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Posts posted by Member123

  1. B3 PR0UD! 0NLY

    C3R741N P30PL3 C4N

    R34D 7H15.


    So what does it mean if I can read this? And, it was true... by the time I got to the line that said it would be easier and my reading would become faster... well, it did. So, what does that mean? Don't keep me hangin'! :D


    You know your Dad always says that no one else on the planet thinks the way that I do... don't make him right! LOL.

  2. I have motivated myself today. But I could sure use some more chatter on this thread.




    Nothing that you said surprises me at all.


    We know a few things. The first thing that we know is: the body is a very efficient machine and loves to store energy for future use. If you have allowed yourself to get "out of shape" in the past, then you've taught your body the most efficient method for it to store energy for future use... well, you know that is euphemistic talk.. and in the expression you used to "keep it real," we should just call if what it is. So, in plain speak, if you've taught your body to store fat then it becomes very good at storing fat.


    So, when you stopped your physical expenditure of calories, then you just allowed your body to return to a physical state that was a learned response to eating more calories than you needed.


    You know what else? I've read that it takes a MONTH to change a habit. If you look at that one way, you say ONLY a MONTH? and if you look at it another way, you say WOW a WHOLE MONTH? The problem was the exercise interruption was that month lapse of time when the packing was going full force and the move was happening. And, so the month... stretched into two months... and began a march into three months... and so... now....


    the good news is that you realized what was happening before you reverted completely to square one! You did NOT revert to square one... and that's the good news.


    You know... I've been doing Zumba for quite a while. You know that I have periodic interruptions... after all this is a cruise forum! LOL... and I've had a lapse between classes of at least 3 weeks and some days. So that first class back after that lapse of time... OMG... gasping for air.. and it feels like DAY ONE all over again. But, it isn't. That feeling only lasts for one.. maybe two.. classes and then it's full steam ahead and back to normal.


    Again, the body is an efficient machine. You've been exercising long enough that your body knows what will be demanded of it... if you return to a schedule. You might feel all wrung out a few more times, and then you'll have to work at it to feel that effort again.


    So, today's Zumba class didn't feel like a party either! She put too many new songs into the rotation. I felt like a complete stumble bunny.. and I didn't LOVE it! PLUS, my Tuesday instructor did a song with a routine that just literally killed my quads. They're still sore! Who says you can't tone with Zumba?!? Who says that?!?




    Starting over. But, not really. But, revisiting the basics.


    Basic # 1: DRINK WATER. HYDRATE.


    As you know, I got hold of Bob Harper's new book. So, in a nutshell he has made this his Number One Rule.


    Let me share some information from the book.


    Bob wants you to drink a large glass of water before every meal and immediately upon waking up in the morning.


    Here's some research.


    A group of researchers examined the resting energy expenditure (REE) of twenty-one obese children. REE refers to the rate at which you burn calories when you are sleeping, watching TV, or just simply sitting there and staring into space. (Note: I thought this was called BMR or basal metabolic rate?). The researchers gave the kids a large serving of cold water, then began measuring the REE every 10 minutes. The reaction was more robust than anticipated. Within 24 minutes, REE began increasing. By 57 minutes, REE had increased by 25 percent, and this effect lasted for 40 mintues.


    Did you get that? Just by drinking water, your body increases its burning of calories. Drinking water helps in other physical ways as well. When you start conscientiously drinking lots of water, your workouts improve. You get less muscle fatigue; you recuperate faster; and you don't feel groggy in the afternoon.


    I put this out there because I know you have an issue with this. As Bob says, "Don't tell me it's hard. Just do it!" Can you hear his voice in that statement?


    Do you want to know the Quad Killer Song? I can try to find it, if you do.

  3. Hi, Kim,


    I, too, was thinking about Debbie and Julie and wondering how much fun they are having and whether they've returned from their fabulous trips and ready to share their fabulous selves.


    I have just fallen into a bit of a rut this summer. I have been doing the same things over and over. Sleep, Eat, Zumba! That's been my life. Not a pout face... just the way that I've been. I started doing Anita's Style Statement book and that brought up a bunch of memories for me... some not quite as pleasant as others. So I retaliated by getting back into my routine: Sleep. Eat. Zumba! LOL.


    As far as my hair goes. Well. It so needs to be taken to my stylist. But, I just can't be bothered right now. So, I pull it back into a ponytail... which is ridiculous because it's not long enough for that... then I put on a headband because, of course, my life is Sleep. Eat. Zumba! And that cares care of that little problem.


