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Posts posted by Suzieanna

  1. I am so sorry you had this horrible experience.


    I feel they are responsible. I know you got the money back, but that's not really the point. You lost what was probably the "jewel" in the whole vacation. I bet there were a lot of people who might not get the chance to go to Rome again.


    I firstly would have expected that there be reps from Royal with you on the train. Its not enough for their "express" to roll about for an hour going back and forward. If a rep was there maybe a decision could have made early enough to get you all on the "normal" train - at least you could have got to Rome - albeit for less time.


    They sell all their trips as a Gold Standard, but sadly its not the case. My husband and daughter went on a ship sponsored thing once, he had to sit on the FLOOR of the van because there wasn't a seat for him.


    I have learned through experience and will only go on a ship tour as a last resort.


    Unfortunately, I don't think anything would "make" this better? And certainly people working on the ship have no authority to do anything meaningful.


    A big old formal complaint might stop it from happening to other people though?

  2. Hi folks


    My amazing husband has booked a big old surprise cruise which tags on the F1 Grand Prix in Singapore!! - beside myself with excitement!


    But I am not sure what sort of amenities (if any) come with an inside cabin, for example - do I need to bring my own dressing gown, shower gel etc.... is there a kettle? if not, would I be allowed to bring a little travel one?


    What about the bathrooms and wardrobe space - are they smaller than what you would get in a standard balcony cabin for example?


    We are on deck 7 - right at the very back. Is there anything about that part of the ship that is a bonus - eg is there a secret staircase that I know some ships have?


    Are any of my future neighbours reading this? Think this trip starts 10 September?


    Hope someone is able to help


    many thanks

  3. Diamond members get 6 anywhere on ship (except MD and shows) between 5-830. And unlimited in Diamond lounge. On our Dec 2015 12 night Serenade 70% of ship was Diamond and above and we were told we were two of 200 under 70 years of age. Lol. It was a mad dash of electric scooters and wheelchairs to the lounge at 530!




    Do all ships have a Diamond Lounge? Does it only open for certain hours? Unlimited booze - I like the sound of that! What's the catch....?

  4. Thank you for posting links to your great blog. I really enjoyed it! Great pics.


    I have one of those Mexican bobble head turtles here in my office. I never knew they had a purpose! We don't get many earthquakes here on the Isle of Man, but it's good to know that if we ever do I will get a warning!

  5. It could also be the fact that when we are on a cruise (or indeed any place where we are confined with a lot of people) we are more likely to pick up "new" bugs, that affect us in different ways dependant on our own capacity to fight infection.


    The reason so many of us here on this board say "I get sick on cruises", is because that's how we spend our time. If we went to a AI resort where we were in close proximity with 4,000 other people and breathing their re-circulated air, chances are we could say "I get sick on AI land vacations"



    Does that make sense?

  6. I am always sick with upper respiratory infection after a vacation. It generally kicks in about day 10, and I think in my case its because I am running around too much, drinking out of wet glasses and hanging out in the casino!


    seriously though, I always had a suspicion it was caused by A/C?


    I went to the doc because I have had pneumonia in the past, but on this occasion I got three days of steroids and was soon back firing on all cylinders.


    I have LOADS of allergies... so I don't suppose that helps.

  7. NO WAY!!! Maybe because I have to wear one at work, as well as a horrible badge that says #hello my name is..... (that's okay at work, until you forget you have it on and people say "Hi Suzanne" in the store!


    Some ladies have nice ones with rhinestones on, and they are great for them. Maybe in another 10 or 20 years I will be seen rocking that "look"

  8. Agree with the general consensus of this thread. Food has definitely gone from WOW to MEH..... I remember back in the day when I used to take photographs of food. I don't bother now. Who wants a photograph of something so dull. I ate everything I was given, and nothing needed to be sent back... that's cos I don't have delicate taste buds or food allergies and will generally eat what I am given. If I was a foodie, I would be depressed at the decline of quality and choice.


    You should also not have to "know" to order extra food. Should a palm sized piece of protein with 1 broccoli floret and a slice of carrot count as an entrée? Not in my house it doesn't.


    I also resent that you pay a cover charge for specialty, and then if you actually wanted anything "special" you have to pay on top of that.

  9. It's a mystery to me as well. but then, I don't like cup cakes, so even if it was only $10, I wouldn't go. As it doesn't affect me I could say - "if it's too expensive then don't go" ... much like people say don't "buy a drinks package or room service if you think its too costly". As someone who tries to consider fellow passengers I agree it is vastly overpriced.

  10. oh sorry - the badges were just there sitting on our bed one night.


    I actually bought a ships pin on Wednesday! It was our Island's National Day, and there was a boat called MV Balmoral (not the fred olsen one) and it did a lap around our Island. Great fun. Lots of open pipework and wood,creaky bits and doors banging... and rocking from side to side whilst inhaling the smell of oil!! just like the old days! heaven!


    She is run by a charity, so I bought all sorts of tat.

  11. Seems each ship has its own rules. I had Deluxe - didn't have to sign for anything, anywhere. Except for specialty coffees at café promenade. It wasn't paper, it was a card/swipe/sign on screen thing.


    Myself and my adult daughter had deluxe and my husband did not have a package at all. His drinks all appeared on a bill at the end.


    If our cards were given as a set of 3 and 3 drinks ordered - 1 cocktail, 1 diet cola 1 budweiser - they were always very surprised when we were honest and said the bud is to be "charged"... I guess we must be rare in our honesty?


    I agree that by doing away with "select", the moderate drinkers (couple of beers and a wine or two) might feel they are being squeezed too much.

  12. Remember though, they are valid for 2 years so if you want to go to USA within that timescale you don't need to reapply


    if I recall correctly there were posts about people being caught out by using the incorrect site. I think an ESTA is only about $15

  13. I saw that. I suppose it could become an issue when ships are dumping their grey water in the same channels all the time? I kept thinking of MARPOL and its daily mention in the planners.... hey ho.


    Wonder what sort of ships are going to be leaving from London City when that's up and running?

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