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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. More lovely weather, partly cloudy and cool! Thank you Rich for gathering us! Thanks all for being here. Have several appts this week starting with eye check up today. Will report back🤞. Joy, I hope you can recover quickly, both foot and shoulder! Pennie, great report! Keep it going! Terry, hope it’s a quiet day for your household. Roy, you have a lot going on, stay with it! Hoping it all works well together. And Paul continues to improve. Thanks for the video. You’re blessed with a warm and caring community. Annie, you can do anything for 2weeks, right? One hour at a time…. Nancy, I hope you can get the pump primer to hold. Are you heading into Iron Mountain? I get it confused with the Iron-town in the far western UP. Hope they can help you. Jacqui… Lillies of the Valley? I haven’t smelled them for decades! But their fragrance came right to me from your picture! Graham, glad you both are feeling better, out and about. I enjoy your visits to the beach! Bruce, glad you are taking it cautiously. So sorry your cruise is winding down. Many many thanks for sharing it with us! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope…. for our country, your country and the too many places of conflict in the world. Smooth travels to all away…. Terri, hoping your drive to Jacksonville is the beginning of a restful, healing break for you and Jim! I’m sure it’s upsetting to him too to be confused. Sigh. 🎉 to all celebrating! Life is Good🌈. Enjoy something of this gift of a day! Maureen
  2. 🏒My condolences to Elizabeth and her Dallas Stars, as well as my NY Rangers. We’ll be watching Edmonton Oilers play the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup finals. m—
  3. Terri, Sending good vibes your way! Have a grand respite! Maybe just what you need for deep healing. Terry, Relieved to know you are home ok, as your household is too I’m sure. Hope you can get some sleep, and some more help! m—
  4. Lovely cloudy comfortable day in north Jersey. Yesterday I was able to work through DH’s instructions that he’s compiled for me and granddaughter to manage financials. Did the first of the month set up, transfers and make sure everything is ready for all the auto payments to happen. I think he’s forgotten that at one time I used to pay all the bills but that was when it was not automatic and all paper checks and stamps. Today’s system is so much easier! Mo’orea is such a paradise. We’ve been there twice, I think it’s DH’s favorite place on earth! Thanks for the beautiful pictures, ours are very similar. Great memories! Bon Voyage Karen 🛳️. Enjoy every bit of having it all to yourself! Terry, I’m sorry you’ve had disturbing calls about Tana. Keep focused on your long drive home! You must take care of you first or you’ll be no good to anybody. 💗 Terri, best luck to finding the right PT! Jacqui, it’s so hard getting mind, body and spirit aligned! I hope you can find a winning combination soon. 🙏 The stories about family messiness are heartbreaking but oh so common. My father was a gambler who stole from anyone he could including his job and his family…. children, wife, my aunts, uncles and cousins. Addictions are tough on everyone. Debbie, that chocolate tart is right up DH’s alley. I think I’ll make one for Father’s Day. We have tickets to My Fair Lady that day at a Poconos playhouse at the same hours they’ll have dinner here so we’ll miss dinner… probably have DH’s favorite on our own- meat lover’s pizza…. and maybe chocolate tart! I’ll have to get some cream! Blessings to all in need near and far. Have a restful day to refuel. Maureen
  5. 🐇🐰🐇. Happy June! Love the quote! 💗 Another lovely day, sunny and low 80s. I walked twice yesterday and it was calming…. had a very nice day, a pleasant meditation class with singing bowls, a fun chorale show on campus last evening… so why could I not sleep? Oh well, it’s a new day and I’m grateful for that! 🎉 Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston! Great you have this break while in the throes of moving. Hoping the cruise is everything you want it to be. @smitty34877 Glad you are enjoying some respite. 🌺 @Vict0riann I’m sorry you have to add this to your plate! We’ll be with you! Smooth travels for Pat and happy visit! Thanks Vanessa for the lists. Blessings lifting for all our Dailyites needs. Toasts to all celebrating 🥂 Safe and smooth travels to all away 🛳️✈️🚘 Annie, I woke up thinking of you and Chuck. Extra hugs today. We continue on our post eye surgery regime for DH’s glaucoma. DH checks eye pressures before most of the 4x/day “massages” and every now and then he has a new low reading! Not every day but it’s encouraging. So maybe in time that eye will stabilize where they want it? … we’re not there yet but not giving up. So many here have dealt with long recoveries, you help me keep positive! Thanks for your support! Maureen
