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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @1ANGELCAT I am so sorry to read about Fluff. My heart goes out to you, and know that she was with the person she loved when she passed. I am sure she felt your love.
  2. @kochleffelThank you for the tom Lehrer. I still have the albums, and was rocking out to Hanukkah in Santa Monica, when I lost the connection. Yes I understand that someone who has problems with dairy would not enjoy this holiday. I would be in cheesecake heaven, if we had any, but DH and I have only made it to the store to buy enough for a couple of days, and then the power went out for more than 12 hours, and except for eggs every thing got tossed. Luckily there wasn't much to toss, and tonight the best I could do was heat a can of chicken noodle soup. @grapau27DH wants to cruise around England. I figure you of all people would be able to tell me the best line to look at. We are not into large ships, we so want to see the islands north of mainland Scotland, or Guernsey. I of course would love to visit your church, (not sure that is a ship excursion, but it should be) Any ideas?
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I wanted to post this before I forgot-When we were in Anchorage our tour guide told us that we would be able to see the Aurora Borealis for the next three nights, well his timing was off, or the instructions were off,.after sunset can mean different things in Alaska...And so the first night someone got up at 2 and saw them, took a picture, and that was it. The next two nights we were socked in with fog, so it was a miss. Then in Sitka? someone told us to watch for them around two. Several of us set our alarms for 1:45, got up, and saw this instead. (not our picture obviously, but pretty amazing! ). https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=yfp-t-s&ei=UTF-8&p=elon+musk's+satellite+train#id=3&vid=b3378288c0b3607b1e7344188259cf51&action=click
  4. Every time I think we have time to just sit and watch the tube, DH is up doing something. We still have to finish watching the F1 race info from Miami, and that was the week we left. I have someone who wants me to work for them, but it's a month out. I can rejoin the senior center, or finally get to work on the backyard and clean up all the shrubbery I hate. Right now, I think the shrubbery will win. And I can cook again....The recipe for the cabbage with the Dijon onion sauce looked so good, I printed it out, and immediately filed it in my Lincoln Center folder.... During the month of April our company listened in to our sales calls. Today I found out that for Hollywood Bowl I came in third for best sales agent out of 40. For this esteemed award, I get 20 bucks before taxes....I'm still proud though. I can sell, I just cant ask for money without giving something in return. I can get you the best seats for the price you want to pay, I can google the performers and find out if it is your musical choice, I can tell you how to do an exchange without fees, but I cant ask people most of all those who struggled through Covid without a job, to fork over the bucks so that someone can pay less than what the actual cost is. Trust me, the people who pay what they can are grateful, but even 10 bucks is too much to ask for. So I may just wait until I can get back into sales. Tonight I had a confrontation with a raccoon. My house sitters, it turned out, had filled a container with kitty crunchies and put it on top of a locker in the car port. Darn raccoon got up there and knocked it over and was trying to drag it off into the yard. I went out and picked it up and put it in the house, and the little bugger chased me into the house, I threw myself in the door, and watched as he cursed me in raccoon talk. @superoma I'm sending hugs. @dfishIf you wake up in the night and get bored and start reading CC, sending you well wishes. @kazuI am so glad that you and Ivan worked out! I am feeling better, but I am very tired, and still coughing up fur balls. So virtual hugs to all! @RMLincoln-@Crew News was reporting what the captain was saying, being a smoker and having the Environmental Officer being a smoker, we learned later that night of the storm, that we were listing at 12 degrees and had wind up to 90kph before the captain placed the ship in a type of inlet to get us out of the wind. Bless that captain, as another smoker and I had to be rescued by the bar staff to get back into the ship. They shut down the elevators, so I walked down 5 flights sideways, and then they closed the kitchens. OMG! Whatever should we do, well I had an apple, Dan came up to our cabin, we split the apple, ate junk food, and did not starve....and still had dinner at 7:30.
  5. Good Afternoon Dailyites! Woke to no power this morning, no power meant no coffee, no coffee means instant brain fuzz. Smog in Atlanta is actually the smoke from Canada's fires. My prayers to you all up north. Once power came on, I sent one email, and got in touch with my bosses so that I can get back to work.. One boss has hours and one boss is giving me two hours for this week, and then that account closes for 3 weeks. I'm back on the auction block, looking for work again. hugs to you all.
