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Posts posted by Member123

  1. Debbie,


    I couldn't get the top/picture bingo to work for me. So what I did is go to your photobucket and look at the pictures. Then, I picked the ones that I thought were the best and I really looked at them to figure out the ones that I felt were my favorite. I don't have any idea what the label(s) are for these tops, so the only thing that I can think to do is to post them. forgive me... but I can't figure out another way.


    I don't think that any of the greens holds up to purpleberry. Sorry, but that purpleberry is just fabulous on you. So I'm wondering if either: the greens are just not FIRE and so won't hold up to a true FIRE color, or... green just isn't as fabulous on you as purple is? IDK... I'm just commenting on thoughts and opinions here.


    So, here goes:


    OK. So, this is what happened. After I pasted the pictures here, I scrolled down to read the opinions and Anita's post that identified C1, C2, C3 as the pictures that showed the best skin tone were exactly the pictures that I had posted. So, I guess that I'm in agreement with Anita that, of all the greens that were posted, I prefer C1, C2, C3 the best. Again, I don't think that any of them are as good as purpleberry though!


    So, scrolling down further... I see that Kim doesn't agree with C2. You know, I think that Kim has a "mind's eye" color in that she's remembering the top that Piper ate. I know that I have had what I thought was a color in my mind's eye that IRL appeared very different... I'm talking about being in a store and thinking that something would match with something back home in the closet (before color palette days) and then coming home and having the darn colors be totally different. So, IMO, that's what is going on here. I think Kim is being reminded of a color that ended up being cool and so she's predisposed against the C2... maybe...


    Agreement on C1...


    which leaves C3 as a puzzle... but you know what?... it appears muted on the screen, that's for sure... but maybe C3 is in the mix (although Anita's favorite) as just being the best of choices that aren't as great as they could be. I would love to see you in Honeydew! LOL!


    I think the majority of your tops that aren't working well are cool... so the warmth factor isn't there. Here are my thoughts on the B2 top taking such a great picture in the restaurant... lighting. What type of lighting was in the restaurant at the time? For us FIRE ladies, we can take some pretty spectacular pictures in restaurants, especially if there is any hint of warmth coming from candlelight. The warm yellow that candlelight adds to the lighting of the camera's eye is perfect for helping blend our skin tone. If the restaurant picture was taken during the day... well, I'm still going to go with the lighting! Because restaurants have very mellow, comfort lighting.. not only in the bulbs that they use but also in most of the window placements... to allow for cozy, comfortable dining.. that and the fact that inner thoughts like being with your DD will light up your face... I'm going with that as a possibility of why the picture turned out so well. Can you post it so we can see?

  2. I'm home.


    I feel like... hey, I thought the party started at 5:30 so I arrive and the party is going strong... wow... I got the time wrong and now I have so much catching up to do that my head is whirling.... whirling... whirling.


    So I'll be doing quite a bit of reading today.


    Don't laugh at me. I'll tell you my packing story.


    As I mentioned, I wanted to wear something fabulous to our dinner in La Jolla. If you haven't been to La Jolla, you need to know that this is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Beautiful coastline of California. And I just wanted to feel beautiful in this beautiful restaurant.


    So in looking at my closet, I thought of what I wanted to wear. I told Anita that I was confident of all my greens! Absolutely. Well, that's what happened. I was nothing short of a green machine for the days that I was in San Diego. LOL.


    To my dinner reservation, I wore layers... it was really cold in San Diego... stormy, rainy... windy... but I was so excited about meeting our family from St Louis in this beautiful location that I didn't care! I wore my Honeydew silky tank under my Glowlight long sleeved shirt and topped it with a gorgeous brown jacket. I wore a pair of crop pants in a sandy neutral. Debbie, with your thoughts, I did wear my emerald necklace, emerald ring, and a pair of earrings made from lucite material that glows with the light; the earrings were in a gold hue but picked up some of the green from the shirt and looked kind of lime in color... very golden green. Anyway, I thought it worked.


