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Posts posted by Member123

  1. I am an avid "hobby" chef, taking a lot of cooking classes and reading recipe books for FUN! LOL.


    I spoke, at length, to the Executive Chef onboard the Solstice cruise from Honolulu to Sydney about the methodology of cooking in BLU and what separates BLU from the MDR in food preparation and philosophy. Basically, I was informed that BLU has the following practices: (1) to under season the food (hence the reason that many people find the food to be bland); the reason for this is consideration for people who need a more salt-restrive diet and the compensation is the placement of salt/pepper mills on the table; (2) the use of healthy oils in food preparation, more nut oils and vegetable oils, and, in conjunction with that, the use of nonstick cookware so that the use of oils is reduced; (3) a lower portion of carbohydrates on the plate; (4) reduced to no use of butter and cream in the preparation of sauces with emphasis on broth and wine reductions.


    Also, in reference to personal experience in BLU, I can say that we've gone on both the S-class and M-class ships in AQ. I feel strongly that there are many, many differences in a BLU experience that is dependent on much more than the menu options. The maitre 'd and/or hostess of BLU, the Executive Chef on the ship as well as the Executive Chef of BLU (2 different people). On one M-class sailing, for example, the maitre 'd made a point of allowing anything from the MDR to be ordered in BLU; however, on another M-class sailing, nothing from the MDR was allowed to be ordered. I thought that this was specific to the ship's operation, but now I believe that the maitre 'd was responsible for this decision because people have reported different experiences from mine... and the only change was the maitre 'd.


    So, I think that it is difficult to state an absolute about a BLU dining experience. I think that every cruise sailing has many factors that create variability. IMHO.

  2. Hilariously enough, I am on hold with enhancements right now and the guy does NOT know! He said his information is ONLY about buying... not upgrading the 123 promo package. I'll let you know the final outcome.


    Now THIS is what drives me NUTS! :eek:


    When I first called into Captain's Club, the representative didn't know anything about the increase in prices. I told him that someone FROM CELEBRITY started this whole firestorm by calling, from their Celebrity Experience Department (or something like that), to someone who was sailing soon... and that person posted the information.


    So, I got put on hold while he went to speak with a supervisor and ended up coming back to me with a statement that he absolutely hated that he had to learn about changes from someone calling in. I agree! That is just not the way that change should be implemented.


    Good luck on your phone call.

  3. I have talked with THREE people in your groups department today about this issue and all three have guaranteed me that it was not going to cost us more onboard. That the price difference between the two is the same. This is so frustrating.


    I think the communication breakdown here could actually be in the phrasing of the question. The price difference between the two is the same if you compare the prices in a similar fashion: the price difference between buying the Classic vs the Premium on LAND is $10 + 15% gratuity: the price difference between buying the Classic vs the Premium ON BOARD is $10 + 15% gratuity.


    However, the price difference between buying the Classic on LAND and upgrading to the Premium ON BOARD is $15 + 15% gratuity.


    It's been stated over and over and over again that Celebrity has decided on a price change and that they've implemented the price change. I just don't think you can fight this issue. Not saying that you might get "lucky," and end up hearing what you want to hear, but I'm not sure that hearing what you want to hear and actually being able to have that happen... I'm not sure that will be the same thing.


    Anyone who isn't sailing soon, I don't think there's a mad rush to upgrade your beverage package (unless you believe as someone else mentioned that the prices could increase for LAND purchases). You could wait closer to your final payment date and upgrade the package at that time and effectively include the upgraded cost as a (close to, at least) part of your final payment.

  4. Does anyone know if we upgrade now is the charge immediately put on a credit card or does it get added to amount due with final payment ?


    Having done this, it is an immediate charge to your credit card. Prepayment. You have until 4 days before your cruise to make any amendments; i.e., cancel the package and receive a refund. Once on board, you cannot make any changes/cancellations to your beverage package purchase, according to the published rules.