    And, my wardrobe? Well, my life being... by now you know.. Sleep. Eat. Zumba... I just wear my exercise capris and my exercise top and that's the end of that little problem.


    So, yesterday? I signed up for a fantastic class at Sur la Table on French pastries. OMG. I actually had to go into my closet and figure out something to wear. Ridiculous. I'm going to have to weed through my closet and get rid of all those tops that end up looking like Flashdance on me. Again, ridiculous. And I tried to blow dry and style my hair... which means that I will make a hair appointment next week, for sure.


    I did get an interesting item from Sephora. I purchased their Limited Edition Makeup Palette... because it has 148 colors in eyeshadows, liners, and lip glosses. Well! This has been quite a bit of fun! I can tell right away some of the cooler colors... lke the difference between the coral and the fuchsia. But, what has proven to be really interesting is to try some of these colors that I would never have purchased on their own. I have to admit that Anita bought some orange eyeshadow and we were discussing how she was able to do more shading, shadowing, etc with colors that were more appropriately neutral for her skin. Anyway, I put on a combination of <drumroll> an orange eyeshadow, plum eyeshadow and a slight touch of yellow. It was amazing how green my eyes became! And, I tried a bright orange lipstick... and actually thought it looked pretty good. So, I am playing with this when the mood strikes me. If you can imagine my disjointed look for the day!.... exercise capris, exercise top... hair pulled into a ponytail and headband... full on eye makeup and glossy lips! Quite a startling look in the mirror! But, I'm just playing...


    And reading some good books! Thinking about getting back into the kitchen on a better basis and providing more variety to my diet. Taking the Sur la Table class was a great deal of fun.. and inspiring.


    So, that's my update. Kind of boring.

  4. Okay, all you Zumba fans. I have a question. Last night I was told that Zumba is not the way to loose weight. That it builds muscle as fast and the weight comes off. I sure don't want to be a 200 pound muscle. I want to loose at least 50 pounds then I don't mind building muscle. Am I causing myself problems loosing weight by doing this? I need to be down for my cruise so I can go on the helicopter.


    I am so glad that you found this thread! I almost posted on your other thread, but decided that my voice over there might not be appropriate since you posted about your difficulty in recovering from the spider bite and how much you've overcome. First let me tell you that I absolutely admire your strong will and obvious fortitude. I think you have a very disciplined mind and that you will be able to meet your goal.


    And, you have found Zumba! Rock on!


    There are so many health opinions out there; it can get to be mind-boggling. The only thing that I can say about the information that you were given is that I hope it didn't come from someone who thinks they know what they are talking about. That seems to be pretty blunt (maybe I'm channeling Gathina!), but... seriously...


    Zumba is a cardio fitness exercise program... first and foremost. It is NOT a strength building program. Even the class that is called Zumba Toning is not really a strength building (muscle) program because the weights just aren't big enough. Toning in Zumba is done with 1 to 2-lb weights and is really a method for people to learn to engage their muscles rather than build up anything that is remotely close to a bulked (cut) muscle.


    Yes, your muscles will become stronger... sleeker... and more toned by doing Zumba... especially your calves and quads (big thigh muscles). If you do it right, you will see some toning in your arms (triceps and biceps) and shoulders (especially rhomboids). This happens with the over-the-head movements... which (by the way) are also designed to make your heart beat faster and, therefore, burn more calories.


    Zumba is a calorie burn. A significant calorie burn. You will, absolutely, lose weight by doing Zumba... especially if you push yourself to really perform. You will not lose weight by doing aerobic, calorie burning exercise, if you don't get to the point where you are making your heart beat faster and breaking a sweat. No amount of walking on the treadmill so slowly that you can read a book is going to give you the same amount of weight loss as moving your body against gravity and WORKING your cardio system... your heart and your lungs.


    I know that you are most interested in the scale because of your goal to get into that helicopter. I hear that you might be concerned because you've probably heard the following: muscle weighs more than fat. The reason that muscle weighs more than fat is because of the amount of liquid that it can contain. That's beside the point for you... because you need to reach that goal of being able to get into the helicopter.


    In my opinion. Based upon my own experience. You will lose a significant amount of weight by doing Zumba. When you first get started, the weight will come off of you because of your cardio fitness burn; it will just happen. Yes, you might see a period of time where the scale seems not to budge; and you might become disheartened by that fact. Don't. Let. That. Happen. Your body will be changing and will be adjusting to get rid of the fat that is currently clinging to it. The weight will come off... probably when you least expect it!