    The rest of the time I wore a selection of my green tops and paired them with chocolate bottoms. I wasn't gone that long! Only a few days. Had a great trip. The weather was very unwelcoming. But we had just enough time between downpours that we got to sail on San Diego Harbor Bay and it was quite fun... windy, cold.. fun.


    So I'm desperate to continue with our color parties so that I will have as much confidence in my entire closet as I do in my selection of greens! :D


    ChollaChick, I did read that you are a member of the Anita sisterhood of Earth. Welcome! I hope you participate in our color party pictures, as the more the merrier... and just that much more information to see and to learn and to help educate.


    Both Anita and I have been pretty ruthless in going through our respective closets. It's an interesting problem... the getting rid of clothes that don't flatter either because of fit or color. In my situation, I did a 2-step clearing: I couldn't bear to get rid of certain pieces because of either what I thought of as their appropriateness for travel and/or they still had tags because I overbought some pieces when I was spurred on by a deep discount sale. Anyway, I put those pieces into a guest bedroom closet. Hung them in there and closed the door. It was a safety net because I knew I could retrieve them, if necessary.


    I did go to the guest bedroom closet and retrieved a few black Travelers pieces to help with a cruise vacation. When I saw the difference in wearing those pieces... thank you pictodiary... I immediately got rid of them when we got back home. That closet held some of the pieces that Anita photoed in her black color party... that shouldn't have gone home with her either... but you think that you can't get rid of perfectly good clothes!... until you see your picture and verify that the decision to be beautiful and feel fabulous over rides the decision to make the best of a poor selection.


    So, off I go to read... then I'll work on my blue color party. Fun for me! I leave in 20 days! I don't have a lot of time! Then, with travel, I won't be back until December! So whatever color parties that are held in November... I'll have to play catch up!


    Thank goodness I'm too tired to become frantic! :D

  3. by

    Soft Lime... ICE

    Terra Green... EARTH (I think; it's very muted)


    Just an FYI for you ladies who rely on internet ordering.


    ChollaC! We're hanging in there with you! Trust me; those pictures are being seen with a whole different analytical consideration than you are giving them. You just know how much better you look wearing makeup and having your hair frame your face... so you may think you look bad. It's going to be so interesting to know! Fingers crossed that your wait will be over soon.... :D

  4. Good morning, ladies.



    Today is my get-ready day for tomorrow's trip. DH did a bit of pre-planning (yeah!) so we know we should leave around 10:00am so that we can get to Yuma for a late lunch. DH located both a Famous Dave's and a Texas Roadhouse in Yuma! Yeah! I love me some b-b-q... So the plan is to have a late lunch and then have a very light dinner in La Jolla. We will be arriving early evening, settling in...



    I don't have to pack a lot because this is a very short trip. I just need my road trip clothes for Monday and Thursday. I'll be in my Tuesday outfit for the entire day... just meeting with my brother, SIL, 2 nieces for a bit of San Diego tourist activities and family meals. Wednesday I will need 2 outfits: a day time for doing more tourist activity with just DH and myself and then a spectacular dinner date with a cousin and wife in a favorite restaurant in La Jolla that we haven't been to in years!



    In thinking of my packing, I was reflecting on the effort of the green color party and the benefit that it brought my way! In a nutshell, as a result of doing that project: I rushed down to the hairdresser and got myself back to my radiant-ness. I will bring Anita a wardrobe addition and say a loving goodbye to a top that I thought looked good on me and now isn't part of my idea of "fun" to wear. I took my formal dress to the tailor because I have lost some inches and the straps were miserably falling down on my last cruise AND I also brought in the top that Debbie voted as her FAV and got rave reviews from others. That is a funny thing... because that particular top was headed to the donate pile. As I mentioned, I've lost quite a bit of inches around the waist and ribcage and that top was looking like a box on me. I thought about trying for Anita's corset belt idea but there was just so much fabric that it almost looked like a skirt beneath the belts that I tried... SO... I wasn't thinking about having it altered but that's exactly what I did! So, now I'll have a great fitting top that's a great color for me. :D


    I feel very positive about my green color party! And I bought a honeydew top for $7.13.. wtg, right, Kim?!? It's a bit different because it has a 100%silk front... it was called a Refined Silky Tank, fyi. I'm really confident in the color.


