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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I slept pretty well last night, no coughing fits waking me up. Yay! It's 47 degrees, and while it will be a warm weekend, it will be a wet one. Last week I wanted pizza, but as neither of us wanted to go out to eat, we ordered from the local Dominos which had been great for years, and ended up with the worst undercooked over cheesed pizza , the dough was raw, and the bottom burnt. If Paul Hollywood had been here, he would have told us not to eat it. We didnt. We scraped off the cheese and pepperoni and melted it over some beans. Not bad. But it did break me of my urge for pizza unless its at our favorite Greek restaurant. I have not read the book that @StLouisCruisersmentioned, but I have seen the movie about 10 times. A wonderful story about love on many levels.I do believe they are reshowing it on Netflix this month.
  2. Three days of zoom meetings, very little actual work because of coughing. Tomorrow I owe the man hours. I did tell him however that if i was not better, it's off to the Urgent Care. Not sure I'm urgent, but I am certainly the same. Cant make money if I dont work. I think I am jealous of DH as he has a month off, and has no idea of what to do with himself. I cant make a honey do list, if I do, he will constantly ask me if he is doing it right. So i keep my mouth shut. Maybe he can start going back to the senior center. But he is not a morning person. I would love to go back and start taking art classes again. Of course with this cough, no one wants me around them anyway. we went out for lunch and dinner today, and i found out that Chick fil A sells waffle potato chips. Hearty and crunchy and not salty. I was thinking they would stand up well to a good crab dip, so that will be my make it treat for the game on Sunday. Good excuse to make crab dip anyway. Will need to pick up ingredients Saturday night, as tomorrow I am taking the rest of that pork roast, throw in the crock pot with pineapple chunks, tomato chunks, and onions and brew me some Q. pulled pork. Have that with mac and cheese (stouffers) and maybe some salad, no wine.🙄 right now I only have NA bubbly. pleasant dreams and safe travels...
  3. My mom used to feed my brother and I left over spaghetti sauce over mashed potatoes when my dad was on business trips, She told us it was Hungarian goulash. My surprise when I grew up, ordered it in a restaurant and found out she had lied to us.🙀
  4. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Its 41 degrees and while when I woke up at 7:30 it was sunny, it is now mostly cloudy...just cloudy. I was having such an interesting dream this morning that I went back to sleep because I was hoping that it would continue, and it did, but the outcome was strange. I dreamt i was in a house, that I have dreamt of before. But I was with my old call center buddies working from this little house, and when I moved to see what was in the next room, it was my mother complaining about all these people in her house, so I moved around the corner and down the hall, and it was the bedroom of my second husband...who said the house was his, and he was renting the space to the call center. When I woke up the second time, I asked myself what do these people have in common. They were all trapped. By the circumstances of their lives. And I realized that I did not want to go back to sleep to find out who else was there. I might have found a mirror. I was in a zoom training class late yesterday afternoon, and DH went out to feed the strays at 5. He came back in and got another can. There are 5 he said. He went back out. Came back in, there are 7 .We are nothing but a feeding station for stray cats. He locked Tiger on the porch so the others could eat, and poor Tiger was "starving" with only his food to eat. Ha! Not. Sorry about my rambling today, but I havent had a dream in a long time, and I needed to share.
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I have been sleeping later each day, but the cats decided that I needed to be up. Apparently after a specific time, my side of the bed becomes their side of the bed. It's 38 and currently sunny. My neighbor is still home, I am wondering if I have the day off from walking the dog. I guess i should check my texts. Checked. I'm off. Because of the forecast of rain this weekend, she has decided to stay home and work in her yard today. I wish she has sent that yesterday, I would have fought harder for my bed space. The goal today is to get back to work. Not sure how I can telemarket and cough at the same time but I will try. Ballet, well like my attempt at finishing school, ended with a call to my mother that I was not Ballet material. I didnt follow directions, and I was too interruptive to the class. ( I ended up a few years later as my modern dance teachers assistant, and I taught modern dance in college) but couldnt do ballet. @smitty34877you are always in my thoughts. I wish for you the ability to get some rest, a good nurse to cover more than one shift, and for Tana to get a good day of breathing. Which leads to the next day, which leads to the next day.... @Cruising-alongThere is no way that I would get that close to a Komodo dragon, front or back. But Saturday does start the year of the Dragon. Guess I will go fix breakfast, since I dont have to walk the dog.