    Anyway, others can jump in here and tell you their experience with Zumba. I had a few issues when I started doing Zumba: menopause and thyroid. I've been doing Zumba for almost 2 years! That's an amazing fact for me since I've always hated cardio! My first Zumba exercise log is dated December 2010! I didn't have a bunch of weight to lose, but what I had to lose... is gone... I'm the same weight that I was in my early 30's!


    True weight loss is a three-pronged assault on the fat on your body. (1) Diet.. no amount of exercise can make up for putting caloric overload into your body... (2) Hydration... you've GOT to give your body the water that it needs in order to do the thermal burn that you want it to do to get rid of the stored fat ... (3) exercise... calorie burn over and above what you have given your body in food and what you normally burn throughout the day.


    So tell us how you felt at Zumba. Was it fun? Did you enjoy yourself? Do you like to move your body to music? Was the instructor engaging? Did you like the exercise personality on display? Did you enjoy other people in the class? Most importantly... are you going back?

  5. OK.


    So, this is really.really.difficult to try to breakdown a playlist for Tuesday night's class. I so wanted to concentrate and remember the choreo for the warm up portion, but wouldn't you know... she completely Shook Things Up! and changed her warm up song(s)! All I can tell you is that we did arm movements on an 8-count, followed by grapevines, followed by arm movements on an 8-count, followed by movement up and knee raises and back and knee raises. Very gentle movements, and the song was Spanish. Unbelievable. I can't catch a single phrase to try to help me locate. Typical Spanish chorus. Trumpets. What?!? :D


    Second warm up song. Boyfriend, Justin Bieber.


    Third song... off and running. Halle Decale.


    I'll work on this as I feel inspired throughout the day.

  6. Here's a question...


    If I KNOW that the instructor I'm subbing for has a different routine to a song...should I avoid that song?


    Specifically, the song is Waka Waka...




    So, because you asked, I just had a conversation with the ladies waiting outside my Zumba class this morning. It was interesting! Here's what they said:


    When a sub comes in, they usually give just a really brief get-acquainted speech where they say that Zumba is just meant to have you move the way your body wants to move so, if that means that you want to move to a particular song like your instructor does and the choreography may be different, then move like you feel... except make sure that you don't bump into your neighbor! I think this is where the statement "there's no right or wrong, just right and left" comes into play.


    I asked them specifically about Waka, Waka (even though we haven't done that song in ages), and they were more enthusiastic about that particular song in the perspective that when a song is a song that is universally LOVED, then it doesn't even matter what the choreography is, as long as it's FUN to do. And, also, that it's interesting to actually get to experience a different choreography to a much loved song because it freshens it up and makes it new all over again.


    Anyway, the bottom line is that they expressed that they knew the sub would be different than their regular instructor and they were just grateful that the class wasn't cancelled and they loved to shake it up a bit with a sub... most of the time... so they were unanimous that you should GO FOR IT. And, also, that if you subbed here that they would attend your class, but maybe they were just being uber-friendly with me, at that point?!? :D

  7. @Julie. How fun to think of you in Seattle (shopping!!!) and beautiful Alaska. I know that you'll have a fantastic trip and hope you have an easy flight coming our way. Just know that we're all excited to travel along with you when you post your pictodiary.


    @Debbie. Casual is good! So glad that you're visiting the northern part of my state because it is uncomfortably warm here, at the moment! You know that we live in a very casual environment here so you will fit right in! I hope your jeans aren't too heavy, but I think that the Grand Canyon MAY get slightly cooler, especially in the evenings, so you should be fine. Also, looking forward to your pictodiary... have a wonderful trip!


    How exciting that we have TWO Fire Ladies traveling at the same time! We've all been so quiet here this summer, which I didn't expect because I thought that we'd get great Color Party Pictures with the sunlight streaming in during the summer season. It isn't that I haven't felt like doing pictures, but it seems like so many, many little "things" are just piling into my schedule this summer. When I look back on my days, I can't fathom why I didn't have the time to put things together! But, somehow, I just can't seem to get it going.


    I think I need to go back through the Thread and figure out where everyone IS. Maybe I'll do that this weekend. By promising to do it here, that MIGHT motivate me to actually get my hiney in gear..... :D

  8. My goal this week is to Zumba everyday except Sunday. Two down 3 to go.


    Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2


    How many different instructors do you go to? This is a week full of substitutes, for me, because so many of my Zumba instructors are heading off to Orlando for the convention. I'll be experiencing some instructors that will be brand new to me... that should be interesting. It will also be interesting to have my instructors return and get a feeling for what they may have learned at the convention... new choreography... maybe new music. We'll see.