    So, as far as my greens go... I trust every single green in my closet. I know that the more blue/green top will make it to the donate pile before any of the others will. I wouldn't put any money into alterations for that as it falls into the OK category...but not the best.


    I have been on the look out for green accessories. Not that easy to find green in a yellow-gold setting. I've found a bunch of green that has been set in more brass-y gold or antique gold. You know... it's like trying to find turquoise that ISN'T set in sterling silver. Turquoise set in gold is stunningly beautiful... but very hard to find... and very expensive. I think that the jewelry designers must think that green stones are enhanced with darker gold... I guess I'll have to find some with the brilliant gold to find out if I like it... so the hunt continues...


    Anyway, a big shoutout to Kim for coming up with this idea. Yes, a lot of work. But very rewarding....

  5. Debbie,

    What a beautiful, beautiful color on you! No wonder you love purple so much.


    I did run to my closet to take a look at the purpleberry that I have, and although it doesn't look exactly like the picture... picture vs IRL... I can absolutely tell that the picture captures the essence of the color. It's just a bit shaded looking in the picture... but it looks really, really good.


    Now, I think we have some pictures that we can see what a good, true FIRE looks like on you.. this one and the cadmium red. So I think we'll have a much better shot at your green color party. Do you think you could do the weeding out and focusing for your green that Anita did with her blue? Poor Anita; she's blue bereft. I, on the other hand, am blue endowed. Will have to wait until the end of the week because of my travel schedule. By then, I should be very far, far behind....

  6. Anita, you are right. We do have to relearn and educate our eye.


    I think the reason that you thought you looked so terrific in the blue dress is because of the effect that the color has on your eyes; your eyes are (imo) being affected by two things. One is, of course, the color of the tops. But, and here's a pretty important point, I think: the other reason that your eyes are looking good is because of the contrast of the paleness of your skin. Because these blues are washing you out so bad, then your eyes do become the focus of your face. Do you kinda sorta get what I'm saying and seeing?


    I'm not advocating; I'm just reasoning out why we make some of the purchases that we do and why we thought that we looked good... in the past. When you put on that blue dress, you didn't see the overall effect that it had on your whole self... just the effect on your eyes.

  7. Debbie,

    Some of us are really fast and get to see things others don't! So, timing being what it is... I got to see your purpleberry pic! It is great; I don't know what changed your mind about posting the link.


    But, here are some tidbits. Make your album private so no one has access to your pictures unless you give them specific link permissions. And, when you want to post a picture, use the IMG information in the box... not the HTTP information. The IMG information will post the actual picture while the HTTP information will post a link to the picture.


    If, at some point in the future, you decide that you don't want the picture to be posted here on CC, then you can just delete the image in your album. All copies of the picture will be deleted on CC; if you post a link, then someone could copy your picture from the link and you won't be able to get rid of it forever and ever... kwim?

  8. So, today I realized that I've been doing Zumba since the first of the year and with the big cruise break that I took in May... a total of 9 months of the year and a solid 4 months of doing Zumba at least 3x or 4x a week.


    I have settled into my classes. I think I know pretty much most of the steps that the instructors will use... most of the arm movements. I've progressed to the point where I can throw a little "attitude" into my hip circles. I think I've come a long way in my confidence level in actually just being in a class.


    There were several people in class this morning who are still in the throes of feeling more lost.. and also still having the joy of finding something that they LOVE to do that they can call exercise. I was reflecting that I don't feel that same intense feeling of just pure joy at finding something that I hope will be something I can stick with. I've come to the point where I know that I will stick with Zumba, and that I would miss it terribly if something happened and it was removed from my schedule. I guess I've truly settled in.


    I don't know if I'll see much more change to my body. I've dropped some pounds and dropped some inches... and I feel very different. More flexible, in fact. I think I'm having even more fun in my classes because I can anticipate movement and steps and song length and class cardio build up and cool down.


