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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Rabbits Rabbits White Rabbits! Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦. I wish I were…. sigh! Off for fasting blood tests, then quick breakfast and eye doctor. Will fill in later! Blessings all! Maureen
  2. Temps in the 50s overnight, high 70s today in north New Jersey… nice! Granddaughter made progress yesterday with cleanup after storms downed a tree in their yard damaging vehicles. Her DH and others chainsawed to get much of it cleared up and make access to the vehicles. Insurance claims are begun. The neighbor’s car was taken to the body shop, might be totaled-it doesn’t take much for insurance companies to total a car! I hope the kids can manage their homeowner’s insurance deductible. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m excited about getting with my Maryland church ladies today by phone, I sent them my materials by email yesterday, one of them made copies. Leading it from afar should work! I hope Jacqui has the perfect treats to help Ivan through his vet visit! Blessings to all our Care List -thank you Vanessa! And for all the special needs and hopes of the day. And blessings for our country, your country and for peace in the war zones. Cheers for those celebrating, Life is Good🌈. Smooth travels to all away and our lucky cruisers! Thanks all for being here! Thanks for the caring thoughts and beautiful photos to brighten us! Don’t let the day go by without enjoying something! Maureen
  3. Thanks for letting us know Ann that you’re home. Get some rest and behave!
  4. For the garden club and all to enjoy, Flower beds from around our complex
  5. Good Thursday morning from north Jersey… todays mid- 80s is better than the mid-90s we’ve had. I’ve been busy with life here, trying to catch up a bit, read yesterday’s posts. Praying for Amazing for Ann @Vict0riann today and her care team. Keeping you close to heart! And for Jacqui, Terry and Tana, Terri and Jim, Sandi and family, Karen on Phil’s anniversary day…. Annie, I’m sorry for your loss, it’s so hard seeing it coming, but when it happens it’s a whole new blow to your world. Be gentle with yourself. Good on your success, bad on your boss! Pennie, healing thoughts to seal your incision! We had DH’s son and his wife here a week. Wonderful they came! It’s a long drive… Loved having them. These opportunities are cherished! Glad they had lots of folks to visit in the region, glad they home-based with us! We had very high winds Monday night which caused power problems… lost one phase of our complex’s 3-phase power supply. This caused many parts of our community to be on partial power; our apartment had some receptacles dead, others at 66 volts. We powered down everything that could be damaged by low voltage including HVAC and fridge, all electronics. Slept with open windows. Elevators were spotty. Some back-up generators didn’t auto-start because the sporadic arcing up the line confused the sequence that starts the generators. But it all calmed down eventually during the night … I attended 3 community meetings Tuesday and Wednesday, saw the kids off yesterday way too early for their 13 hr drive back to NC… then had news of damage last night at bedtime from older granddaughter in Poughkeepsie NY that they had problems from last night’s storms… trees down… minor damage to their vehicles, severe damage to a rental trailer they have as temporary storage while they poured a new garage slab, and that their tree totaled a neighbor’s car. A mess. Power out, lines down on vehicles, police and rescue…. Today clean-up and insurance! We offered to drive up there to help them but I think what they needed most was moral support. We’ll see how the day unfolds… or unravels. Yesterday the annual window washers came, great but we had to move our furniture and still some unpacked boxes for their access… they move it all back. Extra chores at a busy time! Today I must compile and send out materials for my Maryland spiritual companioning group that I’m leading tomorrow, first attempt at doing that from afar. And I’m excited!! I may have found a women’s sacred circle here in my new community! I’ll join their July 22 gathering and see what it’s like. 🤞 Next week is eye doctor- have had no improvement in left eye pressures… DH will have a visual field test done and we’ll see what the damage status is. Probably will need eye drops again, hoping they can offer a new kind that he’s not allergic to? I have a blood draw Monday and 6mo followup with pcp Friday; a holiday and a meeting scheduled with financial advisor to clean up accounts…. it’ll be a busy week ahead so I need to recover this weekend. We decided not to buy 4th of July tickets for the harbor boat that views the NY presentation which sounded like the grandest way to see it! But the boats go out about 7pm and one has to be in the parking garage by 2-3pm before the city officials cordon off the shore areas to traffic. So with no idea of how to cope with the time gap, we punted. Oh well. Blessings for all the Dailyites go out every morning whether I’m posting or not! Cheers for all celebrating 🥳 Smooth travels for all away! Vanessa, many thanks for keeping us up! Hope you’re feeling better. ugh, no blue bubbles today .. Condolences to my Canadian friends - we were pulling for Edmonton to bring the Stanley Cup back! They made a valiant rebound! We had to watch the final game on a cell phone during the power outage! Thanks to all for being here! Hoping your day has some smiles! Maureen For the garden club, flower beds in our complex hmmmm, not loading, maybe later….