  6. gosh I really missed all of you. after i posted this morning, I went back to sleep, and dreamt that DH got a tattoo on his back. it was a game of hangman.... Penny called me today to see if we got home, Jesse took care of the cats, which is a sign he is doing better, He said that he never saw an indoor cat for all the time we were gone, but the food would disappear...He said that when he showed up the outdoor strays became his buddies. Love HMC, I have been lucky enough to get there the 4 times that I chose that as a cruise destination. The first time we went it was really windy (tropical storm Sean) and kicked up enough waves for us to body surf. I had no idea it was not supposed to be like that when we went back. When the weather is perfect there, it is a beautiful beach and I never get tired of seeing pictures of it. It has rained every time we have left there, and rainbows shine at the end of the island, like it will miss us, but come back. I did book a cove balcony for a cruise next October. When I heard that you are mostly in the shade, as DH is supposed to be, I have always wanted to book one. But reminded him again that the pro peel pocket fishing line is not an option.
  7. Thanks @rafinmd yes, we did have a wonderful time, I met some wonderful people, and I saw beautiful Alaska as Alaska really is, it's not tame country side, it is a constant state of visual change..
  8. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! We got home last night at 9:15, our time, but was up at 2 am yesterday to get our flight. Will do an over all review when i feel better, but I managed to catch Norovirus , as did most people on the cruise, and then bronchitis, so I am catching up with catching up, and currently wondering why Andri isn't coming by and offering me my coffee with cream. I got very spoiled on Holland, and DH wants to switch over to HAL full time. We missed Kodiak because the weather was so bad, and my stomach forced me to skip Sitka, while i did take pictures while wandering the promenade deck. Some scary moments as we sailed through a typhoon, with a steady wind of 90 kph, (over 100 mph) and the ship listing at 12 degrees. Two of my excursions were cancelled, because one didn't even begin until May 16, and we were there the week before, and the other because Thompson Pass was not passable.
  9. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I'm up, we are packed, I have to feed the cats, and wash my face and then we are gone! I'll miss you!
  10. Pussy Willows, Cat tails, soft wind and roses Rainbows in the wheat fields, water to my knees Shivering, quivering, the warm breath of spring And pussy willows, cat tails soft wind and roses Soft lips and fingertips Resting in my soul Lyrics to the first Gordon Lightfoot song I ever learned more than 50 years ago, so cant remember all the lyrics. Thanks for all the well wishes, very busy day, I have one more chore to do tonight, and then get up at 4 tomorrow morning. arghhh! I will miss all of you!
  11. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! In an effort to clean out the fridge, I am making breakfast today. DH says we have a few more errands to run this morning, and then walk the dog, and then back to work, and then I'm done. Most of the packing is done, DH is still working on his. (with my left overs that didnt fit in my small carryon) I read last night we have three gala nights. I also saw the pictures of the extremely long lines at embarkation. Truly scary. I don't travel with phone, computer or any way to connect with you, so please all be safe, and I hope well. So, a busy day today, all day flying tomorrow and then I will be enjoying the beauty of Vancouver and Victoria until Sunday when we cruise! I do keep a self created journal to complete each day for my adventures. I am nervous, I am excited, and I wish I could hug you all!
  12. @superoma BFF has consumer cellular, and we have tracfone, and we are going to be in Vancouver for 4 days, flying in from different parts of the country, not arriving together, so I will tell him to leave a message at the front desk for us when he checks in. He is supposed to arrive 4 hours earlier than us, but he has a very short layover in O'Hare, and bad weather flying from the NE. He may arrive 4 hours after us.
  13. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. I think that this is what you are supposed to say when you first get up? My reality is, that my first words spoken, are "come on kitties, breakfast", then "ahh, coffee." My first written words in the morning, are "Good Morning Dailyites". So, Good Monday Morning Dailyites! We went over some helpful hints for our neighbor Donna yesterday, if she needs to fill if for Penny in the event that Penny cant make it over to care for the cats. And today Penny comes over and we give her the info on caring for the cats. Well Chuck will, I will be working. @JazzyV's rough seas with out door decks being closed made me think-where do the smokers go on days like this? and @JazzyV, I'm sorry about your fall. I hope that the knees are feeling better, and don't give you too much trouble walking when you are a "tourist". I cant tell if I'm getting excited or just nervous about our trip. When I book a cruise, I am in control the whole time. And usually I cruise from places I can drive to. And I don't have to switch planes, I know what my cabin would look like, I don't have to fill an empty day with any plans to constantly be on the go-but this trip is completely different, and I have no idea what to expect. Too many variables make me nervous. I'm sure once I am on the ship, all those worries will immediately disappear, I just have to get to the ship. DH talked to the tracfone people about adding being in Canada to his phone, but we are not sure that it worked. He does not think it works, and we wont know until we are there. We need the phone to contact the BFF. @kazuYou are in my heart and prayers today.
