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Posts posted by Member123

  1. @burm. Please be sure to tell us how your knee x-ray goes today.


    I see that you are sailing out of San Francisco in just a few months! How exciting. Have you been before? If not, Anita and I might be able to give you some very helpful tips on things to see in the SF Bay Area as we lived in Northern California for a number of years. Are you able to spend a few days in vacation before you cruise? Are you going to Alaska? Give us some cruise details as we are also ALL about cruising! We can talk about Napa, Sonoma, Tiburon, Sausalito, Monterey, Carmel. Beautiful area... to visit...

  2. @Anita. So your post gave me something to research! Yeah! You know how funny I think that is, right?!? (BTW: how do you know I didn't sneak kale into your chocolate brownies like those sneaky mothers who sneak kale into their daughter's chocolate brownies? Oh, right. You didn't get a bunch of sweets growing up, did you? You make me laugh.) So, nutritional yeast! I found out that it's a supplement that vegans use to assist with their B12 needs which is probably why the Fat Flush Lady lists it as a good ingredient for your diet during this intense veggie eating. I did find a blog that looks like it has a bunch of recipes that might be tasty... or, in any event, might get your creativity flowing on how you could incorporate this nutritional yeast ingredient. For those who are reading and don't care to get any further information, nutritional yeast is (in broad strokes) a type of yeast that doesn't have frothy or "gassy" capabilities so (no) you can't substitute brewer's yeast or baking yeast in the recipes and come up with the same results... to do that would be a hot mess, bitter, and inedible. Nutritional yeast is supposed to taste cheesy, nutty, etc. and provides dishes with mouth feel that is akin to an animal protein. Anyway, here's the blog: http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2011/10/what-the-heck-is-nutritional-yeast.html


    Also, the BEST poached egg/greens breakfast item I ever ate was in Puerto Vallarta at the chef's house. Remember? I know how tasty that dish is! When the poached egg yolk runs all over the greens, it has almost the same affect as the hollandaise sauce... so I know that's a mighty tasty dish.


    @Margaret. Shaking and shimmying my scapula! OMG. This is the instruction that I absolutely needed. As Anita will affirm, I am a very literal person. I am one of those black/white and rarely see the shades of gray people. So, when someone tells me to do a SHOULDER shimmy, I'm going to try to move my shoulders... which, to me, is more like the rotator cuff. You, also, sent me on a massive anatomical research. If you can imagine, what I always ended up doing is rotating my shoulder and, no matter how fast I tried to move, I always ended up just looking like I was rotating my shoulder.. rather than doing a shimmy. So, EVEN THOUGH, Anita tried to tell me to pretend that there were spiders on my chest that I had to get off without using my hands... I still just didn't GET IT!. I simply tried to get those spiders off by rotating my shoulders! A side effect of rotating my shoulders is that I also tighten up my muscles around the scapula area (those are probably my pectoral muscles, right?). Anyway, the minute that I loosened up that area of my chest and also loosened up the muscles in my upper back, by golly the area started shimmying all over the place! Wow. So now I know the body dynamics to achieve that movement... I'll practice. THANK YOU.


    I am having massive work done around the house. Yesterday the handyman was here and stayed, literally, all day. He's back today to put the finishing touches on the work. I hope that he's finished before I need to leave for my Tuesday Zumba! My schedule is somewhat up in the air because I'm tied to this event... we'll see. Today I'm also expecting to receive new shoes! I ordered two new Ryka models and will let everyone know what I think of them.


    Here's to everyone accomplishing their goals and having a wonderful day. Thank you to all who post such helpful bits of information. :D

  3. I'm sitting here laughing because Anita beat me to the punch! I saw your sunburn and just gasped out loud... LAURIE... OMG... and then I didn't have to say anything because Anita just... like she said... took the words right out of my mouth! ;)


    I will continue to enjoy your pictures and come back and tell you my favorites, but I know right off the bat that I LOVE the "most casual" dress on you. I think the neckline is fabulous...


    I'm so glad that you're posting your outfits. And I'm so happy for you that you managed to get onto that ship! I was sure concerned for you... how wonderful to be in the Caribbean instead of dealing with all the weather at home. Although... again... that sunburn! :eek:

  4. Margaret, I could just sit and talk with you for hours!


    The weirdest thing about Zumba on the ship was the aspect of "spectator sport" involved. I was constantly amazed at the number of men, and women, who got to the venue early so they could grab their drink of choice and get a good seat to watch! Really? I have enough trouble sitting there and watching the dancing in the atrium area... and that is definitely more spectator than an exercise class! The minute I hear the Latin rhythm I just want to join in... but I understand how some people just love the music and may have some mobility or balance issues that don't allow them to participate. Fun to be had for all, I guess.


    The movement of the ship was definitely something that I had to contend with. We did Zumba in two different venues: the most challenging one was in front of the pool... if you can imagine. Wind blowing hair all around; pool water sloshing on the pool deck at times. It only took one class and the Zumba instructor stopped any move where you would go around in a circle without both feet in action. You know? None of that hopping on one leg and pumping a fist into the air, that's for sure.


    The other challenging thing about the class was, indeed, the footwear of other people. There were some ladies who tried to do Zumba in flip flops! Some in wedge sandals! There definitely seemed to be a lack of understanding that Zumba is an EXERCISE CLASS and not (just) a DANCE PARTY. You are so right in your assessment to get to the front of the class because doing a cumbia or salsa in flip flops... beyond challenging to know where the person next to you would end up.


    I think that the Zumba offering on the ships is going to settle down and become integrated with the fitness centers onboard. When that happens, I think that you'll see much less of the spectators and the people coming to class who aren't really wearing proper clothing and footwear. JMHO.


    As far as timing of the classes. Our classes were determined solely by the cruise director. They were held at 10:30am and at 4:30pm. I tell you! Talk about interfering with other activities on board, including the Elite Cocktail Hour. That was how much Zumba meant to me though. I loved having it onboard so much that I gave up some cocktail sips just to be there! LOL. And I think I doubled the number of showers I took during the week. And for the first time EVER, I didn't bring enough exercise clothing!


