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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Thank you Terri. Like you, it’s a struggle sometimes. One day at a time is enough.
  2. First off, gentle hugs to Annie, Chuck, Pennie, Vanessa! Crisis time is when I have to get myself grounded in gratitude by remembering “What’s good right now?” It doesn’t make the bad stuff go away but it helps me deal better. Hoping for better news today. Praying for Amazing! Here we are keeping up the regime. It takes some extra planning but if we can keep the new drainage open enough to keep flowing maybe we can salvage some benefit from the surgery. Athens and Piraeus have so much to offer! I wish the ships did more overnights there. Ann, thanks for the update on your sister, glad she’s doing better! Terry, good that the AC is helping Tana! Maybe the rain helps too. Debbie, I hope you can carve out a helpful path! Blessings all trying to get through the day. Vanessa, seeing us on the shout out list does my heart good! We are hanging in there! One day at a time is everything! Thanks to you all for your caring support! Maureen
  3. Happy Anniversary Dixie and George! impressive! 🥂 Praying for Amazing Pennie and Chuck! So encouraging to see the progress in Baltimore Harbor, thank you Tina. Blessings for all in need for healing, comfort or hope… for our country, your country and protection for all caught in war regions. We are keeping up our regime for DH’s eye care, trying to stay hopeful. Need to finally get some laundry tackled today, that’ll be enough for me. Maureen
  4. Thanks for the encouragement! Now just maybe I can get to sleep…. Only the best for Chucks surgery! m—
  5. It feels like it’s been a long day and I’m just drained. Many thanks for all your support! Thinking of us as you all go through your own “stuff”. It helps so much! Nancy, Gerry, Terry, Elizabeth, Vanessa, Debbie, Lenda… I know I’m missing more of you, I’m sorry, I’m not at my best. I read some of the thread at doctor office so I was distracted, or reading to distract myself! Things did not go badly at the eye doctor, so that’s good! He did laser-burn the second stitch trying to keep the new drainage incision open. With a little nudging, the pressure dropped, but down to 2! Oiy! But the eye didn’t collapse!! The pressure recovered within half hour but too high, 17. The doctor agreed that this process is an emotional ride! So we’re on to a slightly new plan: 8x/da steroid drops, 4x/da pressure massages to push fluid through the incision and keep it open. No meds to lower pressure, see how it does. Come back next Monday. They want the pressure 10 or lower without meds (which DH has become allergic to). We’re not giving up. And grateful nothing bad happened with opening the stitch early. He did say the inflammation is much decreased and it generally looks better. We wait. Mother’s Day has always been hard for me but yesterday I felt good texting many friends, especially those who lost moms or babies. I got a text with a touching tribute from my younger stepson (1st marriage) which warmed my heart, and a greeting from his older brother so it felt good to be remembered. DH gave me loving cards and we had a special dinner in the dining room with a couple from down the hall. And wine! 😉. Then faced today. And we will face tomorrow together too. So much to be grateful for! Pennie, hoping you bounce back slowly and improved. Vanessa, best of luck with BFF and your own healing! Sandi, great for Ren and the team. Love the flowers, Gaspe pic, and all the sharing. Welcome back Rich, and many thanks to Jacqui, Roy, Sandi, Dixie, Ann, Tina, Graham, Paul, Debbie…. each of you for being here! Blessings sent early this morning, have a good night! Maybe we’ll see color tonight? The clouds stayed until this evening! 🤞
  6. We were on a Carnival one-time repositioning from CA to NY around Cape Horn. The trip was sold in three legs. The itinerary included glacier viewing off Chile. As we were nearing the region DH and I quickly realized it was obvious that there was not enough time in the itinerary for departing off the direct route into the glacier areas if we’d get to our next port on time. The captain announced no time for glacier viewing. Many many people were very upset! It was a huge disappointment to those who only booked that leg. I think we got a free glass of champagne at dinner.
