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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it's 77 and sunny. It's sunny, but feels warmer than 77. And temps are to be climbing all week. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad that you are feeling better today. I think that with all the go go go o a cruise, its nice to hit the stop button sometimes. And sleep. Which is what I did this morning, Got up at 9:15. Unheard of! Even the cats did not mess with me this morning. @grapau27Thank you again for the youtube, I'm sorry that your team did not win, but I heard before the game, that it would be a first time for either team, and to me that makes it exciting, no matter what the outcome. @Seasick SailorOliver is a scamp, but he is very cute. @Quartzsite CruiserLoved your cartoons this morning, especially the cat one about walking 500 feet... I too loved Cousin Bruce Morrow. @Nickelpenny I dont know what your decision ended up being about going to CA, but I hope unless it was to save the life of someone, you end up staying home until the storm is done. I love bumble bees, and honey bees, and I even love the wood boring bees. When I worked at the garden center, they would follow me around. They don't sting, and I could hold a finger up and they would come to it and it was so neat to hear their wings . I am unfortunately a breeder of mosquitos. We have not had the pumps running in our ponds for the last two years. Trying to find pumps these days has been hard, but, I used to work for a pond and fountain company, and ran into the owners at our favorite BBQ restaurant, they are still in business, but have moved, so i just need to get over to their new location. They were horrible people to work for, but they had good products! And I do mean horrible. The recipe for the shrimp looks an sounds fantastic! @0106Even got DH's attention. However we are having shrimp curry tonight, and will pick up the ingredients next week to make the creamy shrimp dish. We did our grocery shopping last night, which should cover us for the week. Im taking Wednesday off, DH is having the eye surgery, and he may need me to help him get around that day. I was thinking earlier of taking Friday off and spending it with Penny, but DH comes first, and Penny is sick with a bad sore throat. I dont need that.... I love the quote! Sometimes I question in my life how I got to where I am, but the answer is by the Grace of God. When things look bad, I try to figure out what lesson I am being taught. DH is making me an omelet this morning. Yum. Ham and swiss with onion. Cant wait, til he is inspired to get moving! LOL.
  2. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I slept late, made cinnamon bread french toast, sat down to read the Daily and now I am about to face the day. I need to buy bird seed. But think I will wait until tonight after work. I start work in a couple of hours. I have been worrying about my Daily friends out in the southwest-as of right now, please take the warnings seriously! No unnecessary travel! Get what you need done, done now. And I am done nagging. @smitty34877I had no idea about the tornadoes, I will call my BFF in RI today and see how he is faring, and to check on how his brother is, with their house in Chatham MA. We don't get "yankee " news on the local channels, but my heart still lives up north, no matter how long the body has been frying in the south. I love potatoes, (cheesy au gratin are my favorites, and O'Brien) I dont love MM quotes. Sorry, I think she had a great manager who didn't like her enough to help her, just helped themselves. Sorry if that offends anyone. I am loving all the pictures of flowers! How beautiful your gardens are.!
  3. For @RedneckBob, yesterday I saw a woman wearing a Halloween T shirt, way too early for that. That and the drink of today-Yesterday was the start of the Pumpkin Spice season.....yuck.
  4. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! PT at ten this morning. Back to working with Sidney. I worked an 8 hour day yesterday. And I have a 2.5 hour work day today. And walk the dog. Even though the dog's owner will be home at noon, she still wants me to walk the dog. So its run home after the PT and walk the dog, and then make lunch, and then go to work. I really thought a part time job, would be stress free.....???? I have not been to St. Thomas, it is on my bucket list so that I can go to the Pissaro gallery. I see that the southwest is about to get a hurricane. Please stay safe. Today is the last "nice" cool day (90 degrees) and then next week we climb back up to 98. If DH wasnt having eye surgery on Wednesday I would plan a night at a hotel with a pool, just to get away! @kazuIvan just looks so cuddly, and the flower pictures are gorgeous. @smitty34877Try milkshakes. DH's favorite were strawberry. They are filling, and easy to eat. So far DH hasnt had the loss of appetite with the infusions, but he has only had one. Next one is on the 31st. He will have at least 3 more before we cruise, and then one the day after we get back from our trip. I know he is looking forward to eating his fill of pasta. I hope the urge to eat pasta overrides the urge not to eat.