  6. @bdrcole Thanks for the great pix of Bodo! LOVE the whimsical mural! We were in Bodo (pronounced more like Budda…) briefly on our Hurtigruten cruise (part cruise ship, part ferry so it makes several stops each day for deliveries plus a few for visits up to a few hours). @LambKnuckles Thanks for sharing your love story with us! @smitty34877 I know you’re worried, and tired. Savor what you can, and especially enjoy that special meal with DB. Thanks for checking in with us! Hot here again today in north Jersey, but not as horrible as it might be, just low-mid 99s. Our visiting family has a very busy schedule that has me trying to keep up the calendar, glad I’m not trying to keep up with the doings! But it’s great to be closer to family! Update on the New Mexico fires: There are 2 fires threatening Ruidoso NM; moisture from the Gulf of Mexico has taken the inertia out of the fire! Part of the fire received rain/hail which caused a messy flash flood run. There are 1000 firefighters working during this lull to get firebreaks established that will hold during wind shifts but there’s a lot of rugged terrain thus a lot of perimeter to address. It’s gonna take awhile but overall things are more better than worse! Hoping for good news from @kazu! Thinking of you all! Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope! For our country, your country and the world. 🌎 Cheers for those celebrating. 🎉 Smooth travels to Nancy and John and all who are away. Maureen
  7. Just a quick moment to check in… The Ruidoso New Mexico fires have had a good dose of some humidity and moisture coming up from the Gulf of Mexico… Tropical Storm Alberto flinging some their way, so thank you Texas for sharing! It wasn’t all good, done debris flows made a mess, but in general the reports are that this respite gave the 1000 firefighters time to make some progress with getting fire lines in. Hoping their progress continues! Terry, tough days, not your first! Ten minutes at a time! Glad your brother can help! Hugs!!! Terri, glad you slept! The best medicine. Annie, I remember Endless Summer, so beautiful! Elizabeth, good luck with the scan. Nancy, hoping John enjoyed his special day! Hope I sleep tonight, woke up way too early with DH fishing around for meds…. visiting family in, complex days here. Good memories with the Oslo pix! Thanks all for bring here! m—
  8. Elizabeth, Debbie said it right I think. Hugs from here too. Having lived in Ruidoso you know how much this hurts! Lenda, Mayhill shouldn’t have any direct fire impacts from these 2 fires, your friends should be safe there. The fire won’t be heading that way, the fuel doesn’t go that way but smoke could impact a broader range. Evacuees might go to Mayhill as well as Roswell, Las Cruces and other places so the RV park might get busy! Let us know if you hear from them. Family arrived safely, 11 hr drive! Should be cooler tomorrow. m—
  9. Forecast today is slightly better than feared, only 92! Family is en route so it’s last of the prepping today. I’m excited they’re coming, DH’s son and his wife! It’s great living closer to family! I am just sickened reading about the South Fork Fire in the charming mountain town of Ruidoso NM. Over 1,400 structures reported lost yesterday, and that’s not the village yet, unclear if they can save it! I’d often get to their annual EMS (Emergency Medical Services) conference, a very big to-do with 1,000 attendees, presenters from all over the country… EMTs from our fire department would often go together, rent a condo, attend pre-conference classes for our licensing credits. It was such a friendly town to host it, we loved their conference! My heart goes out to them! Prayers they and the firefighters pouring in from all directions can stay safe (one death reported yesterday). It’ll be a very long, dangerous and heartbreaking fight! My BBF who just bought a house in Maryland but hasn’t moved yet will be working in one of the evacuation centers. I guess Fire vulnerability is one reason I don’t live where we lived anymore…. which was in the northern N.M. mountains but also very vulnerable to a disaster such as this. (Our worst fire we worked there consumed 41,000 acres the first night, over an acre a second. Horrible. Friends lost homes but they worked the fire!) I know many of you deal with disasters … hurricanes, floods, tornados… so I think you understand. That’s where my heart is right now! 😓 pictures from yesterday viewed from the evacuation route. Been there done that. SO glad I’m safe but still overwhelmed.