  7. Happy Mother’s Day! Been cloudy here still so no sightings of the aurora but many thanks for all the beautiful pix. I’m so glad we had such fabulous views of it on our Hurtigruten cruise up the coast of Norway and back down. Blessings to all in need for healing, comfort or hope! Cheers to all celebrating happy milestones, Life is Good🌈 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruising friends. Safe safari for Bruce! Extra hugs to @1ANGELCAT Maureen
  8. @1ANGELCAT So sad for you, sending extra (((hugs))) Thanks for the beautiful pix of the aurora! Thick clouds here until now so maybe tonight? I didn’t sleep well, not sure how late I can stay up. We’re managing our regime here. Not giving up! Glad Annie slept, the best healing! Terry, glad you have help and can get some rest. Meals always yeast better when someone else cooks! Enjoy! Blessings to all in need! Bon Voyage to our lucky cruisers! Cheers to those celebrating happy moments🌈. Thanks all for being here sharing the journey. Maureen
  9. My apologies to Annie @marshhawk for the deadly typo. Hoping only good happenings for you and yours! @StLouisCruisers Sandi, very relieved you made it through the Weather Channels map showing the ugly looking line of severe storms this morning. Thanks for checking in. Good luck with a ride to the ship. m—
  10. More pix from Sydney: St Patrick’s church museum. Leaving port
  11. Thanks Jacqui for the FR, Roy for the maps. Seeing where the ships are today, it’s fun to recall memories of the places I’ve been to. We first went to Sydney NS by land trip with our 5th wheel RV trailer and had many days to absorb the multiple flavors there of Scottish and French influence plus the multi-faceted Alexander Graham Bell museum which is within reach of the port for ship excursions. Last September was the first time we visited Sydney from a ship, NCL Joy. I wasn’t walking too well then so we didn’t venture far but here are some pix. Port of Sydney. The giant violin A monument commemorating the first wave of Scottish immigrants arriving is 1802, 415 people on a vessel of 245 tons. NCL Joy. My other pix are coming in upside down! I’ll what I can do if anything and try again. Special thoughts to all the Care List, all In turmoil. I hope Annie dies ok at the oral surgeon, and Houdini is improving. Terry, listen to your body and your heart! ❤️ Maureen
  12. @Lazy 1 Jane I’m glad you are relieved about not having the surgery and can approach these changes with your son. I hope his issues can improve. The problem with losing a job is that it usually means losing medical insurance. I hope his situation can stabilize. Vanessa, what a day. You just say very quickly that you got him a wheelchair but that can’t have been easy for you, and probably heavy! I’m concerned for you and your own healing. Surrounding you with an edge of protection. Sandi, smooth travels! And we’ll look forward to reports on Ren as well as your adventures. Elizabeth, it’s hard to see the horizon from the bottom of the trough. Hoping you get lifted by a new wave of better happenings soon. Thinking of Amber as she continues to fight through. And haven’t forgotten Murphy! Good night all, or G’day for our friends afar! m—
  13. Wow, 3 HAL ships in Ketchikan today! I’d try to check a port cam around 3ET but I may not be in. I have a dermatologist appt early afternoon then a COVID shot. I’m so glad it’s all on campus, and that I am able to walk there… I could take our bus if needed but the walk is better for me. I’ll take the outdoor route today but there is an indoor route if needed. All the buildings on campus are connected by indoor links (I call them sky bridges). Cheers for Europe, Home Front Heroes and Moscato - my last wine that I don’t react to! I’d really enjoy the quiche, and a Cosmo sounds good to me, never had one! Thank you Debbie and Dixie I couldn’t get into CC last night, nada. I was glad to see it again today but had to remember how to sign in 🙄. Slept pretty well after my stomach calmed down, impressive rumbling after supper! Back to normal today, and keeping up the near-hourly regime for DH’s eye. We have a financial webinar on estate plans right up to the time I need to scoot over to medical. Full day. Sandi, never a good time to lose a fridge but better now than while you’re gone! I lost a freezer once, horrible ness to come home to. Smooth pickup of your rental today. Love the Flam pix! We didn’t get there but we enjoyed our train ride from Oslo to Bergen for our Hurtigruten cruise. Beautiful mountains and high country vista. Pennie, you are such a great planner! Here’s to the 50% chance this surgery will help! Prayers for Amazing! Annie, glad you have a ride to the doctor’s. Hoping you get some helpful guidance. Terry, hoping today is better for you and Tana and the team. Jacqui, we’re sending you love. Debbie, Nancy, Lenda, Vanessa…. Safety and protection for all in storm watches! The alert systems have improved so much and are reducing casualties but not the heartbreaking damage. And every life lost is tragic; many of the injuries are heartbreaking themselves, often life changing. Take precautions and stay safe. Blessings all, to you and yours, our country, your country and all those in distress. For all the doctor visits today and those in hospitals. Cheers for all celebrating, you remind us Life is Good🌈 Looking forward to Bruce’s safari! 🦓🦁🐆? Enjoy something noteworthy today! Thanks for being here ! Maureen