    I have always been drawn to music and dance, but I had a strict childhood upbringing where dance movement was frowned upon. In fact, I wasn't allowed to go to dances in high school because of the suggestive nature of the dance movements in the late 60's. Can you imagine how difficult it has been for me to get my head wrapped around a shoulder shimmy? I had a funny moment with a Hispanic lady in Zumba. She can shoulder shimmy! OMG. She's fantastic! I asked her what suggestion she could give to an "uptight white girl" to get those shoulders to shimmy! And booty circles? OMG! :eek:


    I admit that when I do those moves, I'm actually picturing the muscle movement rather than the dance move... if I'm making any sense? I picture doing an abdominal crunch, an oblique crunch, etc., which does give me a bit of muscle awareness... but I don't think it really makes me look like I'm dancing. All I know is that it's doing great things for my waistline... and that's the point for me anyway.

  5. Anita, that was an incredible amount of work that you did! Thank you for the reminders and thank you for sharing.


    I am in the midst of planning next week's exercise routines. I have to admit that I am having some soreness in my quads (mainly) and my triceps. I stirred risotto this evening (absolutely fabulous with bone broth by the way) and I sure felt the stirring motion in my triceps! Yeah! Really; it's a good sore.


    So, both oars in the water.... watching diet and planning next week's exercise. This week was 3x regular Zumba, 1x Zumba Toning, and 2x strength training. I get a gold star! :D

  6. Sorry, my first post sent before I finished.


    Anyway, I was going to zumba 4 or 5 times a week and getting fit while having a wonderful time. Unfortunately, I have developed knee problems and don't know if I will ever be able to do it again. The pounds are adding on like crazy and my clothes no longer fit. :(


    I am Burm, Zumba-holic in withdrawal. :(


    Hello! Welcome!


    When I first started Zumba... in late 2010.. I also developed what I would call a knee problem. You don't give us much detail about yours, but I would assume it's pretty bad to have to stop Zumba cold.


    Being the big researcher that I am, I discovered a few things. The biggest was the supplement glucosamine, which I started taking and it did absolutely wonders for my knee. UPDATE: Since then, I've been exposed to the health benefits of bone broth and, let me tell you, it is a fantastic addition to my diet. I have had some amazing results in how my skin heals, my knee joints feel, etc. since trying to add bone broth to my diet. I do it in the simplest way. Since I have a slow cooker, I just let the bones simmer for as long as 20 to 30 hours and I use the resulting broth as the base for soups. Tonight I'm going to use in making risotto and see how that tastes. There are so many good minerals in this bone broth; it's excellent.


    OK. That was an aside. But mainly to just discuss some diet additions that might be able to help you in getting your knees healthy.


    BUT, the main thing that I was doing to my knees was the foot placement that I had during certain Zumba movements. For some reason, I turned my foot at an awkward angle, which resulted in my knee being in a pop position, and it was a killer to my knee joint. I didn't know I was doing this particular movement in an injurious way until Anita visited me and watched me closely during a Zumba class.


    My advice to you is to really, really look at yourself in a full length mirror and see if you're putting your foot into a weird knee/ankle/foot alignment that would cause you problems. We discussed this problem on this thread ages ago. The movement that was causing me difficulty was in the cumbia choreography.


    Another thing that can throw your knee alignment into difficulty is an imbalance between the strength of your quadriceps and hamstrings. Do you do any exercise other than Zumba? The quadriceps are much bigger muscles than hamstrings and many ladies have very tight hamstrings (due to wearing high heels, etc.) so it would be beneficial for you to take a look at that and see if you could improve the flexibility of your hamstrings and look at the relative strength of those muscles.


    I hope that you can do something to help you in this situation! Of course, shoes are also important. If you have any of those runner stores near you that can analyze the way that your foot hits the ground, you might find that you have a pronation or that other foot strike that I can't remember that a specific type of shoe would be able to help you with.


    Hopefully we can turn your Zumba :( back into a Zumba :D

  7. So another Zumba class today! And, again, my body really needed to move.


    Anita, the videos that you linked to above are really interesting. I haven't had your new FAV song in any of my classes, but I've certainly had the movement. Especially that core movement of putting your legs into almost a type of plie stance and then wiggling your hips on the way down and back up? I can't fathom how Miri does that move and I'm going to have to try to figure out how to duplicate because it sure looks like a fantastic core strengthening movement.


    So, today was another day of strength training Break-In Routine. As I mentioned, its only a total of 8 exercises. Today's were: squat, lunge, leg extension, leg curl, calf press, upright row, standing calf raise, triceps kickback. 2 sets of 15 reps.


    Here's the funny moment. The gym is 2-story with reception being on the lower floor and the upper floor has all the equipment and the group studios. I was just fine walking on level ground BUT when my feet hit the stairs! OMG. I couldn't walk down the stairs. My legs were just jelly. I had to go down holding onto the handrail for dear life! Someone saw me and told me to get some protein into my body ASAP! So funny. OK, we'll see if I'm laughing or groaning in the morning.


    Right now... again, I feel great. Like my body has been thoroughly exercised. I could go to Zumba again tomorrow morning... but my Sunday class was cancelled. So, I don't know what the weekend brings on the exercise front.


    The strength training break in routine is supposed to be done 3x a week for a total of 10 weeks. Since I really want to do Zumba Toning with Kisha, I'm going to allow that session to be one of the 3x; which means that I will just rotate my routines through a longer time period so that I can get all the exercise variations in; at 2x a week, it just means that it will take me 15 weeks to get through this initial period.


    So far.... so good. In case anyone is wondering, I'm doing this because I want to take steps to improve my posture and to tone my arms. My DH says that you can't really just concentrate on one body part; it's like only concentrating on one room in a house... to do that makes the rest of the house appear shabby. So, in effect, because I want to tone my arms... that means that I have to work on all the rest. :rolleyes: Oh well.