    Finding Zumba has been just great for me. A true positive experience. One of my instructors that I LOVED moved to Chicago; I will really miss him. All of my instructors are so different; there is no substitution. Most of my instructors are great and a few are simply awesome.


    The weather has changed quite a bit. The blistering hot days aren't as frequent.. no long sleeves, yet... obviously no jackets or sweaters. But the days are getting shorter and it seems that the mood has shifted to more of a snuggle in, stay cozy type of feeling. It'll be fun to be doing Zumba in cooler weather!

  9. Linda!



    I, for one, love this color on you!



    So, I went racing back to post #848 (this is where Linda posted what she thought was her green color party... those initial 3 pictures... I'm so glad that you left them up so that I could compare)...


    I think that this honeydew color on you does exactly what CJW was discussing in one of his blog posts on his website. I can't remember the date but he was describing how wearing your proper colors was THE replacement for a tanning bed: how wonderful your skin tone looked in proper colors and how washed out you would be if you wore improper colors. I definitely think the greens that you had on in post #848 were definitely too cool for you, because your skin tone looks an unhealthy porcelain in those postings. The new posting makes you look years younger and healthier.



    Are you getting over that whole "skunky" experience. Your poor eyes look like they're suffering with allergies! I think it's interesting that wearing this color from the palette brings color to your lips, eyes, and hair. Those post #848 pictures just washed all the color out of your lips!


    Well, my vote is... this color is a keeper for you! We'll see what everyone else says. But, I think it's great. And I can't wait to see you in the purpleberry, cyan, and chocolate! When you bought the ivory..., that was the only color that I hadn't previewed IRL, so I didn't know if it would work. I tell you... I wish that they had better people writing descriptions. It's unbelievable that they would shoot silver threads thru ivory! But, designers do that all the time: they get a nice warm, bright print and they shoot some optic white or blue black through it that just ruins it for us! It's tough when you have to rely on internet orders. Like I said before, if you need a quick Chico's opinion, let me know.

  10. You bring up another good point---denim and it's place in our seasonal colors. It's something I've had a lot of trouble "seeing".I think that's another color we should discuss and look at. Anyone else think that's an idea???


    I think that the texture of fabric does a lot to change its natuire in the component of being a clear/bright color. I think that there is really no such thing as clear/bright warm denim. However, I think that there is a denim that is muted, warm... obviously, as Anita looks fabulous in denim. Right there, I think we FIRE ladies know that we're just a-wishin' and a-hopin' that we could find a denim. ICE can wear that deep, dark inky blue/black denim. So I think there's a clear/bright, cool denim. And obviously, a cool, muted denim... in the pastel blue denims.


    Well, we can wear denim... as a basic neutral that doesn't reflect light upon our facial skin tone! I guess for me this means that if I want to have gray legs then I can wear a denim skirt! LOL.


    Anyway, I have a denim top that I'll take pictures of... when the time is right. Wow, I am so hoping that I don't go completely gray! But, I do wear that denim as an overshirt, jacket-type of piece. So maybe it won't mute a collar out? And I can get away with it?


    Otherwise, we all know what will happen, right? Anita just adds more fabulous denim to her closet! Well, we'll see.


    Anita, I know that you won't give up your Zumba top. Sometimes, in a situation where you have to dress in a particular style or "uniform" so to speak, we have no IRL choices but to wear outside our color palette. I'm wondering about the cooler, sleeveless denim top. Are you putting that top into a discard pile now that you've analyzed and decided not to take a picture in it?

  11. FYI.

    When the boards are messed up like this, where it shows a post.. but you can't see it... or where you have posted... but it doesn't show up....


    then to verify that the post is there... or to read your post... you just have to hit the Reply button and you can read the post that isn't being shown on the board.


    Typically, whenever another post is made... then your post, that was being hidden, will show. Weird, huh?

  12. Debbie,


    But, it may take a little while for all the cached copies to be removed. Anita will do her removal as well.



