  20. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I got up early and read yesterdays Daily, as we did not get home until 1:30 from DH's test yesterday. Turned out it was a PET scan with contrast, so it took a couple of hours. Then I wanted to get a gift certificate that I could not buy on Christmas eve, from the Vietnamese restaurant for our Vietnamese neighbors. When I got home, I went immediately to work, took my one hour break, and went back to work. DH's results were on his portal last night, but after looking at the results, he decided to close the portal and talk with his oncologist next week. We had dinner, Echrich beef sausage and beans...very fancy. LOL, and then found the Death in Paradise Christmas movie on Britbox. We enjoyed it. I had been waiting for it to drop onto Britbox. Today is walk the dog, and grocery shop, and then work. And then...after work...I will be off for 4 days! yay! we are not partying people, so we are planning for a quiet New Years Eve weekend. I still have Christmas movies to watch...I say quiet, but in this hood, we get lots of fireworks and lots of gunfire. We dont go outside , because what goes up, must come down. Personally, I'm praying for a nice heavy rain storm. For my neighborhood, not yours. Computer says it is 39 degrees and now it shows, temps to drop. Bubbles enjoys the porch, and then after so many hours, he wants out, then disappears for two days. Then he comes back, gets on the porch, stays for the night, and then takes off for two days. The heater is on for him, he came back last night, and except for eating, he has not moved. @StLouisCruisers I am enjoying your Antarctic pictures. Even though the heat is on in the house, it is not warm, feels like I'm there!
  21. I like Cracker Barrel, I do my candle shopping there, and I like their hash brown casserole for breakfast. But @dfish is correct, the meal looks tan....I hate eating from a plate where everything is the same color. However I did that with the ribs, sweet potato souffle and the corn bread pudding. The meal was brown. Sad. I would eat the meal that @0106posted. When my mom would make beef stew, she would make what she called a dumpling. It looked like a biscuit, but it cooked in the gravy. Came out all big and round, and we would put butter on it, and to me it was the best part of the meal. My taste buds have matured since then, since I would now eat the veggies, and the beef, but I really miss those "dumplings" of hers. When I moved south, and saw chicken and dumplings, I ordered it. I have been disappointed since, and that was more than 50 years ago. I want my mommas dumplings.
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