  6. @dfishGlad those are your feet, was getting tired of Grahams. however read today he has just booked another cruise....more Happy feet. I am up late, lying down brings on the coughing up, and sitting up brings on the runny nose. Preferring runny nose. Plus when I sat up to breathe, a cat took my place. I know Chuck wants to adopt the tiger, but the tiger escapes from the porch, he is strong and pushes the door open, even when there is a rock, or a tool box on the other side. He would move in, try to get the other cats to get the key and they all would be out the door. Not going to happen.
  7. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I am not better, and DH is worse, but we are managing. I plugged in one of the boom box CD players last night, and for the first time in more than a year, fell sound asleep listening to the sound of waves and gentle relaxing music, once you can slow your breathing to the crashing of the waves, you are in perfect sleep mode. Except Tazi and Furnando staring brawling, awake again, and then DH thought he heard a car driving by slowly checking out the hood, and he got up, awake again. It was probably the fluid in my lungs he heard, but awake again...Thank goodness the CD lasted longer than an hour....Because I did wake up feeling somewhat refreshed...look like Hades, but do feel a bit better. Today I start three straight days of zoom meetings. the message reads, "you dont have to attend, but I want you to attend." I will be there, maybe turn off my video, so that my relationship with my kleenex box is not obvious, and we do have to be muted, that will make my cough much less noticeable.🐱 It is not that I dont want to celebrate the days, but the days today, should we have to?. I wish the world would explode with all people doing the right thing for all people. That justice and fair treatment to all humankind erupt like a giant dandelion going to seed in the wind. If everyone in the world would just ask themselves that one question...Would I want that done to myself? Maybe the answer would be no, and we would all treat each other as we would want to be treated. Well I just got the text that its time to print the Hollywood Bowl season brochure, training starts in an hour....
  8. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! It's cloudy and 43. When I went to bed last night Tiger was on the porch. I had a rock in front of the door, so he could not escape, but he did, along with something else that was big enough to knock over the trash cans. Disaster Day? I would like Disaster movie day,. Sound like @Denise T had one last night. Thank you for reminding me to get the fuse boxes labeled, but I hope you had no electrical damage in the house. You might want to get an electrician to check it out before replacing the stove. DH has what i have now, and they moved his surgery from tomorrow to the 20th. I need to notify my boss that I am available for more training to start up tomorrow. I called out SAturday, and will probably do so again today. I managed to sleep roughly 2 hours on and off for a whopping total of 5 hours sleep but not at one time. @NickelpennyPartial cloudy at night, sounds right, partial Moony just sounds weird.
  9. Not only is it raining, as @StLouisCruisers said, it feels cold-it says cold weather, feels colder, all I know is that if it gets much colder, I want snow...and Tiger is on the porch, by choice with the heater, and a bed, and food.
  10. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! It is 42 degrees, very cloudy, dark, and since I attempted to sleep on the sofa, I am very tired. I did nap yesterday, and I should have just stayed in bed. But I got up, had some chicken soup, watched more Midsumers, and went to bed. Coughing would not stop, got up went to the den, and curled up under the big blue blanket and tried to sleep sitting up. Not usually a problem, but now all of me aches. Tiger showed up last night , I put the clean cat blankets on the chairs, turned the heat back on, on the porch, sat down and he came up, curled up next to me and wanted petting. And fell asleep. So we put in some crunchies, water and a litter box, and he slept through the night. Got up this morning, put the food out and put a plate on the porch. He suffers from the starving philosophy. Since he doesn't know when his next meal will be, he eats from all the plates. Furnando was like that too, and it takes awhile for them to realize that there will be food supplied every day, he doesnt have to eat everyone's food. I have a facebook account, I have been there 3 times in the last 10 years. I found out my old company was using it for hiring purposes, if they didn't like your politics, philosophies, or what you do when you are actually not at work , then it was a no. I didn't think that the place I work now would be too interested but during the zoom meeting last week, the boss asked one of the employees what was new in his life, and he said "nothing"...and then the boss said, well that's not what your facebook page says. Best not to go back on. I did see on the news today that on this day in history, George Washington was elected President. @grapau27 Thank you for the mini sermon today. I think that everyone on the Daily is very good at bringing the light to us all.