  5. Bon Voyage to me!


    I'm leaving on Thursday morning, bright and early, for Hawaii. This is the first cruise that we've taken where we are bringing two cameras! I don't know what that means as far as picture quality... I think it means an increase in quantity, for sure, but who knows? It's been so long since I've had a camera with me that I might forget I can actually take pictures!


    Kim, I'll try to get some spectacular "behind" pictures, but I don't know what opportunity might arise! Also, I'm hoping that an opportunity presents itself to find some fabric. I need Anita to tell me what to look for! At the least, I'm going to look at the pareo fabrics in Tahiti with an eye that maybe Anita could transform a big enough piece of fabric into a skirt for me. I never even thought about that until our discussion about fabric, earlier.




    off to do laundry. Got my hair done yesterday. Yeah! Doing nails in a few days.

    I have decided that I'm going with a more neutral (or nude) look on nails. Oddly, I've figured out that a nude look, for me, isn't the light pastel "pinky" look but more of a tan color. I found a fabulous color, Deborah Lippmann (splurge!) No More Drama. It's a beautiful color that is going on my toes. I'm going to play with my nails more: Teal the Cows Come Home, Spring Ball are definitely coming with me. My plan is to do some color changes on board; I've never bothered with bringing polish before. But, there are so many sea days on this cruise! I'm thinking that I will want to play more with make up and have some fun with that on this particular type of cruise since I don't have many port intensive days. We'll see if that's a foolish thought, or not. Pain to pack, for sure.

  6. A lot of speculation here about the upgrade price. The various promotions that have offered the classic package as a perk have included wording in the fine print that specifically said it is upgradeable at $10/pp per day + the 15% gratuity by contacting Celebrity. I've also read a lot of posts here from cruisers who have called Celebrity and been told just to do the upgrade on board although I've not called them myself. Putting those two together I'd say the on board upgrade price should remain at $10/pp but if anyone is concerned I'd recommend calling Celebrity or your TA and specifically asking if you can still upgrade at that price on board.


    Host Andy: If you read this perhaps you could get official clarification on upgrade price on board.



    .. and the answer I just received is that the price to upgrade on board will be the difference between the land price paid and the on board price. In the instance of the classic alcohol to premium alcohol package the difference is $15 +15% service charge.


    When questioned about the "fine print" on the flyer about the Promotional Perks and that the upgrade price difference would only be $10 + 15% service charge, the response was that "on every Celebrity flyer there is a statement that reads 'prices subject to change without notice'."


    Yes, you can still upgrade on board, at the increased price. The difference is that you would pay the difference on board, which means that any OBC would be able to be used for the price difference. If you upgrade on land, then you will get the benefit of upgrading for the lower $10 price difference, but you will be charged for the upgrade on a credit card. So pay before you go.


    At least, this is the information that I received a few minutes ago.

  7. OK heres the scoop:


    You absolutely can upgrade to premium before sailing, but....you have to pay the difference at the time you call. The difference for a 4 day was $46 per person. Making the upgrade $11.50 per day? :confused: does that seem right?


    Yes, Bonnie. That's right. The price difference between the packages is $10, and adding on the service charge of 15% brings the total per diem to $11.50.


    @laslomas. I'm glad that you feel better. I know what it feels like when you think the "system" is being unfair.


    I think that the only question I have about this increase in pricing is whether the price DIFFERENCE or UPGRADE price will change once you get onboard, especially if you've bought the package on land. There is a $10 price difference between classic and premium for LAND prices and a $10 price difference between classic and premium for ON BOARD prices. What I'm now believing is that there will actually be a higher, $!5 price difference if you decide to upgrade a package that you've purchased on land. Well, that's going from the classic to the premium alcohol packages. I think there is a difference, actually, in all the package purchases.


    I wonder if Celebrity will honor the fine print on the 1-2-3-Go perks that they've pre sold because all of those have the $10 difference stated on the promotion. It's just something to wonder about, I suppose, until someone gets on board with the 1-2-3 and wants to upgrade.