  14. Recovering after today’s procedure but it all went smoothly. Results in 2weeks but if they are good, wait 7 yrs to re-do. That’s different! None of the other concerns noted! I’ve been snoozing this afternoon. Had a snack but it’ll be nice to have dinner. I’m glad I was able to connect with my weekly call to the new junior member girls in my NM fire dept. They always have questions and are learning like sponges. They made it through the first Red Flag and Critical Fire Weather days of the season. Anybody with excess rain is welcome to send it to NM! Heart hugs to Karen on her DDDH’s and DGGD’s birthdays! Terry, you are soldiering on! Sending you and Tana and the team extra luvin’! Sandi, Ann, Vanessa, Nancy, Jacqui, all - thanks for your support during our bewildering days. We’re keeping up the regime, didn’t miss anything even through days needs. Pressures are still higher than desired but we’ll keep going and learn Monday what the new course is. Sandi, I call your stage the YIKES stage trying to pull it all together. You will, and if there’s something else needed, you’ll find it in Florida. Happy for you! Vanessa, happy for the improvements. Be extra careful with trip with BFF, take extra time to think ahead to stay safe. Susan, you are a godsend helping clean out the condos. I’m sure you have plenty of other chores, and they will all be there…. Annie, I don’t know how you manage all the balls in the air! You have angels working overtime! Hopefully they can fire up that laser for Chuck. Thanks for the story about the Huggins Ray, and added “icing” facts Lenda. “Eye to the Sky” Lenda, looks ugly your way on the maps. Roy, thank you for the news about recovering the last victim of the bridge collapse. Graham, I’m going to look up that ferry! Could be an interesting link! I know I’m forgetting comments that I formulate as I read but it’s time to get moving. Every good wish from you all helps! Maureen
  15. I took the first batch of pills. They’re a bit large but not as big as my magnesium supplements, so I didn’t have trouble swallowing them. The directions say take them one by one with a sip of water, finishing all 12 and a pint (16 oz) water over 15-20 mins. Not bad. I’d have liked to have had a piece of toast to help push it all down but not allowed! Now on to doing the next pint of water an hour later. I’ll have one more to do. Then at 4am I’ll do this again for the second batch of 12 tablets. I’ll be glad to be done with this tomorrow! m— @dfish Debbie I hope you can get some advice from another party… maybe a PCP? I hope you can get on a faster track.
  16. Karen, I’ll be using the pills for the first time this time. Two sets of 12 pills followed by spaced pints of water… first set of pills this afternoon, 2nd set starting about 4am. Seems every time I go this there’s a new prep! I’ll let you know…. m—
  17. Sunny and up to high 70s today in north Jersey. Today is prep day for colonoscopy tomorrow. I’ll be glad to get it over with. I’m about 6 months late due to canceling because of our move. In the past they’ve always found mild concerns so I’m hoping for a report of no worries! I’m very appreciative of your encouragement for us! Thank you Ann, Gerry, Lenda, Nancy, all of you holding us close during these tough days. We were very relieved yesterday to hear that the inflammation is reduced. But we both walked out of the doctor’s office yesterday a bit bewildered about the possibility of fully opening the incision maybe as soon as next Monday, or even maybe later this week depending on what the surgeon might recommend. We’re told the eye is not healed enough to be confident that it won’t collapse if there’s too much flow through the incision…. but that that wouldn’t be the end of the world, we’d just need to get to an OR to have it restricted, then start over. Well that’s rather daunting…. But reading your encouragement brings me back to taking it one day at a time! And remembering my own words to others- to breathe and not go borrowing trouble that hasn’t arrived. DH is getting his COVID shot tiday; I postponed till Thursday in case I have a reaction and run a slight fever, I don’t want to jeopardize my colonoscopy! Elizabeth, I’m hoping for Amazing results for your eye procedure and from your neurologist appt. Glad your shoulder is improved but I understand that