  8. Good morning Ladies.


    So yesterday's exercise madness was challenging, exhilarating, crazy making, and just plain fun. Part of that was, of course, the instructor. I love this particular Zumba instructor (she's not my FAV: my FAV currently lives in GA... just sayin'). I had the weirdest reaction to getting back to Zumba from my vacation. First of all, I DECIDED that I couldn't go to Tuesday nights because Kisha would absolutely kick my butt and I couldn't have her be my FIRST return to Zumba experience. So, I procrastinated because there was a lot that I could use to get in the way of going back to exercise. Then, I DECIDED that I would go to Kisha on Tuesday to start my week... and she had a SUB... so I Did.Not.Go. because that didn't fit into my decision! Can you believe how creative I was?!?


    Anyway, the point being that I went to Kisha last night... for the first time this year! That's quite a number of weeks without seeing this lovely instructor! Walking into class, I was so glad to be there. And then Kisha saw me and walked right over and gave me a hug. Then, she returned to her conversation with a group of ladies. Then, before class started, she came back over and gave me another hug and asked me if I didn't miss her just a little. I said, of course! And I meant it! Class was wonderful.


    Boy, did my muscles need to be used! Absolutely. This morning my body feels so much better. Wow. I did do both sessions. I had an interesting observation in the Zumba Toning class. I used the smallest toning sticks; Kisha, of course, used the larger toning sticks. I spent quite a bit of time trying to make sure that my sticks were being used EXACTLY the way that Kisha was using hers. And, wow, my brain just didn't give me the directions to my arms and feet that i needed to perform the choreography. That was interesting to me and made me realize how much I needed to get my brain engaged in learning these coordinated moves! But, my observation was that those toning sticks really help to make purposeful movement. I'm pretty good at doing that in regular Zumba class. I do see some ladies just moving their arms through the air without any concentrated movement with intention and contracted muscles. It's quite a bit different to do some movements with concentration; i.e., if you squat by just bouncing your quads and bending your knees vs really engaging your quads... whole different story. I would recommend Zumba Toning... but it is different and takes some getting used to.


    My heart rate monitor said I burned 1830 calories in 2 hrs!!! :cool:

    Well, I know that I didn't. One thing to keep in mind with all these monitoring tools: whether they be heart rate monitors, calorie charts, or weight scales... is that they are just metric tools that give you baseline information. The weight loss is so much more complicated than simple calories in = weight loss or gain.


    Judi, you were right! I was perfectly fine with my stomach until I hit the house and smelled my kitchen. Two thing were going on: first, I had a slow cooker doing its thing to make bone broth... AND... I had made my DH some turkey chili which I neglected to tell him to take OFF THE BURNER and put into the frig when he finished eating! OMG. So I had the most amazing smells coming out of my kitchen because he kept the chili on a slow simmer on the stove.


    So, I had a bowl of chili at 8:00pm! :eek:


    This morning, my scale did adjust slightly. It showed 2/10 weight loss! Woo hoo! LOL. But, it also showed a slight adjustment to the fat %. Whatever. I know that I'm doing a Good. Thing. by returning to my exercise routine. Actually, I'm returning with a vengeance. I'm tired of being in my head with my life and just want to create movement and awareness in my day.


    Today I'm reading some of my spa cookbooks and planning out the week's meals. I haven't done that in ages. I'm trying to find ways (creative, tasty ways) to incorporate bone broth into my diet. That's a whole different story better saved for a different day.


    Grins to all!:D

  9. So, after my thorough workout routine this past Sunday, I woke up on Monday morning with some sore muscles. They were definitely sore because it felt wonderful to massage my quads! LOL.


    This morning, I woke up stiff. OMG. I just have that stiff feeling in my legs and the triceps muscles are definitely complaining. I just feel the need to MOVE. I'm so happy that I have Zumba tonight. And, I DECIDED to also go to Zumba Toning after the regular class. Same fabulous, wonderful, talented instructor. Just should not pass up this opportunity.


    So, I'm having to do some dinner planning because Zumba will last from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, which is smack at dinner time. I've tried to eat before 5:30pm and that just wasn't good. My food just sat like a lump in my stomach and gulping oxygen while digesting... well... not an optimal thing to do! I know that I'll be eating something light right before class; I'm considering a protein shake. Then, when I get home I'll supplement with something. My plan is to split my dinner calories into a before/after scenario on Tuesday nights.


    Then I have to make something for DH to eat! So I guess I'll make a pot of turkey chili for him; not the awesome turkey chili recipe, Anita, but just a substitute of turkey in that regular chili recipe because I have all those ingredients... and it's easy.


    I'm definitely going to have to give some thought to my Tuesday meals so I can prepare for the evening's Zumba classes. I've DECIDED that I'm going to make this part of my weekly routine.


    I found a black floor-length one-shoulder gown with a rhinestone brooch at the shoulder, a gathered bodice, and a slit up the side. I just barely got the size 10 zipped in the back, but once I did, I felt WOW. DH said WOW. and it was marked down from $179 to $89.


    I obsessed for 2 days over it, actually left work yesterday heading back to the mall, but then turned in the other direction. The realization finally came over me...I wanted the dress NOT because I needed it, but because it made me FEEL GOOD! (actually, hot was the operative word!).


    So now I can feel good about saving $89!:rolleyes:




    I just feel the need to point out a little something/something to you!


    Girl, you FIT into a size 10 dress! And when you saw it on your body, your thoughts were WOW and your DH had the same thoughts. It wasn't... good try.. it was a WOW.


    Come on. You don't need to feel good about saving $89! The EXPERIENCE of trying on the dress and having that feeling... those are priceless moments.


    You needed that FEEL GOOD moment! THAT's what you should walk away with.. that memory. Whether the dress hangs in your closet or not... that memory can become emblazoned in your person and motivate you to keep on, keeping on. Healthy lifestyle full of those feel good moments when you go clothes shopping.


    I'm just sayin'. :cool:

  11. I love going to spas. I absolutely love the spa environment and feel so thoroughly relaxed and in love with life at a spa! I was reading a cookbook from the Golden Door and came across this information entitled Eight Steps to Mindful Eating. It's information that we all know... but it just felt good to refresh my memory and I thought of all the ladies here and wanted to share this feel good moment that I had while remembering this information. So, here goes.


