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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @aliaschiefan d @Quartzsite Cruiser are writing their "Meme wars".
  2. Are you all sure that you don't want to cruise the 14 day Alaska cruise on May 7th on the Nieuw Amsterdam with me? I'm not scared to go on a new cruise line but it would be nice if one of you were there to show me the ropes.... What is the first thing that I should do on a Holland ship once I board? And what is the best meal in the MDR? And when my friends get too tired of me wanting to wander on the ship all day, where can I tell them to go to hide from me? I asked DH if he wanted to do the amazon, he said no, he learned his lesson when he said "Opa" when I asked about Greece...
  3. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! 50 degrees with Rain showers. Computer is correct. DH has a doc appointment mid morning, we have Atlanta Chorale Group tickets for the Magnificat tonight, and right before we leave, we have a zoom training on the choose your own sale that starts next Tuesday. So this is my day off. I think everyone here on the daily is awesome. People here have the ability to be able to discuss what really is happening with them and their loved ones, and no matter how weird or bad, you all seem to brush yourself off and keep on going. Living life on life's terms I think that is awesome and inspiring. My middle name is Elizabeth. Hence the name Annie. I write my name as Ann E. And it was always very dramatic, when I heard my parents yell Ann Elizabeth! I knew I was in trouble for something. I think that the Elizabeth is after the queen. @dfishI like the third choice for the dish too. Now @StLouisCruisers don't be upset, but I really wouldn't mind some of that snow from up north. After I get my grocery shopping done. 😸 All other weather we get I blame on Texas. I used to blame Alabama, but that's just a filter state for us to get more moderate weather .
  4. I had favorites on my computer, Holland America on CC was the first one, and now there are none. Poltergiest! Penny called today, she and Jessie had to have their cat Harriet cross the rainbow bridge with complete Kidney failure, she was old.. So many losing their fur babies. Phones are fried again on the campaign, made for a long after noon, i took a longer break today. Failed to dial. I had 47 failed to dial out of 60 calls. DH says the phones are still not working. Going to be a long second shift.
  5. Not morning anymore here...Happy Afternoon Daiyites. We had to run our early, because we had run out of everything.... I hated dolls, was a stuffed critter fanatic, but I had a Barbie, and her best friend, Midge. Midge ran off with one neighbors GI Joe, and Barbie ended up dating my Scottish doll, kilt and all. Have you ever broken up with someone, and trashed everything of theirs that's left at your place? When I left for college, my mother threw out everything I owned. EVERYTHING. My dolls, my stuffed critters, my 45's, my albums...my bike ....if I hadn't taken it I no longer owned it. I didn't know we had broken up, but apparently we had. Poor woman, must have put her over the edge when I moved back in for two years after college.🙄 I see in my HAL roll call that our meet and greet has been assigned a meeting place, in the crow's nest on our first sea day. Getting very excited! I had a crazy patron yesterday, who ranted and raved about people not calling her at the time she requested, I tried, I did, and she didn't answer and then called back to complain again. At 11 last night I heard from the on site boss who asked me about her, and when I told her that I had already rescheduled her, he told me that she had called after that conversation and wanted another call back- again, not during my hours...so today I am tired, but must go back to work. but he said something about flagging her account as a problem patron. So off to walk the dog, and then go to work. Hugs to all.
  6. @JazzyVDH says thanks for asking, he says that the eye is better, he never had good vision in his left eye, but since it is now his only working eye, this was a scary time for him. He goes back to see the doc on the 27th. There is a lump on the edge of the eye, not sure what that is, it was not there before the surgery. Maybe we will get an answer when we go see her again.