  10. Heat wave starting today…. hoping the power holds! I’m with Terry, grew up without AC, glad we had fans! I could sleep if it was under 90, now I need it under 75! I’m not keeping up with much of anything these days…. trying to be ready for a week of house guests arriving tomorrow. Grocery shopped yesterday, done! If they need more stuff they can go get it. I only eat sushi on HAL lido, a rare treat for me with the pickled ginger! DH’s right eye has been very itchy again, and not taking eye drops so I don’t understand and I can’t fix it. He’s tapering steroid in left but pressure still a bit high. I’m taking it day by day…. grateful every day! We had a lovely day Sunday with a pleasant drive to PA Poconos, great rendition of My Fair Lady at a little community theater, then a simple supper at home. After groceries yesterday my hip was bothersome so I went to the pool to do exercises… need to do that more, it helped! Talked to old friends who just returned from a B2B TA+ British Isles…. began COVID upon return. Flights? Hotel? Ship? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Our granddaughter and husband are on a Bahamas cruise now…. our house guests will see them after their cruise, then back to our house… 🤞. I’ll ask the grandkids to test before our visitors see them… COVID would interfere with the eye doctor… a fight we’ve been fighting for 3 years! Prayers for all the Care list, and more for the country! Thanks all for being here. Maureen
  11. A luxurious cool day today before the heat wave breaks over us next week. Prepping for DH’s son and DIL arriving Wednesday for a week. They’ll use our guest room for a base camp and have many people to visit in the region so lots of day- trips for them. And not much entertaining for us! Got a Costco run done yesterday, grocery run coming Monday. Tomorrow we’ll drive west about an hour to a poconos playhouse for My Fair Lady and maybe a special Father’s Day dinner at the Pompton Queen Diner if the timing is right. Otherwise it’ll be leftover pizza from the freezer! We’ll miss the community dinner in our dining room but it’s nice to do something different too. I haven’t been sleeping well so that has disrupted the days. Just a nuisance. Keeping up with the eye regime for DH. Pressures in that eye are still higher than desired. We’ll find out more July 1. Happy for Terri and Jim back home! And to read that Nancy’s brother is getting care… what a mess! He’s not the first person I’ve heard of going through this after dental work caused a deep infection in a knee replacement. I’m grateful I’m still able to walk even with my hip issue- better some days than others but managing. Roy, I’m sorry your tests left you needing to recover. I know you’ll be extra careful. Bon Voyage @Himself 🛳️🎉. Maybe you can fill us in on HAL’s new policy of priests on their cruises. Blessings to all especially thinking of our Care list and those in urgent need. Happy Father’s Day weekend to all. It’s a good time for reflecting. I had a difficult relationship with my father; then a very special relationship with my first father-in-law, both gone decades ago. Tomorrow I will celebrate DH’s fatherhood and the unexpected caring family it brought me! ✨ Stay safe in the heat wave! Smooth travels to all away! Maureen
  12. Blessings for Ann @Vict0riann and her care team. Also for Elizabeth @Haljo1935 on permissions and procedure. Also for Tana and Terry @smitty34877 Bryce and Pennie fir smooth dental visits; Jacqui for a smooth injection fid Ivan And Susan, great you have a handyman! And Roy’s appointment. And for all the Care list needs! Cheers for @Mr. Boston on the transition successes! And for all celebrating, Life is Good🌈. Today I’ll take a stab at the Social Security website. The recent phone call get me a phone appt in late July so if I can manage to apply for benefits successfully that phone appt will evaporate… otherwise it will stay as my fallback. 🤞 Have a day to enjoy living! Thank you all for being here. m—
  13. Malta is #1 on places we hope to see again! SO much history! Stunning too. @smitty34877Terry, glad the kiddos had a great time land home safe! @StLouisCruisersSandi, proud of you for breaking the ice! 👏 @Cruzin TerriTerri, nice to see things calmer! @ottahand7Nancy, you too! @ger_77Gerry, we’ve seen you be a miracle to many! Ollie, the Ukrainian family, DH, Wayne… just to name a few. Love you Gerry! @dfish Debbie, we have those nights! Take extra care of you today. Busy here today but that’s all good. Most of it is fun, or at least interesting. Had a nice dinner with grandkids last night. Today is their 7th anniversary and they’re excited, they booked a last minute cruise leaving NY this coming Sunday! Cheap! Very happy for them! Their first without family since the honeymoon cruise we gave them. They are so excited! Blessings to all in need near and far. Cheers to those celebrating especially @Denise T… you’re always with family here😉 Happy Birthday week 🎈 @aliaschief Bruce, making good progress! No place like home! I’m enjoying a quiet morning before the afternoon activities. Life is Good🌈. Maureen
