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Posts posted by Suzieanna

  1. HAHA! Yes I do... well, it's more of a sick to the pit of my stomach feeling really. But it's my own fault!!!!


    I see a "WOW!!!!!!!!! £600 ONLY!!!!!!! you can look this gorgeous on our Riviera Deck in your straw hat too!" and I get very excited and then set my heart on going on the trip:-


    then I realise that the week I want to go on is £800;

    then I realise that's the price for a deck 2 inside - and a D2 is £1,400pp;

    then I remember its pp - so x by 2 for my husband - £2,800;

    then I remember my little girlie - so now we are up to £4,000;


    then I remember flights x 3 to get off this Island £4,600;

    then 2 x stopovers £4,800;

    then suitcases £4,920 .



    So, my £600 is suddenly £5,000 (or $7,500 approx - and I haven't even so much as sniffed a Pina Colada, bought a ticket for BIRG or paid an entry fee into Chops yet......................................... OUCH!!

  2. I spend a lot of time on this board. My family are nowhere near as excited as me... I bet they dont even know what ports we are visiting!


    Whereas me - I know which bus to get, what the best local food is, what the coolest things to do are. I probably know Rome and Barcelona and 100 other European cities (through google maps) better than I do the town down the road from my own :D


    I also try to get myself ship shape. It's not going very well to be honest. Less than 3 months to go and I am still carrying my winter blubber :eek:

  3. There is one massive difference between what you might expect to pay in a fancy hip n trendy bar - you are probably only there for a few hours in one night, so can write the extravagance off to a certain degree. When you are on a ship for 14 nights, and maybe paying for a family of 4 those extra 15 dollars a "round" very quickly add up.


    The price difference isnt even so much as about comparing RCI bar to a local bar.... its about comparing RCI bar prices now - to RCI bar prices of the very recent past.


    We have been on quite a few cruises, only one RCI in the past admittedly, and I will be honest - it was the price that has kept us away for so long. We are not short of money, neither are we cheap - but we don't like the feeling of being screwed over. Royal C customer services cannot even confirm if the ONE drink my husband can tolerate is even part of their package. And now we have to ask how much a drink costs to find out if we are "allowed it" ???!!!

  4. I am quite old fashioned and like paperbacks. I have about 4 electronic reader Ipad type things, but still keep going back to the old ways! I like folding the corner of the page down, I like the fact that I can leave it poolside and not worry about it getting wet (or worse) I also like that if I find a real gem I can pass it on to somebody else to read.


    I bring about 3 books and will leave them on the ship, so if you see turned down pages you know I have been in that Library!


    I think the real reason I don't like electronic books though - is that I am an absolute flop at remembering to charge things up!

  5. I think this is quite a hard question to answer, because one persons "must do" - is somebody elses "blah"


    example - I dont like Florence in Italy. Nobody can understand why I dont like it, so I could not recommend somebody to go there - yet lots of people love it


    My experience of cruise excursions are that they are expensive, esp if you are paying for more than one person!


    There are 3 things which might help though:-


    1) If you are a solo traveller or mobility is an issue, then you know you will be safe on a cruise excursion (ie you cant get lost or miss the train!)

    2) If it says Port X (for attraction Y), you can safely guess that attraction Y is a quite some distance away

    3) Research. Find out what you want to see, and how easy it is to get to it before committing yourself to anything.


    If I was going to Ireland I would for sure want to go and kiss the blarney stone!

  6. My soft sides skatewheeled case was murdered on a baggage carousel at Manchester Airport, and they very kindly replaced it with a hard shelled skatewheel type. This case has been everywhere with me since, I have never seen another one that even looked a bit like it, and it has been great.


    It is quite heavy though because of the hard shell, so I have to be extra careful in that it weights about 5kg empty!!


    It takes up a lot of room in the boot of the car when we are driving to airports, so it sometimes means that someone else's case has to go in a passenger seat.


    I have a cabin size suitcase that has 4 spinning wheels, and to be honest I struggle with that a little. I find when it is on 4 wheels it is my elbow that is doing all the work in pushing it along, as opposed to the muscles that works when a case is being pulled on 2 wheels.... Does that make sense?

  7. Exciting stuff! Yes, I am ready to ROCK!!


    All this not knowing though - it is probably what it used to be like in the days before the internet when you just went along for the ride, so to speak - and we managed okay!


    I can remember my first ever vacation as an adult - it was to Majorca. I didnt even know Majorca was an Island! Yet, thanks to Google I know more about European cities than I do about my own home town...... and the more I know, the more I want to to know.

  8. I am pleased you got a good result - and I am glad that you have posted here to highlight to people who may not be aware of this situation.


    I think I would be worried if I was on this sailing, not so much for the fact that there is building work going on - but more the fact that something I value quite highly as part of my vacation (music and dancing) is being taken away to provide something I am ambivalent about (gambling and shopping)


    If I wanted to go to a casino every night as my main entertainment, I would go to Las Vegas.


    I hate moaning - and I am not averse to change, but I do expect a close approximation of the product that I spent lord knows how much time researching - and the high K's paying for!

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