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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! @smitty34877No offense taken, I cant remember the drug name that DH was prescribed, and it did help. But in the end, we couldnt afford to buy it. It was in pill form. DH said that the chemo not only made him not hungry, but taste was changed too. And everything tasted bad...except the sloppy joes. In Memory of JImmy Buffet Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you callWanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tallYouve seen it all, youve seen it all
  2. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. This month should be better than last month, because the last day of August, well... stunk! DH had a visit with his PA before the infusion, she went over the results with him from his scans, and it turns out he has some growth on his hip, that looks like some form of cancer, so they are trying to get him some kind of injection approved for him, that will help the hip, and he will get that when he gets his next infusion. And then I showed her something weird going on with the back of his left arm, and she wants him to see the cancer dermatologist ASAP. Well there is a dermatologist right next door to the cancer center, and I had stopped in to make an appointment for me while he was having his infusion. He decided that he wanted to see this doc, because someone should look at it immediately. I still want him to go to the one he saw last year, but he is right, someone should see him soon. No one is ever at this doctors office, which does concern me. Maybe she is new, maybe she is terrible, maybe she has another location?? Who knows, but it was easy to make the appointments. We were both hungry after the appointment so we stopped at Mary Macs(historical restaurant in Atlanta) for lunch. It was very good, but when we left, I noticed DH's balance was off walking to the car, and within 15 minutes, both of us were nauseous. So instead of running around like crazy people to get the rest of the chores done, we headed home and both called out sick. The food was not bad, but I was so hungry I forgot that after infusions DH should eat, but small meals, and apparently for me, the doubling the metformin will really penalize my stomach for eating things I shouldn't eat in the first place. I have PT this morning, but am thinking of calling out due to tummy issues...still. I'm off to read what I missed yesterday. Hugs to all, and have a great day!
  3. In celebration of the the Ginger Cat- Furnando and Bobagingee
  4. @Sharon in AZI am forry to read about your aunt's passing, but so glad you got your Mom to see her sister. Prayers for your family.
  5. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! We got one band of rain last night from the storm. My work friend who lives in Buckhead, just 14 miles from me, texted me and told me to go out and see the moon last night. Amazing, they had clear skies, we had pouring rain, so I didnt see the moon. DH appreciates the well wishes, he is very grateful for your caring thoughts. I need to wake him up by 9 so that we can leave by 10:15. It can take an hour to get there, or it can take 20 minutes, but to find parking at the hospital takes forever! I wake up every two hours during the night. I am surprised that I am not suffering from complete dehydration, and the best sleep is in the morning, just when the Tazi cat decides to start hurling somewhere in the bedroom. And then Furnando runs in, when he hears her, and they start growling and chasing each other on the bed. Who needs an alarm clock? I just need sleep. I love todays quote. Poop doesnt flow up, it flows down. If the top of society is scum, then the lower society accepts scum as a better form of living. @grapau27Thanks for this mornings food porm. Yogurt for breakfast for me today. @Mr. BostonHave a wonderful adventure with friends, travel and cruise.. To those who posted today port, thank you for the pictures. We had a very small raccoon show up late last night. He was very cute, and very scared. Must be one of this years batch. He ran off when I took out the trash, but something much bigger must have shown up later, as the carport got trashed. With all the appointments this week and work, I feel like I'm working 24 hour shifts. 6 days in a row. Getting off work at 10 at night, and getting up at 7, is wearing on me. That cruise is sounding better and better, but still feels a long way off.
  6. Beaches? Isla Mujeres MX-west end of the island Sanibel Beach south end before the hurricane Half Moon Cay Elbow Beach Bermuda and my favorite-Skaket Beach, Cape Cod
  7. I hope that you are all safe during this hurricane. And Franking hitting up north. Stay safe, dont go out if you absolutely don't need to.
  8. Im stopping in to read, but have to get back to work by 8, then work 2 more hours. off at 10 and then watch a midsummer murders on roku (free but has commercials) and then go to bed. I worked until midnight last night, got to sleep at 2, got up several times in the dark, and then woke up at 7. too little sleep, too much stress. the day started well though, I made a french toast casserole with leftover cinnamon bread, and baked some bacon at the same time, so I ate, and went to work. I called my boss to move me from one campaign to another, and got no answer. after 20 minutes, i emailed his boss, and she said she would move me, that took another 30 minutes. she told me to let her know how long i sat there and she would pay me for it. an hour, of sitting on my butt. I missed scheduled call backs, and it turns out that they are making my boss cut his hours, no more overtime for them either. and then i realized as i worked through the day, that the rest of the staff does not get on until the boss comes in, so they work 3-10, and there I was being so independent, trying to get my 8 hours in. I can do it, if i take breaks. And i was a morning person once, i can be again, in fact with our lives, i have to be. DH is back for his second infusion tomorrow, and I need to see if the doc will write a letter to the court, to get me out of jury duty as there is no affidavit for caring for an sick elderly, just a child. And then grab some lunch, and do it again. California campaign will work the holiday weekend, and I need the money, so 5 hours on Saturday and 5 on Monday. Sunday will be pure race day!
