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Everything posted by Rogueperson

  1. Daal is the yogurt cucumber sauce. It came with it but I didn’t like it. Thats why i got plain yogurt, which worked.
  2. Just to give some perspective on on how difficult getting a good image of the Northern Lights. I present So, this image was actually taken the first night the Northern Lights presented itself. My wife is the more artistic on the two of us. Well, lets be honest, she has enough artistic talent to just squish me. Anyways, she edited this photo to add additional exposure to it, whatever that means. This was before I never saw these green hues. To my eyes, it appeared like a dim white cloud. Even these shapes were not seen until i saw these photos. All in all, its still amazing. These were taken with an iphone 11
  3. Good morning from We gain 30 minutes last night. So I’m actually up in the AM. Current situation. I was pretty busy last night. After the movie, I went the the Headliner show. What is it with Royal Caribbean and jugglers? The show wasn’t bad. However, i feel like there’s a juggler on every cruise. Its like someone on the Board of Royal just decreed “there must be a juggler on all our ships!” and it just stuck. Then Dinner Menu Spring Rolls. They were ok Dumplings. They were bland. tom Yum Soup. This was awful. I took one sip and wanted to rethink my life choices. Chicken Biryani. This was delicious, but in my opinion, it was dry. It needed some kindnof sauce. It came with a cucumber yogurt sauce but i hate cucumbers. Waiter brought out just plain yogurt and that was the ticket. After dinner was the Quest! Yes, the Quest is back. I expected to be a little slow given the crowd we have, but Kat, the CD pulled it off. No pictures because what happens at Quest, stays at Quest.
  4. So far, what I visually see is a dim glowing white haze. Some nights the haze is clearer, but i don’t see green. I’ve seen the cascade a little on one night, but I could not catch it on my phone well. That night, it was right above us.
  5. It was the only food on the menu but at a very affordable price, considering how expensive Greenland is overall. One plate and it came out fast. In Nanortalik, very little food is actually available. We looked for a restaurant that was on the map they gave us at the tourism center. It appeared closed and boarded up. Instead, we found a small grocery store that had some pizzas and sandwiches. We heard that the hotel had a restaurant and went there, but it was really just a bar. The hotel restaurant was for hotel guests only.
  6. Today’s the first and probably only day there’s a movie I wanted to see. I like the theater on Radiance class ships, but the seats are a little uncomfortable. This movie was beyond ridiculous. I apologize for anyone in the theater with me as I was cackling like a loon. Fun movie, but totally over the top.
  7. I think i plugged the wrong picture in the last post. It wasn’t a panoramic shot. This one should be.
  8. This port, we did not have an excursion planned. There was only two offered if i remember correctly. We originally booked the RIB tour but due to a bug, it did not take. Nanortalik is small. You can pretty much walk the entire town. Its very peaceful here but there’s not much here. On the south end of town, there is an open air museum. There were several buildings with exhibits. Most were not insulated. The museum really highlights how rough life was in this town. Apparently, this ship sinking is a big deal here. After the museum, we walked around and found the hotel. Only the bar is available. They had Greenlandic food. From the top clockwise. Minke Whale, blubber and meat. This was surprisingly good. Dried seal is the purple lump. The first taste is a bit nasty, but you get used to it. dried cod, similar to what we had yesterday. Greenlandic shrimp, peeled and unpeeled. Taste like shrimp smoked halibut. Pretty good smoked arctic char. Pretty good. Next to the hotel is the money shot. Its a panoramic shot. click to see the whole thing
  9. Sorry if i double posted some pics. It would not post correctly this morning.
  10. The one thing I’m surprise i haven’t done on this cruise is nap. Today was the exception. Waking up early with not much sleep didn’t help. I crashed a little after we got back and woke up 5 minutes before dinner. Here’s the menu. Beef Carpaccio Arracini and polenta fries together Lamb Kofta Tiramisu. Doesn’t look like one, but it was. Coffee Pot de creme read coffee flavored creme brulee Tomorrow is a seriously early day. We arrive in Nanotorik at 6:45am and tendering starts at 7:30. Last tender is 1:30. Really not much time. Another early day. Thus ends Day 9.
  11. Today’s adventure was the Greenlandic Food and Beer Tour. It wasn’t much of a tour as it was a food experience. From the top going clockwise starting with the yellow cup. Arctic Char soup - This was delicious Local Scallop - Delicious Local Shrimp - Delicious Dried Capelin - Interesting, like fish jerky Dried Cod - Much drier and similar to dried cuttlefish if you’ve had it Raw Narwhal whale - Interesting. part of it was very tough, but there was a slightly tenderer underlayer. Reindeer - similar to venison but surprisingly less gamey. Turnip (for emergency palette cleansing) Musk Ox - very much like beef Seal Soup. You either hate it or not. I thought it was ok. Wife couldn’t swallow it. I thought it was like a fishy beef taste. It feels very fatty. The middle yellow powder is a seasoning they use called Aramat. This seasoning makes everything taste better. We bought some. We checked out the Qaqortoq museum. Its a cute little museum. We ended up at Kunguak Cafe & Ice Bar. It was pretty good. This was surprisingly good. After doing the conversion which at this time officially is 7 DKK to 1 USD. This was about 30 bucks as the fries were not included. It was about the same price as the burger I had in Manhattan. There’s actually a 2nd Nordic museum attached to the Qaqortoq. It was the Nordic museum. I didn’t get any pictures of it as it wasn’t much. Miscellaneous images of Qaqortoq.
