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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @ger_77 Beer?🙀 @Denise THope you feel better soon. I am finding out the hard way that with my new diabetes meds, if I eat just one thing that I shouldn't, my tummy goes the Hades in a handbasket... It is currently cloudy, 63 degrees and quite windy. Bacon is in the oven, and now I can start my real day. Back to season 7 of Midsomer Murders. I did just read that Michael Gambon passed away. He was quite the character in real life, but he did make a wonderful Professor Dumbledore.
  2. I'm back from my adventure at PT. My stomach is grumbling, but do I make breakfast or lunch? DH is still sleeping....I wish my body would sleep late. Guess I will make breakfast.
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Very early PT this morning, up at 6...PT is at 8. Why did I do this? I need the sleep. @rafinmdBon Voyage! Safe travels! @StLouisCruisersIt's nice to have you back to GA! Your weather reports were confusing to me, and then I realized that you were in TX. Some mornings I'm slower than usual. The weather while you were gone was cooler, and clearer, and I guess Autumn really did arrive as the air went off, and the windows opened. This really is too early for me, but at least I might end up on the first page! LOL. @grapau27Thank you for the food porn. I dont get to eat until I get home after PT. @Quartzsite Cruiserbest wishes for a great outcome today! Hugs! I love all of you! Hug yourself from me today!
  4. @Quartzsite Cruiser Wishing you the best outcome ever! for your DH. And you. Hugs!
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! While I read the posts in the morning yesterday, I didnt post. My post simply would have read-I'm still alive. DH took a day off from work to meet with the tree removal people, and one of the driveway repair people, and then this morning starting at 8 his phone was ringing and we had another person give us a quote for the repair. The tree guy wants 400 to cut and cart the tree away. that's a decent price. The first driveway quote was an est. for 2200.00, the guy who came this morning said 4K. And with all money right now tied up in the trip, well, tree may go, but driveway will need to wait, unless they will finance. I worked 8 hours on Monday, until 11 pm, and 7.5 hours yesterday until 10:30 pm, and today I start at 10 am. I'm beat. DH said yesterday he had no energy, and I am at that point today. I was trying to only work for 4 days this week, and enjoy some time off to do things like vacuum, and dust, and get the house ready for our departure, but now I'm back to working 6 days this week, but only for a little while on Friday and Saturday. My PT this week is only one day, because I hadn't scheduled far enough in advance, there were no spots, and they are down one therapist. I did make meatloaf yesterday, and that was great for dinner, and today is left overs with a sweet potato. I would eat veggie lasagna, but I no longer make lasagna. DH does not enjoy left overs the way I do, and making a casserole dinner of any type has to be made for one meal only.
  6. Ee gads I just lost my post... so a redo.. My ex inlaws were deaf. I quickly learned how to spell, and they appreciated my spelling more than sign words because apparently there are accents, in sign language. They both came from large of families, they were both the youngest of 13 kids , the eldest in each family were deaf, from scarlet fever, and the youngest were born deaf. My ex inlaws were wonderful people, their son, not so much, and by the time we divorced, even they didn't like him anymore. I do like the quote today, but my favorite is the one that @0106posted. The other is one that I wrote in my very first song in 1969, Yesterday never promised tomorrow. I dont eat tofu, it's made from soy, and that is one of my food allergies. DH likes it though.
  7. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! We worked on the tree yesterday, for two hours, I cut, DH bagged. We are out of bags. And we ran out of energy. I took a shower and noticed my left arm looked sunburned. But how can that be? I wore long sleeves. It's a reaction to the pneumonia jab I got on Friday. On the agenda today, grocery shopping, the cats are out of food. I work from 1 to 11, but at the rate we are moving today it might be 2-11 (with breaks).
  8. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Went to bed at midnight, woke up this morning, and thought, well, if it's before 8 I'll try to sleep until 8. It was 7:20, so I went back to sleep and woke up at 9:30! How nice, and I could very well go back to sleep. However, the F1 raced in the middle of the night, so I have to watch that now, make breakfast and then go work on the tree. Donate more blood to the mosquitos out there. It is 67 degrees, and I expect that since the sky is blue and cloudless it will remain sunny. I talked DH into taking me out for BBQ tonight, and we can do the shopping tomorrow morning. This way I can spend more time cutting clipping and being smothered in muscadine. I have some leftover spinach souffle (stouffers) and i am going to blend it into the scrambled eggs this morning. Will let you know how that turns out.