  6. 🎂 Happy Birthday Pat 🎉. Best wishes for a healthy year of happy adventures! Slainte! Another lovely day in northern New Jersey! Cool, partly sunny, light breeze, high of 73! Wish it could stay like this. This is what our summers used to be like in the high elevations of northern New Mexico, until it started getting warmer the last several years…. One of the boys I raised had a “button” in high school that said, “What you focus on you give power to”. That has always stayed with me. Always a Tolkien fan! Not a cake fan, unless I can drench them in something creamy. Not been to Egypt. Today I plan to enjoy a walk within the community to a meditation group. DH has been busy documenting instructions/directions on how we manage our affairs. I think he/we are near the end of this iteration. It’ll be a godsend for me and granddaughter at some point! Then onward to the next project! No doctor appoints this whole week! Monday we’ll see eye doctor and probably every other week for the next 2 months. 🤞 Thanks for all your support! Blessings to all in need. Near and far. Our country and yours! Toasts to all celebrating. @seagarsmoker thanks for the heads-up, hoping your work goes well, it’s good to have a job. And thanks for all the beautiful pix you share. Check in when you can. Thanks Vanessa for our lists! Hoping you can rest today, and continue healing. And find the right person for the radiator! 🏀Congrats to your Mavs Elizabeth! My 🏒Rangers didn’t play well enough last night so Panthers return to Florida with a chance to move on tomorrow! Nancy, glad the dock is in, and hopefully the pipe will set smoothly. Graham, thanks for the videos of NS. Hoping you are 100% soon. Jack, thanks for the updates on Sam and good luck with all the ways you might help him💗 Jacqui, hoping for continued healing. Terry, enjoy your break! Blessings that Tana has good days with the aide. No worries! Pennie, glad you enjoyed your day-trip drive. Wonderful you are out and about. Hoping the tingling fades. @Mr. Boston hoping the suit is perfect, or trés bien! Bon Voyage coming up! All enduring storms, please take no risks! Stay safe! Smooth travels to all away! Have an enjoyable day everyone! Thanks for being here! Maureen
  7. Happy Birthday Jacqui 🎂 Thank you for all you do for us. Gentle Hugs! Happy Birthday Gary 🎂. I enjoy your pix and creativity!🌅 May you each have an inspiring year 🎉. Life is Good 🌈 🥂 Here’s to new adventures on the horizon and your next trip around the sun!
  8. Roy, 🙏 blessings for Paul and his care team! Keep us updated. m—
  9. Lovely 60s-70s and mostly sunny today in northern New Jersey, or north Jersey as they say here… (not wanting to confuse Graham 😉). Rain coming overnight. Happy celebrating to Ann and Laura!🥂🎉🎂. The celebrations here nearly every day remind us that Life is Good🌈. Elizabeth, I’m so sorry your eyes are bothering you so much. It’s been 3 years with my DH allergic to his medication eye drops, it can be miserable and sometimes beyond miserable. He survived on Benadryl. I hope you can find something that helps you survive this. These eye surgeries have been to get his eye pressure low enough that he won’t need the meds he’s allergic to. They have been difficult. They are his last best hope for curtailing the progressive loss of eyesight from glaucoma. We take it one day at a time. Talked with older granddaughter last night, they are planning to come visit weekend after this! That’s a lift! Today we have a meeting with a social worker who will visit us to discuss “future needs” options. It’ll be good knowing how such things can be dealt with but it’s not uplifting! And it’s at the same time I usually connect with the teen girls I continue to mentor in my old fire dept which I look forward to each week… I’m hoping I’ll be able to catch them an hour later but they get very busy in their afternoons. If not today, maybe next week. They appreciate my insights and guidance, I appreciate their vitality! I have been to Anchorage only by truck, 40 years ago! I was so impressed with the flowers there. I always thought I’d be back but life has brought me other paths and places, I’m very grateful for it all! Blessings to each of you for a good day, and for all in need of healing, comfort or hope… near and far! Very thankful for all the good reports coming in! Happy hugs to you both @erewhon! Smooth travels for all away! Terri and Jim, Terry’s DB… home safe today! @Mr. Boston Good flight to Montreal! Happy cruising to all our lucky cruisers! I’ll be interested to hear about Chiaggio from Bruce! I have to look that up…. We’ve loved our visits to Venice but the last time it was too crowded to get around, really unpleasant. I’m thinking Bruce may have a winning plan! And protection for all in harms way or dealing with cleanup from the damaging and deadly storms. Enjoy this precious day! Thanks for being here! Maureen
