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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Still cool in north Jersey, mid 30s peaking into low 50s, cloudy and breezy. I think we’ll make a quick run to get some snack food for the week’s travels. Maybe one last small laundry load today then pack everything to be ready for tomorrow's late morning departure. There’s to be a truck here at 10:00 tomorrow to pick up shredding, I hope it’s on time, we generated a bunch of paper to be shredded between taxes and the move… but nothing like when we moved from NM where we burned out our own shredder then took 30 lbs to UPS and paid them to finish it up! Terry, splendid that Tana ate with the family! What a lift for you all! Have a grand time together! 💞 Happy Golden Anniversary Brenda @bennybear and DH 🎉 Milestone of Love well lived! 🎂 Happy Birthday Tony @sailingdutchy 🥳 🛳️ Bon Voyage @kazu Jacqui and @VMax1700 🍾 May your cruise be Grand! I love chocolate covered nuts! Too much so! Kindergarten was a giant leap forward into new worlds! One part was very upsetting to me - girls were not allowed to play in the block corner! Maybe that propelled me in a direction for life to “show them” what girls can do! Blessings to all in need. Praying for Amazing for Vanessa! and Maurice, Tana, Jim, Elizabeth, Annie, Chuck, Amber… all in acute situations, may you have a shift soon to better paths ! Thanks all for being here with your caring support! Maureen
  2. Very unsettled weather expected today in north Jersey, 40s to 60s, maybe a shower, high winds! I need to look at my packing list and start organizing things to be packed tomorrow. We’ll bring food for car lunch snacks and hotel room suppers so we don’t have to venture out. We’ve collected pizza slices and quesadillas for suppers. I’ll need breakfast items with me for Tuesday to eat while DH is in surgery, there isn’t even water in the waiting room but there is a coffee bar in the lobby. We’ll leave home Monday late morning, two nights in the very nice Embassy Suites across from the medical complex; then we hope to have Wednesday night at a friend’s house… that will allow me to attend my old church group event that night, give us a good visit with my friend in our previous community and drive home Thursday morning at a time to miss most of the rushhour traffic. That’s the plan, we’ll see what really happens. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Toasts to those celebrating! Smooth travels to all away! Thanks all for being here. Hugs to you! I hope Sarah is perking up! Good news Brenda! Better weather Denise! Praying for Amazing… Tana, Vanessa, Maurice, Jane, Jacqui, Roy, Melissa, Pennie, Jim, Chuck… Enjoy something special today! Maureen
  3. Wow, thanks Annie. I hadn’t thought of that. Sounds like you had a mess! Real stuff in life is hard enough! I appreciate you sharing about this and hope you have no more of these bogus problems. m—
  4. @luvteaching Karen, nice to hear t such a tough day went well. Never easy and new losses trigger previous ones. You’re allowed to have tears! Jacqui, we’re all on your side! Safe travels! Brenda, great to hear you had a good report! Yay! 👏 Vanessa, the insurance confirmation is a load off! Hoping you can rest tonight. No news here…. DH missed a call today that popped up as Johns-Hopkins Breast Imaging! I never used JH for mammograms so we’re confused. His eye surgery folks have a different number. No message left… I’m just hoping everything is on track as planned. That’s all we can do. Leaving Monday late morning, hotel check-isn’t till 4pm. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. I should start arranging our packing! Good night all💤
  5. 44F now but mostly 50s today, nicer than yesterday. We did walk yesterday but not far, it was not nice out. The flowers on campus are fun and the trees are adding a lot of color. No news on sister in law. It’s whatever time she needs to close out. We wait. Thank you for your support. I’m making lists for our trip to Maryland Monday for early surgery Tuesday👍. Thinking of Vanessa too with her surgery Monday. Praying for Amazing! SO happy @kazuJacqui is cleared for travel. Blessings dear one that it’s all smooth and healing! Body mind and spirit. Wonderful that the movers served @Mr. Boston well. Onward to new horizons. Thank you Sandi for leading us into a new day! And Roy, Graham, Vanessa, Ann, Dixie and Debbie. And each of you for sharing here. May the Blessings abound! And spread through the world. Maureen Flower beds on our on-campus walk. A reminder to be who you are! PS Yesterday I was talking about my visits to The Rocks in Sydney, not the Ticks! ugh.