  9. @StLouisCruisersCongratulations on reaching 5 star!! I'm with @cunnorl-on Carnival we are platinum, free laundry! Which will make those 25 days on the ship so much easier! (I will never make diamond) @ger_77How wonderful that your friend was on that flight, and saved that young man. There are angels on earth everywhere. @dfishwe had greek for lunch yesterday, DH had souvlaki. I asked him how hard would that be to make, and today, you gave us the recipe. Thank You! About to print one of them out!
  10. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Temps is 74...I think the humidity is 74 too. We had storms again last night by 7pm the sky was black. I mean like the middle of the night black, so we had no sunset as we had the two previous days with rain. Today is just cloudy. DH got his stitches out yesterday. An hour later he said how much better his eyes felt. He just got up, and when I asked about the eyes, he said sore. He did work yesterday, but I'm thinking that maybe being on the computer for 4 hours might have been too much strain. The doc did tell him yesterday that it can take up to a month before the eyes and lids get back to normal. @Denise T You, @dfish and I are diabetics, type 2 and we all have adrenal tumors, wondering somehow if there is a correlation between the adrenal and the diabetes? Just wondering. My friend Shari, had the same situation. Today I have a dentist appointment at 1, in a town that is about 20 miles from here. Between the dentist and home is a great Thai restaurant. I try to make my appointments in the mornings so that I can eat lunch at the restaurant, this time I am going to get to the restaurant early, eat lunch and then go. When I get home, I go to work, and will work until 11 pm. I am allowed to work overtime on the California campaign, but not the Texas group, so if I work more than 8 hours a day with CA I get overtime. But I will never be able to work more than 8 hours a day for them. I got an email this morning from my favorite boss that was asking if I was available to come back to work for him, and I had to say no. I am finally doing sales! And I am happy in the space I am in, even if I have to stay up past my bedtime. I love bats. They are such an important part of our environment. When I was in school in Switzerland, a bat flew into our room. My roommate went crazy, and screamed, the head mistress showed up and asked what the problem was, my roommate was Spanish, and didn't know the word for bat in french, and neither did I so I tried to tell her, that it was a bat, but my translation was "mouse that flew". She thought we were both crazy, and then it flew at her, and she understood. Told us to leave the window open, the bad would leave...
  11. Ee gads! Check the dates on the food in the freezer. I store my oatmeal in the freezer, just fixed some with raspberries and blueberries, and yuck. DH said check the date, ummmm June of 22. I ate the berries out of it, and will trash the rest. (tasted like garlic). Another non existent meal.
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I'm currently listening to the Today show, apparently France has too much wine. Plan your trip now. (LOL) and they had a short article about raising the temperature at night if you are over 50. I'm way over 50, and I still like a snuggly comforter with cool air at night. Not ready to turn up the temperature yet. I was happy to read that @DeeniEncinitas was doing well, and was safe from the fires. Do you know what you get when it rains and the temps outside are in the mid 90's? A sauna. Every time I go outside my glasses fog up, and I feel like I should put on my snorkel gear. I know my strays that show up for food, are all wishing for colder air. And yes, both Bubbles and Uggles showed back up. I think they have two houses. But Fawn never did show back up, and my heart still breaks every day. To my friends in Florida, stay safe. And @Cruzin Terri stay aware of the weather, it might be safer to stay in Jacksonville for a couple of days, than try to drive home. We opened a bottle of red NA wine last night for our petite sirloin dinner. DH said it tasted like grape juice, but I disagreed. Grape juice tastes better. The farmers market carries Fre, but Ariel, which I cant find here, is so much better. @dfishI'm glad that the Farkle games were restarted, and that the family had a great time. Oh, and that you were glad to get back to your own bed. The world is a wonderful, but there's no place like home. Today is PT, run home, walk the neighbors dog, grab DH, get a quick lunch, get him to his post op, stop at the store, chill for 5 minutes and then work until 10. I wish I did have a lobster, I love lobster, but love the flavor of snow crab legs more. My dad used to day that if you need a picture of savage, then watch my Annie eat a lobster. Nothing is left.