    I always seem to make at least 5x a week, but sometimes I get the 6th one in. Usually, it's a function of how my body is reacting to the weather, etc. as it has been relatively hot and more humid than usual. Plus, the Olympics! But, wow, I feel like the NBC coverage of the Olympics has been absolutely terrible! As an example... I love beach volleyball. They begin coverage of the first match... break for a string of commercials... come back to the match and they've advanced the score by 6 points!!!... then begin coverage of the second match... break for a HUMAN INTEREST STORY about somethng that is of no interest to someone who wants to watch beach volleyball... left the match at a score of 2-1 and come back with a score of 18-11... GRRRRR.... Hate the way NBC pats themselves on the back about their great job when they are just blowing it for me! So, I'm taping and watching so I can blow through the commercials and the human interest stories especially if they're about Big Ben or William Shakespeare! By doing that, I'm actually timing the coverage... run a 100meter race which takes 10 seconds and blah blah blah for a minute and a half followed by 4 minutes of commercials... yeah, I think they're going to "break even" on their coverage of the Olympics. I hope they don't get the contract again! Wishful thinking.... Smiles all around now that I've had my say about the sports coverage. Anyone else feel the same?


    I usually look for a morning class. I can't do Zumba much past 5:30pm to 6:30pm because I get too hyped and have a really hard time sleeping if I do! Too much music going through my head... plus the body is just buzzing. So I love my classes at 9:30am the best! Thursday thru Sunday. Then Monday off. Tuesday and Wednesday at 5:30pm. Makes Thursday morning a bit of a challenge, but doable.

  9. So, ladies, I had the most interesting, entertaining, frustrating shopping experience with a BFF the other day.


    Sooooo...... I just gave up trying to explain color theory to her. The conversation went something like...


    Me: I have learned that I need to dress in warm, bright colors to look my best.


    BFF: I know what you mean! Colors are so important! Like, I really FEEL so much better when I'm wearing the colors that I'm MEANT to wear! Like, see that beautiful black & white outfit? That would look A-MAZ-ING on you!


    Me: No, I no longer wear black and white. I need to dress in warm, bright colors to look my best.


    BFF: Wow! I know what you mean! But, black and white is so sophisticated and so timeless and so classic and so easy when you're traveling. You're still doing quite a bit of traveling, aren't you? Oh look! There's an elegant dress in such a demure, wonderful shade of gray! That would look A-MAZ-ING on you!


    Me: No, thank you though. I need to dress in warm, bright colors to look my best.


    BFF: But, you don't dress in bright colors for evening do you? I mean you need to dress in something like an elegant black so that you would look wonderful in the glow of candlelight. See that beautiful black dress that would look A-MAZ-ING on you! And those lovely silver dangle earrings that would just catch the candlelight ever so perfectly?!? Bright colors are just wrong for evening.


    Me: I don't like black.


    BFF: What?!? When did THAT happen?!?


    Me: I love you. Can we go get something to eat? I'm starving!

  10. Pam


    I soooo love our purples and blues!!! I've looked in Cache before and never seem to see anything that would look good on me style-wise. It always seems so young looking but, it looks GREAT on you in the pictures you've posted! We're similar in age I think. I don't feel comfortable in 1-shouldered things, I feel like I'm too fancy or something in them. I guess I'm just a simpler kind of gal that likes diving, birdwatching, hiking, etc. I would like to branch out in clothing but, when I goo too far "out" it looks like I'm trying too hard. Make any sense???


    I think we're about 10 years different in age... with the <ahem> upside going to my side of the table! I've had a bit of a struggle with the whole age-appropriate dressing topic of conversation, as Anita will tell everyone. In fact, during a recent conversation, she actually said that she didn't have time to reassure me, at the moment, due to her moving and being very, very busy! :D As I recall, that conversation had to do with being a skinny-old versus a skinny-young, and how people perceive the "look."


    I never really thought too much about "age-appropriate" dressing until I read on here a phrase: "mutton dressed as lamb." It really floored me that anyone could be that condescending and downright hurtful to describe someone's formal clothing as being inappropriate for their age! I would say that people wear inappropriate clothing... but I think that if a woman feels beautiful in her choice of dress (and you would assume that she does if she's emerged from her stateroom!)... then Leave. Her. Alone! Especially with your rude comments!


    Boy, that rant came out of left field. I think because of the Style Statement book. That book just makes me think... well, the book doesn't actually make me think but the questions do! It's truly amazing the flight of memory that accessing my feelings in order to answer those questions occurs.. some, I have to admit, have been a bit painful... and I still don't understand Why. Did. That. Happen. To. Me. and others I can look at a bit more dispassionately and figure out what happened, how it's affected me, and how I can deal with it going forward.


