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Posts posted by Member123

  1. Hi, ChollaChick,

    In addition to what Anita recommends, I think it would be interesting for you to also take a picture in the same outfit... that would show the difference between having your cool hair and warming it up with your new color! So, maybe a pic of the BEFORE of wearing a favorite outfit that you loved, whether it was EARTH or not, and a pic of yourself in the same outfit with the new hair. And then, if that fav outfit isn't EARTH, a BEFORE pic of yourself in EARTH and then an AFTER pic of new hair and EARTH.


    So maybe a series of pics. This would really show how much of an influence your hair color is to your delightfully warm self...

  2. Kim,

    I LOVE the Athleta magazine. I ordered a dress in swimsuit fabric from them in Garden Green (LOL). At the risk of worlds colliding again! But that particular dress is going with me on catamaran shore excursions and I think it will be wonderful. I love just flipping thru that magazine... wait... it's a catalog! :D But I agree with you... it reads like an ad magazine!


    So I went to my Zumba schedule yesterday... and.... I didn't almost die... but, again, I almost died! Wow. It's amazing how fast your body can adjust from NOT doing Zumba. Holy cow. Cardio is something else; you really, really have to use it not to lose it. Strength training was different; I could miss almost 2 weeks of strength training and get back into the gym and literally do my exact routine with little to no difficulty. But yesterday's Zumba... completely different story.


    But I did go. I glanced at the clock probably 3x in class, which is something that I never do. I had to stop using my arms and just move my feet with my hands on my hips instead of waving above my head! I had to stand on the sidelines.... well I didn't have to stand on the sidelines but I went over there to get a drink and the music started and I just stood there... like in a total daze or something... for about a minute. The songs were so FAST yesterday. LOL.


    The reason that was funny is that I told Anita about a Zumba instructor who was so FAST and one of those gold medal instructors that you pat yourself on your back when you finish one of THEIR classes... kwim?... anyway, Anita was putting a playlist together and I went back and listened to a class that I had recorded from Tony... guess what?... he wasn't so FAST; it's just that, at the time I went to one of his classes, I wasn't able to keep up! Now I thought I'd go back to one of his classes, but (guess what?) NOT until I get back from my cruise. Gasping air yesterday, big time!


    I'm so thankful that for my cruise in March that I've decided to take my personal Zumba instructor along. I feel all warm, fuzzy, and totally protected in my Zumba endeavors! :D


    So I have a sad story to share.. not my sad story, but I had to be the bearer of really, really bad news to a person in class yesterday. There is an instructor named Teddy that everybody adores... loves the class because it's so much FUN. On the scale of FUN... 10++... on the scale of core exercises?.. maybe 6... on the scale of exertion... 9, 10-ish... so a very FUN class. About 2 weeks ago, Teddy took a job in Chicago. I didn't go to his last class but I understand that it was pretty teary. Anyway, yesterday there was a girl in class who didn't know that Teddy was no longer going to be our instructor. Unfortunately, I was the one that told her. She has the most beautful, big blue eyes... and I watched them fill with tears. She was devastated.. so much so that she left Zumba after the first few notes of the first song. I felt so sorry for her, but also I thought... people you canNOT be so attached to your instructor that it affects your own health and exercise program.... seriously...


    Except me, of course. I can be attached to MY Zumba instructor, but that's different....:D Maybe I don't get so attached to the Zumba instructors that I go to because there are so many of them? I, obviously, have preferences among them... but at the end of the day... it's exercise. You gotta take care of yourself.


    So glad that it's a rest day for me. Tomorrow, I hit it again...

  3. So, I need to run to Zumba. But Anita just called me and was as surprised as I was that the print top photoed so badly in this collage. I had used it as an example of bright vs muted in an earlier post! So, I was going to do a side-by-side of that earlier picture to see what, if anything, we could figure out about it... for learning and comparisons. :confused:


    I want to pack appropriately for the Caribbean! This is really something to try and figure out... that's for sure. I appreciate all of your help.

  4. Kasi,

    So love the detailed description of your cruise. Waiting patiently for some more... you know that Anita and I are going on the Mariner OTS in March next year, so we are very, very interested in your cruise! I could just picture you onboard while reading your memories.


    Today I stepped on the scale and I'm back to my pre-trip weigh-in number. Weird. I guess that restaurants using so much seasoning (translation: salt) in the food really does a number on the scale.


