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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @dfishI must admit that we have had water back up in all areas of our one level ranch house, we live on a hill, and we have lots of trees, and the house was built in 1963 with terra cotta pipes for the sewage and water removal, and it turned out that the terra cotta pipes in the hill, were totally crushed by roots from the trees. They were replaced with PVC, and we were told that roots dont like to kill PVC...? The front yard being the sunny part of the yard, and since it was all dug up, I planted jalapeno and green peppers in the ground. This goof ball neighborhood has a ban of front yard veggie growing, but no one turned me in. Good luck with the plumber, and i hope it's an easy fix. This group of Daily people are such wonderful people. All of you are helping me be a better person, you give hope when things look down, you provide humor, for a good laugh every day, I cry when things go badly for any of you, and I smile when things look good. DH reminded me that I have been with you for a year now, and you have all made every day a better day in my life. Thank you Dailyites!
  2. I think making March 26 International Dailyites Day is an excellent holiday! Thank You! Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Keep Sandi in your thoughts today, as there were at least two tornadoes west of her this morning. and she is right at the northern part of this current storm. Very heavy rain just to the east of Atlanta, woke to thunder and leg cramps at 5 and 6 something, and I got back to sleep around 7, and slept until 9. Not much sleep, we really need to have Vietnamese Iced coffee in the day time not at night. DH got his first CYO sale yesterday! Yeah! And my day was a dud. Oh well. My neighbor Donna came over to pay me for my dog walking, and said she saw a large black cat the size of a Labrador in my yard. I have noticed two new strays this week, but nothing that big. Cant wait to see that one. Today is grocery shopping day. Tomorrow is lets go to the docs, back to our endocrinologist, (both of us) and back to DH's eye doc in the afternoon. So Krogers first, then get a burger at a fast food place, and then the farmers market, and then cook dinner....or I can shop tomorrow night after the eye appointment, but for one thing... two things, we need coffee and bread. @grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David today. It was good to hear and be reminded that I need to turn my problems over to God. To everyone on the Daily, whether a regular contributor of food, drink, care list, sunrises, optional dining suggestions, menus, photos, memes, to daily posters, and daily lurkers-
  3. Going to ask a dumb question here, why do you buy cards? is it to pay off the cruise, or just the bonus perks of cruising? I mean if it's to pay for the cruise, why not just make a monthly payment?
  4. In my life I have had many crazy neighbors, one of them had purchased the house because it had a small pecan tree in the yard. How to get the pecans out of the tree? He took his company car and ran it into the tree several times to "shake" the tree. hmmmm............
  5. @superoma My BFF booked and has paid in full for this cruise, while I'm covering the excursions and hotels. We are in Vancouver for 4 days, and an extra day before we all fly home. I think he said he bought insurance, however, I think that he would still go, and I want my DH to still go in the event that I have to stay behind. I think that in that case, they could share a room, as it stands now I am set to pay for two hotel rooms for 5 nights, and I don't want to let either of them down. My girl friend Penny said she would be my caregiver in the event that I need one. I have not talked to my BFF yet, I wanted to at least get the PET scan scheduled, not call him when he is just getting back from work at 10 pm. I will email him, and see what kind of insurance he got, and hope that he can at least get refunded for me. I looked up my Greek and Transatlantic today, and even though I have insurance on one, but not the other, money back would be the whole amount minus the down payment.
  6. How awful! And after living with someone who has had a brain injury they will need an advocate to help getting as much back as possible. Do you know if they had trip insurance? I am hoping that all turns out well for them. I want to know the answer too.
  7. @summer slopeHow many people does that drink serve? Is it a punch?. Sounds delicious, I guess I could leave the rum out, and just drink really sweet milk....
  8. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! The sky is SO dark and there is thunder rumbling around, I think this is odd, as the weather woman just said that the storms are south of us and heading east...Take care @StLouisCruisers! We did have very heavy rain around 6:45 it almost covered the sound of DH snoring...which is odd, I'm the snorer. While I like waffles, this morning we are having left over" Over night French Toast Casserole" which i started making Thursday night, baked it yesterday for breakfast, it was so beautiful, rose like a good souffle. But there are left overs, and now we will find out how well it does being microwaved.... The salmon dish looks good, I do like my fish well done, and while the salmon curry last week was great, I normally make it with Vermont maple syrup, a dash of soy sauce and ground pecans on top. Besides quiche, pecan pie is the only thing I will make that requires an actual pie shell, and I buy those pre made.. Prayers to all to those in Mississippi that were affected by the tornado. Today I work until 5:30, and after reading a review of best chicken sandwiches, DH and I are going to try the Popeyes chicken sandwich. I learned yesterday that Chick Fil A is getting rid of their side salad, a staple in this house. Turns out that they are "downsizing" their menu, and another item that i loved is being dropped and replaced with a larger kale salad. I'm not that fond of kale. I know it's a health food, but they serve fried chicken, how healthy do we have to be? Have a great day everyone!
