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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I don't know anyone named Bubba, would love some Rocky Road ice cream, and I do love my dentist - he's so caring and gentle. This morning we woke to fog, thick fog - something we don't normally have on the dry prairies. As we were sitting out in the pergola late yesterday afternoon enjoying a beverage, we could heard thunder in the distance. It wasn't long before it was upon us and we just made it into the deck in time before the deluge started. It rained hard for almost 15 minutes and within about half an hour, the skies were clear again. Strange place we live in! @Mr. Boston wishing your DH a long, happy, healthy retirement! @Cruzin Terri sorry to read about your flight issues - it brought back the horror show I experienced last October when I went to check in for our flights to Barcelona the next day, only to find they had been cancelled. *Shudder* At least you had some time to figure things out; we were packed and ready to go. @LuauQueen welcome to the Daily! @kazu Ivan sounds like our smallest DGS who, when it was finally determined his blankie needed washing, sat diligently in front of the washer and dryer until it was returned to his little hands. Not a lot happening here today, just groceries and then I can continue working on making fabric coasters, using up a lot of the fabrics I purchased when making masks during the pandemic. I think I'd like the drink of the day, but not sure if it would be super sweet or not, depending on the agave syrup. Yay, another Chianti - the second within a week I think, and affordable! I know both of us would take a hard pass on today's menu suggestion, as we don't appreciate polenta - I'm sure the mushrooms would be good, though. It's Friday night pizza night here, so we'll be checking the online menus to see what appeals to us. We'll be enjoying pizza on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the firefighters who are working so hard to battle the fires both in the west and east. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. We topped off at +28C (82.5F) here today and yesterday we tied with Ft Lauderdale's temp of +30.
  3. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I had to use the Heimlich maneuver on a fellow in the Lido a number of years ago. I try to say something nice to someone every day; you never know what people are going through. We know a couple of DARE officers; they do a great job in the schools and community. On the other hand, I dare you to find a word that rhymes with orange. A beautiful June morning out there today with a breeze and temps that are predicted up to +28, high humidity, and possible showers later in the afternoon. We had thunder roll through last evening, but didn't get any rain, so we'll see if today brings any. We turned off the A/C around 7 last night and about 9 opened all the windows - slept that way for the first time this year. @mamaofami hearing about the critters around you brought to mind a scene from a Disney movie! @JazzyV thank you for adding DH to the care list, that's so kind of you, but I think this will be ongoing, so he can be moved to the rotation instead. @1ANGELCAT sending love to your little Ninja cat. @kazu the fires as we've seen on the news are devastating!! @dfish One way to check the outlet is to bring in an extension cord and plug in the A/C unit; if it turns on, it's the outlet. If not, a new A/C unit is in order, but whatever you do, don't use the extension cord to power the unit, as it's a fire hazard. @marshhawk sorry you're dragging; hopefully you'll rebound soon! @aliaschief safe travels to you and @DWAliaschief! We're off this morning to have breakfast with a couple we haven't seen since they left in October to live in Victoria, BC for the winter. It'll be good getting together to catch up on things over a leisurely breakfast. After that there's groceries and then making sure we're home in time to turn on the A/C before it gets too hot. I'm going to try one of the menu suggestions tonight, but will cook salmon in the air fryer on the deck. It's looking like salmon, asparagus and a tomato/cucumber salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially for those affected by the fires and the firefighters, and the people of Ukraine. Cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love macaroons, which are vastly different from macarons. My mom used to make coconut macaroons which weren't teeth hurting sweet, but I'm not sure how she did it. So far (knock on wood) DH and I both have good hearing - I'm not sure how many of the younger generation will be able to say the same at our ages. It would be nice if tobacco would go away - it's so detrimental to people's health. DH's daughter stopped smoking but took up vaping and she has a horrible cough, but still refuses to give it up. It's going to be a hot one out there today, going up to +30C (86F), so we've got all the windows open to let the cool morning air into the house. I figure we'll be able to close them in a couple of hours and will wait to see when we'll need to turn on the A/C. I'll be heading out around 10 for a gel nail fill, but should turn it on before we leave, or the house will be quite warm by the time we return. Thank you for your caring wishes for DH's cardiologist appointment yesterday - it was interesting. After checking his vitals, he was put on the treadmill (I was able to be with him the entire time), and although they raised the speed and incline, he didn't have any angina. Yet, when he mows the lawn - behind a self-propelled lawn mower that requires no pushing - he does, go figure! He's going to be scheduled for another angiogram to see if any of the grafts have closed and if they have, they'll insert stents. On the other hand, if the grafts from the sextuple bypass he had 25 years ago are still open, there's nothing that can be done except for him to use nitro spray in addition to the patch he's using now. Because the angiogram is elective, it'll be at least 4 to 6 weeks until it's scheduled, so it seems there's nothing to worry about. @Horizon chaser 1957 a belated Happy Anniversary to you; wishing you many more years of love, laughter and travel! @MrSnuffleupagus welcome - I loved Aloysius Snuffleupagus when I watched Sesame Street with our little boy!!! @marshhawk I'm sorry to hear your DH is now in the Covid group; do rest as much as you can, as it does help. @superoma what a big job for you and your DS; so glad the niece was able to assist you in your tasks. @0106 thanks for the great job you did, filling in for @dfish and @StLouisCruisers for taking over from @richwmn !! @Vict0riann Happy Birthday to your DH! @smitty34877 sending good thoughts for your DH's surgery today. I'm going to take a pass on the drink of the day (I'd like it without the bourbon), the wine, and the menu suggestion. This afternoon I'm going to put a couple of chicken breasts into the air fryer on the deck, cook them up, cool and chop them and they'll be served in a chicken Caesar salad that we'll enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who need them, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry Gerry
  5. I didn't want to be the first, in case Jacqui didn't want people to know it was her birthday, but the cat's out of the bag now! Wishing you @kazu, a lovely birthday and a good year ahead!