    Anyway.... what I was wanting to say, Kim, is that I don't think that it's an age-type think with Cache clothes; I think it's more that Cache caters to a column figure... which I have. I am not boobie-licious and, in fact, I have very few curves (flat bottom, etc). So, those wrap dresses and sheath dresses really help me out because they have embellishments at the shoulders and at the waist that help to disguise my Celery-stalk figure!


    You have a gorgeous, curvy figure... so you don't feel quite right in the dresses... which makes sense. Also, I'm not sure that I think a lot of what Cache offers would fit into your personal Style Statement. I think you like more prints?!? and more natural fabrics with less fussy details?!?


    Anyway, I think it's more just a style thing than an age thing.


    On another subject: I have been analyzing my makeup. I've been having a bit of fun in Sephora! So, I've been trying to figure out what I've been doing wrong with my eye makeup and I found this interesting book about changing makeup as you get older (one hint: don't apply blush to the "apples" of your cheek because you have actually sagged a bit in that area and your blush will end up lower than you want it to be. What you need to do is look straight into the mirror, apply the blush to your cheekbone and the cheekbone ledge. This brings back a look of bone structure and also keeps the emphasis on your eyes.)....


    So, I came across a quote that I wanted to share with my friends here:


    The way you present yourself is a cumulative package of drinking water, exercise, laughing, loving, and having joy in your life.



  11. I have some lipsticks with more color in them.

    I'll try to post some pics over the weekend.


    In the meantime, as I think you know I will be in the

    States in a few weeks.

    We fly into Seattle, will rent a car and drive around Olympic

    Penninsula, spend 2 nights in Seattle and then board

    The Amsterdam for a 14 nighter to Alaska - celebrating our

    30th anniversary.:D

    As I won't have alot of time to shop I was hoping that you all

    could help me with homework and tell me where to look and

    send any Firey ideas that you have this way. Thanks !


    If you love purple and/or blue, you have to get yourself to Cache, ASAP. I was at the mall yesterday and it was more exciting than looking at a fabulous menu in a Michelin-star restaurant. The blues are all accented with bright gold fixtures; i.e., zippers, buttons, cuff details, belt buckles. They are beyond fabulous! The purple is that royal, vibrant purple that just sings...OMG... I am going back to the mall with proper foundation garments and spending some time in that store. I looked at their website and there is a Cache store at a place called Westlake Center in Seattle which is near 5th Ave and Pine Street in the vicinity of Pike Place Market. You are definitely going to Pike Place Market, right? Watch them throw the salmon around... LOL...


    Edit: when we did our blue color parties, I had a blue Cache sweater that Anita said was the best FIRE blue EVER. This is the same blue that is now being profiled in their stores, just in lighter fabric choices.


    And.. there is a Sephora store at 4th Street and Pine. Same location! Do you have a Sephora-type store near you? This is a cosmetics/skin care/fragrance store that has loads of testers and hygiene tools for you to do a DIY sampling of different items; i.e., mascara, lipstick, eye shadows... well, anything you can even imagine. They have loads and loads of brands that are fabulous... NARS, Dior, Chanel, Fresh, Lancome, Guerlain, Makeup Professional... they have applicator tools at the end of the aisles and mirrors so you can apply whatever you fancy and see how you like it... OR.. you can get involved with a makeup artist who will guide you and/or apply for you... but that might take more time than you might be willing to spend on your vacation. Anyway, I was helping a friend shop yesterday (another topic that I will post about) and that's another store that is on my own to-get-back-to list!


    Do you like salmon? Not talking about the color... talking about the fish! LOL. If so, you are in for such a treat! I didn't realize how many species of salmon there are until I visited Seattle. OMG. Talking about it makes me want to return! Linda, are you listening?!? Anyway, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Take pictures! If I had a private plane (topic of the FIRE thread), I would just call my pilot and tell him (obviously, a gorgeous him) that I needed to get to Seattle soon... file a flight plan! Until I do get my private plane, I will just travel along with you, virtually.... :D

  12. Julie. So. Very. Nice. To. Meet. You!


    I had a really busy weekend and I'm now waiting for a house guest so I don't have a lot of time to post this morning. But, I understand how anxiously we await comments (especially when we've posted BIG pictures!), so I can post a few quick thoughts.