    Today is also the first Zumba class post-trip! I didn't really miss that much. Let's see. My last Zumba class was on Saturday, so I missed Tuesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday.... wow, I guess it does add up. We'll see how I feel during class :eek:


    I only have 16 days until my trip to Boston. My life will be filled with Zumba and figuring out what to pack in the next few weeks!

  5. OK, first off with my questions--


    I've never really considered teal as a FIRE color. It always seems muted and EARTHY to me. It seems to go to the blue side of green and muted. Pam, you seem to have lots of tops in that color--I'm not sure I've ever seen a color like teal that I thought was FIRE. How exactly does teal fit into the FIRE party?


    Second question--A4 (teal photo) seems to go to the way blue side but, it doesn't clash with the party but, it looks different (and not just the darkness of the color). What is it that it looks so different?


    Pam's B1 (blue party photo) looks like it has a different blueness in this photo sequence but, it seemed to blend in the party picture. Why when it's singled out does it look different? I would think being in the party picture would make it stand out if it didn't go?


    B2--all of the colors look so beautiful in this picture-- your hair, skin, eyes and wall color. Can the camera lens pick up THAT much difference than our eye can in these photos?


    Well, Kim, maybe teal won't fit into the party. I guess we'll know for sure when I take those pics. And, the flip side of the coin is that maybe what I would call "teal," isn't really the same color that you think of as teal. For me, teal is kind of more of a darker turquoise, maybe? There are variations within turquoise. Since I live in the Southwest, I get to see a lot of turquoise stone and, even though turquoise is set in silver mostly, I finally saw a turquoise stone set in gold... and it was stunningly beautiful! I asked the designer why more turquoise isn't set in gold and was told that it's a matter of cost and history. Since Native Americans use turquoise so much in their jewelry designs.. and since they traditionally worked with silver... and since impulse purchases of Native American jewelry is high on the list of tourist souveniers, etc.; then, it becomes a de facto procedure to set the stone in silver. When I asked him why he had set that particular stone in gold, he told me that he thought the warmth of the stone looks so beautiful with the gold, but that it had been for sale for almost 2 years and he didn't think it was going to sell anytime soon. Gold vs Silver...


    Well, I got off of the teal topic pretty fast and rambled there a bit. But I think that I could have used another word than teal, was my original point.


    The other issue with the Teal & Aqua Color Party is that the procedure that I used to gather those tops was probably faulty... in that I put together my Blue Color Party with tops that I thought were definitely in the blue family; then, the "leftovers" became the Teal & Aqua Party simply because I had 8 tops that fit into the "other than tru blue" category. So I probably should have named it something like Other Blues Party, kwim? So, A4 could have been placed into the Blue Color Party, and it would have been happy there as well, probably. Although after my experience with actually taking the pictures for the Blue Color Party, that top may be making its way to another closet for all I know.


    Your other questions about why the EARTH top didn't stand out in the color party is truly a puzzle to me as well! If I look at that top, I would swear that I had a good blend going with the other blues in my closet. After taking the picture, I really tried to analyze why that particular top has a muted quality. I even went so far as to take a second picture because I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, the camera had malfunctioned?!? LOL. Second pic was just as bad. So, why? Well, all I can say about that is that my naked eye can't tell the differences between these tops.


    Now, I can (of course) tell the difference between a nylon fabric and a cotton fabric. In fact, the exact same color name, in those different tops, has a variation that I can see. Not enough of a variation that I would say that there was a different color... but enough that you would say... it's in the family but not an exact match. KWIM? It's just a difference in sheen which I think translates into a difference in depth of color, for example.


    Camera vs our eye. This kind of shakes me up a bit because it says that I don't have the ability to stand in front of a shop mirror and see that my skin has gone gray. One of the criteria that I've used is to look in a shop mirror and see if my skin tone has evened out; that my skin doesn't look blotchy and I don't appear haggard. When I wear a cool color, it's like I don't need a Halloween mask. If you know what I mean? Cool colors bring out any discoloration around my eyes, any eye puffiness, any slight discoloration of my skin due to any bump, wrinkles, age spots :eek: I certainly don't need to continue with that list! Anyway, cool colors do that to me. ... to my eye... what I see in cool is the uneven skin tone.


    So I've been confident when I see my skin tone evening out that I have the right warm color. And, I also thought that seeing my skin tone even out meant that it was also good for me. Now I realize that I can't see the skin color (going gray) change to my skin tone in the store mirror. I guess I'm going to have to use my camera to verify my purchases in the future? It's a PITA proposition, that's for sure. But what else am I going to do?