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm not terribly creative, but certainly admire the trait in others; I can cheat by following directions, though. While not partial to mint juleps, I have had one. Grateful for the rains we've had over the past few days, as that has relieved me of having to water the flowers in the yard. I've learned for houseplants, I'm better off with succulents, as they thrive on neglect. @smitty34877 sending good vibes to your DH for tomorrow, and prayers for his surgical team. @dfish I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and can't wait to see your house when it has it's new colours! We've got brownish skies and an orange sun again this morning because of the fires in our province and Alberta. There doesn't seem to be any wind, so I think it's going to stay that way all day, we're expecting a high temp of +28C (82F) so it should be a nice day anyway. We heard about the fires in the Maritime provinces on the news - how awful!! Yesterday afternoon DH had a call from his cardiologist's office saying they had a cancellation and could he come in this morning for an appointment - certainly! So we're heading off to his appointment because he's been having an increase in the amount of angina over the past few months. So much so, that yesterday he finally suggested we sign up a lawn care service for the year. It's hard for him to give up things, but I don't push him, I wait for him to let me know when the time is right. He's 82 now and I want to keep him around for a good while yet. I don't think I'd enjoy the drink of the day, so will leave it for others, and who chooses the wines? Yikes on the price again, LOL. I'm going to tuck the recipe of the day away, as it sounds delicious; we had a large container of strawberries that needed to be dealt with, so I sliced them up, sprinkled sugar over and packed them into freezer bags - then I can bring them out for use as ice cream topping or on angel food cake. DH has said we haven't had hot dogs for a long time, so he'll be grilling tonight and we'll enjoy them with coleslaw for a light evening meal on the deck. And wine. Prayers for everyone who has need of them, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. A quick afternoon check in. @cat shepard wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many more to come! @marshhawk what a nice thing for your neighbour to do for you; I hope you brought the breakfast in before the critters got it! We're off to the hospital to visit a friend who's only recently been diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. Damn cancer.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! A safe Memorial Day to all as you pause to remember those who fought for freedom. Since our green bin rollout, many people in our city are learning about composting. I appreciate the fact that along with the blue paper/plastic recycling bins, it has reduced our garbage output by more than half. I had no idea what 529 day was, so thanks @rafinmd for the explanation. Bless the peacekeepers all over the world. It's looking like a beautiful sunny day out there right now, and we're expecting a high of +25 (77) which will be very comfortable. The rain from yesterday morning tapered off by noon and around 5:30 last night we took the roofless car out for a spin around the city and stopped for ice cream. We got back into the car and DH remembered that he had nowhere to put his milk shake - no drink holders. LOL So we sat in the parking lot enjoying our cold treats until his was done. Not a lot on the agenda today, but I think I overworked my dominant hand yesterday trying to crochet as much of a blanket as possible because this morning it's rather stiff. I might take a couple of days off from crocheting and work on reducing my fabric stash by sewing drink coasters for gifts. I would like to try today's drink suggestion, as I love fruity margaritas (strawberry is my fave), and finally, a wine from our younger years - Chianti! Does anyone remember the Chianti bottles in a basket that you used for candle holders? Ah, great memories. I'm sure we'd like today's menu suggestion as a salad in the summer, but I've got a bunch of vegetables in the fridge that will be turned into a mixed veggie salad topped with small pieces of cold barbecued pork chops that we'll enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! A number of years ago we were part of the local Amnesty International group - it was certainly an eye opening experience. I'm not a fan of jazz, although it's a very popular genre of music, and I do love a good hamburger. I take issue with today's quote - the majority isn't always right, and you should continue to think for yourself. We had a lovely evening last night with our friends, sitting around the table for hours, enjoying food, wine and great conversation. The 2 fellows have known DH longer than I have, so they had some great stories about their younger years and the things they did together. Visits like that leave you with such a good feeling at the end of the night. It rained hard overnight - DH told me he couldn't believe I'd slept through it, as apparently it was quite noisy. This morning we've still got grey skies, and I don't know if we'll get more rain, but any and all moisture right now will be good for the farmers and gardeners. Apparently there was a major storm system that ran through the