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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. @reallyitsmema Thank you for all the info about Maho Beach. It looks like you both had a really great day there today! The last time we were at St. Maarten, our friends, who have been there several times, were going to take us, but I wound up staying onboard since I wasn't feeling well that day.😔
  2. @Ozark_Kid I think I'm going to have to call you "Farmer John". Your vegetable gardens are always so awesome as well as massive with the amounts and varieties that you grow!
  3. @reallyitsmema Great pictures of the airplanes!!✈️ I've never gone there, even though we've been to St. Maarten many times. I'll have to go next year when we're there.
  4. @lenquixote66 Lenny, I'm so sorry to hear that your Parkinson's has gotten worse for you.😔 Jim's Dad had Parkinson's....😔 (((Hugs)))
  5. I am Rh negative. O- I wonder if they don't give it to the men because women who have RH negative have been given the Rhogam shot? I was given the shot both times after delivering, and a shot after my miscarriage (I understand that I was given the Rhogam shot after my miscarriage, in case I got pregnant again)
  6. The pictures of the lake are gorgeous, Helen. Especially the first two. If they were mine, I'd probably get them printed on canvas. Did you see what denomination the Church is?
  7. Well, I just stepped out into the backyard looking up at the sky for any sign of the beautiful lights; no such luck. We still have lots of cloud cover. Apparently the weather people were wrong about the sky being clear around here tonight. Ah, well. At least I had a lovely Mother's Day!😉
  8. Oh no! I wonder why it has to be from a male? I am O negative; I would've never had thought to have my donation card with me I'm wondering also🤔 Universal is universal, as far as I'm concerned...
  9. Sorry about today's ordeal, Marian, but thank goodness you are home, safe and sound. Thank you for your update. I was hoping we would hear from you. Welcome home! 🌺 Best of luck at the doctor's.
  10. Thanks Jen! You beat me to it! A big thanks to you and Graham for introducing me to the Snowflake martini! So good!!!
  11. Thank you Dolby, for taking us along on your Wonder cruise.🛳️
  12. @MJSailors I am so sorry about your beloved baby Christopher John. You experienced every parent's fear. I am so happy for you and DH that you have the joy of sharing your love with your many friends children and grandchildren, along with your Godchildren. Thank you for sharing. It had to be somewhat difficult sharing your heart with us.❤️
  13. I'm sorry that you are having such a tough time with your dining times. This should be a time for a nice, relaxing dinner, not the big fiasco that you and DH are experiencing. I sure hope things improve quickly for your dinners. Beautifully said, Bonnie!!
  14. @helen haywood Happy Birthday Marian!🎈🎈 I hope all goes well with your disembarking from the ship in the morning; hopefully you aren't hurting too much, and everything falls into place for your trip home.🌹
  15. @CSHS1979 Thank you for posting John's pictures and his where-abouts, Laura! I hope you are doing well.
  16. I'm referring to the picture on Formal night, and your DW's great outfit!😁
  17. I also love your outfit! Lovely picture of the two of you!
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