  8. I am intending to purchase the Classic Package for my January 2014 cruise on Eclipse as there were no offers or freebies available on this when I booked. After reading this I thought I had better check out the situation on the UK website. Athough I will be invoiced in £GB, the information on the website is showing US$. This is what is on the UK website:


    " Classic Package

    Upgrade your cruise experience and pay one price to enjoy all of the benefits of our Classic Non-Alcoholic package as well as all Beers up to $5.75 per serving and spirits, liqueurs, cocktails and wines by the glass up to $9.25 per serving. The Classic package also provides you with the chance to receive a discount of 20% on bottles of wine purchased.


    $50.60 per guest, per day*



    * Please note, this is the price for booking the package online in advance of your sailing. Prices for packages purchased on board will be at a higher amount. You can book online up until 4 days prior to your sail date."



    I am not happy!! It is $44 daily for US customers and more than $6 more for customers from UK. Why should UK customers have to pay more for the same package??? I know that it must seem that we in UK are always moaning that we are treated differently, but this is one of the reasons why. They are not even trying to hide the difference as it is quoted in $ on the UK website and it is plain to see. And I expect that Celebrity also make some money from the exchange rate too. It is so wrong. I am so angry.


    Don't be angry. Here's a bit of information that may help with your emotions about this. For some reason, (I don't know why) there are itineraries in Europe where the service charge for drinks has to be included in the pricing of the drink rather than an additional line item charge.


    For example, if you are in the Caribbean and you look at a menu, you will see a beer priced at $5. If you order that beer, you will receive a bill that is spelled out: Beer $5 + 15% service charge = $5.75


    If you are on some European sailings, you will look at a menu and see that beer is $5.75. If you order that beer, you will receive a bill for $5.75.


    Same thing just presented a bit differently.


    I think that it is a matter of some cultural differences. In the USA, we are used to paying service charges; whereas in the UK, I don't think you are as used to that as we are. So, they are just presenting the information a bit differently.

    When we buy a classic alcohol package, we pay $44 + 15% service charge = $50.60 a day.


    Same price.


    Hope this makes you feel loads better.:)

  9. Thank you. That changes things a bit.


    You're welcome. I saw that you were from the Show Me State. :D


    In looking at the pricing, it's interesting that they've still kept the difference between the Classic Alcohol Package and the Premium Alcohol Package the $10 they need to advertise the upgrade; what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't make a difference whether you upgrade when you're on the ship or beforehand if you move your 1-2-3-Go Promo from Classic to Premium. (if I'm interpreting the information correctly)...


    alert... can of worms...


    UNLESS, they feel that the 1-2-3-Go Promo is at the preboard price of $44 and the upgrade would be the onboard price of $59, in which case we would see the price adjustment increase to $15 + 15% service charge.. or $17.25 a day.


    I wonder if we're going to also see that type of price increase in the future?


    I didn't see a date on the flyer for when it would take effect. And also didn't see any type of explanation about upgrades. Interesting to think about.


    Edit: Wow, posting at the same time. That sure didn't take long! So it appears that the price adjustment will be made to the $15 price increase then?

  10. Melissa, Don't give up hope! I've heard of people waiting weeks to have something returned to them that they may have left in the stateroom or the safe. Especially if the bags were put in a more unusual area, it may take a while before the "right" person gets the message that bags are missing and notice that there are some bags that never seem to move. Know what I mean? The onloading / offloading process had quite a hiccup where your bags were concerned, but they are physical objects and can't vanish into air. I haven't given up hope for you!


    Thanks for updating us. I hope you get your bags before I leave on my trip so I can stop fretting about it. I'm just so sorry that this unpleasant experience has happened to you and hope that it ends on a good note.

  11. I don't know, Anita. Depending upon how far back your reaching (into history) from the sewing patterns, you have to remember that ladies' foundation garments have come a long, long way... away... from that cinched-in middle achievable by corset tightening. Remember that the fainting couches that were a part of every lady's parlor were there because women's lungs were so constricted by their undergarments that they couldn't draw a proper breath and actually ended up, well, needing that couch for fainting purposes. So, I wouldn't worry that your waist is bigger than the ideal waist of women of yore.