  10. Thrilled to hear that Amber is home! That is just Amazing considering all she’s been through. 👏👏👏 Very encouraging report Terri. Nice that the Ortho thinks surgery is a last option. And you got some good direction from PCP. Maybe that in itself will help your BP! Hugs! Lenda, RIP the golf cart. 🥂 Long live the new one! Glad you had help getting it, you and Steve home without hurting yourselves! Elizabeth, did I miss what happened about your eye procedure? 🤞 My dermatology office left me a portal message that my biopsy was benign. Yay! 🎉 Terry, Jones Beach would have needed a car for us! The ferry was definitely more our style! Safe travels for your DB. I’m sure it was a lift to have him to yourself these extra days. Vanessa, you accomplished a bunch! Good sleep tonight!
  11. Sunny today and high 70s. Sounds lovely after yesterday’s rain and last night’s storms. Was very surprised to hear the landscapers mowing early this morning after the midnight deluge. I guess they have a schedule…. Terri, hope you get good direction today! Nice you had a smooth trip down and met up with friends! I hope it was uplifting! Nancy, great you’ll have help with the long dock from neighbors and gravity. But then there’s the tougher haul out against gravity later… hope you’ll have more neighbors for that one. Be safe please! Sandi, Bruce… thanks for your dedicated updates. Graham, appreciate your info on the Days. Hoping you both are better quickly. Annie, good luck with all the herd! Maybe taking a day off will bring some freshness to work tomorrow. Terry, what memories the teens will have! I lived in Staten Island during high school so we of course took a ride on the ferry! But so did kids from the Bronx! The middle of the night ferries were a parade of prom kids! I vividly remember sunrise over the Brooklyn Bridge 🌅. 50+ years ago! Jacqui, mid-June must feel a long way off. Seems you’ll need to re-baseline just how much “needs” to be done now. Hugs! Erewhon, we just had a friend of grandson-in-law die from COVID pneumonia, age 49! May you both remain well! Ann’s mention of awaiting her biopsy results reminded me that I haven’t heard back from the dermatologist yet, 3 weeks. I need to call them. 🏒 Elizabeth, happy for you that Dallas turned the 0-2 game into a win. Hoping your eyes have improved and your procedure can help. 🎾 I was disappointed that Rafa Nadal was out of the French Open in the first round. We’ll have to split time for both sports. Then there’ll be a hole to fill until the Olympics begin in late July. Blessings for all in need. Hugs where it’ll help! Smooth travels to all away. 🎉 Cheers to all celebrating! The drink ingredients sound delicious so why toss it down in one shot? I’d enjoy sipping it for dessert! We went to Norfolk as an experiment trying new embarkation port’s not too far from our Maryland home. We cruised on Carnival Magic, a large ship and a short cruise. The ship was great, loved our cove balcony, but the port had its difficulties, especially parking. But it’s an interesting place to visit with naval sites, museum and lots of activities. Hotels seem unusually expensive but maybe that’s just me being behind the times. Airport is close and driving the 20 miles of the Bridge-Tunnels route from the north is exciting. But I don’t think we’d consider embarking there from NJ unless there were better itineraries. Time for DH’s eye routine… we’re keeping going! Hoping you all stay safe and well! Maureen