    1. Identify food cravings. Learn to recognize the difference between a craving for spinach and a craving for ice cream. A hankering for spinach means that your body needs iron or another nutrient found in leafy greens. A craving for ice cream, on the other hand, does not mean your body is in dire need of butterfat, but may be caused by fatigue or even stress, which can send very real chemical signals to eat food. When you don't know why you are eating, it can be hard to assess what an appropriate alternative response might be. Think of food as energizing fuel for the body instead of as a source of comfort. When you feel hunger, ask yourself if you are actually hungry or are instead craving something. Honor your body with healthy choices when you are physically hungry. If not truly hungry, try to find something besides food that can satisfy your needs.


    2. Practice managing your stress and learn to relax. There are many ways to manage stress over the long term, including exercise, meditation, and keeping a food diary. But to successfully practice mindful eating, it's important to manage stress in the moment, before the stress response is triggered. The simplest and most effective first step is to learn how to breathe fully. Deep abdominal breathing can help bring the body away from the stress response and induce the relaxation response.


    3. Use the hunger scale. The hunger scale goes from 0 to 10, where 0 is truly physically hungry and 10 is really stuffed. Check in with your stomach and your brain several times during the day and before and during each meal. Try to stop eating when you are satisfied (7 to 8), before you are full.


    4. Always eat sitting down. Never eat out of boxes or bags. Whether for a full meal or a simple snack, set the table, even if it's just a placemat and utensils. Put your feet on the floor, face forward, sit up straight, and look at your food. This simple practice makes a big impact on your overall mindfulness, and satiety, over the course of the day.


    5. Use the One-Minute Rule. Before eating anything, whether you are sitting down to a full meal or a snack, wait one full minute before putting any food in your mouth. Take inventory of the quality and portion size of the food. Note what your food looks like and how it smells. Put your hand on your stomach and establish your hunger level using the hunger scale in step 3. Take three deep breaths (step 2) to help you relax your body and focus on the food. Finally, taste the food that you have so carefully observed.


    6. Slow down. It takes up to 20 minutes for the message to go from your stomach to your brain that you have food "on board."


    7. Drink plenty of water. Your body is nearly 60 percent water and your brain is almost 70 percent water. Staying hydrated at all times is good for your skin, joints, muscles, and circulation.


    8. Practice radical self-acceptance. Above all, be kind to yourself and stop beating yourself up about overeating. The next time you get feelings that usually lead you to eat for reasons other than hunger, say to yourself, "I must need something. What am I feeling and how can I meet that need differently?" Practice some of the many strategies above, and also practice accepting and loving yourself. Feel proud with every success--large or small.



  12. Margaret,

    I absolutely love reading your thoughtful posts.


    Yesterday something just flipped in my brain. I went to a Zumba class with a really great instructor and had such a fantastic class. At the end, one of the ladies approached me and began a conversation about the Zumba instructor from the class that I had taken where I was feeling so negative. As it turns out, I am not isolated in my feelings about that particular instructor. So, even though I felt kind of vindicated from the thought that I was full of negativity, I didn't feel any better because the gym took away such a quality instructor and replaced her with this great personality but not awesome exercise mind. I guess I'm going to have to speak up, which I don't really want to do because I do appreciate the effort that instructors make just to BE instructors. kwim? But this instructor is just bad for my body in the sense that she doesn't warm me up properly for Zumba choreography. So I am going to have to say something.


    After Zumba, I did the Break-In Weight Training Routine. As we all remember, when we begin strength training (weight resistance), we need to have a period of time where we get our body accustomed to the idea of lifting weights. It's important to do this in order to have success in the long term. This Break-In period is not insignificant; if I remember correctly (and I do), it lasts for 10 weeks.


    The strength training routine doesn't feel complicated, which is part of the break in philosophy. It's "only" 8 exercises in total, but because of the rest periods between sets and the unfamiliarity, it still took me about 55 minutes to complete. Still, it was a good thing to do. After the Zumba and the weights, my entire body felt very warmed up and exercised. Just an fyi, the exercises on the first day of the break-in routine were done with dumbbells: one-arm row, incline bench press, biceps curl, overhead triceps extension, calf raise, standing shoulder press, squat, deadlift. Performed 15 reps in 2 sets with 90-seconds rest between sets. Supposed to be done as compound exercises; i.e., doing the one-arm row set followed by the incline bench press set, rest 90 seconds, do the second set of these exercises. Go to the next compound set of calf raises and shoulder presses. Well, it's a gym... if you "own" a bench, your body needs to be on the bench, otherwise, someone will come in on the bench. So, I wasn't able do the compound sets very effectively, which meant that the exercising took me a bit longer.


    This morning, I have sore triceps, sore quads, sore lats. Not an unpleasant feeling, actually. Today is a rest day. Tomorrow, I'm going to do a Zumba class followed by a Zumba Toning class. Sometime this week, I need to get the other 2 days of the Break-in Routine done: there are different exercises for all 3 days so it's important to do get started on this properly.


    I feel good. This post has gotten too long, so I'm going to post another with some information that I found uplifting.

  13. So, I went to Zumba last night... but I can't say that i loved it. This instructor just didn't have the choreography or the music that really gets me going and makes me love the exercise that I'm doing...


    So... I am going to go to some other instructors which is the fabulous choice that I have. Being a member of a gym with 10 locations in the area... and all within relatively short distances of time and travel... when you think about it that is quite a blessing.


    I do have 3 instructors in close range that I can go to that I've been to before and know that I have a love/like relationship with; so I do have Tuesday night, Friday morning, and Sunday morning covered. I just need one more instructor that I can use as a swing in and out of situation for those weeks when I feel like doing a bit more.


    I just couldn't quite make myself start the weight lifting routine quite yet. Today I have errands to do; I need to shop for a dishwasher (of all things), and I have some other, equally boring, type of errands to run.


    Woop. Woop. It's Thursday! Hope everyone is feeling great today. I think I'm going to go to Whole Foods and buy the cookbook that Anita talks about. The Cilantro Rice recipe sounds good to me. Cilantro is such a good herb for liver health! I've seen it listed as a Master Detoxification agent; the statement is that "Cilantro functions as a form of natural chelation therapy, helping to detox the liver and remove heavy metals from the body." FYI, everyone!:D

  14. Judi.


    It's really, really tough business. I don't know why. I just know it is and it's something that we can't fool ourselves into believing is easy. Because it simply isn't.