  14. Perfect day here, for me, partly cloudy, breezy and not hot! Nancy, very glad your back is better! Terri, hoping you and Jim have a pleasant day! Jacqui, you’ll know if and when to make a change. I’m sad that pain is the motivator. It was a very, very tough change for me. Suddenly due to health limitations (most of which have resolved but the handwriting was showing…) DH said he was ready! We chose a new path. Different can also be good. It’s easier doing it with two, but harder making the timing work for two 🤨! Our future where we were was not going to look like the past any more than I was going to be 40 again! Yes, I miss it, I’m very grateful I had that phase of life with DH. Change is difficult…. I made two list: things I would not miss! Things to look forward to in a new environment. It was surprising to notice how much energy went into surviving that now is available for other parts of life. But the transition is not easy, I’m so glad we did it while we could! Both our senior environments (here in New Jersey and previously in Maryland) have ground floor homes with gardening in the yard! Lovin’ your beautiful flowers! Blessings all, and thanks for being here! m—
  15. Yaaayyy! 👏👏👏 That’ll help! Now rest, tomorrow is another day, the sun will come up! 💗
  16. We all do! We’re here for you, especially on the tough days! Blessings tomorrow feels better 🌅. Hope you both can get some sleep🌹. PS Raising teenaged boys, it was important to remember nobody’s in the hospital or jail! It was a low bar but a lesson! DH reminded me of just that when we found ourselves on the wrong train out of Zurich! We were supposed to be heading to Milano but we weren’t…. I started to panic, he got me back to reality. We got off (at the airport) went back to Zurich, got to Milano late… stuff happens. It was awhile before we could laugh! 😉
  17. @Cruzin Terri Terri, oh my! I’m sorry for you troubles, and sure that Jim feels terrible about it all too. But you need to get yourself stabilized, tough as that is right now. What works for me is to make myself aware of “What’s good right now!” It doesn’t make bad stuff go away but it calms me down enough to deal with getting the next thing done right. So… You’re both safe! And you’re well, Jim is not ill, banged up but not sick. You are getting care, some money yes but he has insurance so that will work out! Caring for those wounds so they don’t get infected is essential. You have access to food, water (unlike Brenda…) and air conditioned shelter! You’ll get through this, it may be awhile before you can laugh about it but you are stronger than you may think! We are lifting you up, and kind people there are helping you. Now breathe and let yourself relax a bit… nobody’s in the hospital, nobody’s in jail. Give yourself a big hug! And gentle hugs to Jim! Vanessa and Debbie, I appreciate your feedback on the CPA, I think we may need to rethink and shop around a bit. Ann, great that you’ve been moved up! Brenda, tough water restrictions! My sister was the queen of re-using water… she used clean water for cooking, captured everything, used what she could for washing, used what was left for that for flushing. Paper plates, simple meals. Capture what you can from canned vegetables. Do you have a hot water heater? Maybe you can drain that into buckets… if it’s clean you can drink it, or if it has residue that you can’t filter out, use it for flushing. If needed, could you drive to another city to buy bottled water? When we were temporarily living in Houston for cancer treatment they had a 16’ (5m) main break. Flooded parts of the city! Restrictions for several days! 🤞 m—
  18. A huge Thank You to Bruce and Sue @aliaschief and DW! 👏 Safe Home on smooth travels. Any cruise I’m sad to leave was a good one! 