  12. Heavy rain this morning! I feel asleep very early last night so was awake before 6thus morning but feeling refreshed. DH is still asleep. I’m sure he managed his last eye drops and eye massage himself ok. It’s harder for him to do the timing himself (10 secs on/10 secs off) but he’s figured it out when I’m off doing something of mine; last night sleep was important. Today we get to reduce the steroid drops to 4x/day!! I really enjoyed the community theater show yesterday! Very fun presentation of Something Rotten, a musical very loosely recalling several Shakespeare snips plus Broadway musicals. We might get a subscription to next season. It’s nice it’s so close by. Watched a recorded Indy 500 before and after dinner. What an exciting finish! Then a hockey game but I crashed early. Today we have a holiday schedule afternoon dinner which we’ll share with a couple we’ve met. Haven’t really made friends here yet but having a few new acquaintances is pleasant. I caught up early this morning on yesterday’s Daily… Terry, wonderful your brother will stay a bit! Terri, safe travels and hoping you get some guidance! Debbie, thanks for pix of River, growing up! Glad your visit was without tantrums! You’ll be with her forever! Jacqui, we’re all concerned about you. Glad you’re not overdoing. Gerry, hang in there! Pennie, Funny you mentioned Deadwood SD… I’d been reading about it after the Calamity Jane movie. Deadwood was a tough, rough place. DH,s father was born in SD in 1902, but on a farm not in the gold rush hills. We visited the old farm in 2018 and learned a lot about their pioneer life. By 1902 some resemblance of civility had come to the territory but it was still a hugely risky existence just battling the elements. Deadwood rose from the ashes with the casino and tourism as did some other near-ghost towns of the west in Colorado… Cripple Creek, Central City and others. Thanks for mentioning about the Tin Lizzie. But I will admit I loathe cockroaches and am happy to give Javelina a wide path. I’m sad to hear that Grayson Murphy died by suicide. Depression can be helped! What a sad, sad loss. Sandi, thanks for your Beagle Channel pix. It was a very low cloud ceiling when we went through there on Carnival Splendor in 2013. The crew brought out blankets for us to wrap ourselves in. We looked ghosts in the mists at times but it was still stunning to be so up-close to so many glaciers for several hours in the narrow channel. Good memories! I watched Dunkirk on a HAL cruise; the movie has an interesting perspective. It’s so important to remember but even with movies it’s hard to grasp the horrors and heroism of the happenings. The storms keep wreaking havoc! Please keep aware of alerts and take them seriously. Stay safe my friends! Blessings sent out very early! Hoping you all have a good day! 🫡 to those who gave their lives for their county. Maureen
  13. Cloudy this morning but should have some clearing today, some sun will get it to 80ish. Tomorrow lots of stormy rain so outdoor barbecues will be iffy. I could have used a B&B last night, or maybe better yet Paul’s version B&Benadryl… didn’t get to sleep till after 2:30. I stepped out on the balcony around 1:30 to listen to the frogs… I was “buzzed” by a bat 3 times! That was a surprise! Had a fun time at Oldies Movie night- Doris Day in Calamity Jane. Watching old movies and their reflection of what was then the accepted positions on social issues shows me how far we’ve come -I cringe at the movies- even though we have more work to do to make things better. Old movies are good reminders. Today we’ll go to a community theater close by, one exit down I-287. Trying new things in our environment! So grateful we can together! Younger granddaughter and her DH were here just a short visit yesterday. It’s fun to hear about their hopes and dreams! They’re looking for a getaway weekend in the NY finger lakes for their 6month wedding anniversary! They didn’t have time for us to walk to a dining room for lunch so I quickly thawed a few selections stashed in the freezer. It all worked. So glad they came! Today is the last day of the full eye care regime that we’ve been doing since late April. Tomorrow we begin tapering the number of steroid drops; staying with the pressure massages, though one time yesterday we got the pressure a bit too low- vision goes all blurry… apparently the globe gets wrinkled like a deflated balloon. But thankfully it came back up ok! Remembering to Breathe! Such a zigzag healing. Doctor called it an emotional path. Oiy! Thinking of all those trying to heal! And those with conditions of chronic degradation… Blessings for a good day! Healing, comfort, hope and peace to all. Enjoy your loved ones! That’s the best. Peace in our hearts, our families and for all the war zones. Remembering the families of those lost in too many conflicts. 🫡 Safe travels to all away. Terri, I hope you get some guidance at Mayo. Good thoughts of your mom today. 🥂 to all celebrating. Life is Good! Thanks all for being here! Maureen