  9. @Kurtybee123 Thank you for the information, and I am very happy you got good (and happy) results.
  10. @Kurtybee123Thank you for the information. Did you have the test done with the isotopic (?) shot? I dont do well with needles, And I'm hoping I don't get sick from the shot.
  11. @kochleffel I guess I need to do something about the buzzing sound under the house....not bears, bees. @ger_77Congratulations to your husband. Quite an honor, and well deserved. I do hope that you were mentioned! I also think you should post that link again, so I can watch again! And others, who didnt have the opportunity to see it earlier.
  12. Wow @bennybear! Now I noticed something in your first picture. If you look to the left, it appears to be a fist about to slam down on the earth, and if you look in the middle, I see a face with thick wavy hair...and he looks miffed. Do you suppose this might be the hand of God, saying to earth, I'll slap you silly if you don't behave? Kind of like He is flying over us...maybe my imagination is too vivid....or I really want something like that to happen.... The best laid plans of mice and men were not fulfilled today, as the weather is perfect, and DH decided it was a good day to tear apart the entire dash on my 2001 jeep because it hasn't started in over 2 months. After he had his fall, and lost his vision in one eye, I have been driving the newer jeep, (His) Newer cars are more smooshy when you run into something, and after he took my red jeep off on a "short" journey he managed to tear off the passenger side window, dent the front right side door, back up and dent the rear door.....so I just traded with him, when he was not in the correct state of mind to know better. So no piano concerto, no walk in the woods, and I basically have the afternoon alone. Still nice, not working... @mamaofamiSorry you had to wait so long for your surgery yesterday. Imagine the poor sot, who was scheduled two people after you. And the poor doc. What a long day he must have had. @Cruzin TerriI hate taking my metformin, but what does Prednisone do to you long term? If it's the option to relieve pain, and the only one, what are the long term effects that you don't want? I'm just curious, I know what my pills are supposed to do, but I really dont help them with a terrible diet. I scheduled my PET scan for April 6 early morning. I told the young lady that was doing the scheduling that since I cant eat or drink for 6 hours before, I might as well get it done early, Making me starve is not a good thing. We got done with the scheduling, and she told me what to expect, and asked if I had any questions. Well yes, I said, you didn't ask me if I was claustrophobic. She asked -do you have a fear of being claustrophobic? To which I replied, there is no fear involved, I am claustrophobic. She said they would not use a machine that would totally enclose me. Yay. Ok, I love philly cheesesteak with some Heinz 57, grilled onions and peppers. and good cheese. I will eat chocolate covered raisins, but not in a movie theatre...I wont eat things that go squish in the dark... @kochleffelRaisins are wine's grand parents. Now, you know I don't drink anymore, but that drink today looked fascinating, booze and a salad....
  13. I got an interesting text from my Hollywood Bowl boss this evening. He wanted to let me know that I was doing great, that I was just out of the top 10, and he wants me to sneak into 10th or 9th for next year. And he loves having me on his team. The only way to "sneak" into that top 10 is to be on team A, I'm on team B, and DH is on Team C. I also got to text with my hiring boss, he said that regardless of what happens with me this year, he was pretty sure that since he no longer runs any campaigns, that I would be able to get a job with anyone I want to work for. I love all three of my bosses that I will have this spring, it's the winter months that kill me. Sales campaigns are done for the year by November and December, and lets be honest, I am a terrible Fund raiser, and my next campaign? Fund raising. Selling for us usually starts in late April and May. Tomorrow we are taking our day off. Going to hear a piano recital at Emory University. Have lunch out, and maybe get a walk in. Which would be so nice before the rain comes in. And before we have to hit the phones again on Saturday. Today we were off by 6, I called a friend, I fixed dinner, and we finally, for the first time all week, had a meal together at home. I need a cruise.
  14. @TiogaCruiserthe flowers and the masks are lovely! @kazuI am so glad that you are now FREE to drive, thing is when the weather has been so bad, do you really want to have to go anywhere? I get it, it is a freedom that if you do have to go somewhere, you dont have to rely on anyone.