🛳️🥂 Bon Voyage and Welcome Home to our cruisers. Without best friends in my life, I’m very sure I would not have made it this far! My older brother took me to Yankees games when I was a kid in Brooklyn. I’ll never forget my first time - Mickey Mantle homered his first pitch. Such a thrill! But oh my yes he had problems…. Elizabeth, we’ll enjoy watching the Stanley Cup finals starting tonight. It should be great hockey! And today and tomorrow we’ll watch the French Open championship matches we’re recording. I’m so glad we gave the big TV so we can really see the puck and the tennis ball! @Seasick Sailor, thanks for the update. Hope all concerns can be resolved before your trip. One day at a time! Annie, I hope the W/D come ok🤞and you can be confident about that small part of your world again. Extra hugs! Terri, I hope Jim’s leg is healing well and the new room is all in order so you can enjoy the rest of your time there. Terry, it’s a big day for the teens! A day they’ll remember. I hope Tana has a good day too, then so will you. Our meeting with the CPA was easy but she’s a lot more expensive than we thought…. $700-800 to file our taxes next year… is that normal? Or maybe we should interview some others…. Any thoughts? Met yesterday with folks here to learn more about end of life processes in our community… part of working on our instructions for family. It was a morning meeting and I overslept so we were frazzled getting to it…. not a good start to the day. But I did get to the pool and to my weekly meditation group, then a nap. Maybe it was the nap that caused a bed night’s sleep last night but I will slog through today and prep for granddaughter and her DH coming tomorrow. Always uplifting! Blessings to all the Dailyites! Thank you Vanessa! And to all in need near and far, our country and your yours! All celebrating, Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away! Stay safe and well to enjoy today! Thanks for being here! Maureen
  19. Gray day, but not hot! 🫡 to all who made D-Day happen. It gives me chills. May it always do that! Ready to head out soon to visit new CPA, after we finish eye regime. Had one low reading yesterday… maybe maybe maybe it will trend down 🤞 Joy, keep at it! Nancy, Hope you find relief. Annie, glad to hear some encouragement. Terri, hoping today is calm. Ann, smooth travels for Pat. Roy, good tests! Vanessa, always our Wonder Woman! Blessings all! Gotta run… Later m—
  20. I’m a mid-baby boomer, my dad was in the wartime army, mom and dad married in June of ‘45, and I’m the youngest child; DH was born during the war, his dad was too old for service. We are 12 years apart which has its own challenges… I can’t keep up with him! 🤣 I had one extended family member land on the beaches of D-day, Gold beach I think. He survived that and the Battle of the Bulge. For 6 years something like 30,000 people per day were lost! Can’t get my head around that! Mystery Island looks so beautiful. Thanks for the pix Rich! In 2013 on our crossing to Sydney on Volendam we stopped in the main port of Vanuatu, not a paradise. m—
  21. 80s and cloudy, heading into some light showers this evening and then rain tomorrow morning. We tried to walk outside to the voting area yesterday (NJ Primary) but it was too muggy for us. It is so nice to be able to walk between all our buildings on campus using the indoor sky bridges. Both of us struggled a bit with our hips on the walk over so we took the campus bus back…. seems we’re never the same two days in a row! I drove over to the haircut place in the shopping center alone! First time driving alone here since we moved in! I need to gain confidence, and I am, slowly. @ottahand7 Nancy, I used to get relief from ice packs on my SI when I’d have a flare up. Ice and a steroid burst pack. I too learned to sleep “folded like a taco”. I hope today is better! Gentle hugs! @Cruzin Terri,Terri, you’ve had a rough start to your vacation! Take today as it comes, care for Jim with love and understanding-it’s hard for him and hard for you in different ways, and sometimes we just have to do hard things… you have and you will!! Breathe in the beauty around you and breathe out the angst. We’re here for you! Extra hugs to you 🤗. @marshhawk Annie, you are in a tough spot with Chuck’s compounding maladies. I’m glad you are taking some time off to walk alongside him through this, and able to give him some space too. It’s frustrating and scary, and sometimes we just have to keep going, doing it scared. I’m glad you keep posting. And I’m glad you have your kitties for a wee bit of comfort! @Heartgrove Jack, I’m sorry the harness isn’t helping. I’m sure your efforts get through to Sam. Debbie @dfish I hope you can get little bit of walking in. Half an hour for half a mile will just have to do for now! Or maybe half that twice? You are listening to your body, even when no two days are alike. Today is social security day. I’ll start with the phone call and see if I can get guidance on whether I can do it online (their website is really quite good) or if I’ll need to go in person (ugh!). 🤞 It’ll all happen! 🛳️ Cheers to all our cruisers! Blessings to all in need- big, scary needs, and little everyday needs that can mount up to what seem like major battles! Thanks all for being here! Sharing the joys and the sorrows! Take the extra time to stay safe! No hurries no worries! Maureen