    We'll see what these other blues do/don't do for me, right?

  6. On the other hand, I'm traumatized by my blue color party! I thought I had some fabulous blues, and I thought that my pictures would come out like Kim's. We would just say... ooohhh...fab... and move on to the next color party. That's not what happened! One of these pics is truly, truly bad. We don't even have to discuss it... EXCEPT... why is it so bad? Is it possible that I also go gray with a cool color as well as a muted color? What's up with my skin in colors other than the really, truly FIRE? You ladies don't have the same thing happen to you! :confused: What the heck! :(


    I'll just let the pics speak for themselves. And wait to see what you guys think is going on.





    To help with this, I must say: B3 is not muted, at all. It is silk. Anita, that is the top from Cache. OMG. I need a drink! :p

  7. Linda,

    With those pics side-by-side, I can see why the sweater works as well as it does. I would say that it's not "perfect," but it's very good. The brightness of the blue patches within the texture must be just enough to get the overall effect that is going with your skin tone. That's my opinion.

    Don't rush to delete your pics! Someone will be able to be helped by our bravery. Leave them up for a little while; at least until our color parties are done. We may need to refer back to some of them, anyway.

  8. Anita,


    So I'm wondering if we need to <gasp> ask Linda to take another picture in the cowl neck sweater! LOL! :D


    Because Linda is ruthlessly going through her closet and getting rid of things and is just now launching into a dedicated effort to acquire FIRE.. I just don't want us to have come to a conclusion that would throw dirt (in the form of EARTH) or AIR (LOL) on her FIRE self...


    That's my only point.

  9. Barbara,


    You will enjoy the gold toned jewelry so much more; it is amazing how "off" silver tones now look to me. I have a few sterling silver pieces that I absolutely cannot part with, but there's a distinct difference in the way the jewelry looks against the skin.


    OMG! Gold prices! Wouldn't you know that we would be in that boat!


    I'm so glad that you feel fab today. You are going to LOVE your new hair color; from your description it sounds like you will have an amazing transformation. We understand if you want to wait to show us pictures on Saturday, but please... please.. indulge us with a picture because we're all just anxious to see your new look! :D:D:D

  10. nejmzb.jpg.fegbhc.jpg


    To my eye, the tank top is a perfect match to the color card. I also have to say that I like the effect of the tank top on your skin tone a lot better than the cowl neck sweater... now that I see them side-by-side. I think the clearer color provides you with a healthier glow, and the cowl neck sweater makes you appear less glow-y.


    Well, other ladies can chime in... I think that the tank top is a keeper, keeper, keeper....

  11. As we wait for Linda's new C2 pic...


    Here is my Teal & Aqua Color Party collage. The left pic is in natural sunlight, again taken at 8:30am with an east facing window full of streaming sunlight. The right pic is with fill flash.





    A1 - Chico's Cyan

    A2 - Chico's Cotton Tank

    A3 - Chico's Nylon

    A4 - Chico's Silk Sweater

    B1 - Chico's Deep Emerald Cotton

    B2 - Print

    B3 - Spaghetti Strap

    B4 - Chico's Cotton Tee


    I tell you: I'm a walking advertisement for Chico's. I think the reason is that it was easy to shop there and the clothes go on terrific sales. I wish that I could remember the color names, but it's really not important because it wouldn't be that helpful... the color names change all the time and every change brings an ever so-slight variation of the tone or hue of the color. As we saw with Anita, even a slight variation will send a color from best to better...


    I only have one top that I'm wondering if it's on the borderline. Otherwise, I think all of my blues, aqua and teal, are FIRE colors. I will also post a denim shirt that I use as an overshirt. Depending upon what happens with that pic, I may or may not fall out of love with that shirt.


    I'm in the midst of deciding what to pack for the Caribbean cruise. It's a longer cruise so I have quite a few outfits to deal with... shore excursions... dining room evenings. Fun but stressful at the same time.

  12. ... are so easy.


    Wash the yams thoroughly. Prick the skins to allow for steam to escape, otherwise they can explode in the oven. Rub the skins with olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt. Wrap in foil. Place in 375 oven for about 40 mins. Turn off oven but leave yams in. When you can safely handle the foil, grab from oven. They will be perfectly cooked. Yummy, yummy, yummy.