    Well, I think the coral top is your most stunning color among the ones that you posted. There's a problem, I think, with the picture of the seafoam dress and I think it's just that the light was way too strong and contributed to putting angles into your face (there's a very strong halo behind you... the wall turned kind of mauve-y...). If I look more closely at your arms, I can tell that the effect of the seafoam on your skin is beautiful...very even toned... I think that your face is probably benefiting as well... it's just hard to determine with that particular picture. I know that the seafoam color matches one of my color cards perfectly! I've never been able to find it here.


    And, the brown top... you aren't smiling in that picture!

    Well, the only one you are smiling and looking relaxed in is the coral so maybe I'm being influenced by that... but I don't think so. Anyway, brown is an interesting color for us, I think. I think it's kind of "safe," as long as we have a golden brown because we are absolutely in the warm spectrum. But, I think that brown is almost a transition color between us and our EARTH sisters. I think we look OK in brown and they look stunning in it. Not many colors are really like that... that can go between us. For example, I look terrible in Anita's baby poop green! But, she doesn't look her best in my apple green... so there you go. But, brown.... it's just a great neutralizer, I think. For example, the brown evens out your skin tone and makes you look very balanced and with a beautiful complexion. But, it doesn't brighten you up like the coral does. With that brown top, I feel like you need to enhance your eye makeup to really make your features pop.


    I know you wouldn't go for it: but, I think blue nails with the brown top and Cartagena necklace would be fabulous! LOL. Just an aside...


    Anyway, for me... hands down... I love you in the brightest of the colors that you posted; definitely the coral.

  13. Sorry, didn't work


    Julie, since you have your pictures in photobucket then you have half the battle won! What I think you may be attempting is an attachment of the pictures, which... like you said... will not work. You have to imbed the link within the posting, so don't use the attachment feature here.


    When you sign on to photobucket, your album pictures will appear on your screen. Click on the one that you would like to have us see or roll your mouse over that picture. I'm going to give you step-by-step if you click on the picture and make it the only thing on your screen... in other words, you are viewing a single picture rather than the pictures in your album.


    So, having that picture on your screen, you'll see the buttons LIKE and SHARE at the top of the picture where you will see a statement along the lines of "Viewing 16 out of 24" pictures. Go ahead and click on the SHARE button. You will see options: Post to Website, Send Email, Get Link Code. Click on the Get Link Code button. Now you have a lot of options.


    See where the option is: IMG for bulletin boards and forums? That is what you want. You want the code imbedded within the "..../".

    So, place your cursor within the box that says "Full Size" (because you want to imbed the picture not create a small thumbnail size). However you do the procedure... for example, you could put your cursor in that box, right click your mouse and choose Select All (which highlights the entire information within the box) and right click your mouse again and choose COPY. NOW you've got the information that you need to imbed the picture here.


    So, you come back to the forum... blah, blah, blah... right click your mouse and PASTE and you should see "....xxxxx.jpg....\" if you see that, you've been successful. Now, you can go back and do some more choosing of pictures. You can post 6 pictures in any message and that includes the Smilies here on the right side. So, continue on with your business... to check if you're getting what you want, just do the PREVIEW feature that we have here. Your pictures will appear.


    Now, it's important that you never go into photobucket and delete or move the pictures that you've chosen to post here. If you do... for example, move them to another album or something... then you will lose the link and this post will have a blank box where the picture used to be.


    I know it's frustrating, but please try again. We SO WANT to see your pictures!!!!!!! :D

  14. Kim, You probably already are aware of the weather in Africa during the time of your visit, right? But, I just wanted to let you know a bit of information that I received... oddly enough, in Zumba class the other day. A lovely lady there (East Indian, but that's not important!).. anyway.. her husband wanted to climb Mt. Kiliminjaro (he's in his late 60's!... I mention this to give you an idea of their location)... there were about 11 people (family and friends) going on this African safari. She said that they stayed in luxury all the way... had wonderful tour guides and fabulous accommodations. Here's my point!: she said that she was so surprised that the nights were so cold. She said.. "uncomfortably cold;" that she was freezing at night. The days were super warm so the drop in temperature was really significant. She only brought a cover up and wished that she had packed warmer jackets. So, FYI for potential cold in February! But, Africa is a very big continent, so you might be in different weather conditions. Are you getting anywhere close to Mt. Kiliminjaro?


    Linda, did your TA get back to you with an Alaskan itinerary that you loved? We did an Alaskan cruise, and I still have fabulous memories of the spectacular scenery. An absolutely amazing place on Earth. What time of year are you thinking of going?