  13. @Cruzin Terri We are staying quite close to the Pantheon. We will arrive on Friday the 13th, and feel that both of us should sleep that day. Have dinner and go back to bed. Our first full day in Rome will begin with heading to the Museo Nazionale Romano in the Palazzo Altemps for their sculpture exhibit, then go one block south into the Piazza Navona, and wander through, all the while investigating churches, then further south to Museo de Roma at the Palazzo Braschi (think that's it, cant read my own writing these days) I think we can tag on the di Vinci museum, and the Argentina ruins excavation, and the cat shelter, and wander back to the hotel, near the Parliament building. I know all the wandering is a bit over a mile, but it's the stopping and staring at things at museums, that get to both of us. Pretty sure that this day will be over 8 hours of wandering. We talked about going to an opera, but have read that we must really dress up (not with my suitcase) and knowing us, we would probably fall sound asleep in an opera. Day two is Mass at the Pantheon, and a wander to the Trevi Fountain. Day four we were going to the Colosseum, because it's our last full day, and it's the only thing that DH said he wanted to do, but the Museum you mentioned does sound appealing, so we can do that on day 4 (which is a Tuesday) and then go to the colosseum on day 3 (monday, and it is open). Per an old book by Rick Steves, our hotel is very close to a Taxi station. Someone here mentioned Roma Cabs to take us to the port on Wednesday, so I did book that. I don't want to be so tired from Rome, that I don't enjoy Greece. But I want a feel of the city. Thank you for the suggestion.
  14. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 76, I guess it will be hot...we had a wonderful rain yesterday afternoon! Absolute pouring! Wind blowing! Pine cones flying everywhere, and the the sun was shining..it was still pouring. I stepped away from my work for a moment and went outside to see where a rainbow might be, but I didnt want to stand out in the pouring rain. I know there was one, but it would have been visible from outside in the front. I am often tempted to pick up my guitar and sit on the front porch and play. Maybe the tune from Deliverance?? Wont happen, the wrists are screwed. My neighbors have a tendency to blast music from their houses, and we are not far from a college where Friday night football games are played. When it gets cooler, we will sit outside, and listen to the announcers and the bands. This is not a quiet neighborhood. @grapau27Thank you so much your Sunday youtube posts, as I was listening to Father David, I noticed a youtube from Ryberg about the Moment at the Beach. It said that it was filmed before the beach was closed to the public. Why was the beach closed? @Cruzin TerriIt sounds like you are getting quite the tour of Italy while you are there. I have to admit that our daily events are tiny compared to yours. When I asked DH could he walk a mile? He said only if he could sit often, so our adventures will be short walking tours from our hotel. A couple of museums, churches, Sunday Service at the Pantheon, coffee stops, gelato stops, and one day of touring the Coliseum. And we start out with one day of sleep. LOL. Best of luck in Jacksonville, I hope you get the respite you need. @dobiemomI hope you can get some rest today. I am getting to be a professional at not being able to sleep. I am either too wound up post the late hours, or my mind goes over what I should have done, said, etc. during sales.Or stressed about knowing what I have to do the next day. I hope whatever is stressing you and robbing you of sleep resolves soon. This is why cruising is so good for us. The only thing I stress over is what breakfast will be. @smitty34877You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Hoping your DH has found a food/drink he likes and takes a bit of worry away. To all of you, you are the best group of friends I have! You are all earth angels!
  15. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! We are under a heat advisory until Monday. It's almost 11 am and it's 85. I start work in an hour. I watched the Qualifying for F1, and personally, I am ready to go back to bed. But alas, that is not going to happen. DH is still putting ice on, the right eye started oozing yesterday, and I made him call the doc, who of course had gone home, but doc on call said, it was normal, and we do have that post op on Monday. Penny called and she is still feeling awful, again, saying this brand of covid (part?? 5? ) was worse than part ?? 2, she feels like she is drowning. Yesterday was just not a good health day for the family. Momma Norma is getting nervous and upset with her birth son, and her favorite nephew, and she has lost /misplaced a lot of cash, and credit cards. DH's younger brother is in the hospital (his past is catching up with him healthwise) . DH cant travel, and the son who lives near Momma is having a total stress out life right now. I did not have a great time with my doctor yesterday. She did say that my blood sugar would have gone up when I had covid, and that it could stay up for up to 12 weeks, well I am past that, so now more meds. I got a call from the pharmacy to see if I want the new prescription to be filled. I told the woman that they were probably calling about the cost, and she said yes. Well I did get two pay checks from my past two weeks of work, and I can afford it now, probably not when I get back from the Rome to Home trip, so I told her to fill it. Then they called back and left a message that they were out of stock and they will contact me when they can get the drug. They also doubled up the metformin. And if one person suggests that I get out and walk, when it is this hot right now, I swear I will slap them. And no, I didnt gain more than 2 pounds living off popsicles and chocolate...so it wasnt a weight gain. It was probably the chocolate, and popsicles..... because of cats, I am known to put the toilet paper on backwards...