    Let's see. My schedule that I usually do:


    Tuesday morning: 10:00am - 11:00am and depending upon the instructor that is scheduled

    Tuesday evening: 5:30pm - 6:30pm


    I do two on Tuesday because there are no classes scheduled on Wednesday.


    Thursday moning: 9:15am - 10:15am

    maybe... Thursday evening: 5:30pm - 6:30pm


    Friday morning: 9:30am - 10:30am

    Saturday morning: 9:15am - 10:15am


    Sunday morning: 8:30am - 9:30am; this is a maybe.


    I already shared with Anita my incredible weight gain on a recent road trip. I will go ahead and share with everyone here because of the idea of eating out and how it can be absolutely easy to slip into a weight gain because of it.


    Here's my saga. When we left the house on Monday morning, weight 141.8


    Monday breakfast: oatmeal, latte (beginning of the trip: meal at home)

    Monday lunch: Famous Dave's combo platter of ribs & brisket, corn muffin, 1/2 ear of corn, potato salad, tea

    Monday dinner: popcorn, chips/salsa, white wine (still full from lunch)


    Tuesday breakfast: pancake, 2 eggs, bacon, coffee with cream

    Tuesday lunch: BLT on sourdough bread, chili with cheese & onions, tea

    Tuesday dinner: PF Chang's. Special: egg flower soup, lettuce wraps, beef with broccoli, honey chicken, brown rice, tangerine tea, glass of wine at Embassy


    Wednesday breakfast: pancakes, sausage, coffee with cream

    Wednesday lunch: Panera chicken chipotle panini, chai latte

    Wednesday dinner: 2 glasses of white wine, date salad (arugula, walnuts, dates, pomegranate vinegarette), lamb shank on butternut squash risotto


    Thursday breakfast: pancake, spinach/peppers/onion omelet, coffee with cream

    Thursday lunch: Famous Dave's BBQ hamburger (what a burger! OMG. So good.. but, ground sirloin, burnt tips, 2 slices of jalepeno smoked bacon), a little of the potato salad but couldn't eat much, tea

    Thursday dinner: water, water, water (arrival at home; all meals listed above were eaten at hotel receptions, hotel buffets for breakfast, restaurants)


    Friday morning weight: 147.4


    Todays weight: 144. So I know that all of that is a weight gain that can be attributed to salt intake, dehydration, etc. But, I also know that if I continued that pattern of behavior that the weight would become permanent. I haven't gone to class because I've been a little tired from the trip. Plus, as Anita mentioned, the gym had a bring-a-friend-for-free and a free-kid's-club weekend. So, I know that it was packed. My regular schedule begins on Tuesday... well, actually tomorrow but tomorrow isn't an exercise day. My eating schedule has already resumed to a normal food intake level and eating at home.

  13. ..... I have two orange tops. One I know is FIRE; it's just too bright and ORANGE not to be.. and the other might be Anita's. So, that should be funny pictures. One might be great, and one might be gray. I guess we'll see.


    Orange and blue... aren't those Denver Bronco colors?!?...


    Anyway, Linda, thank you for your kind sentiments. You know, this is fun for all of us. And once we see our pictures splashed all over the thread and do our initial tummy flips because of that... the rewards are so great that we get to see what happens when we wear our bestest of the bestest colors that it becomes so worth it. I'm "almost" immune to having my pics parade all over the place... I'm glad that we're helping you and that you're having fun doing it.

  14. P1060364-2.jpg



    So, what do you think? Are we seeing that Linda's collage may be on the cooler side?


    Oh! I just saw your post Linda. So pic taken in full sun with no flash? Same conditions as Kim's and my pics, so I'm thinking...


    What is the position of the tank that you took the picture of in the original blue color party collage? Oh, I see you already answered my question... C2...


    OK. Let's see another pic in C2... please...

  15. 2mdjdl2.jpgP1060364-1.jpg


    Maybe it is the light? But I wanted to see our blue color parties, together with the color cards, just to see if we could tell some differences? Maybe the light here in AZ is too intense for this to provide us with any help in our discussion, but it was fun to do anyway. :p


    On my monitor, most of the color card swatches look the same in the two parties... except for the medium warm violet and periwinkle blue...


    Interesting? I need to go back and find Kim's blue color party collage pic...