    Anita is moving on to her Earth Blues. BUT, in looking at my closet... blue is one of the colors that I seem to have a lot of... so I'm wondering, what does everyone think would be the best to do here? In my closet, I could divide my blues into distinct color groups: aqua, blue, teal. Do we want to do that? Or, weed out the blues the way Anita suggests in her color party collage prep photos? I have 6 blue, 5 aqua, 3 teal. Additionally, 1 print that would fall into the teal color, I think. What methodology should we use for this?


    I will probably be one of the last posters for the blue(s) color party because we're going on a short road trip to San Diego. I'll be gone from Monday until Thursday of next week. So I will probably have a bunch of catching up to do when I get back! I just wanted to kind of put my blue dilemma out there for everyone's thoughts as to how to proceed.

  13. I'm not sure if this will help or muddy the waters further. I've sent a few pictures to Pam by email. If you don't mind, Pam, please post the best of what I send that illustrates this point I'm going to make, ok? This may only confuse the issue even further, but this exactly why I have had such a difficult time, Ladies.


    It appears that one picture was taken with flash and one without flash. WIthout knowing if your carpet is beige or gray, I can't tell which picture would be the best so I posted both.




    Okay. From the top of my picture to the bottom, I have shown what looks to me to be the progression through the year. Either I have no AIR or the second top is out of sync. After looking at my collage on the floor it could possibly be moved to #4 position and be my only borderline AIR. The texture of that top doesn't photograph well for some reason. It is definitely bright. The rest of Horizontal Line #1 is borderline ICE.


    I have placed everyone's favorites in a vertical line on the left side. The tops in Horizontal Line #2 are all true light FIRE. My color card doesn't even come close to being this light. My card's lightest green is the color of Left Vertical Line #2. The top that the majority picked as my best is directly below it.


    The vertical line on the right side of the collage is where FIRE fades to EARTH in my opinion. Again every top is bright. But one top is more muddier in color yet it works seamlessly, again IMO.


    I have added two tops that I didn't include in my no-makeup photos because I knew where they'd fit by your answers. They help show my point. I'm not sure what my point is. I thought last night that by categorizing, I would be closer to understanding. Now I think I've learned what someone said a while back--a green will look more yellow or blue, more muted or bright depending upon what is used as a control. For me, the one thing everyone agreed is that I look best in the darkest shades of green.


    I'll take it......and build from there.


    If anyone can explain what I mean, please feel free. I'm not sure if I conveyed what I was thinking or not. --Debbie

  14. Anita, or anyone else, help me understand...When I look at A1 it appears to me to be a much warmer clearer green than E3..This is where I think I'm having my problem with the warmth and clarity. E3 and E2 appear to me to be in the same blue/green family even though E3 is clearer than E2 and I thought our fire green was more on the yellow side..KWIM I really don't know how to explain this.


    BTW Pam, yes I do gravitate more to earth colors. If I were to pick my fav out of this party, (Not that I would wear it), but, it would be D3:eek: Old habits are soooo hard to break!



    Here is a picture that illustrates why I think that D3 "works." BTW, I don't think it belongs in the green color party.


    You are very correct in your assessment that our FIRE greens are much more on the yellow side.


    IF we had taken a picture of Debbie's green color party and IF we had done the same with her that we did with Kim.... I doubt very much that I would have chosen to see her in the Photo D3/Color E3 top. I would have focused more on the true greens...


    BUT... given that I do think that the Photo D3/Color E3 top works, I went searching for a way to explain my thinking. And, here's what I came up with:




    This is our color card's Emerald Turquoise. And next to it is a cropped area from Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 top.


    To my eye, this absolutely blends. No; it's not an "exact" match. But I would invite Debbie's Photo D3/Color E3 to the Emerald Turquoise color party as a happy party guest. You can argue that the swatch on the left is more Turquoise in the Emerald Turquoise definition... and that the swatch on the right is more Emerald in the Emerald Turquoise definition. But, I believe that they definitely don't fight with each other; that they live happily together.