  7. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 55. Yesterday I was wearing shorts, and tomorrow I'll be back in sweaters. Spring in Paradise. I made pot toast in the crock pot yesterday, and DH said it was delicious. I read all the stuff that you suggested to go into the pot roast, and while I had the horseradish on the side, I added tomato paste and a package of onion soup mix, taters, baby carrots and a sweet onion. Lots of taters, so I used a couple and made home fries for breakfast. So thanks for all the tips, I used them all. I over slept this morning. If that's possible, just really making up for all the times I got up because I drank way too much coffee and water late last night. Slept until 8:30! OMG. And I went to bed before midnight, another OMG! I have tweaked my schedule so that I am not working so late, but still getting in 5-6 hours a day. And I added in a day off, during the week. This took away a lot of stress. While changing your daily life up once in a while, you get exciting, when it is the same thing over and over, it becomes stressing. Nasty Day? Just leave this thread. It's a jungle out there. I wandered into another thread this weekend and became snarky in 5 minutes!
  8. @USN59-79Not sure if i needed it, but it certainly tried to teach me a lot, It was a class on sexual harassment, on both the employee and managerial side of how to deal with it in the work place. I took another company's test two years ago, and aced it. This one was a bit different because it discussed transgender, bi sexual and non sexual, and after an hour I was still confused. If you think you are a girl, you are a girl, if you think you are boy, then you are a boy, and if you dont know, then I dont either, but if someone harasses you for not knowing, then that's harassment. My boss said the class was 50 minutes, the test is set for 50 minutes, but then they ask questions that have to be answered throughout the entire session, and there is a test at the end. Years ago (in another life, job, marriage and decade) I had to fire a young man for sexual harassment. He would stand under the stairs and look up the ladies' dresses. One person complained to me, and I pulled him aside, and told him that that behavior was not be had in our offices. And yet a week later, I saw him doing the same thing, and another employee complained to me, and I fired him. Two months later I got a call from a potential employer, and since you are limited to what you can say about an employee I simply verified that he had worked for me from start date to end date. He thanked me, but curiosity got the better of me, and I asked him what the young man would be doing in his new job. He said working in the pit at a car garage. I told him he would be perfect for the job. 😁
  9. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Saturday night we got a prerecorded message from DH's pulmonologist that he had an appointment for Monday morning. An appointment that he forgot to give me paperwork on, so it took me by surprise, we trudged out yesterday morning, and were there more than 2 hours. No change, but this time I was there when he was scheduled, so back in 3 months. Yesterday we had our taxes done, I realized Sunday night that I did not have nay tax paperwork on a withdrawal that I had done on my retirement account. So, I, went on line and printed out my own tax paperwork, then walked the dog, and got to the tax guy on time. However, this year, it turns out that our jobs had not been taking out taxes properly on us, and we ended up owing! So the money we had saved (not much) for the vacation is going to Uncle Sam instead. So, now we have to work even more. Arghh! DH got his first sale for the Bowl last night! It was very exciting! I have to take an online test today on sexual harassment. I took it two years ago, so unless DH has made a complaint about me, than I have no idea why I have to take it again. So off to make breakfast (no cereal) and then take the test, and then walk the dog, fix lunch, start a pot roast in the crock pot, and go to work. @dfishI'm glad that the pain has lessened, and you got a better sleep! @rafinmdI am very happy to read that you are sleeping better. I read this article the other day on the googly news about not sleeping well- https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/sleeping-way-could-add-5-133000965.html @summer slope I am very happy that Bailey is doing better! Hugs to you all! Have a great day!
  10. Happy Birthday @RedneckBob! I knew you would be going to Sonny's for your birthday-I hope it's great. If you are still hungry you can always do this for dinner-
  11. @Seasick Sailor I was just trying to be snarky. I have no problem with religious. I guess I should not travel to unfriendly places....and join the snark.