    Hey, they wanted everyone to be an hourglass, so they cinched and stuffed to achieve the feminine form. Remember Scarlet O'Hara and how she had to grab onto the bedpost in order for her nanny to pull the ribbons and tie her into her corset. Just so she could put on her flouncy petticoats so that her dress was so oversized (how did they learn to sit on a bustle?).. so that her waist would look even smaller? Then the nibbling at food because you simply couldn't breathe? Or, have I read too many romance novels and this is just rubbish? I can't remember when in history the bustles were so popular.


    Did you see the history lesson on Lisa Eldridge's site? Amazing! Helena Rubinstein brought cosmetics to everyday women. She was the first to create mascara and it became popular for women other than actresses and <ahem> shady ladies to enhance their lashes! What a boon!


    I don't know about a designer being so vain as to make that statement! Like I would even care what another women's size would be who would wear my same dress?!? I think it's interesting to see those comparison pictures in magazines like Style where they show two different people wearing the same dress and ask the question: who is wearing it better? It's not so much about the attractiveness of the person but how they have accessorized the dress with jewelry, shoes, tights, belts, scarves, etc. In some of those pictures (especially if the dress is a different color), I have to really look to even recognize that they are wearing the same dress! Good grief. We need to put all that nonsense way, way behind us... just leave it in the dust... who cares if someone shows up in the same dress? Does anyone here really care one bit? I'd be like: "hey, Sisterhood of the Traveling Dress! Way to go?!? I'd like to meet you cause I bet we have a lot in common." Or, if I approached her for a laugh or two, would she be offended? Now, I wonder...

  12. Right, Margaret. And you know what else we tend to forget is all the adjustments that we make in clothes that don't fit us properly. I can't tell you the number of times I've been drawn to a woman in a beautiful dress who has to fidget with it all during dinner... it's the constant adjustment of the strapless area of the dress with the pulling up of a bra that doesn't fit properly so she's having to adjust all the time... or flick her bra straps back beneath her shoulder strap, constantly, or adjust the skirt every time she stands. It's so distracting and, of course, just draws more attention to the problem. It's so hard to find clothes that don't have some sort of little problem with them, isn't it? I figured out years ago that I can't wear a high neckline because I'll adjust it constantly... just constantly pulling on the fabric to get it away from my neck. Which is why I know that I'll never embrace the idea of wearing a scarf; it's just psychologically suffocating to me. Flowing skirts... love that look.

  13. No, I don't think booking onboard the ship is the problem. It's some kind of glitch in their database and the way that the reservation gets entered. I wish I could help you. I made a B2B reservation; I booked one leg on the website. Because I decided to book a 2nd leg, I called in to Captain's Club. The nature of this B2B was that I wanted to change staterooms for the second leg, so I needed to discuss this reservation. Long story, but I can't bring up the second reservation. I receive the same error message; I tried the same things you did; i.e., logging in under my DH's ID and trying to add the reservation. Nothing I do works. It's been months; I feel your frustration!

  14. Thank You Member123!,They all sounds like a great ideas!!! And yes I'm a newbie to CC and to cruising...I hope to rectify that in the not to distant future!:). Can't tell you how much i appreciate your responses {Member123 and MJC} ,i have asked the question in a few different forums now and I have not received such informative replies as yours!

    May the Zumba gods smile upon you!:D:D


    You are quite funny!:D


    I took a quick look at your itinerary. What a fabulous cruise! Please don't think I have stalker tendencies, I was just curious where you are cruising since you are from Australia.... and I'm coming to visit you in just a few weeks! I'm cruising from Honolulu through the French Polynesian Islands, AUckland, Bay of Islands, and then stopping in sydney. We get to stay in Sydney, post-cruise, for a few days. I am so excited to finally visiting Australia! Although we won't get to see much of it this trip, we do plan to visit again and spend more time in Australia, proper.