  14. I brown-bagged most of my life. When I first moved to Albuquerque I was without a job in the beginning; 2 house mortgages on then-DH’s income was over budget so kids got brown bag lunches, which they felt was beneath them! After I began working they got lunch money for school lunch. It wasn’t long before they asked if I’d make lunches for them again! 🤣 Yesterday I forgot to applaud Samuel Morse! I didn’t have to learn it for my lowest-level Ham license but learned “SOS” in Girl Scouts, never forgot that … - - - … Niece is a retired Merchant Marine Radio Officer, needed to be able to use Morse Code but hardly ever used it. I loved the book Thunderstruck by Erik Larson, non-fiction about Marconi and a murder solved because of ships being able to radio news in the very early days. Grandkids coming for lunch and visit today! Always a lift! Still doing post-surgery eye drops 8x/da plus massages to push fluid through the incision 4x/da🤞. Whatever it takes. Thank you Sandi, Vanessa and all for your support, it’s not getting easier but it is getting done! Congrats to Debbie, Elizabeth and Joe on beautiful Addi. And what a precious treasure from River! Here’s a keepsake treasure from the now-married (step) granddaughter coming today! I’m SO blessed! Happy birthday celebration @ger_77🎂🎉 Blessings to all in need of healing comfort or hope! For our country, yours and peace in the world 🗺️. 🫡 remembering the too many who gave all. Cheers to those celebrating Life 🌈. Smooth travels to all away. 🎉 Bon Voyage! 🛳️ Maureen
  15. Beautiful sunny day, low 80s, breezy! I’ll pass on the quote. German chocolate cake is on the menu this week in our dining room but we’re trying to pass on desserts. I have two older brothers; one I was very close to one through most of my life - he taught me a lot, believed in me, encouraged me, and later we vacationed afar tigether with our young families - but we’ve drifted apart the last several years. I can’t be too sad because we’ve changed in such different ways we’re just are not on the same planet anymore and it too upsetting. My other brother just lost his wife and I’m calling him weekly now but we’ve never been close. I’m so blessed to have my stepchildren and grands as my family! At the reunion they had fir DH’s 80th and our 30th I told them they are my family! I don’t want my siblings making any decisions for me! Thankfully now I have legal documents to support my wishes. I haven’t been to Japan. Yesterday we installed a large shade in the bedroom window. It was nice sleeping in the darker room last night, and fun raising the new shade this morning by remote! The installation wasn’t easy but it’s good to know we still can get things done. The prep of course was moving the dresser, boxes and general stuff away from that wall to get the step ladder in. DH is slowly coming off lifting and bending restrictions, Yay!! The grabber I bought him gets used every time now for reaching into the stacked washer/dryer’s deep washer drum 😄. I have a zoom call this afternoon with my spiritual companioning ladies in Maryland, and really need to declutter the table before the grandkids come down tomorrow. They’re always a lift! Blessings sent to all our Dailies. Thanks to all who contribute to our special gathering place here! 🎂 Happy Birthday Jack! 🎉🎈Smooth travels to all away. Safe and healthy weekend to all as we remember those who died for our country and her values, disparate as we may be! Maureen
  16. Only 70s today and cloudy! Better. Could have some storms but the phone’s weather app makes it look like they’ll slide north of us. I doubt I’ll be outside anyway. Terry, I’m sure you’ll be making it a bright day for Tana! 🎂. Enchiladas were my go-to dish in NM. There’s always hope until there isn’t. Enjoy the love you share! Blessings sent earlier for all the Dailyites. Hoping to hear from Gerry! Glad Vanessa is able to manage to rest while caring for BFF. Fun to hear about Annie’s kitties, and 👏 on getting some sales! Can Jacqui get the CT scan done today? Should have been done already! Oiy, very concerned about you! Nancy, please update us on your DB. Glad the TX storms slide around Lenda and Elizabeth! 🤞 Yesterday I got drawn into projects DH has going. That’s not a bad thing, I’ve been in a lazy funk, nothing special just the normal ebb and flow I guess. Grandkids may come Saturday, a good chance to have some help installing a new window shade in the bedroom. The window is 8x5 so the shade is a bit unwieldy for us. We have to move a dresser (to where?) and some boxes (which should get unpacked)…. every project leads to 3 more…. My closest girlfriend in NM just had an offer on a house in Maryland accepted! While we’re not living in Maryland anymore, we’ll be closer again! I wasn’t sure it would happen, her DH has been pretty attached to NM but my friend’s expectation has always been to return to MD after retirement, to where they have family. I’m so happy for her! And me! Maybe I’ll see her this summer! We became very close and I’ve missed her so much- we did our EMT training together, and then went to Chaplaincy training together in Colorado, plus many conferences and local trainings, hundreds of 911 calls, and just a whole lot of sharing life for 20 years! 💞 I guess I won’t be able to call her my western sister anymore if we’re both living east coast!🤣 My Rangers didn’t play well last night, Panthers deserved the win! Time for eye stuff! Just about every hour, but we’re hanging in, not giving up! Thank you all for your blessings and support! Stay well and safe! Loving the flowers! 💐 Maureen
