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Everything posted by FangedRose

  1. Well, unless you self reported that is what happened. There was no proactive "Track and Tracing", or pouncing on chronic coughers in the theatre etc. Totally relied on people being altruistic.
  2. Yes, of course, but backed up by other comments, both on here and fb. P&O will never publish official figure.
  3. I never felt "ill". Others did, I just had a tickly, annoying cough.
  4. If you reported symptoms you were told to stay in your cabin until a test could be done. I did my own test, but a nurse came and did their own test and confirmed the result. If one person in a cabin was positive everyone in the cabin was in put in isolation.
  5. Well, it is a bit of a guesstimate. But, the queue for disembarkation of isolation passengers stretched the length of the ship. They ran out of isolation balcony cabins, those already in balcony cabins stayed put, only those in sea view and inside were offered them, by Friday (four days before Southampton) there were none left. On my stretch of cabins (maybe 17) five or six were in isolation, and that's only the ones I glimpsed when putting my food tray out. We were being ticked off a list as we disembarked, and the list covered five sides of A4 paper, in normal 12 point font. One quarter of the baggage hall was solely for covid passengers (we had been given yellow tags to put on our cases).
  6. Me, on board, joining the ship long queue for isolation disembarkation. Being in cabin for a week listening to people walking by coughing exactly the way I did.
  7. Well, the previous policy didn't work. All 1800 passengers on Arcadia J212 produced negative test certificates before boarding, it didn't help the 400 or 500 passengers (and those were the ones who admitted having symptoms and got tested) disembarking from isolation yesterday.
  8. Seems that P&O have realised that their previous policy of requiring a negative test certificate is useless in preventing covid from getting on board. As the certificate states "you likely do not have Covid at the time the test was taken" . You could have contracted it two or three days before, but not produced enough antibodies to register Or, you could contract it on the journey down from a service station. Or, unscrupulous passengers could get somebody else to do the test for them. The test certificates are a waste of time and money. All of the 400 or 500 passengers who were in isolation at the end of Arcadia J212 yesterday all produced a negative test certificate before boarding.
  9. They were on Aurora in September 2019.
  10. Are they not giving you FCC? Did you not get travel insurance with cruise cover and COVID cover?
  11. All those changes were in place on my last cruise three years ago.
  12. I was number 3. I had fetched my own test kits onboard, left over from work, assumed my coughing and sneezing was the air con. Heard rumours so did a test which proved positive much to my shock. Informed medical centre who did their own test and confirmed it. Was a little perturbed (but not surprised) when my table companions (solo traveller, fixed dining, large table) phoned me to find out why I had missed an excursion and dinner. I had assumed (hoped) that some form of test and Trace would have been in operation, and at the very least asked them to take a test. But, I suppose confidentiality comes into it. During the call with my table mates to take a test because at least one of them had the same symptoms as me, but much worse. I don't know whether they did or not.
  13. Well, that's the ones that have issued to passengers on Arcadia. Isolation passengers have been given ftp2 masks for answering the door.
  14. In my own as it has a balcony. I was asked if I wanted to move. But no point really. Would be worth moving from an inside or sea view.
  15. Thanks. I feel perfectly fine, apart from the cough, which is giving my throat some stick. In fact, if this is COVID I've had it at least twice a year for the last 65 yrs. I know everybody is not so lucky. But, if I was at home, and not working, I wouldn't have even bothered doing a test.
  16. It must have been a very fast acting variant then, because I tested positive less than 18 hours later. And through a ftp2 mask too.
  17. Well, yes they are, but only if you can connect to it, and even then it is very, very slow. I've given up with trying to use it and using data whilst in port.
  18. Maybe not such a joke. The new captain. Martin Sharples, was meant to join in Southampton but tested positive (yes really) and joined in Reykjavik. He was doing the rounds, introducing himself. He told us Quoiters that he had only been appointed two years ago, in the middle of COVID, and this was the first ship he was in charge of with paying passengers, and not to be surprised if we ended up in Barcelona 😂
  19. Unfortunately I am stuck here until Southampton ☚ī¸
  20. I'm onboard and COVID is rife. Masks were issued last night and are supposed to be mandatory in inside public areas (except for eating and drinking). As I'm isolating I don't know how well it is being observed or enforced.
  21. COVID is rife onboard. Room service struggling to keep up delivering to the cabins of those isolating. Goodness knows how many other cases there are of those who haven't (or refuse to) get tested. I put my cough down to air conditioning despite keeping my balcony door slightly open.
  22. I'm onboard and yes we were definitely there, (from what I could see from my cabin balcony anyway ☚ī¸}. Now we are Akureyri so I am told.
  23. I am onboard and no speciality restaurants are open.
  24. It worked fine (better than the website) until I tried to upload it to Randox. Got a message "device not recognised", couldn't work out why until I read the above message. Don't understand why Google Play allowed me to download it if it isn't compatible with my device?
  25. I've done my Randox test via android today. Bit fiddly using a phone, but it worked. Had to use the website rather than the app.
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