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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Docs office just called, he should be good to go home at 1:30, so I will leave in 45 minutes to go get him. I feed birds, and this time of year, I get to not only see the Blue Jay, but also the blue bird. My dogwood tree yesterday was full of the blue birds. I only see them when it gets COLD! I wonder where they vacation..... Bluebird Blue Jay What they are thinking-
  2. @ottahand7On our last cruise the b2b from Hades....we were ill all of the part 2, and we had lunch in the MDR one day, near the end of the cruise, and asked the hostess where our assigned table was, she informed us, but said that since we had not shown up in x amount of days, it was no longer our table. She did seat us that night. Oddly enough I made a friend on that second part of the cruise, who was assigned to our original table, and told me that she and her sisters requested another table because the man in the other group discussed his and his wife's sex lives during dinner. Glad we didn't get seated with him. In 25 days we only ate in the MDR 4 evenings.
  3. I got DH aka @catmando to the docs at 8 on the dot. They gave him his dressing gown, told him to put it on, they didnt even have him sign in. And we kissed, said see you later, and he is theirs for a procedure that will take 2-3 hours, and they will call me when I can come get him. On the way there the kids were all waiting for the school bus, and on the way back the sun was blinding me! The last time he had this done was when I noticed that his foot was turning a dark color. He hates that I "fink" him out to his doc, and has since rarely been barefoot. He was just about to be put under this morning when i mentioned to the nurses, that he has added another medication. He didnt tell me he had added it, I found out because i was dumping the trash cans and found the paper wraps for Fentanyl patches. Would he have remembered to tell them? I think not. They thanked me for the information. And so now is the waiting time . Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. @ottahand7When I got sick on the transatlantic, i was on so many meds, I was having the same dream over and over and over for days. It was in pink, involved my doc, a desert, wild leopard like cats and all happening behind pink glass in a giant tube.. Everything was pink! It is cold in the house. I hear the heat come on, I checked the thermostat, it says 68, but there are drafts in this house. It's actually warmer on the porch with the space heater. and for my friends in Florida
  4. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Dh's doc called late yesterday, they moved his arrival time to 8 am because they want us to be able to actually see if there is ice on the road. So i got to sleep until 6. However I didn't go to sleep until 2. Sinks were in drip mode, computer says it is 13. And clear. It is quite cold in the house, I feel drafts. Cold drafts. I worry about the strays, we did put out boxes with blankets, but they all want to be so independent. I love the quote. Not sure about chicken stew. When I lived in MN and still drinking, Missionary Downfall was one of my favorites. Now my favorite drink is coffee or tea, Hot or iced. Im hoping the car will start when we leave this morning. Hugs to all. Nice to see you back @grapau27.
  5. i probably missed something, but where is @grapau27these days. I missed Father David on Sunday, and realized there was no @grapau27 and @RedneckBobbantering. I just got back from walking the dog. It was snowing. Not heavy. The flakes were not even flurries, they were falling like snow, but appears to be some type of Georgia hail. My computer is very confused, the temps have dropped to 26. It says feels colder, then it flashes to temps will go up. This really is a case of when hell freezes over. It also says cloudy,, and the sun is shining. Expected to have wind chills tonight down to 0.
  6. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It is currently 32 and supposed to drop most of the day. Our weather people are getting be a bit vague when it comes to telling us the weather. They could be talking about north GA, or they could be talking about Atlanta, not sure. I hear wind chill down to maybe 0, and I worry about the stray cats. The longer Bubbles has been on the porch, the more injuries he shows. DH and I think that it is time to take him to the vets, and have him put down. But again, he eats, he uses the litter box (sometimes) and he is sleeping most of the time now. Last night when we were about to go to sleep, DH checked the back door and there were 3 raccoons on the car port. One was big enough to make a coat out of! Huge, and there was a baby that the huge one would not let near the food. But when i tapped on the window, the big one ran off, and the 2 others looked up, and i think they said, thanks. Other than the wildlife, there is not much going on here. DH has surgery tomorrow, we have to be there at 7 am. Which means for me, that I get up at 5. I am taking tomorrow off from work, and probably will take Thursday off too. Just to keep an eye on him. I know when he gets home, he will sleep the rest of the day, but on Thursday he will try to do what he wants to do, and I know (with paper work in hand) what he is not supposed to do. We have a training meeting on doing the new time clock on Thursday. We had to watch a video before the training. In the video we are told that no one is working in an office anymore, that all the reps are now working from home. I guess management knew this several weeks before we did, as my CA boss moved to Mexico over Christmas. If you know you have to work from home, I guess you should put your home where you really want to be! I appreciate and will celebrate dragons! If they never existed, then why are they in so many cultures? And it is so cold across the country, it would be nice to have a little warmth from a dragon. I like the name of the drink, you could listen to Mark Knofflers Sultans of Swing when you have one. I like hot and spicy food, but with DH's mouth problems, he no longer enjoys them. Everything he eats burns his mouth, so I dont add spicy.
