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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. How are you doing after your debacle at the Barcelona Airport?
  2. @jmh2006 Yay Jennifer and Dave! So glad all is good! Try to get some sleep tonight...you've got places to go, places to see, a new adventure awaits you! ✈️🛳️ ENJOY!!
  3. That is exactly what Jim and I did prior to our B2B just before our Bella cruise last year😉 We did a 4 day in a Junior Suite on Liberty, since we were 8 pts away from Diamond.😊
  4. +1 @dpostman Patches is adorable! Sorry you DS had the fender-bender. You must be so excited, Jennifer! Hugs to Dave tomorrow. Safe travels on Tuesday. Have a great time!!!!✈️🛳️
  5. Better safe than sorry, Deb! Bonus having your granddaughters sleep over. That's always fun!❤️ When I had the twins (which we didn't know until Melanie's birth), my water broke early morning; we quickly wrapped our daughter Jennifer up and drove to my sister's house to drop her off, and as we got into the hospital, the nurse announced that my baby was coming. Six minutes after Melanie's birth, Judy arrived to the surprise of everyone in the room...the doctor, the nurse, and the mom and dad!😉 My daughter Jennifer was born right after my water was broken in the hospital, and she came out with one push, hence our rushing to the hospital for our second (and 3rd) baby(ies). Best of luck to your daughter. How is she feeling? Keep us in the loop! This is exciting!!!!❤️
  6. @h20skibum Enjoy your granddaughter's Concert tomorrow, Mark! 22,000 steps is mind-boggling to me. That sure is an awful lot of walking to do in one day.
  7. Thank you, Jen! As the saying goes "from your lips to God's ears!" When do you leave for Italy and your cruise? Has Dave been feeling okay since his trip to the hospital last week?
  8. I'm so over this weather, Debbie, as are many of us. Meanwhile, back in Naples, my friends are dealing with very hot, humid (but dry) weather there. Good to hear that you'll get to enjoy the two weeks in June at your Summer home. Friends of ours are in the process of selling their home in Seaside Park. I'll miss getting to see them in the Summer.
  9. Awesome news, Deb!!!! That is fantastic!! How far away does your daughter live from you? My memory is so bad....Congratulations!!! 👣
  10. I was waiting for someone to bring that up!!! LOL! I'm glad it's working out for you with the wheelchair and good to hear you'll have the boot to help.
  11. Thank you, Bonnie. I really appreciate your lovely words, as well as your increasing my Yiddish vocabulary at the same time!🥰😘 What a lovely and special relationship you and your kindergarten teacher shared through the years. One of my daughters has been a friend on facebook with her 5th grade teacher for many years now. Thank you, Lenny!😊
  12. I've forgotten what the sun looks like. We had our sprinkler fixed last week, and haven't used it, since Mother Nature insists on daily rain, as well as cool (some days cold) weather. Today it is mild out, but cloudy, with rain (would you believe!!) expected this evening, Enough complaining from me. Enjoy the rest of your day, Graham, please say hi to Pauline for me! Wishing everyone on here a wonderful, and hopefully for you all...a sunny, lovely day!
  13. Thank you, Deb. That is exactly what Jack is planning on pursuing. He amazes me with the knowledge in his head. He is our "go to" guy. He actually built his own computer years ago as a young boy. He requested and got all of the parts for Christmas. This was way before he started high school. Jack is now a Junior. He spends so much time producing and editing. He always has a camera in hand also. The school trusts him and his small group with any equipment that he needs. He went to a College upstate last year and saw that the equipment he uses in his school is much more updated than what this particular College offered. The kid knows his stuff!😉 Deb, how is your daughter doing?
  14. Dani, thank you so much for your kind words. "Naches" describes our proud enjoyment and love of Jack perfectly! I love learning so much from you, as well as from @BonTexasNYBonnie, and @lenquixote66 Lenny, with regard to your customs as well as words from the Yiddish dictionary. Love you, Dani!❤️ Can't wait to meet you next year!🥰
  15. Andrew, I don't know what you went for, but for me, I'd have: Ballpark Poutine, Grilled Chicken Panini, and both a Pistachio, as well as a Coconut, Dolce Gelato!
  16. My Grandson Jack has been at it again! Last week, we attended a Congressional Art Contest for High School Students, where the winner's picture would be hanging in Congress for an entire year. The whole affair was lovely...it was catered prior to the Awards. There were 100 entries that were judged, and Jack's picture called "A Cup of Sea". Jack came in 7th Place and several people came up to him saying that his picture was their favorite. Today, at the New Jersey State High School Film Challenge 2024, Jack was awarded "Best Film Director" for the film that he and his group had entered into the Contest. His group consists of 6 students. They spent many days filming this film that could only be 3 minutes long. Jack would spend endless hours editing, etc. Jack's group also won "Best Overall Film" for their film titled "Fire". The group also won "Best Production Design" for their film. Last year, Jack won "Best Documentary" for his film. This kid, though...❤️
  17. I had just turned 4 years old in August, when I started Kindergarten in September. The Catholic school that my older siblings attended wouldn't take me until I was 6, so I spent a second year in Kindergarten with the same teacher, Mrs. Marino.😊
  18. The only times that I was "carded" was when I'd go to the bars in New Jersey, where the drinking age was 21. I had wonderful id that "proved" I was 21.....😁 Just sayin....
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