not working when you need to be is it’s own burden. One day at a time is enough. Jacqui, please keep checking in, we are all with you and concerned, as well as learning together! Has anyone recommended heat pads or warm baths for your foot? That is what our orthopedic told us for DH when he developed a bone infection in a toe (dropped a log of firewood on it, smashed against the tick hearth). Terri, I’m very happy you and Jim are working together through options to keep living life. The future will not look like the past for us either but there’s plenty of life to be lived! Terry, I’m happy you are getting help! We too are finding the pollen load noticeable. Vanessa, I hope your healing progresses and you and BFF can get the help you need. Paul, thank you expanding on the Holocaust and Heroes Day. We must remember! I’m starting to look at travel options for September for my birthday trip. DH woukd like to go to Ireland. Seems within reach. I was thinking more of a regional road trip- Cape Cod, Niagara Falls, Acadia NP…. it’s a good distraction! Loved yesterday’s pix of Maine! Today’s drink is a sweet one, I’m sure I’d enjoy it! No solid food for me today! I doubt we’ll get to Japan but it’s interesting to read about others’ visits. How ‘bout those Bruins! A 5-1 opener, on the road! (DH was born in Boston so we’ll gladly cheer them on! And the Rangers for me, once a New Yorker always a New Yorker!) Blessings sent for all of you especially our Care list folks. For my country, your country and those caught in wars! Cheers to those celebrating Life🌈. And to our many cruising friends, thanks for the travel reports! May we and our loved ones all be safe and well. Maureen
  18. Oh Vanessa! A tib-fib break is not good news but eventually it should be just fine! It’s the getting from here to there that’ll take a lot of adjustments. Hoping more damage is avoided until it’s really stabilized. Zero weight! Maybe a knee scooter in BFF’s future? And please don’t be tempted to overdo your restrictions! You can call 911 for EMS support if needed. EMS are there for non-life-threatening situations too. Dispatchers triage the calls so it’s not like someone’s going to die while EMTs are elsewhere, they’ll get redirected if needed.
  19. Sandi, thank you for your kind thoughts. There isn’t anyplace I’d rather be than here ti support him through all this. Back from eye doctor. Eye is better, less inflammation. Come back next week, probably open second(last) suture…. He’ll communicate with surgeon in Maryland, she might want to move sooner. We’re not eager to move ahead with that but they know more than we do. Off to dinner… last prior to Wednesday’s procedure. I help DH, he helps me! Very grateful! One day at a time.
  20. +me! Grahams sea fog reach us in New Jersey but we’ll make it to eye doctor. Helped DH with shampooing. Slow getting my act together. Had a long sleep, longer than in months! Still feel groggy. Blessings sent to all the Dailyites, our country, your country and the saddest in tge world. Another alarm going off, almost hourly. But we’re hanging in and hoping for good observations from eye doc today! m—
  21. Rainy and foggy here. It’s been a good day to just keep up with the almost-hourly eye regime, and get a few little things done. So far so good, the eye pressure does drop with the “massages” but it goes back up 🤷🏼‍♀️. Tomorrow afternoon we go to eye doctor to get it checked. Hoping he can see some improvement- I guess that would be less inflammation and some flow through the new flap, that it’s not sealed again. 🤞 I’m adjusting my meals to conform with restrictions for colonoscopy Wednesday. I really enjoyed the Cinco de Mayo specials in the dining room tonight (some I brought home to enjoy after the procedure). I miss the New Mexican cuisine being readily available even though we seldom ate out. Our dining room chefs here do a nice job changing things up and having special menus for celebration days. Plus special occasion drinks! I had a Pina Colada, DH a strawberry margarita! A bit of fun! Welcome home Jacqui. I hope tomorrow you’ll feel better in many ways! Congrats to Morgan and family! Very happy that Sandi and family could make the trip to honor the events. 👩‍🎓 Terry, good you have help, I hope it continues, I’m sure you do too! Annie, hoping for a breakthrough! More than one. Vanessa, any location that’s pain-free has got to feel heavenly! Terri, I hope the support group offers you some practical ideas that will bring your stress level down. Bruce, I’m looking forward to the safari 🦓🦁🐆 I love hearing about all the happenings, the reactions to the sports events (we have hockey on now, Elizabeth’s Stars are ahead!) The port links and cruise pix are beautiful, the recipes mouth-watering and the quote confusing… or maybe it’s just me, I’m not at my best. Blessings to all sharing the journey. Thanks for being here! Maureen.