  14. @St Pete CruiserI am glad you are doing better. Gt lots of rest, take all the antibiotics, build up your strength and maybe, enjoy Hawaii for a few days before heading home. I printed my boarding pass tonight. Originally there were three of us in the cabin, and the beds were to be set up as three singles, now it's just the two of us, not sure how to turn the singles into a queen/king. I went on line, but cant figure anything out. Just some info, the 7th is the day of the Vancouver Marathon, getting a cab to port may be the absolute headache. Guess where the race ends? Right at the port from what I can tell. I tried to get a 2 hour nap, but i mainly lay on the bed, and held Furnando's paw. He is the only cat that seems to be missing Irving. I did get about 30 minutes of sleep. It wasn't enough. If you dont have "that special something" ( on Carnival it's called Faster to the fun, or being Platinum) at what time can you enter your stateroom? We dont board until 1, but I'm thinking with the Marathon, we should attempt to be there before the race ends...And then we can sit outside and watch the world for a couple of hours, and get in line at 1, but I really dont want to board, and sit around with my bags until 3 or something. I'm tired, I'm babbling.
  15. The alarm has been set for 6 a.m for the last three days. I had to get up to watch the F1 race. My favorite driver won. Tomorrow is go to the bank day. Cash in my loose change day from the change bucket. And work day Today is buy the cat food and crunchies, and Fawn's food (she only likes temptations) but right now, I am going to take a nap. It cool, with light rain. Close the blinds and just catch up on the 6 hours of sleep i have missed in the last three days.
  16. Ducks purchased. I bought unicorn ducks.... BFF got the interior, and DH and I got the window. I'm just scared that so much got turned around, that they wont allow us to board. BFF suggested that we contact his agent, and make sure every thing was OK. DH said, maybe they will offer us an upgrade. I asked him if he would be willing to pay 1K per person for a balcony. Nope. 500? Nope. Maybe 99.00. I'll ask her on Monday. Then BFF tells me that the temperature in Vancouver is the same as Atlanta today....our heat was on at the time. I said, well our heat is on, and it never got to 81....as promised. Now it's raining.
  17. And now for the news, Holland called the BFF so many times about an upgrade that he upgraded himself to his own cabin. Which is great I guess, but he moves to an interior, and we have a window. HIs new Holland BFF says they will try to place him near us. He says he did it so that he wont bother us when he gets up in the mornings. I hope he doesnt go crazy in an interior cabin. On the other hand, we will still be on vacation together, and DH and I have privacy. It is nice to walk out of a shower and not worry about who is in the room. Which is of course why I booked separate hotel rooms. Well, the only thing constant is change, so I guess DH is now in charge of our cabin.
  18. I will get back to the daily, but must interrupt for some news and a question. Question, do Holland people do the ducks?
  19. @RMLincolnBefore I forget, the symphony that was Playing the Cosmos with the photos from Hubble. Dont be scared of this, we saw Holsts the Planets with Hubble photographs. I loved the music, but the photos on large screen were worth every penny ! Seeing them on the computer of the TV, just dont do them justice. Brain back to fuzz again, have to set up for work.
  20. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! @StLouisCruisers I love your pictures. I was talking with an AZ patron the other day, and she said, of all the places in the world to go, Istanbul to her was the most beautiful. @Quartzsite CruiserI hope that you are safe from the storms, and that all is good there, but did you have to send them to Atlanta? They are to get here tonight. DH said last night that he wanted to get up early for a donut run, as it was an F1 race weekend. The alarm went off at 6....one of us is up. And a race starts at 7:30, we will watch the replay, and I start work at 9:30...as far as I know. I havent checked recent texts.
  21. Last week I heard a combination of banjo, bass and Indian flute and drums. And it blew me away. Tonight I heard blue grass with the Atlanta Master Chorale. The bluegrass band was the Chuck Nation Band. 4 piece family band. The first half of the concert was the chorus, they are fabulous, and they did Americana music, to name a few songs, Shenandoah, , Down in the River to Pray(think Brother Where Art Thou) Simple Gifts to name 3 out of 7, and then Chuck Nation Band came on, and did a few blue grass songs without the chorus, and then the Chorale came back and they did a piece together with the bluegrass band called Come Away to the Skies: A High, Lonesome Mass, .which ended with everyone up and singing, I'll Fly Away. We took my friend Debbie, who used to sing when she was living in DC. When she got married, she sort of stopped, and her DH passed away from pancreatic cancer the first year of Covid. She is very involved with politics, and boards at Emory, but she forgot to add music back into her life. Chuck said he did not want to go, in fact he forgot several times today that he was going, and he whimpered a bit about going (LOL) and by the time the show was over, they both walked out happier than I had seen either of them in weeks. The Atlanta Master Chorale, can be found on youtube. Please Check them out. I am going to get a subscription to their series next season, but will have to automatically miss the first show.
  22. @bennybear so glad that you posted, I hope that you are feeling better and on your way to a great recovery!
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