    Those islands that you are visiting look beautiful and amazing. I would guess that you won't miss Zumba as much as you think you will now, with all that beauty and a change to your daily routine(s)!


    I also wanted to mention that your specific Roll Call for your cruise is very unusual. Don't give up on the Roll Calls within cruise critic based upon the one that you're experiencing; yours is very quiet. You actually might get more questions answered by Australian cruisers. Look around cruise critic and find the Australian and New Zealand Cruisers section as well as the Ports of Call area; you might get helpful information there since your Roll Call is so quiet.


    Come back here and tell us all about your cruise! We love Zumba, but we love to chat just as much.

  15. Hi everybody,


    :(What a weird coincidence... here I am writing about Tanja's fever and prombtly it hits me. Just a cold...but not one of the little snuffy nose ones. Full blown headache, fever, clogged nose, sore troat and hurting limbs...No way I can write anything today...Sorry guys. Hope I'll be better tomorrow to continue with the review!




    Hi, Stef,

    Boy, I hope that you're feeling better and you're just away because you've got so much work to catch up on... not that you're still feeling bad! I guess you don't have Tanja's ability to feel better in a couple of hours; that was fantastic, by the way... that she felt better after only a few hours of sleep. What a relief, especially on vacation.


    Anyway, this was just meant as a short note to wish you Get Well Soon greetings.

  16. @Blisscruiser, Welcome. Took a quick peek to see that you are a fairly new poster to cruise critic, so I went searching for you to try to find an answer, but from the searches that I did there don't appear to be any Zumba classes offered by Carnival.


    BUT, Carnival is a division of Princess Cruises and Princess started offering Zumba classes, so maybe (just maybe) if you head down to the fitness center once you get onboard you can find out whether they'll have anything on your specific cruise. Also, watch out for some "dance" classes in your daily planners, I'm not a Carnival cruiser, but (from experience) I know that before Celebrity offered Zumba classes, they had what they called "Latin-inspired" exercise classes. They weren't allowed to advertise Zumba because their instructor wasn't a licensed Zumba instructor and, believe me, they weren't a Zumba class... but you did get to move to salsa rhythm, and some cumbia rhythm, and listen to the Latin music, and have FUN, and do a bit of dance movement on board the ship.


    If they don't have anything that looks remotely like Zumba, then the next best thing is to put your Zumba moves to work on the dance floor! Check out some of the venues in the afternoon or evening and see if there's anything that is Latin-themed being played on board. Depending upon where you are cruising to/from, you might be pleasantly surprised by the music being offered. You can just kick it up on the dance floor for a little while each day; keep your dancing feet happy and your body moving.


    Have fun on the cruise. I hope you find something that will help you with your Zumba withdrawal. :D

  17. And a cute dress for our FIRE friends:






    That is Such. A. GREAT. Color! Oh, I wish I had time to order it. That color is so hard for us to find. How did you do that? It's called Medium Warm Violet on our color cards from CJW. Hmmm, I put it into my shopping cart and I'm going to see what the shipping is like. It's in my size!


    Oh, I just can't chance it. The shipping is a bit too much for expediting. Well, it's half the price of the dress! LOL. And the return policy just won't work with my upcoming trip. But, if this dress is still there in November? No, it won't be because there's only a few sizes left. I think it was a good seller.


    OK, Margaret, thanks for that bit of excitement in my life! :p (in a playful way).

  18. Yeah!

    I just want you to know that, even though your review is so different from Stef's, it is amazing and interesting in its own right.


    This is exactly what I love about cruising! The multi-generational ease of being together as a family is going on in one stateroom while the younger, DIY-ers are loading up backpacks in another stateroom. All at the same port with different agendas and all making wonderful memories.


    I. Just. Love. It! :D


    Waiting patiently to sail from Venice.... I can wait! I love Venice; I'll just stroll around the streets, in my mind, until it's time to sail....

  19. Hi, Stef.

    I was going to wait until you had completed your review before I chimed in and let you know how wonderful it's been to travel along with you and your family. You are quite the travel writer, storyteller, and I am enjoying your trip report so much!