  11. @57redbirdYour surgery seemed quite major to me, and i think you have come a long way in 7 weeks. But my question to the doc would be, when does the pain go away. DH thought he would feel fine after the last angioplasty, and he is still in pain. Knowing he is going in this week for more major surgery on the artery is not making him very happy. But one of his meds makes him a tad obsessive and things must be done...NOW.. so when he was not supposed to be lifting things, he was. When he was supposed to lie flat, he went to work and sat up for hours. And then wondered why he was in pain for two weeks. I guess after your major surgery , 7 weeks aint that bad. ? What do I know, pain is pain, and it wears you down.
  12. @1ANGELCAT A banana split is a health food,-fruit, dairy .I told DH it was ice cream for breakfast day and he told me to stop cooking the eggs...unfortunately once the scrambling began it was hard to put in reverse. @StLouisCruisersNot sure if I can call Coal a new friend, he or she (not sure, cat is too fuzzy to tell) moved into the back yard when we were away. Donna told us she came over to feed the 2 one day, turned around and there were 5. There is one more, I call her Munchkin, very small very skittish, but she does allow me to touch her nose with one finger. That's it. And she has a sweetheart, a giant tan cat with collar.....OMG! I need to get that Neon sign that says Free Cat food taken down!
  13. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! My favorite american artist is Eric Sloane, I love his clouds and New England scenes. Now about Elmos' birthday, was this the day he appeared on Sesame Street, or when he was thought of. How do we really know when his birthday is? We threw out all the cushions from the porch. Washed all the blankets, and beds, I need to sweep out the porch, and probably replace the porch rug. We left the door open last night to air out the porch. And then we sat down to watch TV. I noticed movement on the porch-turned on the light, and there was Coal (a long haired black stray) who freaked out when the light came on. A half hour later, there was a small tiger stray, (we named Tiger) on the porch. I think DH really wants to adopt Tiger, but he is afraid that getting another cat will put Tazi over the edge. And Tiger only shows up around 5 to be fed, and comes back to be fed, and hangs around until about 11, and then goes on his way. Coal on the other hand lives in our yard. Is injured but way too wary of humans. It's 50 and sunny, and I left a window open last night, so it is pretty cool in the house. Heading north from Puget sound Seattle- Have a great day all! I'm going to call out sick today, there is no helping it, if I called you and coughed at you, it would remind you of why you dont want tickets to sit next to other people.