    Debbie, I so loved the posting of your style statement pictures on the EARTH thread! Because of you and Margaret and your accomplishments in doing the exercise to come up with those incredible style statements, I purchased the book! It should be here any day. I'm usually not THAT introspective so maybe this exercise will prove beneficial for me?!? Anyway, I thought your pictures just spoke, absolutely, to the personality that you have shown to us here. Just loved them and thank you for sharing. You inspired me, for sure.


    Right now, I'm all about accessories. I have some "outfit" planning that I'm doing, prior to our next cruise. But it's in December! That's such a long time away!


    FYI. Right now, the Cache store is all about green and blue. The next wave of color coming is... PURPLE... so we'll have to wait and see if it's FIRE. I've got my fingers crossed! But select pieces of the green and blues are on sale (along with a few pieces of tangerine and limoncello)... in case anyone is looking.

  15. I'm trying to post some pictures but can't seem

    to get it right...



    Julie? Did you give up? What problems were you having? Did you try to post from an offsite location like tinypic or photobucket... or use the attachments here at this board? Maybe we need Anita to write a brief tutorial about picture posting?


    Where are you?!? Don't leave us hanging! Come back! :D

  16. Ha ha, it took me a minute to figure out who 'dela' is :p Silly me!


    Then again, you're not 'really' Anita, right?



    Can you imagine how much fun I have? Sometimes I tell my DH, "Anita posted again." He's gone from saying, "Who?" to "what did she say?" LOL.


    And I have to be so careful when I type; it's not funny!


    Sincerely, "Anita's" Mom! :D

  17. Yes. That is exactly how Giolitti is set up. You pay up front and get your ticket then go towards the rear and pick your Gelato.


    Thank you! Thank you!


    I'm just returning for two reasons: I hate it when I put information on a thread and never know if the person asking the question EVER comes back to read it and.... most importantly... talking about gelato just seems to fit with Sherri's Great Grand Adventure anyway and I don't think she minds!


    So, agan... Thank you! Will definitely put this information into... I don't know... maybe a soon-to-be-started Binder?!? LOL.

  18. No, But I found my note. It's Giolitti.


    Please forgive this quiet intrusion... but... when you go into the gelato cafe do you have to go to one area and get a ticket that indicates how many scoops you're going to have and then go to the gelato area and tell them the flavors that you want? We had this experience at a gelato cafe close to the Pantheon and I would love to know the name because I didn't take any notes and don't remember!


    I have to tell you my gelato story: my DH is a gelato lover and I'm OK with it but I don't have a real sweet tooth (I know... weird, right?...) Anyway, he went up and got a ticket for two scoops and I got a ticket for one scoop. He ordered his gelato... in English... as we all know, most Italians in Rome speak English. I love to try to speak the language of the area that we are traveling in... so I went up and said (I'm translating into English because I can't remember the basic Italian that I learned!... much...) I am having a good time in Rome and I would love to have a scoop of gelato. He smiled at me and asked me for the flavor. I told him. He looked at my cone and told me that one scoop was very lonely and needed company. I said that it was OK. He then proceeded to add another flavor... and another flavor... so I ended up with a 3-scoop gelato cone! My DH was jealous and amazed! I just laughed... it pays to learn the language! I will just always remember this exchange as it warmed my heart so much...


    Anyway, if you could tell me whether my description of the layout of the place is similar? Thank you.

  19. O.My.Goodness.


    Cache has really, really hurt my wallet.


    So, I put together this outfit that I really loved. I paired an apricot/tangerine top with the muted yellow Golden Haze crop pants from Chico's. And I wore my turquoise sandals and a turquoise necklace. Listen, I LOVED this outfit! Yes, the crop pants were EARTH, muted... but I thought that it worked because it was just a neutral (for me) and was on the bottom.


    SO... Cache had a denim yellow crop pant in a color they call Limoncello! These pants just screamed, "Look at me!" so I got them and this is the first time that I have actually got an entire outfit that is FIRE... top to bottom! Wow. I thought that I wouldn't really be able to pull this off... but I LOVE it!


    Heads up... I might post pictures of the outfit over on the FIRE thread (because that's where FIRE pictures go, right?!)... There are times when I feel that our threads should just merge... anyway... :D


    Did you see the olive dress at Cache? The one with the leather straps? I think that's a beautiful, styling dress and would look amazing on Anita and Laurie's DD!... That dress makes my palms itch! :cool: kwim?!?

  20. I have to share my DH's answer to the "if money were no object" question...




    he said that he would reserve the Royal Suite on ALL Celebrity and Royal Caribbean ships... FOREVER... so that we could just go at a moment's notice on ANY cruise itinerary that suited our fancy!