  9. I had an interesting day today. Saturdays for the CA campaign, is bonus day. The top 5 sales get a 20 dollar bonus. Today however I guess due to the lack of managers, and a very sick boss (covid) who ever got the largest sale, would get all 100 dollars. There were only 3 sales today. All the sales were the same, least expensive seats for 2 people for all 5 productions. Except that when I was doing my sale I asked the woman if she wanted to round up the total with a 2.00 donation to make it 400 even. She said that's not much, and I told her well, every penny counts and the theatre truly appreciates what they can get after the last 3 years. My sale won the 100 dollar bonus, because of that 2.00. 😁 I even took a 10 minute break and hacked out a lot of the pine that's stuck against the windows in the back room. I can see a bit of light when I look out the window. Tomorrow is F1 racing and a lot of hacking. The tree, not my cough. The tree also got tangled in my 60 year old muscadine vine, and every time I cut, grapes come raining down on me. After we got off from work, we went up to Party City and I bought my ducks. Yes the cruise is Carnival, and while ducks are not required I think they are fun to place, and to find other people's ducks. We bought blue ducks- turns out the duck is inside a shark and the shark has taken the shape of the duck. and a bag of vampire, skeleton and pumpkin ducks. The second part of the trip does take place over Halloween. @RMLincoln You are moving to my old home state! How I miss the food! Deli's in the south leave a lot to be desired! @durangoscotsYou keep inspiring me to get moving and start unloading all my STUFF! However the inspiration has only been received by the brain, the arms and feet have not caught on yet. @erewhonnice to see you posting again. Hugs to all of you!
  10. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites, and Happy first day of Autumn. I wont say fall, it happens too much around here. It is cool, has a breeze, feels like autumn. My favorite season, the colors of the trees, the last of the flowers, the sun gives off warmth if you can find a sheltered area to hang out in. This season is beautiful in Georgia. Start at the top of the state, and work your way south to Florida, and you can make the beauty of autumn last the whole month of October. I do need to get a few things done today, and I figure if I go out and clip one branch of that darn tree every hour, while I work, I should be done by next April. But the push is on to work solid for the next two weeks, so that while I am gone on the Rome to Home trip, a decent pay check will arrive. And so now, off I go....I still have a few loose ends to tie up regarding the trip, and I was supposed to get together with a friend I made on the HAL cruise in May, but need to put off for one week. Too much stuff to do here.
  11. Thank you @bennybear and @kazu. I like all of my ducks in a row, and have everything planned out, so that what happens after that is just an unexpected event. It can be good, or it can be bad, but it is an adventure, and I need to learn to accept them. So, back the rest of my days adventure. I had my physical. Do you remember when you had a physical, a doctor would touch you, now it's all questions, I could have stayed home, and done my own breast exam. Answered the questions, do I eat fruit, do I eat veggies. but my blood pressure is very high (probably because i was there) but another drug got added today. I got a flu shot in the right arm, and a senior pneumonia shot in the left arm, both arms hurt, and dont ask me to move them above my head, I couldnt even reach for a coffee cup. And the right arm is now totally tingling. I forgot to mention that i take vitamins. They are my new candy replacement, one C, two D3 and two B12. Just need to add the Metamucil, and who will need chocolate? hmmmm... Another piece of the driveway is heading down about to drop in the hole. Since my neighbor comes home late and swerves up our side of the drive, I put some cut small trees in the hole. Donna texted me today to tell me I had a tree in the driveway. I told her i put it there to protect what is left. Chuck called a few companies and two are coming out to give us estimates for repair. I do know that enough dirt has washed away underneath the drive that there is a 3 foot plus space between where the hole is, and where the wash out started. My neighbor who had the tree land on the fence and house stopped me today while I was placing shrubbery in the hole and said she made me some soup, that she would bring over tomorrow. She makes good soup, but I wish she would bring over an ax. Oh well, she is elderly too. You do what you can. And then to top off the day, my insurance agent called and wondered why she had to find out the hard way that I had made a claim, and not through them. Because you dont work on SAturdays, and the instant "we will send you to an agent on call" was just too fast. And then I asked her about the drive way, she will see what she can do. All in all, it was a very productive day dealing with pain, the arms and the wallet.