  6. 🙃 Happy for you Jacqui! 🎉 Some deep breaths and a good night! 💤
  7. Late today… 40s here! Dismal. No word on brothers wife. 🌈 Jacqui yay! Live Life! 🛳️ 🎂🎂🎂 Martha, Jim. Lisa 👍Amber! 👍 on insurance Pennie Costco has a delicious spinach artichoke dip, high calories! But Yum. Loved Sydney. Spent a full week. Went to The Ticks twice, fantastic interactive museum there. Bought a boomerang 🪃, love it. NZ had to review it for safety as I was importing wood! Attended a symphony and had a tour of the Opera House on DH’s birthday! Wonderful pictures! Thank so much. Nice to have my happy memories jogged. Otherwise we’re all on edge, just waiting.. awful feeling. We’ve been walking more. Good distraction. Hip is not loving it but managing ok. ❤️ you all. Thanks. Maureen
  8. Supposed to rain this afternoon so we will walk cross-campus to our 12:00 lunch meeting then maybe take the campus bus back. My brother had a 68 Mustang. I got several long trips in it, one cross country out to the four corners when I was 14. His daughter is on her 3rd Mustang. These are the DB and DN struggling through my DSIL’s dying days. Waiting. Wonderful pix of Taomina. One of the first group posted looks like it captured old Regal Princess, our second cruise ship. We had a grand tour there from Massdam’s call in Messina on the Atlantic Adventurer which we jumped onto mid-way, then did the full round-trip on Veendam. Taormina has so many layers of history from all the peoples who conquered it. Funny recent encounter: Our newest financial advisor whom we met with a few weeks ago said she was married in Taormina a few years ago, where her grandparents live. What a setting! @kochleffel Thanks Paul for the canal info. We visited Erie Canal last year and houseboated on Ridou canal from Lake Ontario Kingston not long shot, amazing histories. Hope you are feeling better albeit slowly. Oh no Jacqui! Just Oh NO! 😱 Well you know the options better than most, unfortunately. I’m praying for Amazing! Extra hugs to you. Annie, I hope you heal quickly! And the new job option works out. Elizabeth, I barely tolerate MRIs when I must, sorry you must do two in a day. I hope they show what is needed. I think my grandparents from Italy bypassed Ellis Island and went through immigration on Manhattan. Maybe my Irish grandmother too before they were processing immigrants there. But someone in the Italian side bought a brick which I’ve seen. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Blessings to all the Care list, all of you and everyone’s needs near and far. Thanks for keeping my family in your hearts and prayers during these most difficult days for us. Cheers to Canada! You got a constitution before England! Loving the canal transit pix! Smooth travels to all away. Maureen.
