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Posts posted by iamsteph

  1. I'm actually really looking forward to having the Havana pool access. We've not hung out by the pool in ages because it's always been too crowded and we don't want to get there at the crack of dawn to find a seat.


    If we go to breakfast first in the main dining room and then want to go to the Havana pool area, will we find loungers?

  2. It was a total of 15 minutes to park both times we have sailed from there. Add in how early you are back on the road, I would rate it high. First time when debarking, we were first off and on 95 at 9:08 and home by 1:30.



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    Yeah, I've had times when we were in quickly and out quickly (out's never a problem...). However, the last two or three times that we've tried to park (you can see I've been on the Pride numerous times), there have been delays, traffic jams, people lined up for 45 minutes waiting to be let in to the parking, etc.


    So yes, the OP could show up and have no problem, park quickly, get through security, checked in, and on board in 25 minutes (I've had that happen before). Or, he could get there, and it take an hour to park, they have the doors to the terminal closed and won't let anyone in because the terminal is full, finally get in an hour AFTER the boarding time on your paperwork, you only go as fast as however many other Diamond, Platinum, and FTTF are in front of you in security, however many Diamond and Platinum are in front of you at check in (and if they are checking you in in the little VIP room, I swear it takes twice as long as the staff in the regular lines) and you don't get priority through the area in the back where everyone lines up to DING onboard.


    That's why I suggested not showing up until your boarding time. Sure, you could get there early and have no problems. But if you get there, and check-in is a mess, you can't really complain, I guess :p

  3. FYI, showing up early (before boarding time) can be a bad idea in Baltimore. The port does not have the best layout and they will not let cars in until enough cars have left from the previous cruise. Major traffic jam ensues, as there is only ONE way in. Sometimes, the drop-offs can get by, but the last time we sailed, the traffic to park backed up so much that even the drop-offs couldn't get in.


    Edited to add: also, last time, they wouldn't let ANYONE in to the terminal, even Platinum. It was very hot outside that day.... :-|

  4. Anytime dining is in the upstairs part of the dining room. Seated dining is in the downstairs. Best thing you can do is go to the dining room right when you get on and be flexible - ask that your entire party be seated together, whether it be early or anytime.


    They will not seat you if you just show up to early dining, when assigned to anytime. Hope this helps!

  5. Hm, ok. The lady who was helping me actually put me on hold to talk to the people who apply the credits. They even went so far as to extend the time necessary to pay the increased deposit so that the credit would have time to clear. When it didn't happen after a day or two, I got paranoid and went on and paid some more money to cover the cost of the deposit.


    Looks like I need to make a call :)

  6. I had a cruise booked, but decided to take a different cruise. Carnival didn't transfer the booking, but rather cancelled the old booking and rebooked me on the new cruise. I was told that the deposit I'd paid (minus the cancellation fee) would be applied to the new booking.


    That was December 21st. Those funds still haven't been applied to the new cruise. How long does it normally take? Just wonder if I need to call Carnival and get this straightened out...

  7. GF pizza dough & bread?? I didn't know that! Awesome!


    I'm also gluten free. In addition to what everyone said, be careful with the Deli. While they have gluten free bread, they will put condiments on with the same knife and from the same bins that they use for regular sandwiches. They will also use the same knives/cutting boards for preparing sandwiches. It's been hit or miss as to whether when I ask them to use a clean cutting board/utensils, they seemed put out by the request. At least with the pizza place, the servers seemed to get it and said "ok, I need to do this in a separate area" :p

  8. ? What does she could of statement of different way mean?

    I was not even talking to the OP, again I was directing my statement to the person that stated the term "gluten allergy".

    I'm sick of people on the gluten free band wagon!

    Yes, the OP has celiac disease but most people in this country don't even know what gluten is and they say they have a gluten allergy! There is no such thing.

    It's either celiac disease, wheat allergy or gluten sensitivity.


    As an RN, maybe you've forgotten that lay people aren't always up to date on terminology. I have celiac disease. When I eat out, if I say I need gluten free because of celiac disease, they look at me like I have two heads - they have no idea what I'm talking about, nor do they realize I will be sick for days if they handle my food wrong or aren't careful with the ingredients.


    If I say I have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, they cop the same attitude you just took - tired of people on the gluten free bandwagon, tired of people who are gluten free because it's a fad diet - and they do take me seriously. I've been sickened a couple of times because of that.


    But lay people understand "allergy" and if I say I have a gluten allergy and that I will get extremely sick if I ingest it, they get it and are careful.

    I'm scientifically educated. I know there is no so such thing as a gluten allergy. But it puts it in terms that others understand.

  9. This happened to me when I was in Cozumel. I found the only way I could connect to my ships internet (the new wifi) was to be right up against my cabin door. Anything from the couch to out on the balcony would only give me the option to connect to the other Carnival ship that was docked next door.

  10. I wonder if they'll group all the "extra $" stuff together so I can skip right on over it all. I feel like half of the Fun Times is now extra fee activities or advertising for their revenue generators and so on. Oh, there are 5 activities of bingo today? And not one of them free? Pass. I don't even need a prize. Maybe I just want to play bingo! :(

  11. Come to Ohio for fall foliage and cruise somewhere exotic instead. :o)


    Just kidding. We are taking the NE/Canada cruise this year on 9/19. I figured there would be a little color, but still some warmth. But weather up there is unpredictable so who knows. Best color is probably last week of September or first week of October since it starts a bit earlier than here.


    Ha! I've never been to Ohio, but if I could get there on a ship, I'd go :p


    Thanks for the info!

  12. Looking to take a New England/Canada cruise in fall 2016. Not worried about rough seas, but would like to see fall foliage if possible.


    Possible cruises are early-, mid-, or late-September or mid-October.


    Which would be the best time to go? Or dates to avoid because of holidays. Thanks in advance!

  13. I've been on the pride numerous times and while we usually take a cab, I've never seen them not let people park. Usually follow the ship tracker and arrive two or three hours after she docks, so when she docks doesn't matter. There was parking available. I could see numerous spots open, but they basically waited until the lot cleared completely out before they let anyone in. That was the frustrating part - I'd rather wait inside where there are bathrooms, water, etc. than be stuck sitting in my car.


    In the end, I realize they said don't be here until noon, but if you wait that long, being platinum or having fttf isn't worth it. You're just boarding with everyone else. Normally I wouldn't care, but this time dh and I have a cabana and we wanted a certain one so we wanted to be on board asap.

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