  12. Ok., I totally messed up and waited too long to get RomeCabs from the airport to the hotel. The hotel has not responded to my request for pick up, guess I will send that again. What are my other options? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and I need to order a limo for trip to the Atlanta Airport. And then, I'm done!
  13. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I think I am a Hobbit, I enjoy second breakfast when I can. I like elephants . I also try to support businesses run or owned by Women. I have a tale about miniature golf that I dd not have time to post yesterday. It is a tale of serendipity. Once upon a time, when I was very young, my parents used to take us to Cape Cod every summer, and we would spend time with my parents best friends and their children. They had 4 sons, and I had the biggest crush on the brother that was my brothers age. HIs name was Andy. Every summer it was Ann and Andy making sand castles, swimming, chasing each other around on the beach, Our parents called us Raggedy Ann and Andy. One summer we played mini golf and Andy told me that if I hit the golf ball really hard, and got a hole in one on the last hole I will win a free game. I did hit it as hard as i could, and it hit the wall, bounced out and hit the manager of the course in the head, and knocked him out.. I have never claimed to be a good athlete, and I was 11 years old. And years go by. We are no longer going to the Cape, we are spending the summers with the grandparents, and then summer school and we got older, and we changed. Andy came to see me one time in high school. He had just started college, and I was in 10th grade, and we had absolutely nothing in common. Not a well spent weekend. Many more years go by. I was dating my soon to be 2nd husband (worlds shortage marriage). My parents had just moved to their new home in Florida and had not unpacked, and my Dad had been rushed to the hospital. Mom could not find any phone numbers for her friends, and she didn't drive. The ex and I were having dinner in Atlanta and I told him my tale about me and the mini golf, (he worked at a golf course) and he finished the end of the story for me. How did you know that ?? I asked. He said his boss had told him that story the day before. But I don't know your boss, my friend was called Andy. He said, my boss's name is Steven Andrew. Oh my, Andy was a person I had seen every day for two years, and neither of us knew each other. I drove to his office the next day, and asked him if he could call his mom for me, that my mother was in need of some help. My mom called me later that day, and asked how did I do that. Andy's parents arrived at her doorstep and drove her to the hospital. Serendipity? or the power of angels. Hugs to all today. I love the quote.
  14. I'll be honest. I didnt get half the things i had to do today done. We were so late after DH's infusion, I have decided not to work at all on infusion days. No gravel, no clipping nothing but appointments and work. I did get a jackie lawson card out to my bff, I did order his birthday gifts (t shirts from places he loves) but after watching the driver interview after work I'm done. I noticed a couple of days ago, when i was trying to catch up on the previous day, at the end it says that you cannot post, it is closed. Well, it is the daily, so I guess at the end of one day, it should end? But you should be able to look at it. @HAL SailerI am sorry to read about your hubby. I dont know how anybody can not bring up the bad things that they are going through. But with me, you all are my besties, and I do share the bad parts of my day. My two girl friends here are either one-busy with their grandchildren and planning camping trips, and the other is busy trying to get away from her husband. She doesnt want to divorce him, just wants to be away from him. When covid first appeared, we stayed home, spent no money, didnt work and we walked in the park. My stress level until I fell and broke my elbow was so low. Now we are working again, we never have any time to do anything, and we eat out way too much because we don't have time to cook. The social security has not kept up with my needs, the cost of everything has gone up, especially the utilities, and I need to cruise. It is an endless cycle. Well tomorrow is the doc for me, my annual physical...HAHAHAHAHAHA, and then lunch out because the only thing in the fridge is bottled water. Then we both work late, I have soup..... I think the can says it expires this month...... Sweet dreams!