    Part of me thinks that we have (we meaning society) lost our support groups in so many ways; we've isolated ourselves in front of smaller and smaller computer-type screens; we're trying to do so much "on our own" and that makes it doubly difficult.


    I hear everything that you're saying. I, too, have had "something" happen to my brain that has just shaken me up and made me turn to more comfort activity; I will share that I find myself reaching for something more "comforting" than healthy to eat; reaching for another glass of wine in the evenings; and finding it difficult to get back to my Zumba routines. I haven't really even felt much like talking on this thread, which is unusual for me. I know that part of my problem is that I don't like the things that are going on politically and I got super depressed by the election in November. I'm not saying this to engage in conversation about that aspect... just to bring up a point about how things that are "out of our control" seem to affect us in ways that throw us way off balance for the things that are "in our control." The weird thing is: that extra glass of wine? and that extra Tablespoon of mayo? well, it's also in my control to have a salad instead of opening up the can of tuna and making a sandwich instead. The difference, of course, is that the tuna can is way easier in terms of energy expenditure, because I feel very tired. And, the extra glass of wine doesn't seem like such a good idea when I'm sweating at night because my body is throwing off the toxins. AND, it might be contributing to the feeling of being tired.


    Wow, your comments just brought up a world of bottled up emotions out of me! I haven't been posting because I felt like all the words I had were dealing with negativity and I didn't want to be THAT person on this thread.


    But, I'm going to turn this around. I'm just going to say that we all need to just shake ourselves up and get back to business. From whatever we have had happen that has prompted us to do a little bit of backsliding... whatever that "thing" is... we can get back to the truth of eating nutritionally sound food and "dancing as if no one is watching."


    And, if we form a sense of community, even if it is "virtual," then that's a GOOD. THING. for us to do.


    I am currently trying to motivate myself to get back to some strength training exercises. The pictures that were taken on this last cruise (in December) told a story that I didn't like to see. What?!? has happened to my posture?!? Wow, I need to work. on. that! And, I don't like the muffin top that I'm getting around my middle when I wear pants that actually fit my bottom. So-o-o-... I've done the "research" (yes, it was a procrastination because I already know what I'm supposed to do) and I've put together a routine that should get me started.


    Let's see: my excuses have been: it's too cold! I don't have the proper bra support! My favorite Zumba instructor is being subbed and I'm going to pout about that! My shoes aren't giving me the support I need! My hair looks terrible! It's not Monday! OK.... whatever.


    Hope everyone is feeling motivated. Yeah, Anita! Way. To. Go. I'm going to Zumba tonight. OK, I said it... so I'm going to hold myself accountable and get back with it. I'll post tomorrow and tell the truth... because I DECIDED to GO! Yeah!

  15. Hi Ladies,


    it´s been a looooong time.

    I´ve not been to a Zumba class in 9 month due to work, de-motivation...

    I´m willing to give Zumba another try, and hopefully my right knee is up to the task.

    So I´m heading to class early next week.

    I believe there are tons of muscles I´ve not used in soooo long.


    We´ve booked a Celebrity cruise and I´ve read that they are offering Zumba on there ships. Anyone done one of these cruises?


    Take care.





    I just returned from a fabulous cruise on Celebrity Eclipse and we had a fantastic Zumba instructor onboard. I've had other cruises where the class was advertised as "Latin-inspired," but these classes were advertised as Zumba. And, when I went to the first class, I was so thrilled to see that cute Zumba instructor in her very cute Zumba workout clothes and I knew that I was in for a REAL Zumba class! :D


    As I said, she was fantastic. There were definitely some challenges to doing Zumba on a cruise ship... as you will experience. There is some getting use to the ship's movement and doing some of the turn around steps in Zumba. The classes were held in two locations: either the area on the pool deck right in front of the pool itself or in the Sky Lounge (keeping in mind that I was on a S-class ship).


    I spoke with the Zumba instructor and she shared with me the details of her contract with Celebrity. BUT, she also said that Celebrity was looking into having a licensed Zumba instructor as part of the staff onboard. It was unclear whether the Zumba instructor would fall into the gym staff OR the life activities staff. At the time of my sailing, Zumba was part of life activities so the Zumba classes were scheduled by the Cruise Director's staff... and they were free. There was a possibility of the classes being scheduled by the gym manager and that might mean that they would be held in another type of venue and there was a possibility of a fee... similar to the yoga classes that are offered onboard.


    Anyway, it was great fun to have Zumba as an activity. Classes were scheduled for two times a day.. mornings around 10:00am and afternoons around 3:30pm. But keep in mind that the scheduling is definitely ship specific. We had classes on all the sea days (it was a 2-week sailing) and one port day. Everything was at the discretion of the Cruise Director.


    Welcome back! Talk with us and we'll help with your motivation. :)


    Anita! Great information about weight gain when first working out. That info makes me feel SO. MUCH. BETTER. :cool:

  16. Hi, Everybody.... and Happy New Year.


    As you can imagine, I am dealing with the end-of-travel blahs. And this year I have to include the end-of-holiday blahs. And the end-of-party blahs. So, that makes for a lot of blahs to have to deal with at once.


    I was gone from the 29th of November to the 29th of December. So, that makes for a LOT of reading catch-up to do. I have to do some deep breathing exercises, (speaking of exercises, I have to do a bit more of Zumba to get rid of some unwanted pounds... haven't felt much like getting out of the house right now, though) and I have to get back to a routine so I feel organized.


    I haven't even looked at the camera pics. But I promise that I will and that I'll post if anything looks remotely promising. I can tell you that we had a great cruise and an even better visit with Anita and family! We didn't do too much picture taking at Anita's... it was so DARN COLD in Georgia! So. Darn. Cold.


    Why weren't there a bunch of pics in front of Christmas Trees?!? I have an excuse... but what was everyone else's? Except Linda! Yeah! You looked beautiful and happy in front of your Christmas Tree. What fun to go to Red Hat parties!