  15. photo4.jpg


    This is THE one that everyone voted as a favorite. I would say that this is your BEST of the BEST, Debbie, as it's the only one with agreement AND it's got 50% of the votes as being the FAVorite.


    All the other opinions are all over the place. Was this helpful to you?


    Let me know when you send me some more photos to post.


    Linda, did you get your Chico's order yet?


    I think we're just going to Chico's because (a) they identify their colors in such a way that we can find them on the website and in the store and (b) there are several of us who have quick access to the store so we can see the color IRL in an easy way. Plus, they have good sales!

  16. Ladies.




    In Debbie's collage: I shouldn't have posted the color party as a part of the collage, occupying what (to my mind) was position A-1. That was a confusing thing to do. Kim obviously likes the top in position A-2, which she identifies as A-1. Since A-1 is... in fact... the color party, then that was just a bad call on my part.


    So, A-1, color party followed by A-2, A-3, A-4

    Bs 1 thru 4, Cs 1 thru 4, D-1, D-2, D-3, D4 is occupied by a duplicate color party.


    Debbie: what is the color in A-2? Where did you buy it? Chico's? Are we all walking advertisements for Chico's? LOL.

  17. OK. Debbie, I stopped reading your post when you started discussing what tops you like best because I didn't want to be influenced by your thoughts. It will also be interesting to read Anita's post. Because of her schedule, she might be typing just about the same time that I am.


    Before I say anything, I do want to say that this selection was very, very difficult. I spent a lot of time looking at these pictures. And I made them 400% of the original, so I looked at a LOT of detail. There are differences in color monitors, etc., so I could be seeing colors with a whole different look than what others are viewing. Keep in mind that this is just all my subjective opinion.


    I put these pictures in the order of the collage, because I thought that was better for discussion. They aren't in my favorite priority order.


    A4, B2, B4, C2, C4, D3.


    Surprise! My very favorites are: B4 and D3.


    The reason that I'm going to give for this selection is: love the healthier skin glow that is achieved with these colors. On my monitor, and to my eye, your skin evens out when wearing these tops.


    Now that I've done this, I'm going to go back and read the other opinions to see if I'm close... a little close.... very far off the mark! I stopped reading when it became consistent that one of my favorites (D3!) was being given a thumbs down by others. Sooooooo......


    ..... back soon.....

  18. Uh. Oh.


    Here's another "teaser" post. Sorry.


    I've formed my favorites and what I think are my no-so favorites.


    Debbie, first of all.... I think green is a GREAT color for you!


    But, I did scan the posted opinions. And, even though there are a few that are in agreement, the large majority.... well, I disagree.


    So, rather than just posting my opinions, I need to spend a bit more time to put together my thoughts so you can get a feeling for why I've made the choices that I have. This will take me a bit longer to compose. So I have to run to Zumba this morning. Then, I'll be back and I'll finish what I started, here.

  19. Debbie,

    I haven't read any one else's opinions. I will post mine, and then go back and read the posts in detail to see if we are, at all, similar.


    I have a busy morning. So I may be posting more at the noon-ish time frame. I just want you to know that I am looking at your pictures and I will give my opinion. I know that this time after posting can seem like the longest stretch... and I apologize. But it can't be too bad, right? You have a couple of opinions being expressed. Don't know how similar they are... but are you agreeing with some?


    Will talk with you soon. I don't know how to answer the situation about your light source(s) and picture taking. It's just darn hard, isn't it? Too much light = too much shadow; too little light = not enough definition. What's a girl to do? Not very helpful, right? I think your pictures are fine; I just made the comment that I did because of our discussions about our skin going gray in warm, less bright colors.


    I can tell you ladies one thing. I think you (Linda and Debbie, especially) are gravitating toward more muted than clear colors! I thought of something interesting to ask. What did you think you were before CJW told you that you were FIRE? I think that both of you thought you were EARTH, right? Am I remembering right?