  5. @kochleffelThank you for verifying what I thought it was. and yes, im over 60. @kazuI too did the pneumonia and third covd vaccine together. It was the second vaccine all by itself that I had the worse time with. @1ANGELCATlove those fountains at your botanical gardens
  6. OK, I'm dumb @rafinmd what is RSV? Is it the new respiratory illness the googly news has been warning about?
  7. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday we took Bobagingee aka Bob to the vets. He weighed in at 14.9 pounds! Vet says he needs to go on a diet. He might get diabetes from being over weight. Well then I rushed over to PT and during a down time, I checked my blood sugar, and it was very high. Ashley said it was so high (anything over 250, and she stops therapy) and gave me one more exercise to do, checked it again, and she sent me home 10 minutes early. @dfishI hope you can get that head ache under control! @Denise T like you, my blood sugars have been very high since I had Covid. My endocrinologist has been out on maternity leave, but I meet with her next Friday. Hoping Sidney doesnt send me home early tomorrow, but they do work as a team. I have not been to Curacao, but will be there next October. DH says we can cruise, as long as it is not to places we have been. So the next four cruises are all places we have not been to. Yesterday I was trying to figure out a day walk in Rome with two museums and Piazza Navona, so far on my map, I am trying to figure out that while the tour is finished I need to figure out how to get back to the hotel. LOL I love the quote today! I'm not in charge, so everything, is a gift! or a miracle. I have no problem visiting ports a second time, or third or etc, because each time I go someplace, I see something new, try something new, my plant dies, but one flower blooms, the earth speeds around the sun, and doesn't fling itself out of orbit and send us to another galaxy... @smitty34877I am sending you and Lou a ton of prayers. DH is having a hard time right now, and I know from the past that attitude is everything. This week we have not had any adventures, his eye surgery is next week, and the infection is still not cleared up. I invited myself over to Penny's on Friday afternoon for a dip in the pool. Just to get a new view of our world. Just a suggestion, if he is feeling up to a short trip, take a ride in the car, in an area you dont visit often, or if it's cool enough, stop at a park and sit and watch nature. Hugs. Tazi, has researched Black Cat day, she says she qualifies- This picture has nothing to do with today, it's just a place I want to be again.
  8. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Bobbagingee is off for his vet visit this morning. He will not be happy. Well, none of them are ever happy going for a check up. So we are up early this morning. Then I have PT and then walk the neighbors dog. I have a late shift today, so it will be Ruebens for Lunch! Yay! (I make really good Rueben Sandwiches.) It is supposed to be cooler today, I hope. We didn't get a storm to really knock out the heat, but it is supposed to be in the upper 80's.
  9. I have noticed, that I havent seen @lindalerrecently. I checked and she hasnt posted other than roll call since June. How did I miss that, I love hearing about her Mobile adventures...have I been living in a cave?
  10. Work is done, I made shrimp Massaman curry for dinner, and I am having dinner reading the daily. My own dinner party. DH is still working. I roasted carrots and broccoli and threw that into the curry. Very yummy and almost nutritious. However, apparently never feed your cat curry. No matter what they say.
  11. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I admit, I slept until 8, but i went to bed at midnight, was up at 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. I had a very salty lunch yesterday, and I drank water all afternoon and evening. Wont do that again. (eat a very salty lunch). Yesterday was a very long day, and for some reason DH was pretty much confused all day. When he went in for the PET scan, he wanted me to go with him, and the attending nurse said not at that time, but she would come back for me. This was the second time in two weeks, that he has wanted me there with him. When I got into the room where he had to wait for an hour after the dye was injected, he said he was cold (he is always cold) and I went and hunted down the nurse for a blanket. She said she had offered him a blanket 3 times, and he kept saying he was fine. He hates eating sandwiches, and he ordered one for lunch...which of course he disassembled, and ate piece by piece. He said it was good, but also said he had no idea why he ordered a large Italian sub. At work, he couldnt think through making a sale. He forgot that he can sell a two opera series if the person said 3 was too much. I on the other hand had to work until 10:30, and this morning when i looked in the mirror the rims of my eyes are bright red, I look like a vampire.....I wish I had a day of relaxation, but at least I wont be working past 6:30. Yay. Pilgrims. My dad researched his heritage on his mothers side, and yes, the family Strong came over on the Mayflower. I remember looking at the names of the children, one of the older girls was named Darkness. He told me that since most children didnt live very long, their names were sad. No Daisy or Sunflower in the bunch. I was in charge of cleaning out his apartment, and every weekend for a month i drove down to florida and get rid of, pack up, or threw out, but I never saw that book he had written. My brother who was living in Japan at the time, was in charge of the finances on the apartment in the retirement community, and the weekend of a hurricane when I was down there, he stopped the payments, and I couldn't go back in and finish cleaning out. When I read about all of you getting rid of STUFF, giving it to family or just getting rid of it, so someone else can use it, I cheer you on ! DH and I dont have kids, and I decided years ago, that my BFF, Dan would get the house if we passed. I guess I need to do a will and pronto! And I need to start getting rid of stuff... do I keep the cat stuff or the bird stuff, or the ocean stuff... or two rooms filled with books???