    Since we seem to have a bit of an intermission here, in the story, I thought that I might just tell you a quick story of my experience in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. It might explain the touching of the globe of the Black Madonna, maybe?


    Anyway, as a prelude to the story, I can tell you that everywhere I travel (I am an American), I try to learn enough of the language that I can, at least, be polite. I don't have enough grasp to carry on a full conversation, but I can accomplish important travel-related things (like bathroom facilities, directions, and ordering wine!)...


    So, I'm in St. Peter's Basilica and I see that many people are lining up to go before the statute of St. Peter and when they arrive, they cross themselves and touch his foot. I was so mesmerized by the whole experience of even being in Rome, being in St. Peter's Basilica... well, even though I'm not Catholic, I really wanted to go and touch St. Peter's foot. My husband didn't understand, but I just... wanted to. So, I got in line and I watched everyone... doing what they were doing.. and the Swiss Guard was watching everyone (this is an important detail).


    Finally, it became my turn and I found myself in front of St. Peter's statute. And I reached up to touch his foot. And I became ... frozen ... literally frozen .... I was mesmerized.


    I know that you have the understanding of how energy in a place feels. I know this because of statements that you have made. So, you probably understand how I just became a bit overwhelmed...


    and then I noticed that I was being yelled at by the Swiss Guard. What?!? What was I doing wrong? He was yelling at me in Italian. I couldn't understand a word. Then, unbelievably, he switched to French! Yelling at me in French. And, I just stood there with my hand frozen on the statute. And, then ... you'll be amazed at this ... he switched to German! Yelling at me in German. I just stared at him, shaking my head ... and, finally, he switched to English. Oh, thank goodness, he hasn't stopped yelling at me, but at least I can now understand what he wants! What he wanted was for me to let go of the statute. Well, that seemed reasonable to me.


    But, I went up to him and just politely asked him what I had done wrong? He told me that touching the statute was a "sign of respect." That I wasn't supposed to "hold onto" the statute, but simply "touch and go." He repeated this to me several times. You "touch" and "go," a "sign of respect." Of course, I apologized for my behavior but told him that I was overwhelmed by the experience and he lost all of his anger towards me. He actually smiled and said, "sorry. I should have started with English."


    so, maybe, the touching of the globe of the Black Madonna is meant to be a sign of respect? Hopefully, you may have a Catholic reader or a person who knows the history who would be able to answer more knowledgeably.


    And, now, back to Barcelona..... well, on our way back to Barcelona...

  20. @cruzisme and @margeecruiser!


    Hi! It's so nice to have you ICE ladies joining us here for our chats and rants. I hope that everyone knows that my latest rant was really a very tongue-in-cheek, slightly inebriated (but only to the point of pure giddiness) observation? I realize that you ICE ladies shouldn't be regulated to a life of black and white clothing! And, that EARTH ladies do have some colors that can make them drop from beautiful to just a bit cute; there are some EARTH ladies who will never, ever drop below a cute rating on any scale... that's just the way it is, no bias, no prejudice...


    Anyway, the Pantone cards are at your Lowe's store in the paint chip section.


    So interesting to hear what you ladies think your colors might be. Your season is the one that I can confuse with mine the most. I don't really have much trouble with muted, so I don't really care if it's warm or cool... I just know that it's not for me. Of course, I'm talking about the muted that is really, truly muted... not the one that approaches bright on the scale. Anyway, it's more difficult to figure out whether a color is cool or warm, if it's bright: especially blues, yellows, greens (lime or green apple?!?).


    I can see the blue undertone in the reds, so I'm usually ok with them. It's more difficult though to distinguish a coral from a raspberry (sometimes).