  16. Linda,

    All I can say right now is that when we see what's right, it is so obviously right that there's no question at all. For me, the cowl neck sweater is just so obviously good on you. I wish that I could be all analytical and come out with the most amazing reason why that is true, but I don't have the skill set for that. I'm wondering if the sweater is just clear enough and the warmth plus the factor of being clear makes it just work for you. I think that sweater is a spectacular example of the search for clear... doesn't necessarily mean the search for bright... because it appears that the sweater, by its very texture, wouldn't fall into the bright spectrum.


    CJW uses the words "warm" and "bright" as our guidelines. That word "bright" is a hardship for me, because I think that there is no way that textured sweater can be "bright," but it obviously, obviously has a wonderful effect on your skin tone. So... let's just leave it at that. I believe the cowlneck sweater is a true keeper in your closet.


    Now, I'm having difficulty with analyzing the other blue pictures. The sweater with the clouds and sun... I'm having trouble with that one, but I can't tell if there is a light problem with the picture itself or if the color is affecting you in a subdued-light way. I don't see you going completely gray, but I don't see the healthy glow of Cadmium Red or Honeydew.


    The others? I can't tell if it's picture lighting... or?... maybe picture blur? When I resize these pictures, they just go all blurry and pixilating and I really can't tell or see anything at all. So I tried making them smaller and I couldn't tell a distinction between them... none of them were as good as your control picture.


    So, I'm sorry to say... I think we have a Debbie situation on our hands, for me... I can't tell enough to give you confident opinions. I'm so sorry...


    Except the cowlneck sweater! That's a keeper! :D IMO.

  17. First of all.... Linda... You are beautiful in Cadmium Red. I tell you... when we nail one of those FIRE colors, it just makes all the difference in the world. Gorgeous lady. Did you have a great dinner? What did you pair with the top for your ensemble? More importantly, did you feel amazing in the color?


    I took a quick pic of my blue color party. I'm having some issue with light streaming into the home at this point of the season and the angle of the sun. So I have to hurry because I have a small window of time in the morning before the sun's angle starts creating shadow in my foyer. Yes, I suppose I could get up early in the morning and I wouldn't have such a limited amount of time :rolleyes:, BUT...


    So the collage below is the same... don't want to confuse and have you think that I had to take two pics becaue of the number of tops. The pic on the left is with sunlight streaming in from an east facing window, at 8:25am. The pic on the right is with fill flash.




    These tops are hard to distinguish in description because they are mostly sleeveless Tees, but to try:


    A1 - Chico's cotton

    A2 - Chico's nylon

    A3- Coldwater Creek cotton

    B1 - Chico's silk/cotton/poly blend

    B2 - Cache, long-sleeved cardigan sweater

    B3 - Cache silk

  18. Hi, Linda,


    IMO, your blue color party is looking very cool... and I don't mean that in a hip-hop, 70's-lingo, way...


    Judging from Anita's being blue bereft, I would say that you don't have a muted color situation! :D In fact, Ladies, I think that Anita will absolutely start to drool if any of our blues turn us gray! :rolleyes:


    So, to my eye... you might have FIRE in B1, C2, C3


    I think you should take pictures in B2 and C1... just on the offset chance that my eyes aren't seeing your blue color party in its best light, so to speak. I'm pretty certain that the other blues are just visiting the neighborhood and won't be invited to future parties... you know.. they just arrived as guests because you were being polite, at the time!... I can't really figure out what is going on with B2...


    Since you separated your other blues, do you have a LOT of tops in the "other blues" category or are there just a few. Because if you have just a few, I think you should take a blue color party picture of them... keeping them separate from the tops you've already shown.. and you can do those tops at about the same time. Of course, if you have a LOT of other blues, then you might want to wait. I'm just thinking of you having confidence in some section of your closet. Didn't you buy a Cyan top from Chico's? I'm pretty confident in that color as FIRE, but I think I would separate it into probably the aqua class within the blue color party.


    Kim, are you finished with your blues?


    Debbie is camping. She's out under blue skies.


    Anita: "just for ducks" origin? Yes, I know.


    Barbara: is it this Saturday or next Saturday for the hair appointment? I think Anita should warn you about the purple browns as well. Make sure those browns are golden.. yellow.. chocolate brown. No hint of red, purple, green... Browns are very interesting. I have a lot of brown as well. I think I went crazy with brown when I first started trying to locate color palette clothing. If you have a Chico's in your area, go and look at the Chocolate and Chocolate Chip in Travelers fabric. That will help you see a good, rich brown that is perfect for you.