  14. @Mopree Thank you for the encouragement, and I was wrong I did get off the ship twice before portugal....sort of. So more to come. I walked the dog, and then took Bubbles to St. Francis, where they agreed that our vet has gone crazy into money and gave us a list of services to use in the future for our fur babies. I am glad I did not go back last night after reading the first nasty comment. We had Japanese for lunch today,and thought better of going to the museum. We stopped and bought the fur babies crunchies and cookies, and breakfast food for tomorrow before work. BBQ for dinner, and I probably should not have gone out. When it is dark I cough more. But I am about to do something i have wanted to do all day-going to bed. Pleasant dreams friends-
  15. @ger_77Your doctors office must have had the same customer service training as our vets. @Lady Hudsonsorry to read about the leak and replacement. now back to the Greek portion of our cruise-Santorini Our goal was to get good coffee, keep DH safe, (so limited stairs and winding roads) So we stayed in the port. And this was the day, that I knew I had gotten some weird disease, I was a little dizzy all day, very dehydrated-so just a few pics The winding path up to the top of the island-it's the donkey path, and the people walking path, a lot of people fell on donkey poo. across from the port on sea level Where do these doors lead to? DH deciding to order some baklava for dessert- being told that they were out- him seeing the last piece being served to a table by the water- and me, sitting and enjoying where I was with an iced coffee-my last time off the ship until we got to Portugal
  16. Good Friday Morning Dailyites. DH and I had an argument last night about the oxygen. I told him to let me use the smaller equipment that was sent to me, not him, and yes I used it last night. He kept saying it's your COPD! I'm thinking that COPD does not cause a clogged up/runny nose, a sore throat, a headache, and general malaise. But, I could be wrong. Today we both have off, it's walk the dog, take Bubbles to St. Francis, and then go visit the Science museum (we are members) . I asked for a membership for my birthday last year, and we haven't been since. But I feel so crappy, I would rather stay home and sleep. Have you ever wished for a day., when someone else got up and made the coffee. Fed the cats. Let you sleep? I dont think that I have had a day like that for more than 8 years. So when I got an email from Firefly yesterday about the accommodations- I really smiled. from Firefly- Your Cottage: Each cottage is appointed with many of the items you would expect in a hotel, and some you might not. Kitchens and kitchenettes are outfitted with dishes and cutlery, cookware in the larger cottages, and glassware. We provide bottled water for our guests and ice upon request. We also have many items that might make your stay better: hair dryer, iron and ironing board, ice chest; we can provide for the asking. We provide the coffee and equipment for you to make an excellent pot of coffee each day, delivering coffee each day. Your cottage will be stocked with bottled water, ice, cream, accessories for coffee (sweeteners) and assorted teas. Now does that mean I get fresh ground coffee for me to make, or are they actually delivering coffee each day..
  17. It is interesting, in one day, about the day, the port, the meal the wine and the drink there have been over 2 thousand views. in one day. @Pushkawelcome to the daily. I thought @rafinmd 's geographic description sounded like the directions for OZ Or a Ray Bradbury book title. I was watching a Midsumer Murder yesterday or as I call them the Barnabies- and I heard something said that would make a fantastic quote. "In the final analysis, we are all, nothing but stardust." I'm thinking well if I'm going to be stardust, I wont have to sweep myself up. Phew. Years ago I went to a dark sky week in Cedar Key Florida, there we were out in the brush, no lights, at all in any direction, and we got to see the dust trail that the earth leaves behind while it goes around the sun. Wow. I cant find the name for it right now, but it was named after a person. Astronomers?
  18. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. temp is 36, its sunny, and I'm sick as a dog, as the phrase goes. I started coughing yesterday afternoon, and it got worse and worse until I got off work, and by 11 thirty I could not catch my breath...it sounds like whooping cough...that's not a diagnosis, that just what the cough sounds like. I coughed all night, but did get some sleep, cant say that about DH. We decided yesterday that since Bubbles is getting worse, not better, that it would be in his best interest to be euthanized. I called the vet, and they told me that unless the vet treats the animal, they will make the decision whether or not to put the cat down. This way they can make a large charge for treatment, first, and then charge us again. I lost it. Said something to the effect of changing vets office after 43 years, and hung up. DH tried to rethink the request, called them back and was told that they no longer euthanize animals there. I called St. Francis, a 24 hour veterinary hospital, and was told to bring him in as soon as I can, that no animal should suffer. I agreed, but said I was at work, but now that I know I can just show up, with the cat, I feel better. But today may not be the day, I have the neighbors dog to walk, I have on line training for my new job, so it may be this evening before I can get there. He ate this morning, and climbed back into the cat carrier, so he should be easy to move. On a better note, I got a sale yesterday. First one in two weeks. My boss jinxed me when he said I was becoming one of the highest sales people, and it went downhill from there. I hope that all of you who are low today, emotionally or health wise find a moment of sunshine.