  9. Annie, try icing your ankle and wherever your leg hurts. Elevate the ankle. Rest it!
  10. Hope you got through today well enough to tackle tomorrow! We tried moving “enough” stuff out of our condo for the realtor to show it but that didn’t pan out. We slipped showing it 2weeks until we were out. We have good memories of Ogunquit! Stayed at the Cliff House in 1994. Had a fabulous lobster pizza from room service because they wouldn’t allow DH in the dining room in sneakers 😳. Now that we’re “back east” we considered revisiting Cliff House but it is way too expensive now. Hoping you can find what you’re looking for soon. Keep us posted! m— Thanks for the Whitehorse pictures and from the train. I was in Whitehorse in 1984 via road trip. I’ll bet it’s changed!🤣 Yukon is gorgeous! I lost all the photos to ex… life hirs in and I’ve been fortunate to make more memories than I ever imagined. Thanks for your kind encouragement Vanessa, Debbie, Lenda. I may have put more effort into the lodging list than anticipated but it kept me busy. I added distances and drive times from each hotel to the funeral home to help them understand what they’re getting themselves into. Cousins all come from north, DB from NC. We’ll see who can make it. I talked to niece, she is exhausted and worried about her dad. We wait. Had call about eye surgery- drew first surgery slot, 7:30! Arrival time 6:30! We’ll take it! m—
  11. Beautiful day in north Jersey! Sunny and it’ll be mostly 60s. Spring colors abound! Lovely! No word from brother or niece. We wait. Yesterday I spent most of the day assembling an informational email for my cousins and NC brother on routings to where services will be and lodging options. Most of us use a Navigator but it helps to have the big picture and understand options. Around here there are always accidents and slow-downs so Navigators give options that can be very confusing. We have found a route we prefer which is not the shortest but easier and less congested, so the Navigator is constantly trying to turn us around. The lodging options were more complex to pull together, none are ideal or very close. It’ll be difficult for people to make it to the services and, as the youngest, I feel a need to help my family with information. Most of them don’t drive that much anymore and not to this region 3-4 hours away, 8-9 for NC brother. I guess it’s what I can do, can’t do much in this situation. I kept busy. We’re working up a list of things to discuss with a CPA soon. We’ve never used one’s services but it’s time to get established with one. Eventually we’ll need a CPA to help with the trust taxes when that begins but we need to get started with a CPA before that. It’s part of the shift that will come when we or one of us will eventually need our kids/grandkids help. My condolences to @Mr. Boston on his BFF Lauren’s passing 💔. And best wishes for the move! Do you have a place to go to in Maine or is everything going into storage for the transition? What a stressful time! Oh, just read it’s the anniversary of your brothers passing last year… I remember when you dropped everything and went. So very sad. You need extra TLC today, we’re sending it. And hugs to @Gsel too. We’re here to lean on. Hope you can smoke at some good memories through the tears! I’m happy to hear @Cruzin Terri Terri that you had a good meeting yesterday - was it at your home? I’m wondering if they do home visits because caretakers usually can’t leave their loved ones alone. Knowledge is power and hopefully takes some of the fear down a notch. There are multiple types of support groups on our campus, a benefit to living here. I hope Jim does ok on his own while you’re at Anita’s funeral. Last week DH had a consult by phone with his oncologist who said his numbers are still good. Yay! Did I post this? We’ll do it again in 6 months. If numbers get much higher he’ll request a scan to check. I guess we’re all living on borrowed time in one way or another so we need to really appreciate every day! @aliaschief Smooth travels to Taj Mahal! Thanks for your efforts sharing with us! It’s a great lift! Thanks to all who contribute to make this thread happen. Jacqui, Roy, Ann, Dixie, Debbie, Vanessa, Graham, Sandi, and Tina for the poem today! For all the photos and memories of beautiful and meaningful places on our earth, it all makes such a rich venue for the loving care expressed Daily! ⚽️🥅 Go Ren! Breaking the tie in the last minute! He is one exciting player! Someday we’ll all be thinking, I “knew” that Star when he was just a kid! Thanks Sandi! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, peace or direction. For your country and mine. And all the too-many lives caught up in wars and disasters beyond their control. Waiting on Amazing news from all the procedures! Glad @LambKnuckles that your prognosis is good. I’ve people refer to that cough as the 100 day cough! Cheers to those celebrating Life is Good🌈. And to Annie on her new kittens! Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers! ❤️ you all for being here! 🤗 Enjoy something meaningful today. Maureen