  15. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Running out this morning for PT, taking DH with me, and then heading down to his infusion. Then get lunch pick up some gravel and try to fill the hole in the drive way, then back to cut more of the tree and then to work. I worked on the tree yesterday, trying now to cut what I can, then saw what i can and then get some one with a chainsaw. I supported the american mosquito yesterday by making several donations while in the back yard. I never got the eye exam at the docs the other day, they were so overbooked, that after waiting an hour I got in line to make another appointment and cancel the one I had, but being next in line, they called my name, I told the person I was about to leave, explained that time is money, but that since they were actually going to see me to just check the eye that the pine needle had attacked, all is good, and I got another appointment on the 30th of November.. Assistant said the new office, had too many doctors and not enough staff. Busy day, I hope you all have a great day.
  16. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says the temp is 60. Insurance company says I have to clean up the tree before they come out and inspect the roof. So between shifts I will be clipping. They won't be here until 10/2. I know that a person with a mighty chainsaw will have to get in after we clip away, but one day at a time. The amount the insurance will pay for tree toting is less than the deductible, so i'm thinking that if the roof is not busted, and the windows are not damaged, we might just have to handle it ourselves. The driveway is still collapsing. The chunk that was dangling over the hole has finally gone through. I need to do a short fix with gravel until we have the money for a new driveway. I like pepperoni pizza, but I am more partial to a veggie pizza. The new garlic bread crust from Domino's is very good! I'm always ready for everything. If i don't like whatever it is, I take a nap or walk away, but I was ready to do something. Looking forward to the recipes. @rafinmdI'm glad that you decided to take the cruises. They feed you, they make the bed and if you don't want to get up, they have room service! all you need to do is get some good fresh ocean air, and relax. @mamaofamiI'm so glad it's home for Sam! I hope he has a speedy recovery.
  17. I turned out to be Captain George Holystone, and DH is Squidlips Cackle Jones. I can just hear the romance in that. He can call me Captain, and Chuck is Squidlips. It is almost midnight, one more minute-Welcome @AroundWithMAPTravels! These are the nicest people in the world here. I wanted info about Holland because my friend was taking me on a Holland cruise. I read for several days, and then one day there was a port that I had been to, that I could talk about. It isn't just the ports, it's the humor, the family and friends. We start out as distant cousins, and we ended up being sisters and brothers. So welcome! Enjoyed the symphony tonight. We changed our seats from last year. Turns out an elderly gentleman's doctor told him if he can't see, to move closer, so his seats in the back with the better sound became our seats, and he got our old seats, 5 rows from the stage. Attached to back of the seats was a small thank you gift, and when we left, we got a little bag of candy. Kind of like Halloween, DH wanted to exchange a fruit strip for the Caramel. No problem! The second half of the concert was A New World Symphony. I have heard it many times live when I was working for the ASO, but this rendition was fantastic! Dh says that they beat that theme to death, but to see it played in one part with just the first violinist and the first chair cello was so personal and intense. Our next concert will be in a church at the Emory Campus, they want the organ, for Saint Saens Symphony # 3 -the Organ symphony(probably got the composer's spelling wrong. ) @mamaofamiI am so happy to read that Sam had a successful surgery, and that there is the chance he may be coming home soon!
  18. I took modern dance, and I still dance like no one is watching, but feel side effects later. I love butterscotch pudding, and to talk like a pirate What kind of Vehicle is a pirates favorite? An RV What is a pirates favorite sock? arrrR gyle.