  17. Just popping in quickly to post… blessings sent early early for Maurice Care Team and Gerry. It never gets any easier waiting through procedures, walking alongside our loved ones! Will check in later. m—
  18. Thanks Brenda. I don’t understand myself sometimes. I’m glad you can! @tupper10 great suggestion! Haven’t been to Tanglewood since high school! Lenda, YIKES! Those are dangerous!
  19. Hot today! Summer temps in north NJ. Not ready for summer yet. Happy to celebrate first solo flights across Atlantic, both Lindbergh and A.E! Risk-taking pioneers paved the way! Yesterday’s eye doctor visit was pretty good. We’re not “there” yet but hanging in. He said eye is healing well, the new drain is open and flowing, pressure is not as low as desired, after one more week start tapering down the steroids, stay at current regime for now. Hoping it’ll all stabilize lower but it might not be as low as the other eye, which is doing great! Might have to consider a pressure-lowering med but we’ll wait on that decision. Return 2 weeks. We’re not giving up! Vanessa, I think keeping DH on the rotation is appropriate. Thanks all for your Amazing support! Sunday was totally consumed with looking at travel options for my 70th. Started with Ireland tours, then looked at cruises. We put a Hold on a cruise in July/August for the next-to-last cabin that could be selected, not a guarantee, but it didn’t feel joyful. We talked the whole thing through over dinner and late into the night… and let it evaporate. It was an OV, not a good price, not a good time…. what was I thinking? I dunno, it was all very confusing. DH was so caring helping me sort through unexpected feelings! But through it all we now have a new PCC so maybe that’ll be a good thing for the future. We might consider a regional trip. Right now cruising just feels too difficult to get to, far too pricey, too far away! Last September we went on an Eastern Canada cruise (missed all New England ports due to hurricanes) and struggled to get Wi-Fi connections to track eye pressure readings- tonometer needs Wi-Fi. But we were close to land and managed well enough albeit sporadically. We’ll wait to cruise till the timing is right. Saturday we found our way to the Newark Performing Arts Center to hear Beethoven’s 3rd. Great music! Nice venue! Not too hard to get to and from. It was a “family” concert with good explanations between movements, interesting. But Family meant kids shrieking and screaming, plus the constant parade of parents walking kiddos out and in, and I do mean constant parade- very distracting. So we’re not doing that again. BUT we discovered the NJ-PAC sends a bus to our community for those with subscriptions for their Thursday matinee symphonies! And the bus charge about equals the parking garage fee we paid, such a deal! We’ll sign up for next season, starts November. Following along with all the Dailyites. Lifting up everyone’s needs and hopes. Vanessa and your BFF, Jacqui, Gerry and Maurice, Pennie, Jack’s Sam (oh, I coujd hear his tumble 😱), Elizabeth, Shiel, Annie and Chuck, Terry and Tana, Terri and Jim, Lenda, Sandi, Debbie, Susan… all! (I can keep you all in my heart if not in my brain❤️) from the tops of our heads to the tips of our toes…. situations of loss, anxiety, frustration, despair or danger. Praying for Amazing! Not giving up! Hugs to you all, near and far for a good day, and lots of healing, comfort and hope! Peace in our hearts, families and countries. Love all the pictures! Graham, I absorb your beach! Terry, I too made my prom dress, twice! I hope they have a memorable time! They sound like very special kids, loving and caring! You’re doing good things for them and the world! (like the quote says…) Nancy, sorry about the iris bed, glad the house systems are coming “up” ok! Always a bit of concern. Wonderful to hear of celebrations, reminding us all that Life is Good! 🌈 Oh yes, keep the seat belt on even if the sign is off! Tragic. We all expect to walk off a flight, it’s so much safer than driving to the doctor! Hug you all, m—