    My siuation is that I was told that I was an AIR. Being in those clothes did absolutely nothing for me and I gradually learned to put together "outfits" rather than to observe how a color affected my skin tone. So I just bought lovely pieces of clothing, which is why I ended up with the black Joseph Ribkoff item! Anyway, when DH and I retired and began to travel, then I just got myself into a black/white wardrobe because it was easier to put together travel outfits that coordinated. Well, black/white doesn't really coordinate: it just IS. Anyway, I found myself buying pretty tops to go with black bottoms... which, of course, had to be a black/white theme. So my wardrobe was absolutely full of nothing much except black/white.


    My poiint with this is that I hadn't really gravitated toward any specific colors... like ChollaC saying she loves olive green, rust, burgundy... I didn't form any attachments to specific colors or color "types." Maybe then it's become easier for me to transition to FIRE colors: because, literally, I have to stay away from the only colors that I was consistently buying.


    So, I wonder if it's more difficult for you to wear BRIGHT, CLEAR colors?


    Debbie, in your collage, what do you consider to be your brightest, clearest color top picture?

  20. Debbie....


    .... and Ladies


    In looking at Debbie's green color party collage, there is something that we all need to ignore in the pictures... in order to evaluate and form an educated opinion. I have been distracted, in looking at the pictures, with "something" that is going on around Debbie's chin/neck area. In talking it over with my DH, who is a better photographer than I am, he tells me that he would make an educated guess that Debbie has a light source that is hitting the left side of her face. So, she is standing in a location where one side (it appears to be the left side) of her face has this light source which is causing a shadowing to occur in that area of her face.


    So, that shadowing has nothing to do with the effect of the color that she is wearing on her skin. It's a function of the photography and the light source... and we need to ignore it and just look at the chest area and the face to get our opinions finalized. I was trying to figure out if the tops were more muted and so Debbie was experiencing some of the gray skin tone that happens with me; but I don't think that's the case, at all.


    Now, I hope that I haven't brought this to everyone's attention and now you are all RIVETED on what I'm seeing. My intention is to say to NOT be influenced by that! So....


    on that note...


    I'll be back.

  21. Talking with ChollaChick first... because she's EASIEST! LOL.


    OK. Pictures... without makeup. Sorry. Definitely without makeup.


    From your description of the colors that you love, you sound like you are drawn to dressing in warm, muted colors. Those words "olive greeen," "rust" and "burgundy" are pretty much straight out of the EARTH palette. Now, you say that you have to wear extra makeup when you wear those colors.... uh oh.... you are probably not EARTH. If you were EARTH, you would say that you only have to have a touch of mascara, slap on some lip gloss, and you are out the door because you look so good with your healthy, glowing skin! So, I would put some bets down that you are not going to be joining the EARTH thread.


    If your DH can't zoom in on your eye and get a decent picture, the other way that is pretty easy is to use a mirror. That was an interesting picture for me as well! I would post it... but it's kind of spooky to see an eyeball posted on a message board! :eek:


    You will love the Voyager of the Seas! I was just on her the first of this year. My DH and I took an eastbound Celebrity transatlantic that sailed from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona. We spent the night in Barcelona; then we boarded the Voyager for a quick few days from Barcelona to Venice. It was a fabulous cruise! Of course, there were several people who had taken the Voyager from New Orleans to Barcelona and they loved the itinerary. I'm sure that you will be doing the same... only in reverse, of course.


    We aren't THAT organized with our colors. We are all on a pretty interesting learning curve. We're just having a bunch of fun and sharing in the learning is way better than trying to do it on your own. No matter what season you end up being, we are all trying to understand our individual color palettes and I know everyone would love to talk with you... no matter. There isn't a thread, currently, for AIR or ICE. You've found our FIRE thread and Anita has an EARTH thread that is <almost as> active.


    We are very chatty.


    I just got back from the hair salon. Yippee skippee. I feel better. You know you need to go to the hair salon when you stop into a tailor shop and the 81-yr old sweetheart of a lady tells you that you should do yourself a favor and go to a good hairdresser and just get those grays out of your hair right... there.... I told her that I had an appointment for this afternoon and she said that she was very happy for me! LOL! Priceless!

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