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Everything posted by xpcdoojk

  1. Queen definitely did their best work in the 70s. MJ is good for the 60s 70s or 80s. Journey broke up in 87, but they were definitely part of the 70s. I hated them in both decades. I think the 80s would be more about the bands like (we are only talking pop music, not real music aka rock and roll) Depeche Mode U2, REM, ABC, World Party, Adam Ant, Culture Club, Go Gos, the Police, etc…. I hate dance music, but disco aka 70s party is way better than the dance electronics stuff of the 80s. Not a fan of either. But I would rather dance to YMCA than Come on Eileen. JMHO and YMMV jc
  2. As someone who has used the key several times. If you can show up before first boarding times, you will be on within 30 minutes of the key. The activities included is worthwhile if you would considering booking the FlowRider for a private session, but it doesn’t really matter for anything else. It is like buying the internet, but since everyone is supposed to buy the key 2 people in a cabin means you each have internet, but in reality, unless you live on the internet you can share one package. Unfortunately, you have way more than 2 people in the cabin, it is going to cost a fortune for you all to have the key. You can buy Chops lunch reasonably if you want that do that. Do not buy the key.😇 jc
  3. Clearly ought to be the house band. We saw Todd about 7 or 8 years ago in St Louis at the Pageant. He was being Todd, which means he played stuff nobody ever heard of, like a weird Loren Green song (yes Bonanza Loren Green), one of the guys playing then was Kasim Sulton from Utopia. Anyway, he would stop and tell silly stories, my favorite and I think appropriate for the Utopia of the Seas, was the one about Daft Punk. There was a party after they won the Grammy, and Todd and wife were invited. They arrive, and figured since Daft Punk recorded some of his songs on their early albums Todd thought they would be at the main table, but they were quickly redirected to a far distant corner of the room. He said Daft Punk was brilliant, because with the masks, Todd said they he could have toured forever, and just had someone else do all of the touring while he stayed at home counting the money. jc
  4. Normal years we have 60 to 80 individual trick or treaters. This year it was about 20F… we had 27. That is the least we have had in 33 years at this house. JC
  5. Our favorite restaurant, is run by a wonderful local lady, who married a chef from a resort near Big Sur in California. They do a lot of farm to table and he does a lot of Sous Vide cooking. It is a very pricey restaurant but it is so good we frequent it a lot. We don’t eat dinner out a lot but when we do this is our place, usually 1 time a month. Their small restaurant is in the middle of an apple orchard. Lovely. Anyway, she used to always come talk to us, they have young staff since they are only open Thursday thru Saturday, and she was the wine sommelier and cocktail person. Most of the waitstaff are college kids. Because my DW has Alpha Gal which is a tick borne virus (hate deer they spread pestilence) via the Lone Star tick, damn Texas, she has the waitstaff well prepped when we arrive to make sure Krystal (DW) doesn’t get any mammalian bits for dinner to cause an alpha gal reaction. We regularly communicate with her via email and I kept telling her I never see her any more are you not working as much and she always replies I am always at the restaurant every night. I reply, but I never see you…. Turns out she has Lyme disease from a tick bite, and is pretty much immobile. I learned this when we went to dinner with friends who knew this, and they were talking to her in a small chair out of site at behind the bar. I was like who were you talking to, and they said Tamara, and I was like why is she sitting behind the bar in the chair, and they told me the situation. I went back and talked to her for the first time in about a year, and I apologized for not realizing what was going on. Now when we come in the restaurant, she shouts hello at me when we walk in the door. I watch her now, and it is clear she doesn’t have very much mobility at all, but she still teaches her staff exactly how to do their jobs. Most of them are kids, and they do great. Ticks suck… jc
  6. Yeah, Lennie, don’t trust people who call or email. Look at your bank statement or credit card statement, or however you pay bills and if you believe you have paid, tell them to pound sand. Then call the company you do business with and see if they are looking for their payment. Regardless, don’t give anyone your bank account information etc. If you can’t decide any of that it is time for someone to take over your finances. It saddens me when people fall victim to these evil people. jc
  7. I am 99% certain it was a Doubletree, but I would have to look at my notes to verify. We had a room that looked at the station. Ambulances, police they all were there regularly. So, pretty safe since it is like under the constant watch of the local cops. Literally across the street.
  8. That is what we did the last time, during the never ending rain. We saved a couple of hundred at night. Stayed at the hotel across from the Penn Station in NJ. Hotel was fine. Train ride about 25 minutes each way. Lots of homeless and addicted people there. Blew out my On Cloud shoes walking for 3 days in the rain, had to buy another pair (Gortex) on our last day in the city after taking the ferry and doing the crown stairs at the Statute of Liberty. Went to see Six (six wives of Henry VII) because it was one of the few shows we haven’t seen. (It was good, silly songs done with a lot of style). Ate at 5:30 at the Palm with some Jersey people who are obviously regulars at the Palm who wanted to be our best friends. They were not the kind of people who vote for the winner of the local elections, so I kind of liked them despite their oddness. Had breakfast after waiting in the rain outside sort of covered for an hour at some place related to dogs near Madison Garden one morning. Good trip. On previous last trip, (not counting arriving at Cape Liberty and flying home from there) on Labor Day weekend in 2016, the ladies wanted to be in the audience of a show, preferably SNL. They weren’t back yet and I wasn’t going to waste time standing in line, so I got us in to the nerd that used to write for SNL, Seth Meyers. So, apparently, getting in means you get to compete for seating. My DW, is a completely awesomely competitive person, and once inside it became the goal of becoming a super fan of Seth. Because the best seat went to the super fan. We have in our lifetime watched one episode of the Seth Meyers show. The one we attended that Labor Day weekend. When I realized what the producer was doing, I told her, my wife would be the super fan. Sure enough 30 minutes later of insane silly stuff and a bit of obvious trivia. We were escorted to the seats of the super fan. I like visiting NYC, but it is a really crappy and horrible place with a bunch of off the charts amazing stuff. JMHO and YMMV
  9. Definitely cheaper than a transfer. Or a private car. National Express is probably the frugal best option. Not frugal, private car. Although if you have a large group a private car is not a bad option from a frugal point of view.
  10. I have been on before 11 a couple of times. The best thing about the KEY/VIP is being able to drop you bag and stuff you don’t trust to the stevedoors on the dock.
  11. Pretty obvious, you would not change the name unless you were going to kick the diamonds out. Unless they go back to the old rules of you can have as many drinks as you like in the now “crown” lounge it doesn’t really matter now that there are vouchers. I, personally, don’t see what this gains for them. The diamonds still get their 4 free drinks, they just don’t get to sit with us in the small lounges full of old people. I guess this is a win for someone, but I don’t really see it.
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