  16. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Another HOT day in Atlanta. I had to get up early as I have an appointment with the endocrinologist today. And no, DH is not going with me. He is icing his eyes every 20 minutes. And even though he has not turned off the alarm (i've been up for more than an hour) he is in no rush to actually get up, and I won't take him out in this heat. The dr's office is back to no visitors. But they are not back to masking yet, which worries me. DH and I wear our masks all the time now. Well, except for the cruise in May, I have been wearing my mask everywhere. (and remember i got covid on that cruise). It is an F1 weekend, and I will be able to watch events that are shown during the morning hours, but for today and tomorrow I start work in the afternoon. I sped read yesterday's daily to catch up. @smitty34877 I do understand about your DH not wanting to be on chemo. I would ask the dr's if there are other options of treatment for the type of cancer he has. I know that DH said that he wished he could just die when he was on the chemo. (he should have been a drama student though) and I have watched both my mother and a dear friend suffer through chemo, when they knew their cancer was terminal anyway. My mom got off the chemo, realized no one lives forever and made the best of her time, the friend spent the next year of his life in and out of the hospital. And I highly recommend seeing a therapist. I know that sounds strange, but when you are ill, there is a lot of anger, that you cant just take out on loved ones, and if the cancer is fightable, and beatable then the ill one needs to figure out how to get that "will" back. (that's why i took DH on a lot of cruises) That is why his doc is telling him to travel as much as possible. To do as much as he can. To find joy. Joy changes attitude. And I am sending a wish from my heart for strength and mental peace.
  17. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! @catmando Has a swollen head, eyes shut, and in a lot of pain. Well, the doc did say that it would get worse before it gets better. He was in surgery for almost 3 hours, doc said, too many stitches to count. While I was in the waiting room, I made a new friend, and two of my besties from the book club showed up at the same time that Chuck got out of recovery, nice to see them. Theresa was having one eye done, and I introduced the new friend, dont know her name, and ran out to see Chuck. We had to get up so early, but instead of his surgery at 10:30, they took him in at 7:30, and we got home by 11. Im in limbo with my jobs right now, California wants me full time for three weeks, and is fighting to move me, but something or someone is holding that transfer up. So I wait. I'm working CA for the next 5 days, and then go back?? to TX. Well, I travel by phone, not physically, but it would be nice to be in one place for a while. @dfish and @StLouisCruisers glad you both had a great cruise and both made it home safe and sound, with your luggage. My friend Penny has the new Covid. She had the old version last year. She said the coughing was much worse with this new Covid, but the aches and pains were not as bad. Either way, she is stuck at home, and now her husband has it. So a bit more contagious. My computer says our weather temps are record high. And going higher. I have PT this morning, need to make breakfast, and after PT pick up Chuck's meds. I dont start work until 5, so I may take a nap this afternoon. @RedneckBob When I was in camp in VT in 1966, that was the song Coming to Take me Away, they played on the sound system each morning to wake up us. I love Weird and Strange music-
  18. Its very early, we were up at 4. DH got a call that he had to be at the hospital at 6, for his eye surgery. Way too early. It will be a long day. Hugs to all.
  19. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! @grapau27Happy Anniversary Graham and Pauline! Yesterday I worked from 1 to 11. Upset one of my bosses (I wasn't vague enough regarding seating) for a sale when the gentleman used a walker. I asked for an aisle seat. So even though I got off at 10, I was yelled at via text until 10:45. And I start work at 10 this morning. Since I cant report working more than 8 hours per day, I am taking an extra half hour off, and will get that bird food, I have put off getting. Work starts in 15 minutes, guess I should get dressed. I know I can work in my PJ's but it just doesnt feel right. Have a great day everyone! It is going to be very hot in Atlanta, and I see that a tropical storm is going towards TX. Stay safe. Melting here. Hugs
  20. @XBGuyI was thinking an MG midget. and regarding getting more senior
  21. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I did exactly what I wanted to do yesterday....I made two necklaces, slept late, ate junk food, and watched as much as I could take, of Season 9 of Alone. And then it was time to go to bed. And today, it's hit the road running! PT, walk the neighbors dog, work for 8 hours, and somewhere is that time, I need to make and bake a meatloaf for dinner.
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