  7. @ottahand7I really hope that you dont have what I had on the transatlantic back to Tampa from Rome. Add in COPD, and I really could not breathe, nor have I been well since. Get well soon, and rest. i got in trouble at work today, had a great sale, but my boss will have to call the sale back and tell him he cant get front row. I'm used to writing down what they want, not what they can get. Oh well. And it was a good sale. Too bad if I lost that one. And now it's back to work for two hours. I get off at 10 eastern time My left hip does not like sitting. This has happened before, but I wasn't sitting as much . Something that i need to remind myself every day, and sometimes fail to do- I am who I am. I can be happy, or I can be sad. I choose. I can think of myself poor, or can think myself rich. I choose. I can be in pain, but I can do as much as I can. I choose. And when bad things happen, I ask God, not why, but what is it He is teaching me today. Celebrate life, and joy. There are things that I cannot control, but I can control how I handle them. And most of all, it's OK to cry.
  8. @Quartzsite Cruiser If the drink has too many spirits in it, does that make it haunted?
  9. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! It's 46 here, mostly cloudy, so the computer says, but sunlight is coming in on the laundry room window. The cats are all sleeping on the darker side of the house. I have work this afternoon, but I did not have to walk the dog this morning! I slept almost to 9...almost. I was so excited, I could turn around, and just go back to sleep now. before I forget- @tupper10 My brother in law found out that his grand daughter who lives with his mom was using her credit cards without permission. And Mom was not really paying any attention to incoming bills. He got power of attorney to have all of her mail be sent to him, as he pays her bills. He ended up closing several credit card accounts, You may want to consider getting your mom's mail sent to you. The downside, is that I sent her a card for Halloween to let her know we would be in Italy and a cruise for a month(she forgets things) and it got forwarded to him, and then returned to sender. I am getting concerned about my forgetfulness. Sometimes I wrack my brain for a word, and I just cant find it. Then I will explain to DH what I am talking about and he will tell me the word. But yesterday when we were discussing birds here, I wanted to mention two that seem to have totally disappeared from our yard. One was a thrasher (state bird) and the other is still escaping my brain. All I can come up with is the breed of a dog, and that is not it. Wait! it just came to me, a towhee. Thanks God of brain cells. I kept thinking skipperkee i really liked today's quote. It makes me think of my friend who now has stage 4 cancer and has been in the hospital since October. We were all supposed to meet up after 30+ years on Cape Cod several years ago, but he was about to get a rain storm and didnt want to leave his house because of possible flooding. He has pumps for just such an event. He never took a honeymoon, he never traveled, because it would not be the same as his home. And for years he has complained about his home, how much he hates it, that it was too much house. I too live in fear of the unknown, but if I dont try something, then I really never know. I was afraid to go back to Europe, and boy was that stupid! I had a wonderful time in Rome. I would love to go back. The world is a scary place, which is what makes it exciting.
  10. Making Ruebens tonight. I told DH last night he was taking me out to breakfast, well at 2 I had lunch. So I bought breakfast food for later this week...starting tomorrow. @JazzyV My work schedule is a 5 hour day if I work for one campaign or a 7-8 hour day if I work both. One of the bosses has a set schedule, we work 9:30-12:30 , or 5:30-8:30, etc. the other boss lets us pick our hours we work based around boss 1. If I only work for boss 2 then I start when I want, and finish when I want. The trick is, knowing what hours I will reach most people. I am trying to sell. The new generation lives by cell phone, they will answer it no matter what they are doing. So if I call during work hours, I get "I cant talk now, I'm at work!" If they are older they have 2 phones, one home phone and their personal voice mail..ie. cell phone. If they are rich, they have at least three numbers if it is a family of two. They answer none of them. I just have to figure out when people will answer. Early morning for the seniors (cause we cant sleep late) and after dinner for the young ones. This week the company decided that we should all adhere to California laws. So after 3 hours, I have to take a break. If I work more than 5 at a stretch, then i have to either tell them i will eat lunch, or not eat lunch and email them a waiver for every day. If I do a split shift, work three hours in the morning, and two hours at night, I wont have to (hopefully) have to send in anything. We will get trained on Thursday on how to do this. DH and I think that if we have to play by California law, they should pay us the California pay. Because it's 4 dollars more than what we get paid. We also dont see our commissions as they are not posted separately in our paycheck, the show as part of our salary, because they are taxed differently and this way they can hide the commission. and bonuses. We get huge flocks of red winged blackbirds in the winter. They eat the grubs in the yards. Looks like this year, our yard is not providing any food. Even out dirt looks dead. Last week the blackbirds were in the yard across the street, and then I saw about 20 robins. I thought that was weird. Have not seen them in this area during the winter before.