  12. I saw that too, but for us one appetizer here each was more than enough. They did not allow me book a BOGO.
  13. I’m annoyed at the wifi here. I lost connectivity for about 3 hours. I’d either connect with the wifi and nothing came out, or the wifi just didn’t connect. My wife on the other hand had data and received a facetime call from our daughter. It resolved itself later but its annoying. Especially for the price they charge. Anyways. Today’s show. This guy is talented. He plays these non-traditional instruments, many of them self-taught. I enjoyed his show more than i expected. Was going to give up on the rest of this post but remembered someone telling me to open the door of the cabin. The rest of the photos uploaded quick. Dinner tonight was at Chops. I screwed up and didn’t take advantage of the BOGO offer because the line out the door of Chops was insane on boarding day and I didn’t realize that was why there was the line. So I missed out because i missed the fact that to take advantage of it, you had to book on day 1. I had not intended eat at any specialty restaurant because the price nowadays is not worth it by itself. My wife doesn’t eat red meat except at Chef’s Table but we would only do Chef’s Table if the menu was different. It wasn’t. However wife still wanted a steak so we just got the solo dinner. I was quoted 66.07/person which i thought was high for Chops. Wife wanted it so i said what the hey. Turns out the quoted price included gratuities so i felt better because i expected gratuities to be tacked in like they do online and with everything else. So good on Royal to give an actual price, not just the marketed price without gratuities and then tacking it on later as a surprise to many newbies. Menu. Peppercorn Bacon. I always love this dish. Filet. This was delicious. They do it blue. The thing was perfect. Dessert Menu I got the Key Line Meringue. I enjoy this. For added bonus. The Truffle. I had drinks left on my card. I waddled out of Chops. Ended up at the Battle of the Sexes. The last time I went to this, it was some silly trivia. This one was almost like Quest with the two teams and the crowd participation. I enjoyed it. Most of the time, this activity almost always takes place at 8 or 9 which always conflicts with dinner as I always eat late seating. I had one more drink left. I traditionally get a powerade if i don’t want any more alcohol but now, the only place that sells it is Lattitudes, the coffee shop. This ends ummm, what day is it…8? Oh, for a brief moment, the sky was clear. And more Northern Lights switched on.
  14. There some snacks and offerings that are not offered elsewhere. Its not major, but when you haven’t had lunch, it works in a pinch. Mostly, last night they nailed my weakness for pate as they had a pate in a pastry and i went crazy with it.
  15. On another note. This is the first cruise i’ve been on since getting internet that Hulu does NOT work onboard. It gives me allows me to log in but says my queue is not available. Max, just says not available in your region.
  16. Good Afternoon from The internet last night was crap. I could not post. Its been intermittently bad throughout the cruise but last night was the first night that functionality just crapped out totally in the room. So lets back track. Dinner was rough for me because as you saw, we did not get lunch in port. We came back to the ship at about 5, just in time for the Diamond happy hour. I lost discipline and ate too much so dinner was kind of lost to me. But I was there. Pork Bao coconut shrimp jerk pork chop Blueberry cobbler I didn’t do much after dinner. I’ve been really lazy so far on this cruise. I may have made it out of the cabin once before noon and this is day 8. I got up initially at 10am and thought, I’m on vacation and went back to sleep. Also, I may have mentioned this before, but this cruise seems to be the loudest cruise I’ve been on. Maybe due to the fact that its primarily an indoor cruise, its loud all over. I find it difficult to find a quiet spot on the ship that isn’t filled with ambient noise. The viking crown/vortex historically is quiet, but its been a zoo up there due to the large number of Diamonds and up aboard.
  17. More Nuuk pics. I had hoped to find a place to eat, but all the signs were not in English. It was hard to judge how expensive something was. My wife has t-mobile and supposedly has data here but it wasn’t working. Funny, it worked on the boat tour. Without wifi, we couldn’t figure anything out so we decided to bail. We still got two more ports in Greenland. My fault for not doing enough research.
  18. It was about 10:30pm when the CD announced it. It lasted for maybe 45 minutes. There is a shuttle offered for 22.99 i think. There were a handful excursions offered. They are a bit expensive compared to the Caribbean but thats to be expected. Most were 100+/person and not for very long. They say if you have an excursion, you do not need to purchase the shuttle. Its about a 30 minute walk to town. We’re doing a fjord boat tour.
  19. It only looked like a faded white cloud. The green came out on the pictures.
  20. Good Morning from Nuuk. Its a balmy 35 degrees out. To me, this is comfortable. I say Good morning because i ACTUALLY woke up early. We got breakfast. The both of us! I’ll post the menu but the food isn’t inspiring or photogenic. We’re just pulling in.
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