    Margaret: I think a deep, dark chocolate brown would serve you as well as black on the subway! That shift in your clothing basics would open up great possibilities for your wardrobe. I know I'm on the wrong thread for you, but you read here as well, don't you?


    The sun is shining. Maybe I can get some pics done today after all. We'll see.

  19. Debbie,

    I'm so happy that we pursued this for one more round of pictures. This last set was wonderful to do the comparison. And, of course, agreement all around that the Old Navy shirt needs to be retired. It's done its duty and served its time! Yippee skippee. Now you have confidence in the greens in your closet.


    So blue color parties are around the corner. The sun didn't cooperate for me today. Believe it or not... wasn't that sunny in sunny Arizona.


    Have a wonderful weekend... well, I guess a little longer than a weekend. Anyway, safe travels...

  20. Uh. Oh.

    Based upon the pictures that you posted, Debbie, I may have made a mistake in my labeling. The trio of pictures below, that Anita posted earlier, are the ones that I thought had the best effect on you. I thought that they were labeled C1, C2, C3....



    I do not know if these two photos, which I expected to have the same effect, are having such a different effect because of some other lighting factor or not. When I go looking for "lit up" Debbie...I see her in

    C1, C2, C3. The effect on your skin looks the same in these photos to me:




    Based on this series of photographs, I would have to say that FIRE is C1, C2, C3.


    Okay, Pam. I'm going to try my best. I've taken new pictures this afternoon facing a southwest window with afternoon sun streaming in. This may be too much light (LOL), but I'm trying to get the most light and this afternoon is all the time I have to devote to picture taking in decent light conditions before we leave in the morning. If these pictures aren't good, let's please move on to Linda's blues. I just thought since you asked that I'd try to show you since you asked for the honeydew top and I had the others close by.

    photo-11.jpg Here's the purpleberry as a control again. and just as fabulous!


    photo-12.jpg Here's the honeydew tank as requested, Pam.


    photo-13.jpg What had been labeled C1 (the top I bought thinking it was a known FIRE top from Old Navy). and, wow, is this the C1 that I thought was C1. See the trio of pictures above: the C1 there (at least that I thought was C1) seems to have a different neckline? Or, is it just pulled differently on your body... because I remember you said that this top is way, way too big for you now... so are these the same top?


    photo-14.jpg What had been labeled C1. and I thought was C3...


    photo-15.jpg The troublemaker top C-3 (blue-green? FIRE or not?) and I thought was C-2


    The restaurant good picture. Two more pictures in the next post.....


    I had to remove the restaurant picture because CC wouldn't let me post a message with 7 images in it. So, on to the next post to continue my thoughts....

  21. Hi there,


    I'm in Goodyear (western suburb of Phoenix). Are you in the Phoenix area??? I have a stylist that I THINK I like, but she tends to put me into colors which seem wrong.


    I asked CJW and he said he wasn't a fan of my current color which has too many violet/magenta tones in it. He said that I should stick to warm and orange/red undertones... warm auburn browns, warm golden brown, deep chestnut brown, deep strawberry blonde, warm copper, rich golden reds or any combination. So I'm still not sure what I should do.


    I have been red for a long time but am ready for a change if one would look better on me. My natural hair color is dark brown (with a LOT of gray in it). Or at least I think that's still my natural haircolor... it was dark brown as a child at least. I've been coloring for a good long time. At this point in my life I'm open to just about anything. I really need a good change that makes me look (and feel) fabulous (and sexy). :)




    I go to the Etch Salon in Kierland Commons. To Ryan. When I consulted with Ryan about changing my hair color and gave him the names that CJW gave me, his response was... "you realize that will be warm, warm, warm." Well, I said.... "yes, yes, yes... that's what I want."


    So, I am doing Red. CJW gave me Redken Shades names: Golden Apricot and Cayenne in a ratio. The Etch Salon has stopped using Redken and uses only Wella, but Ryan is using the same shades only with different labels, of course.


    I wonder what the difference is between FIRE and EARTH hair? I know that both will be warm... but... I think there is Red in every shade of color that CJW recommends for FIRE. BUt, I don't know if that's the case for EARTH ladies.


    Changing my hair was the first step to making me feel like a whole new person. Such fun for you to be able to know exactly what you should do and not leave the color up to chance. Yeah.

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