    So here we are in 2013. Does anyone else feel a bit bewildered by it all? LOL.

  17. And, OF COURSE, here I am reading instead of packing!


    Debbie, you look so wonderful in those pictures. What beautiful settings! And you look like you're so comfortable in your own skin. In a weird way, seeing these pictures of you just made me more excited about my upcoming trip. I think it's because I never, ever have a chance to play with my wardrobe here at home. We just don't have the type of activities that excite me to play with wardrobe options.


    My BFF? Well, for one thing, she's 10 years older than I am... which makes her think she's so much wiser! LOL. AND, I've know her for 40 years!!! That gives her the opportunity to just speak plainly to me. AND, I love her like a sister (maybe even more than a sister because she's chosen family, kwim?)... SO... she can't really say anything to me that ruffles my feathers. It's all good. I was more commenting about the limitations that we put on ourselves and how I may be going to the extreme of putting NO matchy/matchy limitations on myself! Well, we'll see... because I didn't take any pictures of my outfits, although I did try them on. In the mirror they look fab-u-lous, but we all know what the camera can do! :eek:


    I'm hoping that we get to see some holiday pictures! Someone has to be going to a party somewhere?!? Holiday outfits in front of Christmas Trees?!? Puh-leez! Champagne toasts?!? Let's see some creativity sparked by all the work that we've put into reworking, revamping, accessorizing, tailoring, and WEARING our WARDROBES!


    Love you guys. I'll be thinking of you all as I sail the warm, blue waters of the Caribbean! :cool:

  18. Ladies,



    I absolutely love the website that Anita posted on the Earth thread...




    and I've been absorbing some ideas from the fashionistas that have posted there. Here is what I've come to! Have FUN with your wardrobe! Seriously, I've put together some outfits for the Caribbean trip that I would never have considered prior to becoming a FIRE lady. Here's a thought preview (imagine, if you will)... an orange top, yellow cargo pants, and turquoise shoes!... a tangerine top, aqua cargo pants, and turquoise shoes!... a bright yellow top, blue/green palm frond print skirt, and red shoes!... it sort of goes on like that...


    I've been all over the new fashion trend of color layers, blocks of color, etc. So, I've pretty much abandoned the matchy-matchy attempts and I'm just dressing in lively colors. It feels good! But, I have to say that not EVERYONE sees my attempts as being successful. LOL. The same BFF that I tried to go shopping with previously informed me recently that nothing I wore was matching any more. She looked at me wearing my yellow capris, tangerine top, turquoise necklace, coral earrings, gold sandals... and informed me that I had some earrrings in my closet that would match my necklace better! LOL. Shoulder shrug...


    Hey, I figure... it's the Caribbean... if I can't get away with this type of dressing in the Caribbean then I should just consider it a bad idea. But, right now, that's what the packing spreadsheet says, and... by golly.. we'll see! :cool:


    Hope everyone else is also having a bit of play time and a bit of fun. I am dealing with a huge load of stress, at the moment. I am just trying to put a lot of issues aside to enjoy this vacation as we planned it so long ago.. I just keep repeating, "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." :)


    Why do I always check CC when I should be packing and cleaning and doing necessary errands? :eek:

  19. Hi, everyone:


    Well, I was just speaking with Anita and discussing the fact that we have all been so very quiet. I am in the midst of packing (once again) and this time it's off to the Caribbean.


    After we disembark, we will spend a few days with friends in Florida that we met on a TA in 2006. Should be fun to catch up with them and I understand that there will be a neighborhood party while we're there.. so, yeah! :)


    And, then it's off to Anita's for family Christmas celebration.


    So, I've been pretty busy, but not doing quite the things that I should have been doing to make the packing go smoother! I've been hanging out on the Earth thread, and I'm so impressed with Laurie that she's analyzing her wardrobe/outfits and getting ready for her cruise in a few months. And here I am, going in 3 days and I'm just getting started! So. Not. Good.


    And, I was hoping that I'd see more pictures from everyone else before it came time for me to (maybe) post another pictodiary! Anyway, with all my traveling and plans, just let me say Happy Holidays to everyone here! Hope that we all have great days full of love and good cheer.

  20. The lovely young woman who created this thread is studying for a masters degree and planning a wedding. So she's busy and adds to the thread when she can.


    I have my own open trip report and can tell you that it has taken much longer to write than I expected when I started. Maybe we both should have written the whole thing before posting....mea culpa.


    I am sure the OP will be back soon with more details. I, for one, can wait but am eager to hear about the engagement!


    Hmmmm.... it's kind of like getting involved with a story line and THEN we have the interruption of the summer layoff before filming begins again in the fall.


    Is anyone else hoping that Ashley has some diversions in posting this trip report that she ends up telling us all about the wedding plans and, as an added bonus, we get to see graduation pictures and rehearsal dinner pictures and wedding pictures interspersed with Paris pictures?


    I'm just sayin'..... :D


    Ashley, I'm enjoying your trip report very much. And I agree with a previous poster who said that it was actually enjoyable to get the report in bite size pieces which just adds to and enhances the pleasure of the story! Thank you for taking the time to post; it's been a pleasure getting to know you and your family.

  21. My hair is SO a-buggin' me right now! I am just waiting for my Saturday appointment! In the meantime, this miserable hair is just bringing me down! :(


    Laura, I so relate to the bangs vs no-bangs decision. For me, I printed out five pictures to take to my hairstylist. This will be my discussion with him: (1) didn't like because it was way too "styled" and "stuffy" with no movement, like a cap of hair... bangs contributed to my feeling about that look (similar to your beautiful fall picture with the chestnut hair), (2) good length but the bangs split into an upside down "V" which ended up not being flattering for my face, even though it added length, (3) bangs were the best but the length wasn't, (4) good bangs, bad length, (5) a picture from a website with absolutely perfect bangs! So, I've decided that bangs are coming back into my hair life.


    I've tried so hard to figure out what my face shape is. Have you? After studying all these pictures of me, I've also learned that the earrings shape can alter the feeling of a hairstyle. I didn't think about that too much when I was purchasing the earrings... I don't know why?!? But, there's a difference between wearing a circle earring and a teardrop earring.. and how that relates to the length of the hair. The teardrop adds length, and the circle adds width... so, for me, I should concentrate on longer earrings because I need the length rather than the width illusion.