    I took a chance on a Cache dress that was simply gorgeous. It's one of those dresses! Blue, white, cream, aqua, navy, turquoise.... pattern. I was hoping, hoping that it would work... but it didn't. I don't know how much longer it will be on the site, but here's the link:



    Hard to tell, but (for example) there is a white/white and a cream/white in the pattern. The belt is banded with gold hardware. Great sale price, so I took a chance and then had to return. It's a beautifully made dress! FYI. It would be interesting to know whether this dress would be good for ICE or if the warmth in some of the colors would make it "off" for you as well? One of those patterns that doesn't look good on anyone?


    Come chat with us! We'd love to have you chime in.

  21. O, Mi. Gosh.


    Linda, except for the stiff neck, don't feel too bad! :D


    Except... that line about "coloring my thinking" was SO FUNNY last night,,, and... now I don't "get" it! :confused:


    Wow. You know, Ladies, I'm having some CC issues; I've spoken with Anita about them. There seems to be some kind of weirdness going on with the postings here (for me) lately. I'm not talking about OUR thread; I'm just talking about CC in general. I used to enjoy reading through the posts and comments and now it seems like they are just filled with sarcasm, rancor, negativity, judgments. I'm thinking that maybe the CC "addiction" has run its course, for me.


    But, I don't want to give up my relationship (even though its virtual) with the Earth and Fire ladies. I don't know; but my thought is that I'm going to turn down my visits to this forum to maybe once a week, or so. I'll be gone for the month of October, anyway.


    Is anyone else feeling this way? Or, is it just me?:(

  22. Hey, Ladies... you know what?!? I think we DO have a much tougher time than the other "seasons." Ladies in the other seasons might disagree with me, but here's my thinking:


    EARTH. They have to figure out whether the color is warm or cool. And that's pretty much it. I mean... muted... really? Isn't it a lot easier to figure out that something isn't that "bright" as opposed to figuring out whether a color is WARM, CLEAR, BRIGHT?!?


    AIR. They have to figure out whether the color is cool. And, that's pretty much it. Muted. Cool.


    ICE. If they can't figure out whether the color is BRIGHT, COOL, CLEAR... what's to think about? Just buy it in BLACK or WHITE! Right?!?


    Which leaves US. WE have to figure out that it's WARM; that it's CLEAR; that it's BRIGHT. Good grief.


    And, the other thing(s). I don't know what happens to Ladies of the other seasons when they make a mistake. But I know what happens to ME when I make a mistake! I look like death warmed over! Seriously?!?


    And, how many items do the fashion manufacturers think they are going to make in WARM, CLEAR, BRIGHT? Certainly, not a bunch of PANTS. Right?!?


    Whatever. BTW, Ive had <ahem> a few glasses of wine. This could Be COLORING my THINKING! LOL. That's pretty funny to me right now. Wonder if it'll be funny when I read in the morning and the wine is out of my system?!? :D


    Whew. Debbie. The colors that I am pretty confident of: aquas, oranges, corals. And, I think, yellows.


    You know what IS interesting? Years ago when I figured out that you had to pack in a mix & match fashion in order to get through a longer vacation with minimal luggage... I was using black and white (of course) before I learned that I shouldn't. Anyway, in the latest effort that I have to pack in a minimal fashion, I really do have an interesting and colorful wardrobe. At least I can say that I'm happy with the items that I have... they may not be "perfect" but they are SO MUCH BETTER than they were before! i think, at the end of the day, when we reflect upon how hard this still is for us... at least... we are doing so much better! That's a definite plus, in my book.


    Whew. That's it. Philosophy over. Stumbling off to bed.... wow... Zumba tomorrow morning. Maybe that extra glass of wine wasn't the most brilliant idea EVER...

  23. Anita's mom, if you come across the article about necklaces and necklines, can you post it here? I have to admit that I need to try necklaces on before knowing what will work, so if there is a formula I'd love to know what it is. Don't you have a cruise coming up soon too?


    Interesting, right?



    Laurie, your necklaces look spectacular. I know that wearing neckline jewelry, whether as part of the top or as a necklace (and earrings as well) can absolutely change the look/feel of an outfit. Love what you do!


    I agree with you! I think the red dress is calling you and you should answer!

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