  12. very long day, made a couple of errors at work, but my boss fixed them, so for me bed. the tests that DH had this morning were to show the extent of the cancer. Glad that baby Murphy got real hugs!
  13. @dfish remember this morning when i said that it might be a new volcano? Just saw this hidden in the googly news At a time when American travel to Europe is at an all-time high, it has also been a summer heavy on volcanic activity. On July 10, "the earth's newest baby volcano" was created when a part of Icelandic mountain range Fagradalsfjal cracked open and started sending small jets of molten lava into the air. While the area around the park was initially closed off for safety reasons, tourists were still clamoring to see the red crater and Iceland's board.. and this from today A cloud of volcanic ash spewing from Europe’s most active volcano has prompted the closure of one of Sicily’s largest airports, leading to flights being delayed, canceled and diverted. Sicily’s Catania international airport, known as Catania–Fontanarossa Airport, is to remain closed until 8 p.m. local time on Monday following the eruption of nearby Mount Etna, the airport press office said in a statement. “All arrivals and departures are therefore prohibited,” the statement said, adding that “passengers are kindly requested to present themselves at the airport only after consulting their airline.”
  14. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Currently letting DH sleep, as he has a CT and PET scan this morning, and cant eat or drink beforehand. Leaving in about an hour. @dfishThat is odd, and as in your picture the yellow is rising to the left like some colored smoke, perhaps a new volcano is being born, or a boat was on fire. It does look like smoke. I need to send in my intended hours for this week, take a shower, and get going!
  15. We did the shopping today, watched a weird movie, which I sort of enjoyed, and watched a couple of car races. I forgot to mention that my adventures with wildlife last night did not end when we got home, I got up in the middle of the night (bathroom) and when I got back in bed there was a cat in my space. I snuggled up to him and I was going to move him, and he turned over for a belly rub, but scratched my nose ( he is a cat) which bled for the longest time. Bad kitty.
  16. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday afternoon we had an adventure. DH was in the dumps, and while I had my first sale in my new campaign, I felt that getting him out of the doldrums was better than sitting at a desk. So I went outside where he was sitting and asked if he wanted a change of scenery. He said yes. So we drove over to Stone Mountain Park, crossed the covered bridge to the island, and went and sat on a picnic table by a tiny beach and watched the water. Water is great at changing your negatives. We were at the the narrowest part, and I saw a deer walking along the edge of the rocks across the lake. I saw a huge butterfly on the wet sand, and saw a school of tiny fish swim by...and then I heard thunder. We still sat there, and then it started to sprinkle. I noticed a fisherman under the trees, and about 3 minutes later the skies just opened up. He was on the phone, and we were going back to our car. He was telling someone where he was, and I asked him if he needed a safe place to sit the storm out. "oh no, my truck is in the parking lot." We got in the car, and others were scrambling to get to their cars, by the time I backed out, the fisherman was loading up his truck, he was very wet. We sat in the car facing the water, but we really couldnt see anything but rain pouring down. Chuck said lets just drive around the park, so we headed back (the drive becomes one way where we were,) and then we stopped at the sky lift and parked and watched huge waterfalls come down from the top of the mountain. It's not everyday that you can see 800 foot plus waterfalls in this area, but the rain was so intense, that is what we were looking at, maybe 7 of them. DH said it reminded him of the Misty Fjords in Alaska. Well the rain was quitting, the thunder and lightning was fabulous, and we headed into Tucker for a burger and some ice cream. After we got the burger, we drove to get the ice cream, and sat in the car watching the clouds, and the lightning and it started to rain heavily again, and after we finished we headed home. We pass a small farm that has goats and sheep, and noticed in the rain that one of the goats was on the outside of the fence. That was not good, so I turned around, just to verify what I had seen, and then stopped at the farm house to let them know that one of their goats was loose by the street. The gentleman (who oddly reminded me of a billy goat) said that the electricity had gone off, and the fence was electric, and the goat must have jumped the fence. He said he would he would go get the goat. And we left. I truly hope he got there before the goat tried to cross the road. When we got home the rain had stopped, but that was just for a moment or two and storms passed over several times, but at sunset, the sky was orange towards the west, and black in the east, and one more storm went over, and I went to bed. Today is grocery shopping day. I hope that everyone is feeling better today, and if you need to take a break, go enjoy something different! Yesterday afternoon was definitely different for us, and I got to see some beautiful things, in my own "back yard".