  12. @Quartzsite CruiserIn hind sight I have lead and do lead an interesting life. I meet all sorts of people, I'm one of those people that if any one needs an ear, I'm here. I hear a lot of sadness. But armed with my cup of coffee (constant companion) and my smokes (another pesky habit) I dont walk away when I hear hard times. I might make a suggestion or two, but most people dont want to know there are options. They just want an ear. One of my co workers told me that I need to write a book. But most of my stories are about people who just might still be alive, and they would sue me.🙀
  13. We always decorate our door. And yes, it does help when you travel with someone who has memory problems. On our next cruise I promise I will put something up that is terribly tacky....but not political. And definitely not religious....😉
  14. We spent the afternoon going through and tossing old paperwork, mainly because I made a withdrawal from my retirement account, but never got paper work for tax purposes. After going through 3 boxes of "poop" and still not finding anything, I found the original request, and will go in to have our taxes done with that. Then I decided to make some coffee to make the 4th box of "poop" go by easier, and the coffee pot died, so off to wally world to get a coffee maker, milk, and cat food. It really was one of those days. And tonight I get to make a payment on my hotel reservation for Vancouver. Money up front. I have no idea why they didnt charge me, when I made the reservation.
  15. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! 48 degrees here and very sunny. Sky has been beautifully clear since the big storms on Friday. Do you remember the movie Sybil? Well I had a neighbor who had more personalities than Sybil. I think at last count she had more than 64. All caused by sexual abuse by a very strange religion her parents belonged to when she was a child. We shared a duplex. She was in A and I was in B. Most of her personalities were children, (between the ages of 4 and 8 and she would often show up and tell me great stories (none of them true) but you know how children's imaginations are so good! Some of her personalities were of very strict and severe adults. She would often show up at dinner time, especially when she was in child mode because all she would know how to cook, was tomato soup. And she wanted something better. The sad part was that she had been married once, and she had two children, a boy and a girl. And one day in one of her terrible adult personalities, she tried to kill them. Her ex husband got custody of the kids, Thank the Lord, and she took off. Who knows how damaged her children were. Namesake...well I was named Ann, which means Grace. My Dad's mom was named Grace. And my mother's mom was named Fannie, a derivative of Ann. Mom wanted to name me Fannie (thank God she didn't get her wish) and Dad wanted to name me Grace. So I ended up being Ann. Reel film? Well I ran the reel projectors for both the Great Swamp, and the local Audubon society. A skill that was appreciated, as I was just a volunteer. My friend Penny was the projectionist at the Woodruff Arts Center. She was a real reel operator. No matter what you do today, I hope you enjoy the day!
  16. @dfishI think you joining the gardens was one of the best things you could have done, I bet they also offer classes in art? Like Art in the Garden? And seasonal parties, where you can meet even more people? Its very exciting! We joined the Atlanta HIstory Museum, it was a great idea at the time, but we have 4 more months on our member ship, and we only went once. It's on the north side of Atlanta. I want to rejoin the science museum, as there are woods to walk in, and they decorate the woods at Halloween and Christmas.
  17. I watched F3, F2 and the qualifying for F1, and then there is tomorrow....... I am not the type of chef that follows a recipe. I imagine what it is I want an item to taste like...and then go through seasonings, sauces and condiments....until my brain agrees on what will work-so today while I was crock potting my baby backs, i realized that perhaps a touch of fruit in the crock pot, would give the ribs a bit of a zing. I added sour cherry preserves....and an hour later I added some sweet cherry preserves. Ribs were a success. DH also tells me that I don't make potato salad like his momma, That's probably because I loved my momma's tater salad. So tonight, since I had the time, I asked him what goes into his momma's tater salad that I don't use. Egg, ok i added a half of a boiled egg, ,,mustard, not a problem, sweet pickle, well I didn't have any, but used some sweet relish. I made my own "yankee" potato salad, dill pickle, some sweet onion, celery. I asked him how his potato salad was, he said more like home, but something was still missing. Aha! his mom does not use mayonnaise, she using Miracle whip, which I wont even allow in the house. So, I guess if he wants it like he likes, he will have to visit his mom more often. Or take me out to eat more often. 🙄😁 Today I had someone really put me over the edge. On Saturdays the first two sales people who get a sale get a 100 dollar bonus. I had a call back from a customer, he wanted his wife to make the final decision He asked me if the transaction would be the same if he did it on line, or if I did it for him, I said no, but I would get a bonus if he did the sale with me, so he agreed, thanks, while his wife was listening in, and decided that she wanted the seats while i was verifying the information, and she did the sale on line. I had someone do this to me last week, because she was scared that by the time I could call her back she would lose the seats. And yes I lost that commission too. And then this week the 94 year old who sounded very sane, but elderly, well her daughter cancelled my order because she thinks her mother is too old for such silliness. So I lost a bonus, two commissions, and my sale that I got commission on has been recharged to my pay check. I went out to get some air tonight, and saw the Jupiter /Venus alignment, how beautiful! BFF told me on Tuesday that we only had 68 days to departure, not sure if he meant embarking, or arriving in Vancouver. Either way, I'm excited, I need a vacation from this job. Arizona Opera has still not signed the contract, and I really need that job come April. I heard from Fern today, she is in "rehab" for several weeks, the Dr's think she needs the rest and to build back up some body strength after being in a coma for more than a week. And as far as I know no one knows why she was in a coma. I really miss my little office manager Neko. None of the other cats want the job, even if snacks are included. The water people were still digging in the neighbors yard this morning, I dont know if they have water next door, at least they didn't turn off the rest of the street today.