  11. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! it's 30, computer says it feel colder....I'm not liking the temps for Tuesday night, 15-18 and Wednesday high will be 37. No one is mentioning snow here. Georgia power sent an email yesterday on how to battle the cold. Its a little too late to put in insulation, but they recommended open the blinds/shades when the sun is shining in, as the sun will give us warmth. The cats have proven this to be true, as when the sun shines in on the den floor, they sleep in the sunshine, and move along the floor as the sun moves across the sky . But then the sun moves on, and the temps drop again. DH is taking care of the house next door. He says there is no heat on in the house. I knocked on their door once when they were together in the kitchen, they didnt answer the door, but the man was in shorts only. The woman had her snow parka on. And this was two days before they left, and it wasnt warm outside either. Today is Home Depot day, and grocery shopping day. Yesterday I got confirmation that I can work as much as I want until the current campaign in CA is done, and then in February I will start in Hollywood Bowl. Yay! And then i went and read my emails from yesterday, and saw that I am expected to start back with Lincoln Center Fundraising when that campaign restarts. grrr. While cute, I will not for fear of my life try to dress up my pets. I would think that fly a kite day would be in the spring...
  12. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Currently 30 degrees and mostly cloudy...Yesterday the skies were so dark. And every time it rained, it got darker. AT 2:30 it looked like 6 (winter 6). But we did not get rain all day. It was like someone turned on the faucet, full blast and then turned it off two minutes later. Work today. My last 3 hours of fundraising, and then back to sales, an 8 hour day. And then I will go out to dinner. Other than breakfast and a bologna sandwich I cant see cooking in todays plans. DH and I had an interesting time with the new eye Doc. Yes, she admitted that the last surgery had been too drastic (he cant close his right eye all the way) and therefore the eye gets dried out. This is the eye he cant see through, so light does not bother him. Because the eye dries out, he gets itchy, and then the tear duct does it''s work and his eye starts dripping, So it's dry and itchy, or sore and tearing. Trying to compensate for the surgical error. Which of course can be fixed with more surgery...but this doc suggested other than surgical options. She put an adhesive patch on his eye, which he has kept on, that closes the eye. She did not tell us how long to leave it on. And there is a patch with a weight on it, that he can order, that would pull the upper lid down over the eye when he closes his eyes. OR of course they can surgically insert a weight into his eye lid. And of course, she did recommend wearing him wearing his glasses all the time. The same thing I nag him about, the same thing that the doctors told him years ago when he fell and lost his vision in his eye. The job has decided to add on a rather complicated time clock to our shifts. Turns out there are no more offices in which people work. We all work from home, or wherever we end up each day. But it involves emails, which means that I have to set up the computer for work, run into the den to my computer, send the email, and then run back to the computer so that I can start work when I tell them I would. They are afraid they are overpaying us. Mandatory breaks after 3 hours. Now that I am done to one job I will have to rethink my schedule. Work 3 hours as one shift, and then go back after a couple of hours and work 2.
  13. @VMax1700Food porn looks good in any direction, especially when it's coming towards me. I did kiss my gingers today, Bobagingee and Furnando. Furnando and Bobagingee
  14. this time it's not so much the rain that the weather people are scared of, it's the winds. With all the ground being so soggy, with a strong wind, the trees fall over easily.
  15. it's 11:10 am and the rain just started. currently trying to motivate DH to get a move on so that we can get lunch before his eye appt. it's like herding cats.
  16. My mother was a very cynical person. She said that Catholics ate fish on Fridays because the fishermen hadn't been doing well in sales, and they approached the pope (at the time) explained their situation and the pope decreed that to help the fishermen, everyone should eat fish on Fridays. Hog wash she said. Turns out her grandfather had been a priest who left the church, and had told her all sorts of stories. I was not raised Catholic, nor was she, but we always had fish on Fridays. Well tuna casserole. That was the only fish she would cook. BUT, I think that Rich is in with the Butternut Squash growers, have we had 52 butternut squash recipes yet? One for each week of the year?
  17. I guess we will have to run the taps on Tuesday, and figure out how to keep Bubbles warmer on the porch. And run the neighbors next door taps. Set up shelters for the strays, they actually are already set up, but no one uses them. There is a homeless woman who lives on Memorial Drive, our major road, She is always having a conversation with someone who is not there. Someone she cares deeply about. She is not the ones that talk to themselves, or yell at everyone in case someone should hear, she really is talking to someone. I worry about her when the weather is bad, but since she is always clean, with clean hair, over the years we suspect someone takes her home once in a while. I got an email from our neighborhood news about the shelters being open for the homeless over the next 5 days, with a phone number to call. I really don't see a lot of homeless people with phones. DH is having angioplasty surgery on the 17th. The high that day is projected to be 34. Now I know to my friends up north this is just sweater weather, but down here, that is COLD! I need to remind DH to add some antifreeze to the car.