    I don't know how helpful I can be for you except to say that I relate! Same boat! The website that I found with hundreds of hair style photos is www.hairfinder.com and it has sections for short, medium, long hair... with/without bangs, etc.


    As far as the pictures that you posted, I really love your 2008 hairstyle. I think it's so versatile and I really like you with the tousled look and crown height. I think your version of the (what I'm calling) inverted "v" works... I like it when the bangs have more fullness on one side than on the other; in other words, the "v" is offcenter from the face... not right up from the center of the nose, if I'm making sense. That was the problem with my version of the "v" in where my natural part creates the split; I have to fight with my natural part all the time! Which is why I like the version of bangs that seem to come forward from the crown of the head rather than being created from the part.


    I would vote for going back to a version of the 2008 hairstyle and going lighter with chestnut lowlights. I think that the full on chestnut was just ever so slightly a little too heavy feeling on you. I sure wish I had the vocabulary to express what I'm thinking/feeling when I look at these pictures. BUT, all this being said... it could just be possible that I love the beaming smile and love light in your eyes of the picture from 2008 with your hubby... :confused:..


    Are you leaning a particular way?


    I think that 2009 is a bit of a retro hair style. But did you see the Ralph Lauren ad with Jackie Kennedy hair?!? OMG: I wore that hair style in high school in the 60's! Anyway, I think that 2009 would be updated if the bangs were more choppy and you had the ability to do a side sweep with them... that would bring it right into modern.


    Hair is... just... AAARGGH!.... LOL. :D

  22. Good morning, Laurie:


    Hair! OMG!


    I hear everything that you are saying, especially about the maintenance. When I decided to go on in life as a redhead, I really set myself up for some high maintenance because, as I now know, red is one of the most difficult hair colors to maintain because it fades so quickly. But it makes such a dramatic difference to my spirit!


    Anita is something else, isn't she?!? Because of HER, I went on a massive research tour. OMG, I was laughing so hard yesterday, I was wishing that someone was here with me to get the giggles with me, as well. So, I started out going to the old Seasons Thread and taking a look at posted pictures. I went to the hairstyle that was given to me when I first changed and colored my hair. Then, I printed out all the "looks" that I've had for the last 2 years and really analyzed what I didn't/did like about each style. Then, I printed out a picture of what I would like various changes to be. And, THEN, I made an appointment for next Saturday. Because what I did before Anita's mah-ve-lous and fab-u-lous transformation was just go to Ulta and buy some ponytail bands and a clip and (voila) instant ugly lady hair! But, it worked to keep the stuff out of my face and off my neck, which was the entire goal. I seriously don't know why I let my hair become so, so, so, so BAD before I get myself back to the stylist.


    BTW: the reason that I had such a fit of "giggles" looking at the Seasons Thread was mainly because of Anita! O.My.Goodness. She has posted pictures in that thread that she has obviously deleted and the software gave some new pictures that she's uploaded to the same spot... SO... sometimes when she talks about herself, she says something like, "here I am looking very dressy" and there's a picture of a... <drumroll> salad! It couldn't be any funnier?!? I'm "dressy" and I'm a SALAD! OMG. I think I snorted more times than I care to admit....




    I picked up a book entitled Cool Hair from the library. When I was flipping through it, I read the following paragraph: "If you try on the hottest outfit in the world and your hair hangs limp, the effect is also limp, uninteresting. If your hair looks great, so do you--even in your rattiest jeans and T-shirt........ One day, when your hair is not its best, put on your favorite outfit and look in the mirror. You won't be happy. Then, wash, blow-dry, and style your hair, and put on the same outfit. The difference is amazing--right?"


    The book is written for a teens audience. But I really liked what he had to say and, I think at any age, the sentiment is true. So, I am eager to make a dramatic change in my appearance next weekend! I can't believe I'm saying this (because I love me some shoes), but I think hair is more important than... even... shoes! IMHO. :D

  23. I at least will plan on walking the track (love the Oasis class Promenade Deck track), dancing as much as possible, and of course just getting around the Allure is great exercise.


    On a cruise I'm right halfway between this being a lifestyle choice and overindulging. As much as possible I look at the Vitality menu for my dinner option, load up on fruits and veggies at the buffet, but a few days into lounging at the pool with a Margarita I tend to lose my resolve. So even though I should lose 5 pounds before I leave, I'm already planning how to lose 10 lbs when I get back. It may sound defeatist, but it's realistic for me.


    Sorry I haven't been around to comment much lately. I'm enjoying the flurry of activity here, your successes, the Zumba links, and Anita’s life plan!


    Great work ladies!


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


    We all have our moments of quiet reflection and just listening to others talk... it's all good. :D


    Your comments don't sound the least bit defeatist, and absolutely realistic in their perspective.


    I always just shake my head at the people on a cruise who advise to keep any extra pounds at bay by simply walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I'm also astonished by the people who go on a cruise and actually lose weight.


    You have to look at the cruise in comparison with your daily life, lifestyle. I, of course, am most familiar with me and my DH so bear with me while I use us as my examples.


    My DH: as Anita will attest, he is FIT. He's a very unusual person in that he has kept up a very vigorous exercise routine for 16 years! Right now, his routine consists of about 15 (maybe 20) minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine followed by a rigorous strength training session of about 45 minutes, encompassing a full body workout.... 3x a week.. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.


    His diet: breakfast is oatmeal enhanced with blueberries, cinnamon, skim milk... splash of orange juice (just enough to swallow a multi-vitamin), and a small banana. Lunch he does indulge in 3 slices of whole grain wheat bread with a peanut butter and blueberry jam spread. Snacks are fruit. Dinner is a lean protein and a few vegetable sides. Except for breakfast and lunch (which he is such a routine person that he eats the same thing just about every day), I control his calorie intake beyond lunch because I'm the menu planner of the house. We do indulge in a few glasses of wine at night.