    Isn't that wonderful?!?




    we could get there on our PRIVATE PLANE.


    See how totally compatible we are! And, Margaret, I don't have to fret because of course there's going to be a chef on the plane. I mean, how could I get those fancy nibbles without one?!?


    And, Laura, Just grab a castle. I think those come with acres and acres of grounds that you could get the staff to plant in whatever greenery you fancy.



  21. Yeah! The possibility of a future Julie posting! :D


    Kim, I don't know what's going on with me right now, but I feel like I'm super super boring. Like if I was at a party, I'd just be sitting on the couch, sipping a cocktail, and listening to stories. Is everyone else in the same mood? That makes for a pretty dull party, if everyone is in a listening mood and no one is in a talking mood!


    When I was on vacation, I had the BEST TIME just wearing great outfits. I vowed that I was going to continue when I returned home. Nope. I spend my days in the following outfit: too large yoga pants (I wear them around the house because if I wore them to Zumba class they'd fall down, so I get use out of them around the house) and a too large exercise/yoga top (which I wear around the house because if I wore the top to Zumba class even my itty-bitty bits would bobble and I don't want to do that to my tissue so to get use out of them I wear them around the house). Then, I change into my exercise clothes which consist of yoga capri pants that fit and an exercise top that fits! Yikes! No imagination, whatsoever.


    But, that's what I'm doing with my days. I'm sitting here dreaming of vacations. I'm doing some deep cleaning of the house. And I'm exercising. I'm reading cookbooks. And I'm reading cooking magazines. But I'm not cooking because it's blazing hot here and all we're doing is grilling. I'm watching The Travel Channel and the Food Network and some HGTV, which is mostly House Hunters International. So I'm definitely working on a "theme." OH, and I'm reading just about all the "live from" or "almost live from" or "just returned from" reviews here.




    Is everyone else leading a super exciting life right now? Oh, I'm reading about Australia because we're heading there the end of next year.


    I just can't wait until Kim's AFRICAN adventure! I am so excited to see pictures!!!!


    So, Julie, give us a little something to whet our appetite(s) for adventure, travel, and casual or elegant outfits! :cool:

  22. And as to the Style Statement book...this is it:




    If money were no object, I would purchase...



    I have some thoughts about the above postings, but I have to say that I have absolutely no difficulty answering this question!




    You have no idea how much I want a private plane. A really pretty one. Champagne on board. Always fueled. A handsome pilot, of course. Happy flight attendant(s). Luxury leather. Fancy nibbles. I have no difficulty, as I said, answering that particular question.

  23. Laura,

    So... in reading about your choices and thinking of your silhouette, I was wondering if you had found the lovely world of shapewear.. and with your last post you did mention the shapewear so I know that you have.


    But, it also brought to mind a giggle moment with my DH on our last cruise. We were attending the Newlywed & Not So Newlywed Game on board a Celebrity ship. You know Celebrity is known for being a bit more sedate in its entertainment, but you never know what a cruise passenger will say! (which is why I will NEVER, EVER get on any stage with my DH!). Case in point, about not getting on stage with my DH, is my story! Anyway, the ladies were told to kiss their husbands and stand up and wave goodbye... and off they went. It was pretty funny because it was a complete setup for the question that followed... which was, "What is your lovely lady wearing tonight?" Of course, the men didn't have a clue! My DH, standing next to me, said, "I could completely nail this answer." So, I said, "oh really?" And he SAID, "you are wearing a FIRE coral dress with red heels, bling at the neckline and SHAPEWEAR!" <emphasis mine!> OMG. Can you imagine?!? :eek:


    My problem area for my silhouette is my abdomen... watermelon belly. So I would never venture into a mermaid silhouette; just wouldn't happen for me. I have such a different body shape than you do as I'm a column. In fact, Anita did tell me once that we have to be careful not to look like celery! Because we're straight up/down and then if our hair gets to be too BIG, we could fall into the dreaded celery trap! :eek: OMG. I'm having funny memories this morning....


    Anyway, I've never had to dress an ample bosom, so I don't really know what styles are best for your silhouette. Have you visited David's Bridal website for the tips on dressing section? I'm sure that Margaret and Anita know what you're describing when you talk about the "massive amount of space" when you wear strapless... but I can't visualize. Is it because the strapless bra sends tissue up into the neckline area? I actually think the white dress' neckline is stunning, but it seems to me that it would add more to the dress visually? It's one of the things that I look for because I have the opposite situation from you.. the "itty bitty..<ahem> committee"! Oh well.


    Wish I could be more help...

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