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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I didn't know that acorns are for good luck. We must've missed that here, since we need the new roof and just had the heating and AC all newly installed...lol!
  2. Oh crap! I forgot to put raisins in for Jim! I usually make at least a dozen with raisins for him. I just took the last of the cookies out of the oven. All done!
  3. Oh, the never-ending acorns! Nonstop for months now! The basketball court in the backyard has been cleared too many times so far. Did I mention it is completely covered again? and with the leaves as protection, covering them all.
  4. I had read that there are demonstrations going on all around Colon and that cruisers should just stay onboard. I'm hoping to find a light sundress or something along those lines to wear. If not, definitely something white!
  5. Thank you. I have read that vendors can be aggressive. I hope all went well at your doctor appointment last Thursday.
  6. Your daughter and SIL are so fortunate that you and Micheline are helping with the many tasks before them! We bought our Victorian home back in 1975 when I was pregnant with our twin daughters. Our home was well over 100 years also. Luckily my family came and helped with the initial cleaning. Our home had no insulation (man, it was so cold that first Winter!), and we had to have all of the Wiring in the house done, then we had baseboard done, etc. Together, we stripped the paint off all of the beautiful woodwork in the house. When Jim worked nights and our babies were sleeping, I'd strip the wallpaper. We so loved our beautiful home, just as I know your daughter and SIL will love their new, beautiful home. You and Micheline rock!!
  7. We're doing the Panama Canal in March. I'm guessing there were no problems with ship traffic getting through the Locks? We're doing a Tour in Cartagena with Dora the Explorer. I've read how hot it is there! I also was reading on the Celebrity threads that there's problems in Colon. Did you get off of the ship there?
  8. Wow Greg! You are doing awesome! So happy for you! You are certainly motivated and determined to do well, and it appears that you are succeeding 😀 well done!
  9. Good morning Graham, and all of our CC friends. It is so cold this morning, in the 30's! Florida can't come soon enough for myself and Jim. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Hoping all is well with Dani and family.
  10. I'm guessing all of our first cellphones were big, heavy monsters! I never carried mine around, and the one time I really needed it was when I was in an accident with my car. After that, it became a fixture in my pocketbook. I very, very rarely used it, though! Certainly not like we all do everyday with all of the features on our phones that we all have nowadays!😁
  11. Well done, Marian! I've only learned to post the last picture I'd taken on my phone. Anything older than that, forget it! lol!
  12. Thank you Marietta, Bonnie, Aussie and Mark. Jack is such a great and loving grandson. He is a very hard working young man who is dedicated to making videos and has been winning awards for his school. He has been looking into Colleges geared to his career goals. He does make us so very proud! Thank you again for all of your well wishes!🥰
  13. Same here, Deb! Pretty much how our Christmas's have become, and mainly focus on the grandchildren, and not as extravagantly as we once did. The important thing is that we are all together and enjoy each other so much, especially now that our grandchildren have grown and have such busy lives themselves, we have been having what we call "Cousin Christmas" which we celebrate a few days before Christmas. This tradition began once our fourth grandchild was born, and we felt each child should be in their own home on Christmas morning with the excitement that Santa had been there. Our first three grandchildren all lived in Connecticut, and we would travel there. Although our oldest is now 22 and on her own living in the City, they, as well as Jim and I, all look forward to our "Cousin Christmas and being all together. After all, that's what Christmas is all about!🎄 I come from a large family..I had 7 siblings, Jim had 1, lots of nieces and nephews as a result of a large family. Luckily, we stopped all of the gift giving and sharing years ago with family members, other than with our daughters, SIL's, and grandchildren.
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