  19. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It is 57 degrees and I am loving it, so nice to sleep with the windows open and fresh air. The insurance people called me yesterday and said someone would call to schedule an appointment to come out, and then off we went to the PT and then the eye doctor. No one called. PT was short, as my torturer had to work with someone else, who was in worse shape than me. Doesnt mean Im not in pain today. Just felt kind of slighted as she cut me by 15 minutes. And then told me I would not see her again until October 9th. I will see Ashley, and Im ok with that. DH told the doc, all 3 docs, that came in to check on his eyes, that they were still very painful, dry, and blurry. The surgeon and main doc told him, well of course he is, he had a lot done, and she told him that it would take up to 4 months to really recover. They recommended using an eye gel at night, and using drops 4 times a day. And she wanted him to come back mid October. We explained that we wont be there on that day, and she got very upset, as she is moving to Utah, and then got us squeezed in for an early appointment on the 9th. What is it about the 9th?, now I have to change my PT appointment. And when I say squeeze us in, we have to be there at 8 am. I see a donut in my future. Today is my eye appointment. And then work, and then symphony. My last call of the day was to a woman who wanted a call back, so I worked more hours than I wanted, and in the middle of the sale her husband asked her to verify who I was and if I really worked for that business, I explained who I worked for, how long I had worked there, what the company does, and she said she would call and check before she made the purchase, and she is my last call back for the day. If she answers great, and if not, then well, I wasted two hours of my life. Not, I got paid.... @grapau27I want to talk to you about that sandwich. It looks like a defeathered bird on a bun. The beak is on the left side of the sandwich. It was not food porn. Please explain bacon in England. Thank you.
  20. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! This is one of those weeks that has a doctors appointment every day except Wednesday. Tuesday we start back up the the Dekalb Symphony Orchestra, opening night! I know it's not the same caliber of the Atlanta Symphony, but it is close to home, it is good, and I don't have to pay for parking. And it supports my community. We did change seats, because DH wanted to sit further back, I want an aisle so we are almost on the last row. I always wanted to go to Bimini, when I was younger and wanted to do some big fish,fishing. Hemingway would often sail to Bimini, I was inspired. I met someone when DH was having his eye surgery, who said that tourism en mass had ruined the island. What was pristine, is now trashed. But the urge to go is still there, the urge to fish the fish has changed to eat the fish. @dobiemomI was calling the LA area last week, and a woman asked me to call back, she was going to Vegas. Now I'm wondering if she is one of your friends. I hope you all had a good time! The temperatures are cool enough now that the windows are open, and sleep is so much better. After PT this morning, we are stopping at McDonalds for cheeseburgers! before we head to Chuck's follow up visit to the eye doctor.
  21. @sailingdutchy I am sorry your driver didnt win today. But happy that one of mine did. What a great race, during the last 20 laps. @JazzyV and my other friends who asked, I have an eye appointment on Tuesday. The vison is not as blurry as it was on Friday and Saturday. The pain left last night. I have called my insurance company regarding the tree, someone will call in the next two days. While we had some sun today, the claim person suggested that I wait until someone comes out to look before I attempt any more clipping adventures. I told DH I would take him out for an ice cream tonight, we had shrimp massaman curry for dinner, with snow peas, and now the fridge except for condiments is completely empty.
  22. DH wants to use the computer, so I will be brief Good Sunday afternoon Dailyites! My Karma is totally out of whack. I must have done something really bad, and not known. First the limb landed on the house, but when we went to investigate, it turned out it was the whole top of the tree. A rather large pine, that took out some of my flowering trees, and the whole mass is on the roof and creating a wall at the end of the property. However while we walked down the drive (remember we live on a hill) to take a picture from our neighbors yard, just to verify it was her tree, we noticed that our paved driveway had a hole and a crack, the rains have been washing out the dirt under the drive way, and there is currently a growing 6 in at least deep hole/ravine growing underneath the pavement. And of course last night, it poured for hours. I need to use the neighbors drive to get up and down the drive (we have a split drive. Then I noticed that my bank account was totally out of whack. On 8/4 I wrote checks and mailed the bills. Three weeks later, they all showed deposited but one. I called that corporation and she took the check number and ran it through. I asked her what will happen if the other check shows up. Well you paid for August, so no problem. Well that same check # showed up on the 11th of September, and they ran that through, ( i did lose it with the person on the phone)and my bank didn't catch that booboo, so I'm short on funds, and cleaned out most of the savings account, to cover the mortgage. This is what people mean, by living paycheck to paycheck. It stinks, but I do have a cruise coming up.🤗 So tree, drive way, and bank account, all seem to be in major need of repair.....and then we had dinner out last night, and I have been ill since then. Well, my time is up for computer use. Hugs to all, sorry I whined. To the cruisers, enjoy! To the wounded and ill, I hope you feel better. To those in the North East, stay safe. http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/352480-I-Love-My-Friends-Sending-Squishy-Hugs.jpg
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