  18. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says temps to drop. I am going to show you what they will drop to eventually, this if for Tuesday the 16th- Tuesday A chance of rain and snow showers before 7am. Partly sunny, with a high near 36. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Tuesday Night Partly cloudy, with a low around 14. Yippee!
  19. The flood is from the drain of the washing machine, apparently having cats and washing everything covered in cat fur has clogged the drain. We will fix the problem. with liquid plumber. we are not going to shave the cats. @Cruzin TerriMy heart goes out to you at this time, well most of the time actually, seems you cant get a string of good luck or health recently. And I know from experience that sometimes we are so close to the person, that we ignore the signals Like my Dad. Like my friend with his wife. We realized how bad she was doing when she started telling us about the manatees in her pond, but her husband wasnt seeing it, at all. Now he does. And he has her daughters come in and stay with her when he has to travel for business. BUT as everyone has said here, you have to take care of you too. Mostly you, or otherwise how can you care for him. And get him involved in something! Something he likes to do, to just give you a couple hours several times a week just for you. @rafinmdI hope you get a good nights sleep! Busy day tomorrow. Stay out of bad weather please. I thought it was funny earlier this week that my neighbor told me she was staying home, that she didnt see well enough to drive in bad weather, but that night with the howling wind, I was walking the dog, as she went off to play pool. It is supposed to get bad here tomorrow, she will go to work early and come home early and hunker down. I will be walking the dog, and be out and about with DH and his eye appointment at the time the storms seem to be here.
  20. I think I mentioned that the mud room aka laundry room had flooded. DH has spent the better part of an hour, mopping and cleaning up, because the cat barfed on the comforter last night, which is a huge fuzzy thing, (not the cat) and it needs to be washed. And we are not sure if the room flooded from the washing machine or the rain, which got into parts of the walled garden by the house. First time in 20 years that that has happened. All of my ducks are in a row for the October non cruise vacation, three cabins all in a row. I have to put down 50 % of the cost. I just need to know what the cost is. That should be sent to me soon. Yay!
  21. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! it's sunny, and the computer says it's 31 degrees. Today consists of three shifts in one campaign, and I will only work two hours out of each shift. This way I can get a break from people screaming at me when I call. Sometimes being the most hated person in the world just gets me down. A smoking telemarketer. Yup most hated person in the world. I dont like arugala either. It is true, I'm in a funk that I cant seem to shake. Sometimes the stress of having to be the inspirator takes a toll on me. @StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to Ren! I didn't know that FedEx had regular business hours. Why load a truck if you cant deliver the packages in the alloted time? Our mail person is back to delivery at night. And I noticed that when we dropped off some mail the other day, that the front of the post office was open again, and that there were actually people working in the building! Maybe addressing the problem may be solving the problem.
  22. DH and I worked this afternoon, and because the weather is supposed to get bad again, I suggested that we have dinner out tonight. When we got home DH noticed that the boot room aka laundry room had flooded. I told him I noticed that the water from 5 inches of rain and the wind, had actually watered the front wall garden up to a foot from the house, usually it will only get wet before it gets to the eves. So if it wasnt all the rain water coming into the house, we really do need that washer and dryer. Guess we will see with the next round of wetness. @StLouisCruisersI dont think we will get off as easy as we did yesterday. Be prepared! Georgians, Floridians, and North and South Carolinians. I've got bologna and tuna. We're good, but we will need firewood. I think that Bubbles, while he still looks like heck, is feeling better, as he is indicating he wants off the porch. Not going to happen for a couple more days. He has gone blind in his right eye, turns out he was bit there too. But he looks at least 75 percent better than 4 days ago. Smells better too. He is not just walking infection. When I went to walk the dog this morning, I looked out on the car port, and a cute little stray was munching away. And then from our neighbors yard, I noticed the fox, in broad daylight come streaking down the hill, and down the driveway. I waited a few minutes, and then walked the dog. Dog and fox dont play well together. I have been told from Donna's early morning walks. @HAL SailerYou are often in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that perhaps you can get some help come in and make some free time for you. I know that almost sounds guilty, but you need to be your best, and as my husbands docs have told me, when he needs me. My guilty pleasure is watching Midsumer Murders, two hours of being entertained helps me immensely.I dont get nails done, or pedicures or haircuts very often (maybe once every three years) I dont go shopping, or have lunch with friends, but I do have John Nettles to take away the duldrums. A picture for a moment of peace-
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