  18. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Computer says 62 and mostly sunny. Actually it is sunny. The weather here yesterday was really quite interesting. Lots of rain, mid afternoon, sky almost black, saw the huge pines with the tops swirling, not just blowing. Tornado warning at one point, and tornado watch until 8 last night, On top of the terrible weather, our neighbors water line broke yesterday. Water pouring down her yard into the street. No one was home, so DH called the county water folks, and they started digging, and then they turned off the water, right when that big thunderstorm happened, and there we were, no water, for most of the afternoon. Time to fix dinner? No water. I left work and we went out to find food. And pick up my meds. I did go outside last night around 11:15, and the sky was so clear, it was lovely. Tonight is bbq crock pot baby back ribs, potato salad, deviled eggs. No chili this week. I hope you are all doing well, that dreams are still coming true for you. It's an F1 weekend, so you know when I am not working where I will be.
  19. Happy Friday Morning Dailyites! And TGIF! For some reason I got it in my head that I was working 5-10 tonight, not so, so my day time plans are getting squeezed together to a quiet morning and a very rushed lunch hour. Which always involves a lot of nagging on my part to get DH up, dressed and out the door by 11 a.m. so I can be back by 12:30 so that I can walk the neighbors dog. And then start work at 1. I stopped at the farmers market yesterday to pick up olive oil, ended up with 4 things, and just this minute realized, I forgot to buy olive oil. @summer slopeMy heart and my prayers are with you and your fur daughter. I have given up on the computer's weather news, it's going to rain, it may or may not be bad weather, it is what it is.... Yesterday on our day off I did loads of laundry, the big comforters, which took forever to dry, changed the sheets, swapped out the comforters on the bed, as the weather is supposed to cool down again, and I slept quite well last night, one wake up at 6 which while most of you are up by then, I opted for another hour of sleep. We also had lunch out yesterday, DH says since my diet these days does not include pasta, he had crawdads (crayfish) stuffed ravioli. Swimming in a creamy garlic sauce. He gave me half of one, and WOW was it good! Last week was Thai, this week was Cajun. And next week? no day off, as it's back to appointments and dr's visits. I think that here on the Daly we each want each other to be happy, and if we share the humor we will make those who are not here happy, and on it goes...
  20. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Today is my self appointed day off. We decided that on our days off we will go to have lunch at restaurants that we dont get a chance to eat at for dinner anymore, since we work until 8, and I really hate to drive in the dark now. Last week it was Thai, today will be Cajun. Add in a trip to the store for cat food, and a stop at the farmers market for a few items, maybe if we are lucky they will have chocolate mousse. I think I have narrowed down the cause of the stomach problems-red meat, or red peppers. I think we will start with removing the red meat for a week. We started watching a movie when we got off work last night. I think it's called We have A Ghost. It's on Netflix, it's supposed to be a comedy, but it is so far a tragedy. The computer says "Rain coming" but the weatherman keeps saying, while it is bad west of us, it wont be as bad as what west of us has. Since the black jeep is now yellow, I will take rain in any form it comes. Coughed all night! Woke myself up at 2 and 5 something just coughing. Tried to go back to sleep at 7 something, but that didn't work. Just coughed, so I got up. Guess I will watch snow board cross. This house if full of nothing but rescued cats. They show up, we take them in, get them neutered or spayed, and their shots, and take care of them forever. Well sadly as you know, at least, forever in our hearts.