  17. Does anyone remember Fizzies? We had that instead of Kool-Aid, saved on fridge space I guess. @Seasick SailorI have been using Theraworx Works?? for the leg cramps, it doesn't stop them from coming, but reliefs when they arrive. I finally read the instructions. If the cramps are below the knee, rub down to the ankle, if above the knee, rub up to the hip. It travels well, but going through airport security checks were "heck" and on my final bit back to Atlanta, I threw mine out in Seattle, when we had to change planes and go back through security.. My friend Penny says the soap only works if it's Ivory. ( i still thinks that a brain game)
  18. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! DH and I had to make one of life's decisions that you never think you have to make- We are cancelling the insurance on my car. It has not run since January, DH isn't able to fix it at this time, and I refuse to pay 800 dollars insurance for 6 months on a 21 year old car that does not run. It was 500, but I have been informed that insurance is going up with all insurance companies, and mine was going up to 800 every 6 months. Because my insurance was bundled with the home insurance I was getting a discount (???? really) And if I cancel the car insurance, my homeowners insurance will go up. I don't have a problem with homeowners insurance, I have a home, I don't have a car. My rep tried everything she could to try and get DH on my plan to save the home owners from going up. Well he called his insurance and asked what it would cost to put me on his car insurance, and his rate went down with me on it. Well, that was an easy decision to make. His agent said that the cost would go up later this year, same thing, all insurance companies are raising their rates, but it was still cheaper than me alone on a 21 year old car. @StLouisCruisersEnjoy that cool air, the heat index in your town this weekend, will be 105. I doubt if we will see the meteor shower tonight, rain coming in. You should be able to see it, if you don't have fog, clouds, rain etc. Prayers to all- oh. Bubbles showed back up...covered in spider webs and very hungry, guess he got caught somewhere. Thanks for the furbaby prayers. During Covid, someone released a bunch of cats into the neighborhood. Bubbles is one of them. People have moved away, and left their cats here, so we feed them. They all went a bit wild, they were not feral, but they became wild. They have no trust in humans. I wish we could do more, but they wont be touched or held, and every once in awhile, i can pet Bubbles head. After two years, that is a big accomplishment. He loved Fawn, and I guess that is why he keeps coming back.
  19. @richwmn Happy Birthday-Hope you have a great day! Happy Birthday to a distinguished, world travelling gentleman-
  20. @smitty34877 Well this is the second part that didnt print, but by the time I have read everyone's news, it applies to all of you.
  21. @smitty34877 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kJSPY8ECh0c/UaqeF7ziSoI/AAAAAAAAMWQ/uXDQl2Xi_c0/s1600/I+Always+Remember+People+In+My+Prayers.jpg
  22. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Yes, the alarm went off, and then I heard the thunder and the rain. I love to sleep to the sound of rain, but this week, while it's been raining, we have been getting up early for appointments. MY PT Ashley even thanked me for showing up yesterday because it was so stormy. I told her I wont get better if I dont show up. I started calling for my new campaign yesterday, No bites. 5 hours of trying to sell full price tickets to people who found out how to get 20 dollar tickets...and there are no savings to actually buying the whole package, vs. single tickets....none. Most of you know that DH and I feed a lot of stray cats. After Fawn disappeared, Bubble and Uggles and a rather timid cat(we call Slinky) were still coming in to the carport to get fed. Three nights ago Bubbles and Uggles disappeared. I think that Slinky might still be around, but the food from the mornings was still there at night. So prayers for the fur babies. What could be taking them?
  23. @Quartzsite Cruiser I too hope he continues to feel fine. He has to drink 3 quarts of water a day with this medicine, so I get to nag about that. You have become quite the mechanic, next will be the lights. And then you can get a job at an auto repair station. This could be an emoji for "gee that looks really good! Yum"🍴-=🐷
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