  19. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! It's currently 38 degrees. the computer also just posted that there was a major wreck somewhere on the highways. Probably on spaghetti junction (our major cloverleaf). When I was in high school (all girls school) the juniors and seniors hosted a dance that was themed on Jungle. I went as the mascot, in a gorilla suit.l I lost 8 pounds that night. BUT I got to dance with all the gents. No slow dancing however, no one really wanted to hold a gorilla in their arms. knock knock who's there? gorilla gorilla who? gorilla my dreams.... I liked Brandy Alexanders. But I was introduced to them at a high school party where the parents were serving them to the girls. Not a smart move these days, but that was back in the early 70s and I bet they were oblivious to what a bad outcome would be serving booze to kids. I felt very grateful in hindsight about getting laid off at age 65. I joined a senior center, I went back to working part time for SD&A, and then Covid hit. And there I was getting a SS deposit every month. If i was still working full time, I basically would have just been out of a job, and money. So yes, I did pay into it, but it was a serendipitous moment for me, that the world unwound when it did. @kochleffelI was so overjoyed that da Vinci let you pet him last night! It reminds me that it will take a long time for Coal to get used to me, (that's the new stray that showed up) He has been living on the chair in the back for about 6 months now. We have a routine in the morning. I turn the carport light on, go out and put down the wet food. He leaves his chair. I go back in to get the crunchies, he comes to the carport but not in, I go back to get the Temptations, he runs under the dead car, and then the minute I come back in, he is at the food. The closest we have been in 6 months is when I walk back into the house, and he runs for the food. About 6 feet. @Cruzin TerriI hope that your tummy got better yesterday and that you are up for the cruise. Have a wonderful time! Next port is Kusadasi Turkey. What a beautiful part of the world! Our excursion was to the remains of the church of St. John, the house of the Virgin Mary, and Ephesus. Another country that had cats! The remains of the church-if it had been completed it would have been the largest church in history- I really wish that the castle behind the church would have been included in the tour- Apparently Jesus told John to take his mom(Mary) with him to Turkey and she moved up into the mountains, near a spring. I only have one picture, but it was very hilly - and my main search was for a rest room, and we were not there very long. And now on to the ruins of Ephesus. It was as amazing as I hoped it would be. I remember that several Dailyites had posted pictures prior to our cruise, and I was excited to be there. Slippery marble roads, and several people fell and needed medical attention, but DH and I remained safe. I dont often get a smile from DH, but he was so happy to be on this trip. We were always at the back of the tour, but we made it! The size of the second theatre we saw- Kusadasi was the port name,
  20. @Cruzin Terri I don't drink anymore, so i don't know, but is there a wine package you can get on the ship in the event that your tummy wont allow you to go shopping? I do understand the problem, as my meds wont let me leave the house until I have been up for at least 3 hours to make several trips to the porcelain gods. I missed a few excursions this year in Alaska, for lack of ladies rooms. Take care of yourself. Getting well today is the priority before boarding a ship. Staying well is the overall priority. Good luck!
  21. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! DH loves croissants , I love stegosauruses, I might try to draw one today, and I'm all about the escape.....Its sunny and 34 degrees-no warnings listed at all. I worked until 10 last night, took me awhile to unwind after work and coffee all day. Tonight I work until 11. They are not extra hours, they are just Georgia calling California. Our stereo (which was my dad's ) quit working last year. The CD player in the bedroom died last year. I love music, and I love falling asleep to meditational music, so I broke down last night and ordered two CD boom boxes. One for the office and one for the bedroom. DH was not happy, he wanted to order something big and huge, with turntable. I was a DJ for my college radio station, and have lots of albums from the early 70's. I miss the music! But he overthinks everything, and it will be months before anything happens. And now for the first part of the cruise- Our excursion in Mykonos was to the Island of Antiquity. There was a French archeology team working on the island-there were lots of cats (I never saw one cat in Rome) the sea was blue, the sky was blue and it was a perfect day Cleopatra's summer house
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