  12. Sunny in north Jersey after last night’s storms blew through with whipping winds, rain and impressive lightning. Might get to 73f today! Blessings for all the procedures and appointments today: Sandi’s sister, Elizabeth’s eye, Chuck’s scan, Lambknuckles assessment, Terri’s consult, Steve’s consult… in anticipation of Roy’s data analysis…. If I missed your need of the day, blessings to you too! And Bruno, and Melanie (I hope I’m not confused but the blessings go where needed…) on absorbing your losses in your own ways and time. And Vanessa, I expect a busy Monday but will be thinking of you then too, as every day. Tana, Terry, Melissa, and Gerry and Maurice. Tax Day! DH got the last 2states and federal returns e-filed yesterday; today we’ll mail first Estimated Tax check for 2024 to NJ because we don’t have a return on file with them yet for their reference 🤦🏼‍♀️. Boston Strong! And to @Mr. Boston and DH- I’m astounded you will have movers this week! 👏. When we moved from NM it took us 5 months packing ourselves. When we moved 2 1/2 years later it still took us 7 weeks and we had packers finish the job the last day! (I’m still looking for some things….) Wishing you Every Blessing in your new environment. We are waiting alongside SIL and family while she takes all the time she needs to leave this world, I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for your caring support! The quote is terribly shallow and misguided, IMO. I was 8 yrs old when my mom took a brother, our sister and me to Miami on our Easter Vacation break by overnight bus from NYC, 36 hrs. It was my first encounter with segregation. In retrospect I guess I benefitted from that personal experience as it is forever impressed upon me. I grew up in Brooklyn and was immersed in a melting pot of people of various shades of color, languages and creeds. At 8 yrs old I knew there was something very wrong with what I saw in the bus stations and Miami grocery stores. 🫡 Jackie Robinson! I find raw beet greens tough so I cooked them when I used to have them. They could be chopped fine and added to many dishes, and as Tina posted, they have great health benefits. We stop at a McDonalds every few years, usually to use the facilities! I remember buying a milkshake in Rome! Was in Manzanillo once, don’t remember it much so thanks for the photos Sandi! Cheers to all celebrating 🥳 Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers. Thanks all for being here. Maureen
  13. @Quartzsite Cruiser Blessings for a smooth day tomorrow for you and Steve. And a good sleep tonight! m—
  14. Thanks for letting us know. Be gentle with yourself. Hugs from your Dailyites!
  15. @kochleffel Paul, I’m sure you learned a lot for your presentation, and the glowing feedback shows you shared it well! 👏 @Denise T Seems you are in an upsetting setting which can be more than unsettling, it can be unhealthy and even dangerous. This might be a catalyst for a positive shift. I’ve observed we are happiest when our needs are being met, so for a positive change, I encourage you to spend time identifying your needs, including being safe and peaceful. Then you can explore new potential locations with criteria that will bring you happiness! When we were prepping to move from NM I made 2 lists: things to look forward to in our next environment, and things I would not miss! I managed 2 more hours of late morning sleep! Facing what’s left of the day more renewed. m—
  16. Pretty nice day in north Jersey, high clouds and heading up to 70! Slept 7 hrs so that should help! Laughter is the best medicine. Thank you all for posting cute memes, many make me laugh! Dolphins are such a treat to watch from cruise ships! I do like a traditional martini but haven’t had one in ages and I’m sure it’s not on today’s agenda. Today I’ll research lodging options near my brother’s location, prepping for his wife’s funeral, send that info to family. DH will finish the calculations for 2024 estimated taxes so we can e-file the remainder of the 2023 taxes. Blessings sent out earlier… sad to read the events on Rotterdam. May we all find a smile and a laugh today! Thank you all for being here, all the support and reminders that life is good🌈. I thought of Gerry @ger_77when I saw the crocheted blanket that was placed in my DSIL’s room for hers or our comfort for the long days and nights. ❤️ Maureen