  20. 60s/70s and cloudy in north NJ. Maybe some sun breaks? Yesterday on our drive back from the concert in Newark we had light rain, surprise! Not in the forecast so no telling how today will be. Getting a few May Rays would be nice but I’m not eager for full sun, I like it cooler as long as possible. I miss Jay Leno’s show but that quote I’ll leave behind. Not been to PNG, not likely to be. Today I think we’ll look at some travel options. Maybe email the HAL PCC about Zuiderdam Aug/Sept though we’re not too impressed with him; loved our last guy but he moved on during COVID. We did that cruise last year on NCL Joy out of NY in Sept but hurricanes attacked both legs and took out 3 ports plus shortened one leg. This year hurricanes forecast is intense. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We’ll look at Ireland too, DH has promised me we’d get there. My grandmother was from Tipperary but very few tours go across the island, just around the coast roads. I’m beyond renting a car in British Isles, and we’re probably too old now for their contracts. Blessings sent to all the Care list, all in need of healing, comfort or hope; our country, your country and the world for peaceful paths. And for @1ANGELCAT’s friend. My family all suffered from my mom’s distrust which magnified into paranoia as she aged. Makes it tough on everyone involved. 🛳️ I got a happy text last night from a NM friend, a picture of her on a cruise! She lost her partner, love of her life, in October 2022, moved into a smaller house closer to friends and is getting on with living life! So proud of her, and so much more difficult with her MS in a wheelchair. Makes me so grateful! Cheers for all the cruisers 🎉 Safe travels for Nancy and John heading to the cabin. I remember last year when the road in was so bad it delayed their arrival. 🤞May it all go well! 🛻 🏒🥅 Hockey report: Cheers for the Edmonton Oilers stretching their series to 7 games; Karen’s mom will get to have her Vancouver Canucks sweater out again Monday. We were disappointed in our Boston Bruins and Colorado Avalanche but happy for Elizabeth and her Dallas Stars! I’ll be cheering for the NY Rangers in their next series! Once a NYer always a NYer… born in Brooklyn! Actually got to see them in the early 70s! Tickets were near impossible to get, nearly all corporate held. May you each have a restful, refueling Sunday! ✨ We’re keeping up the eye regime, staying hopeful! Thanks all for being here! Maureen
  21. 👏 @dfish Debbie and Sue! Pennie, glad you are making progress. Jacqui, hoping for good news Tuesday. Gerry, you are doing everything you can. Hoping Maurice turns the corner and his schedule holds. Elizabeth, the right path for your eye plugs! I feel for you. DH is phobic about his eyes but he’s been very brave! He says he hasn’t had much choice! We do what we have to even if we have to do it scared. @Norseh2o Congratulations! Wonderful pictures. (Katherine hasn’t changed a bit 😉). Happy celebrating! Beautiful flower Graham! 🌺 Loved Raratonga! We took the circle island bus to the resort on the far side and rented kayaks, paddled around the gorgeous lagoon. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. And memories. We got out today, drove into Newark for a Beethoven’s 3rd “family” concert. The music was grand! The venue lovely. The explanations between movements were enlightening. The audience was tough! Constant parade of parents walking kids out and in… several young ones screaming intermittently. Not sure we’d try that again but we’re considering a subscription of 5 concerts next season on Thursday afternoons when they have a bus come get us, take us there, bring us home! Extra charge for 2 for the bus is about equal to what we paid for parking! Such a deal! I need to check out the August cruise as a birthday celebration. DH is suggesting Ireland…. But the August/Sept Boston-Quebec-Boston thinks good to me! We did all the eye drops and pressure massages today! Hanging in! Staying hopeful! Extra blessings to all in need! Especially Houston. In 2020 we rented a park trailer to live in for almost 4 months while being treated at MD Anderson… I feel for them! And the Canadian fires, Oh my. (My old NM fire department was busy today too with a trail rescue followed by a brush fire. I feel for them too but I’m so glad it’s not me anymore!) May all the first responders stay safe! Maureen Brenda, my thanks to you too for all your caring wishes, I think I missed you. Love your spring flowers and birds! Looks like dogwood? Didn’t think it’d grow there, but I didn’t think I’d see columbines here🤷🏼‍♀️.