  15. Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday was an interesting day...The phone problems were back on the work phones, our garbage guys didn't pick up the trash on the last 4 houses on the street (includes ours) and the bowl released the top 20 sales people, and it turned out I was 12th out of 40. If I lived in California, I would be receiving two bench seats at the bowl. For one concert. But I dont, so I dont win anything. Nice to see that I am outselling my next co worker. Who gave me a long lecture about selling last week, (that was funny as she doesn't know me or my history) Heck, I once sold parking to a guy who didn't have a car....( I didn't know that at the time). Because I never try to sell too high to those who cant afford. Get them what they want at a price they can pay, and the customer is happy, and if the customer is happy, they will return. I got the results of my blood tests back, from my new doc. Everything was good she said, except my glucose levels were too high, and to see my endocrinologist. And I know what I should be doing to get that corrected, but I am way too lazy to actually exercise. I didn't even have to walk the dog yesterday, as Donna has such bad allergies she stayed home and went to the doc to get meds. So I spent my day crying my eyes out watching the end of After Life. What a terrific show and cast! And working the later shift. I still have not heard back from the scheduling department, so today I will try to call and see if I cant get that PET scan scheduled. And for the "puppy" within us all-
  16. @Vict0riann It is all about timing, and waiting and watching, I have to admit that my life decisions have never been this big. And because I sunk 7k into the cruise, most of it not recoverable, I told DH that if I have to have a small invasive surgery, that I want him to go with our BFF's and have a great cruise. Penny has already offered to be my care giver. It seems that the doc is telling me its a rush, but none of the docs seem to be rushing. I wish you two the best, and my heart and prayers are with you. I will simply stock up on frozen tv dinners, and chocolate, and I should be good to go for 3 weeks on my own.
  17. The meal looks really good. I can smother anything (well most anything ) with Tzatziki sauce and eat it. The citric zest in the sausage sounds good. And @ger_77dont be surprised if I just show up at your house one day and say "feed me".🤗
  18. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! The last thing I read on Monday was that Junior Cat had passed on, and @kochleffel I just started crying, I am so very sorry, she was mentioned every day that you had posted, and I know how much fur babies mean to all of us, but she was a special child, and thank you for adopting her and changing her life over to a safe and happy home. @dfishI am hoping that the surgery goes well, and that you get the outcome that you want and need. @mamaofamiBest wishes on a terrific eye surgery tomorrow. I hope you don't have a cat, if you are putting things on a counter....DH was not supposed to bend his neck to look down, hence no bending, and he drops everything since his sight is so bad. I spent several days crawling around on the floor picking up dropped things. I hope if you are partial to dropping things you did pick up one of those "picky uppy things" that grab what you need. Unless you have someone who likes to crawl around? @kazuI hope all goes well at the doctors, that all the nuts bolts screws and wiring are doing now what they are supposed to be doing. @Vict0riann I am sorry that you had a bad day at your doctor's office yesterday. I am hoping that today is a better day, maybe a cloud with a silver lining day? Today outside, and mentally looks like an extremely cloudy day. So on Monday DH and I head out at the crack of dawn for early morning blood tests, his was for the endocrinologist, and mine for my new primary physician. He sees his doc next Monday, I have an appointment with mine when I get back from my cruise...Which brings me to Tuesdays appointment. I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January. This is not good he says. Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots" The spot on my left lung is 4mm, they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot. My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist. THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW. If it gets any bigger it's major surgery. So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery. So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th. Which is two weeks before we leave. I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery. They can book it two days after I get back. Right? So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery. DH says I share too much, but you guys get me. And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there. When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland. Why were you seeing a pulmonologist? 8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it. Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway. And the doc gave me a new inhaler. I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD. He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing. And that was my wonderful day. I came home, worked for 4 hours, and then went to see the local county's symphony highlight the winners of the Young Musicians. The first place winner was a young girl who played Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto and it was absolutely fabulous. There were two third place winners, a harp player (Bach), and a flutist(Doppler), and a young man who played the cello (Elgar) who won second place.. A very lovely evening, and the symphony was spot on. Got home and started watching more of a show on Netflix called After Life. It's a series, that has me laughing and guffawing or in tears, but I really love the show.
  19. I have not fallen off the face of the earth for the last two days just too many doctors appointments, and work, and today not a great day at the docs, so will post when I get home tonight from our local symphony, or tomorrow morning. If I dont get back tonight-good luck on your surgery toimorrow @dfish Sending healing hugs!
  20. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I had a great day off yesterday, watched F1 Qualifying, and then the F2 sprint race, I finally, after more than a month had enough time to call a friend (who always makes a phone call last longer than an hour) and chatted with him for one and a half hours. Lots of Formula 1 talk, and then I watched some of the Sebring 12 hour race, went out for dinner, at Old Hickory House, came back, watched the end of the race, but it actually felt like I had a decent day off! Today it's more F2, then run to the farmers market, then come home and watch the F1 race and then??? We have been invited by our friends for dinner tonight. We haven't seen them since mid December! Three reasons for that, they have a ton of grandkids, they travel all the time, and they have not been very honest about who in the family has had covid, but they still get together with them all the time. They do not like cruising, but they are the ones who instigated the change of itinerary to cruise Greece, and this up coming trip in October had DH and I more excited about a vacation, than we ever have been, so thank them for that! And this will be our corned beef and cabbage dinner, as the wife is pure Irish! The hubby is German, but he is the chef!
  21. I was amazed at how many cats own tiaras, I chose this one because she looked so normal wearing one....
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