  17. Dismal looking in north Jersey but not raining. The Daily is a great lift to my spirit with everyone’s memories of fun times and looking ahead to new adventures. Yes, Life is Good!🌈 That’s so important to remember at times when life is waning in loved ones. Thanks for posting here as well as the main board Bruno @atexsix. Again, my condolences. I’m glad you have your mom’s help and the funeral home too. No matter how long the journey to the end, we’re never prepared for the impact. My condolences to other who are dealing with losses. Hugs! Our first visit to Aruba was on our second cruise, first was Alaska then Panama Canal transit stopping in Oranjestad. 2004. We did a ship excursion with my first snorkel. The best memory was wading from the beach as far as we were comfortable and letting schools of small silver fish swim around us. It was magical being an “island” engulfed in their shimmer. After that I decided I needed an underwater camera. On subsequent visits I did taxi tours to the lighthouse, aloe farms, fun shopping -still enjoying my tie-dyed Aruba beach dress and delft souvenirs. On our most recent visit there we took the bus to “Nancy’s” 😉 casino on the beach and rented see-through kayaks. We didn’t see much but it was a fun adventure. Today I’ll email all the cousins what to anticipate for the services my brother and niece expect. Talked with siblings last night about it all. Of course we can’t anticipate the timing but it’ll be a morning viewing followed by a Mass at their church at 11 then lunch, so everyone coming from our side of the family will need accommodations which I need to research, and directions….. I just hope we can make it and the timing doesn’t conflict with DH’s eye surgery in Maryland but what will be will be. My “angel messages” that I pick up on all the time reassure me that it’ll be ok! One foot in front of the other. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope near and far, for my country and your country! Cheers to our cruisers heading out or heading home, and all away for smooth travels! A toast to those celebrating 🥂. Welcome to the new folks here, I’m not at my best to get names and blue bubbles but thank you for trusting us enough to jump in! Thanks all for being here with your caring support. When my niece was saying it was amazing how certain things fell into place, I said there are a lot of folks pulling for you! More than she realized! Enjoy something special today! Extra hugs to Jacqui, Terry, Tana, Melissa, Karen, Terri, Bruno, anyone who needs one! Maureen
  18. Thank you for letting us know Bruno. May you feel our collective support and condolences. I hope you share with us some of your fondest memories of your travels together when the timing is right for you. Maureen
  19. I’m toast. We got up early for us, drove through rain and traffic to hospital, met with my brother… still surreal, remember I’ve seen him once (February) in 22 yrs. After 30 mins he left hospital to go home, get ready for his daughter, my niece, to fetch him for meeting with funeral home folks to start the ball rolling. DH did fabulous driving through the traffic and the rain! It’s just a lot to absorb that he can still see! Next eye surgery will happen no matter when my brother’s wife passes. So we thought we’d stay for a bit, have a chance to just sit quietly with SIL. She’s in a private room in the hospital but under hospice care. But that’s not quite what happened…. We fielded med staff pop-ins, phone calls, texts and I visited with my SIL’s niece (daughter of SIL’s sister) for two hours. I’d never met her, maybe as a baby just before I moved from NY/NJ to NM at age 23! Fascinating visit, filled in some gaps in my family knowledge base. My niece texted, asked if we could stay at the hospital until she could get there after the funeral home and returning her dad back home. Of course we would. Spending time with a dying family member is a privilege. She was peaceful, sleeping. She’s on comfort meds which seem to take the edge off…. Cancer took hold of her more easily than most people I believe because of her pre-existing conditions. We walk alongside as loved ones follow their path. We show up with love and support. And flowers and snacks. And tissues. And wait with them. There’s a lot more I could say now but I feel like I’ve used more words today in person and phone calls and texts than an encyclopedia. It rained only a little on the way home. We left at 4:30 and like a parting of the Red Sea the traffic was manageable. I had little appetite but enjoyed curried Red Lentils Dahl. Different for me. But it’s been an unusual day. Sorry Terri for losing Anita, glad you found out. Sorry Karen on another loss! Hugs! Sorry all, the rest of today’s Daily is a blur. Fantastic animal sightings, what a joy to experience! Thank you all for your support. On days like today I feel carried and strengthened by loving care from near and far! Blessings to you all. Maureen
  20. Today was tough for brother and niece. SIL was moved to hospice care and they are making her comfortable. DH and I will head there tomorrow morning. DH got a 👍 from oncologist today, bloodwork again in 6 months. Hoping the eye surgery schedule can be maintained for April 23rd. Don’t know what will be needed for SIL and family. Or when. Happy for Terri and Jim! Vanessa’s BFF, 1 pass! Rest. Annie, great encouragement on our Cape Cod ideas, thanks too to Terry and @Hogladyrider Annie, love the cats watching the Cornell cam! @Nickelpenny beautiful shadow box for Martina! 🎂 @Haljo1935s DH! Hugs to you all! m—