  22. Still cloudy in north Jersey, 50/60s which works for me. Happy it’s not hot! Adjusting the eye care regime today so I can go to my mindful meditation class. It gives us both a little beak. Tomorrow we’ll venture to Newark for Beethoven’s 3rd. I haven’t been to Newark since I came back from Colorado in June of 1978 to attend my Rutgers-Newark graduation. I completed my MS in geology there in Sept 77 and immediately had a job in CO. Stayed west until 2021. Didn’t expect to ever live back east again but it feels good, familiar! Blessings to all in need of healing comfort or hope. Glad to hear Terry that you’ll have family helping this weekend. I hope the shoulder is healing. Are you near the Hudson? It can be so picturesque ! Cheers to all celebrating happy milestones, you remind us Life is Good🌈. Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers. DGD was delayed 2 hrs in Detroit during their overnight flying, but arrived safe (and sound-no more kidney stone pain 🤞) at their destination in CA about 4am ET. Ugh. They’ll enjoy the wedding! I used to do that kind of scheduling long ago but now I think it would take me a week to recover! Enjoy something beautiful this unique day! Thank you all for being here. Maureen
  23. It’s still gray in north Jersey, 50/60s. Not hot! We’re in a week of intermittent showers. ☔️ Last night after supper we got online and bought tickets to a Beethoven symphony in Newark at the NJ Preforming Arts Center for this Saturday afternoon! And tickets for My Fair Lady at a playhouse in the Poconos mid-June. New venues for us! Each about an hour away. We’ll keep doing these things while we can! Of course that meant new processes for buying tickets (and parking in Newark) which all took almost 2hours to sort through but we did it! And we bought tickets for 2 presentations on-campus, one tonight, a resident talent show. Fun stuff. We’ll figure out eye drops etc and keep living! First today we have a zoom meeting with a NJ lawyer to get started on a review of our trust and power of attorney docs, then a church service and a supper take-out so we can make the show tonight. It’ll be a full day. A good day! Granddaughter had a tough week with a very painful kidney stone, but passed it yesterday! She and her DH are flying red-eye to CA tonight for a wedding this weekend. Then a red-eye back in a few days. Youthful energy! Hoping she has no more acute issues. Gentle hugs and blessings to you all! Thinking of Annie and Chuck, Vanessa and BFF, Jacqui, Pennie, Elizabeth, Terry and Tana, Terri and Jim, Gerry and Maurice, Jane, Melissa…. And many, many thanks for being here with us throughout. Sandi and Nancy your good wishes are always a lift! I feel strengthened by our connections. Graham, I love the feel of the sea fret! 🎂 Bruce and Sue, a grand day to you celebrating your anniversary 🥂 aboard Onward! 32 is the number we’re coming up on also! Never enough anniversaries! Let’s celebrate Living in Peace! The ultimate desire for the world and for each of us. Thanks to Rich and all the contributors for your dedication. What a wonder-filled niche you create each day! My hope is that everyone can find something to enjoy today. Life is Good🌈. All of the accomplishments shared here spread hope! The port photos, the beautiful flowers, sunsets and cruise memories, the humor and memes are each a ray of sunshine. 🌞💝 Maureen I found these columbines on a walk recently. Reminders if the Colorado high country meadows here in NJ! Surprise!
  24. Thank you Terri. Like you, it’s a struggle sometimes. One day at a time is enough.
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