  22. I most definitely salute Firefighters 👩‍🚒 having been one. All firefighting is dangerous both imminently and long-term with high latent occurrences of cancers. Structure and vehicle fires produce copious carcinogens; wildfires produce ultra fine particulate that lingers for days and weeks. Wildland Firefighting is grueling work, usually paid at minimum wages and seasonal therefore without benefits. Most firefighters are rotated onto a fire for 2-3 weeks working 8-16-hr “operational periods” usually wearing heavy gear packs. I entered the fire service as a local volunteer in my late 40s. 70-75% of firefighters in the US are volunteers (mostly rural America). We were “Initial Attack” in our district until federal, state or county crews could muster and be deployed which could take several hours. Often we were not released until several hour after their arrival. Usually I quickly relegated myself to less intense activities than “cutting fire line” such as running pumps, driving/shuttling/filling water trucks, laying hose-lines, then later assignments for crew accountability, communications, weather tracking, and acquisition and distribution of water and meals. I hold my NM fire family close and communicate with Chief frequently; today is their required annual wildland firefighting refresher class including practicing deploying a fire shelter to hopefully save your life if caught in a burn-over. Tomorrow much of NM will be in Red Flag and Fire Weather Watch conditions with warm temps and dry winds. It never gets easier, and fires are becoming much more intense than when I began in 2002. 🙏 I’m very grateful for all your support during our tough days! And as we keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thank you ALL! DH is continuing the Plan B regime and we’re not giving up! Check with eye doc Monday afternoon. Blessings for all in need! Grateful for the encouraging reports! Praying for Amazing! Cheers to all celebrating and cruising! Maureen
  23. @ger_77 Amazing! Such great news! @marshhawk Glad your boss is on your side. And we know you are doing everything you can to help Chuck! One day at a time is Everything! We managed through today pretty well. Plan B regime seems to be helping. The eye pressure does come down with the “massages” 4x a da. So it seems like the flap is flowing like it should be at least some of the time, keeping hope alive! I took a nap today and felt much better. And we used a second window between treatments to do a grocery run! I’m looking forward to fresh strawberries tomorrow! @dfish great that you have relief in sight! Thanks for the trilliums, they didn’t grow where I was. Lenda, Elizabeth, I hope you’re not flooded! Vanessa, it’s so heartwarming to read that you have no leg pain or tingling! Amazing 🙏 Sandi, glad you’re there, have a grand time together. Paul, I like your B&B! Hope the zoom was interesting. Bruce, Love those sea days! May everyone get a good sleep or a g’day for our friends afar. Maureen
  24. @ger_77 It’s uplifting to hear about your impromptu trip to see CC friends! Life is Good!🌈
  25. Sandi, many thank for the Daily FR and wonderful spotlight on Montevideo. Smooth travels and fun times celebrating! 👩‍🎓🎉 I had a pleasant day in Montevideo in early 2013 on our repositioning of Carnival Splendor before the new larger Panama Canal locks. I thought it was a striking mix of old and new and many of your pictures seemed familiar. I bought some jewelry pendants from one of those vendors in the park in one of your photos. Some people on our ship were getting info from our tour guide so they could come back and stay, it’s seemed a great place to visit, not crowded, lots to do, easy to explore. They told us the name came from the early cartographers identifying the location as the fifth (Roman numeral V) mountain (Mont) from where the coast was first visible. I was drained last night and only slept till 5:43. We’ll see what the day brings. Annie and Chuck, we’re here with you! Would you consider a visit to MDAnderson in Houston or maybe Mayo in Jacksonville? Or a Cancer Centers of America? A place that can deal with evaluating and addressing multiple situations together. We found MDAnderson well equipped to set up team evaluations, consults and integrated treatment plans. They were such a caring environment! They were great at getting records, images, test results. I was very impressed. Our first visit we stayed in a Comfort Inn for a week or so… had consults, tests, scans, used their multiple libraries. For our long visit for treatment we rented a trailer in a trailer park. Worked great! My life journey has taught me that when what we’re doing isn’t working, we have to do something different. Prayers for direction for a new path! Gerry, I’m so happy you have dates beginning to firm up. 🤞I’m sure they can’t come soon enough. You are inspiring me the way you keep so level. Blessings to all our Care list in need of healing, comfort or hope! So many of us! All in my heart and prayers. Cheers to all celebrating 🎉 milestones! Life is Good 🌈 Smooth travels to all away and our many cruising friends. DH is still asleep, the best healing! I’m bracing for a new day. Thank you all for being here! Maureen
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