  21. I have a question. I understand the concept of the Orange Party, but is it for everyone or just those with Mariner Points? In other words, should I pack orange, and how fancy is it. My friend who just booked this cruise just told me that he does not want to go all fancy, so how fancy is fancy? in the mdr, on formal night. I cruised Alaska with Carnival and we did not go to formal night. It was never that warm, and formal would mean winter formal, I wasnt planning on taking that much stuff.
  22. rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit...I did say that to myself when i woke at 5 this morning, and then i said, get off the bed, cat, I have to use the bathroom, and it was downhill from there. We had steak last night, roasted squash and mushrooms, and a salad. Within one hour, DH was ill, this morning at 5 I was ill.I am still feeling awful. Am I poisoning us? I am going to work today (to the living room) but I wont work tonight, I have no scheduled calls, and an early bed time sounds very nice. DH is going to try driving this morning, since I don't really want to leave the house. He has not driven since his eye surgery, a month ago. I will keep my fingers crossed for him. @Cruzin Terri I read your post last night and am sending you a huge hug. It's hard when we learn that the rock we have leaned on, is now more a puddle, and we have to become the rock. I am currently in pebble stage. Because I hate arguing, and my rock doesn't. like the power taken away, but he cant make up his mind on anything. So I have two sinks that leak, a toilet that leaks, doors where the keys dont work...they are all going to be fixed.......i just hope it's before the house implodes. I love peanut butter. My favorite sandwich is a bacon and peanut butter. I love it on celery, and sometimes, I just get a big spoon of it and slowly nibble on it. And I love Reeces.....When I lived up north the young adult group I belonged to used to have annual peanut butter parties. Now we all live far apart, two have Alzheimer's and we don't hear from them, because their spouses passed on. How quickly time goes by. I will celebrate the pig! The pig gives us bacon, and baby back ribs.....and pork roast, and pork tenderloin and pork chops, and sausage, and ...wish I felt better, this pig talk should make me hungry. I love the quote, and fear the reality of it. But this year I am giving myself many days of not being in my comfort zone.
  23. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 69 and sunny. It is. The weather man has been trying to frighten us with impending doom and gloom for the end of the week. They rate the weather between 0 and 11, and Friday is supposed to be a 4. Originally this channel (11) put the numbers out based on the average history for that day, but they changed it, and use the numbers to show a great or bad day. So we have lots of 11's when it is way too hot for this time of year, but they are nice days. @superoma To @Safety Squirrel, @cruising Katie and @Petunia1950- @smitty34877 The view from Tana's window this morning looks lovely. The Atlanta area in the past, gets it's winter in March. We are all waiting...for our winter next month. Our neighbors who went home to Vietnam at the end of December, and said they would be back in February are still not back. The house if you remember has been broken into, and DH put a lock on that door that was crow barred open. I had been moving the furniture on the front porch, there was a metal chicken on the steps, and now that has been stolen. Our storage room off the carport had been opened yesterday, while we were home working. I told DH that when we are home, we really need to just keep the doors locked. @dfishYou had me at sausage, and cheese.. In my need to watch some form of racing, I have found the Winter games of Ski Cross on Peacock. This will have to do until F1 starts this weekend. Well, off to fix something to eat, and go and pay some bills. I did pay off the transatlantic cruise in October Rome to Tampa, and I now have two excursions paid for the Greek Island cruise- in Turkey we are doing the Ephesus, St John's and Virgin Mary excursion, and in Naples we are doing Pompeii -on our own. In Sicily we are doing a cooking class, I just haven't booked that one yet. Have a great day everyone, stay safe!
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