  21. Dismal looking day but no rain until later on. I had trouble getting to sleep, too much stirred up but at least I slept till 9! Dh has oncology phone consult this afternoon. We’ll see what he says and what the next steps might be. We talk to him twice a year after he gets the semiannual blood tests. Numbers have been trending up from zero but I guess that’s to be expected? We’ll learn more today. Taxes are ready! We still have to do the filing… NJ by mail, the rest we’ll e-file. I hope I unpacked enough of the desk stuff to find the large Manila envelopes. We’ll drive to a post office tomorrow to mail them directly. Next year we should have professional help, a COA who can support us through the future and trust filings. It gets complicated but it’s good to know there are funds to make it happen. Norfolk was our first HAL cruise departure port back in 2006. We took my NC brother and SIL to thank them for the weeks they spent with us that year building our NM house. It was our 4th cruise and we really liked Maasdam and HAL. I lot of what we liked is gone now with the smaller ships and Norfolk has changed too. We did a Carnival cruise out of Norfolk in 2022 on Magic - I liked our Cove Balcony! I doubt we’ll cruise from Norfolk again, the itineraries aren’t worth the effort to get there from here. Parking was offsite but lots of buses. I’m glad we tried it. The new cruise port is quite nice, better than standing out in the rain back in 2006! My other visits to Norfolk were when my stepson was stationed there. Then I got to tour his ships! Very special but those pictures are unlikely to be excavated! He retired from the navy as a Commander several years ago! Blessings to all in need near and far. Hope @Cruzin Terri and Jim get a good report! Thank you Vanessa for keeping track of us! Hope your BFF does well today. I’m sure you’re counting the days down till the 22nd 🤞I know I am, that’s the day we’re supposed to drive to Maryland for DH’s surgery. Day by day! I’ll post an update on my NJ SIL when I hear more… I think they needed to make a decision today about continuing interventions. Then the next steps are expected to be moving her to somewhere not in hospital under hospice care. I doubt we’ll be able to shift DH’s surgery date, just trying not to get too far ahead… Maureen
  22. I’m still up Terri! Sending out extra blessings! Have a good sleep, tomorrow will be here soon! @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thank you for your extra caring. It’s not going too well… and more troubling news with other brother’s family… I’ve been busy reaching out to the nephews and niece there too. And Very glad for Steve’s’s progress! I knew when we moved from NM to the east and we’d be closer to my family - siblings, cousins all older than I- there’d be impact of loss, but it comes in waves or bunches. Not much I can do but try to be supportive to those who I can connect with. It’s draining but I’m glad I’m connecting with them. @JazzyV Blessings for a smooth day with BFF’s MOHs. You two are quite a team! Impressive. m—
  23. Excellent info! Thank you for sharing that. I have a lot to learn about a new place for us, always part of the fun! m—
  24. Good looking day today, not as warm as yesterday’s 75. I’ve been updating siblings on SIL’s condition. Both brother and niece called me yesterday, update is not encouraging, they are grappling with difficult decisions. I pass the updates on to sister and other brother. We siblings are not close but we care about each other and keep in touch by phone and text. I’m the youngest so they were mostly gone from home during my teens; we’ve all lived in different states until just recently when DH and I moved to NJ which is where my oldest brother settled. The quote is an important reminder. We’re now considering a trip to Cape Cod for my birthday adventure or post-birthday because my birthday falls on Labor Day, a crowded day most places. Ten years ago for my 60th I chose a Grand Canyon river rafting adventure! So glad we grabbed that opportunity! I’ll still look at some Sept cruises but Cape Cod is a place we’ve never been to so it would be a new adventure! Thanks for the beautiful pix of Petra! I doubt we’ll travel that far anymore. Taking it one day at a time! Blessings to you and yours, all the Care list, our country and yours. Enjoy something of Life’s offerings today! Maureen
  25. 🎂 Beautiful gift of caring from your DS Karen, @luvteaching May you begin an inspiring year ahead! 🍾 Happy Anniversary celebrations Gerry and Maurice @ger_77 . Never enough anniversaries 🥂 Blessing to all especially those in need, and happy celebrating for those with special days or good reports. Smooth travels for all away. Many thanks to all who make this thread happen! m—
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