    Me: as you know, I go to Zumba either 4 or 5x a week. I usually burn around 800+ calories a session, so say 4000 to 4500 calories that I burn in a typical week. My diet: breakfast is usually a smoothie (because I'm lazy and don't want to cook my breakfast). Lunch is usually scoops of either egg salad or tuna, maybe a slice of multi grain bread. Dinner and snacks are the same as DH. Wine, same.


    On board ship. Wow, how could we possibly maintain this "lifestyle" of diet and exercise on board a cruise ship. It has nothing to do with having resolve; perhaps a bit to do with overindulging. We love the onboard breakfasts. I especially because I don't have to cook! So we usually have made-to-order omelettes. My DH has a sweet tooth... holy cow... he usually has a pastry. Lunch, for me, is usually a composed salad. You'd think that would be "good," but the dressing alone is a huge contrast to the "at home" lunch in its calories. Unless the dessert is extraordinary, I pass; DH usually has a dessert.


    Snacks? Well, that would be at one of the loyalty events and would include wine for DH and Cosmos for me! If we're on Celebrity, we have a wonderful assortment of cold and hot appetizers (and they are wonderful). Contrast that to a piece of fruit!


    Dinner? And, now we're just out the window. Yes, we have a wonderful meal. Again, I'm in heaven because I neither had to cook or plan! A protein, a vegetable side, usually a fabulously tasty starch, a shrimp cocktail, a salad or a soup, a wonderful piece of bread (and it is wonderful or I wouldn't eat it). A dessert? Absolutely for my DH and maybe for me, depending on whether it's extraordinary.


    Exercise? Is it a port day? We will walk and walk and walk. Is it a sea day? My DH will go to the gym and try to do his "normal" routine, which usually isn't possible because of the machine selection. He will try to run on the track, but usually he doesn't get quite the same exercise in there because he's dodging the loungers and the walkers and the ocean gazers. Me? Does talking count as exercise?


    I've never taken an "exercise" session on board a ship that remotely resembles my Zumba class. Not if it's labeled "latin dance class," or "Zumba-like." There is so much instruction; there is the element of fun rather than of exercise. Of course, I enjoy it... but it's not a calorie burn.


    So, what is the upshot of this conversation? For me? I don't even try to maintain the same level of calorie intake or of exercise... ship to shore.. so to speak.


    So, how to equate a lifestyle of health that includes cruising? For me, it's all about in the self talk. So, here is where I would part company with your example above. Do you enjoy eating from the Vitality Menu? If you don't, then when you make that selection, you'll be having the self talk that says something like... "I don't really want this, but I'm being so good... good for me!" Do you want to load up with only fruits and veggies at the buffet? Because, again, if you don't, then you'll end up with the same self-talk.


    I think this is very important. Cruising is so special for me; I absolutely love it. Having a healthy lifestyle isn't even an option. For me, it's my life's choice. So how to make the two co-exist?...


    Self talk. Which goes something like this: How hungry am I? What is the most tasty food item that is being offered to me right now? Do I want it? Am I full? Does it taste as good as it looked? Do I want to finish it or is the one bite sufficient? Am I hungry? Does that look good? Do I want it?

    Am I rested? Do I feel like moving? What options do I have to do right now? Do I want to do that? Do I want to just sit in a lounger and stare at the ocean? Do I want a drink? Have I had water lately? Did I drink a glass of water for every cocktail that I drank? How do I feel?


    There is a "thing" in yoga that they call "monkey mind." It's when your self talk takes over and begins to nag at you; it's all the negative comments that you've either heard or you remember or you think about yourself. Don't allow "monkey mind" into your conscious thought, especially when you're in a place of pure enjoyment, relaxation, fun... and, yes... indulgence. Keep your center and do the things that you want to do.. because, ultimately, you'll want to do the things that you want to do... seriously, those things that you want to do will be the things that are "good" ... without having to deprive yourself... without having to set yourself up for ultimate failure by falling off a self-imposed cliff...


    Well, these are my thoughts.


    Yes, we both gain weight on a cruise. Or not. I tend to think of weight "gain" as pounds that stick or stay around for a while. Maybe, it'll take a few Zumba sessions, etc to eliminate the weight from the scale, but it does go away. So, given that logic... I wouldn't say I "gain" weight if I take a cruise. I think it's the same logic that you have to use about weight "loss." Do you really lose weight if it just comes back? Maybe you just misplaced it for a while? Because a real loss never returns. And a real gain has to stay around. kwim?


    OT: I've read about a Prohibition Party on the Allure? Have you read about it? OMG, it sounds like such fun!

  24. Hi Pam,


    If it were me, I would go with a true FIRE brown or creme :eek: I wouldn't go with either black or silver for 3 reasons--


    1. I would look like death warmed over


    2. I would never wear black or silver again and too cheap to buy for a 1 time occasion


    3. I would rather look my best than blend in with everyone else (which, if I wore black or silver I would stand out anyway because I would look like #1 above--death warmed over)


    Just my thoughts.


    Hi, Kim! You know what I think is so great and incredible about the answers to this question? It's simply that we've learned so much about what we look good in (what really enhances us) that we can "tweak" this occasion to our needs! We are a creative bunch! Within the parameters of the guidelines of the themed party, we are able to still dress within our palette. I think we've all come a long, long way.... well, speaking for me, I did have a flustered moment when I saw the theme of the formal night deck party, but you ladies have just opened up my eyes to being able to participate and still look and feel fabulous.


    I'm on a countdown to my next cruise. It always seems to be right around the corner whenever the clock dips below 60 days!


    You know you made a comment to me about whether I thought my outerwear jackets were FIRE or enhanced my outfits, and I immediately answered (in my thoughts)... no... so I've done something about that! Remarkably, I've ordered an ORANGE coat! We'll see when it arrives if it is as bright as it appears to be on the monitor. Also, I ordered a YELLOW jacket, which I know.... limoncello... that this is bright. I couldn't resist... $17 on sale from $128 at Cache! O.M.G. and L.O.L.


    The site that Anita posted previously was just super inspiring to me. What a bevy of beauties and so, so creative in their outfits. It just made me feel even better and dressing in our color, color, color...

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