  22. Cloudy and low 80s today. Yesterday it felt hotter than I like in high 80s but not too bad. It’s June so I need to get used to this. The eye doctor said he’s happy with how the eye is healing BUT thinks the pressure is a tad high still and might need the pressure lowering drops again. Not sure why he’s happy about that, the whole reason to do the surgery is to get off the meds DH is allergic to. But for now just stay on the tapering regime for the steroids- 3x/day for 2 weeks, then 2x/day for 2 weeks with massages frequency to match. Return in 4 weeks. Do a visual field test then too. Other eye has been very itchy, maybe it started with grass pollen reaction. So DH began antihistamine drops but it got worse after a few days so maybe it’s the preservative in them 🤷🏼‍♀️. So back to Benadryl. We’re not giving up even if there are some steps going sideways. Still hoping the left eye will stabilize lower. Thank you Vanessa, Sandi, Nancy, all here who help keep me positive! Means so much! Sandi, extra hugs to you and your family! Nancy, I’m glad you have the knowledge and meds to deal with your SI pain. Been there, it changes everything! Saying goodbye to neighbors is always hard. I miss my NM community but I’m right where I belong and they are happy for us. Terri, extra blessings for smooth travels today! We stopped in Molde on our Hurtigruten cruise. It’s picturesque. Our weather was poor but I’m glad we did that cruise, 11 days for round trip Bergen to Kirkenes and back. I’d do it again! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Hoping Jane @Lazy1 can recover quickly without any longterm effects. Sometimes I think COVID reduced my sense of taste. We are still hearing of much worse from COVID including deaths, sigh. @1ANGELCAT I’m sorry Shirl is lashing out at people trying to help her. My mom was like that. It was tough on everyone. But she did come around and eventually admitted that her new environment was “a good place of old ladies!” She became the life of the party there! It took her maybe 6 months but she started out pretty ill after a heart attack. We didn’t expect her to live but maybe a few weeks. She healed up and enjoyed herself for another 4 years! Busy day… primary voting, hair cut, then I need to wrangle with social security. I thought I could do it all online but I might need to start by phone, which will mean setting aside a long time for being on hold. Trying to start benefits; website says I need documentation of first marriage, divorce, ex’s ss number…. That was a long, long time ago and about 7 moves! Don’t know why they need all that, I’m not claiming any benefits against his record, I have my own. But I have all my papers, just need to have the wherewithal to tackle it. Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good! 🌈 Enjoy something special of this gift of a day! Maureen
  23. More lovely weather, partly cloudy and cool! Thank you Rich for gathering us! Thanks all for being here. Have several appts this week starting with eye check up today. Will report back🤞. Joy, I hope you can recover quickly, both foot and shoulder! Pennie, great report! Keep it going! Terry, hope it’s a quiet day for your household. Roy, you have a lot going on, stay with it! Hoping it all works well together. And Paul continues to improve. Thanks for the video. You’re blessed with a warm and caring community. Annie, you can do anything for 2weeks, right? One hour at a time…. Nancy, I hope you can get the pump primer to hold. Are you heading into Iron Mountain? I get it confused with the Iron-town in the far western UP. Hope they can help you. Jacqui… Lillies of the Valley? I haven’t smelled them for decades! But their fragrance came right to me from your picture! Graham, glad you both are feeling better, out and about. I enjoy your visits to the beach! Bruce, glad you are taking it cautiously. So sorry your cruise is winding down. Many many thanks for sharing it with us! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope…. for our country, your country and the too many places of conflict in the world. Smooth travels to all away…. Terri, hoping your drive to Jacksonville is the beginning of a restful, healing break for you and Jim! I’m sure it’s upsetting to him too to be confused. Sigh. 🎉 to all celebrating! Life is Good🌈. Enjoy something of this gift of a day! Maureen
  24. 🏒My condolences to Elizabeth and her Dallas Stars, as well as my NY Rangers. We’ll be watching Edmonton Oilers play the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup finals. m—
  25. Terri, Sending good vibes your way! Have a grand respite! Maybe just what you need for deep healing. Terry, Relieved to know you are home ok, as your household is too I’m sure. Hope you can get some sleep, and some more help! m—
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