capital city of Regina a couple of hours south of here which caused flooding in many basements. There might have even been a small tornado that touched down south of that city, but that has yet to be confirmed. Yikes! @smitty34877 I do hope Tana will be able to get outside today - fresh air and sunshine can do so much to life one's spirits. @kazu sorry to hear you banged your elbow; I hope you didn't cause any damage. Ivan is so lucky to have you as his Mom - many people wouldn't care what the temperature was, they'd just head out to give their dog a walk, no matter the consequences. @StLouisCruisers I'm happy to hear you're feeling better today. @dfish glad you had a more comfortable night - enjoy the ribs today! @Denise T Bon Voyage!!!! Not a lot happening in our house today, just a bit of clean up from last night's dinner, and maybe I'll work on another blanket out on the deck. I really like today's menu suggestion and think I'll try it later in the week when I get some chicken breasts. I know DH would like the Moroccan style with raisins, etc., so will surprise him with it. For today though, we've got lots of leftovers from last night so it'll be barbecued pork chops, dilled potatoes and a fresh salad for us on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! It's fascinating to watch an old time player piano in action. Every day should be sunscreen day; wish I'd listened to that advice when I was a teenager, rather than slathering myself in baby oil and sitting in the sun to bake! Glad for the invention of cellophane tape - works much better than glue when wrapping gifts. A partly cloudy day out there right now, and we're only expecting a high of +21 (70F), but that's okay, it means working in the yard will be comfortable. Yesterday we went out and bought some small celosia plants to put around the dahlias that are not doing well. We've got 4 pots of them, and I've deadheaded them, but don't see many buds coming, so I don't know what we'll do. Likely end up using a lot of pot stuffers to disguise them, I guess. @StLouisCruisers what a scary experience for you and your family! As our Daily friends have already said, please get yourself checked out by your doctor ASAP! @superoma wow, you've done a ton of work on your Dad's estate already; take the time you need, and care for yourself as well. @Nickelpenny welcome to the first full day of retirement - enjoy every bit of it. I like today's menu suggestion - when we had our lovely Sophia living with us, we often made fresh rolls using shrimp, lettuce, carrot, cucumber, etc. They were delicious! Today we're having a couple of guys in for dinner who we haven't had the chance to see in a very long time. We used to get together with our young families and have great cook-outs, but we've tamed things down as the years passed. Tonight we're calling it Put Pork On Your Fork, with barbecued pork chops, corn on the cob, coleslaw, dilled potatoes, and a dessert that will be provided by the guys. They're brothers, and one is a great cook, while the other is a great supervisor. LOL We'll enjoy food, conversation and good company on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Wishing a Happy Holiday for @kochleffel, @mamaofami and all others who are celebrating Shavuot today!
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Sally Ride definitely deserves a day, she was a real pioneer for women in space. I once won a paper airplane contest; not sure I could make one that good now. We don't have any redheads in our family, but my godmother was a bottle redhead and we loved her dearly. We had a great day yesterday, celebrating my Alternate Birthday. We started the morning off with breakfast/brunch at our favourite hotel downtown, then came home so I could get my hair cut at lunch time. After that we went shopping for a couple of hours, and enjoyed a lovely Greek dinner at a restaurant across the city. Here's us at breakfast yesterday: @Denise T your excitement is palpable! I'll be following along on your travels - good thing you're packing your patience, it's the most important travel tool you'll have. @Nickelpenny enjoy your last day at work, and best wishes for a long, healthy, happy retirement! @dfish I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better; let the healing continue. @1ANGELCAT my heart goes out to you today, but how wonderful that Fluff got to feel your love as she left for her trip over the Rainbow Bridge. We've got grey skies and wind today, but the rain over the past couple of days has certainly made everything greener. The leaves on the trees have practically exploded from their buds and the city has suddenly become much more beautiful with all the trees and grass that have come to life again. Not a lot on the plate today except buying groceries; I might go out and deadhead the dahlias (not a fan of them), to promote more blooms. I can see that the papyrus has grown since I potted it, so I think I should take a measurement to chart the growth over the summer. @0106 thanks for going behind the paywall to get the recipe, but I'm going to take a pass on it; DH would not like it, I'm sure. It's Friday night pizza night around here, so while we're getting groceries, I think I'll pick up a bake at home pizza from the deli, so we'll enjoy pizza on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Congratulations to Captain Albert; may he have a long, happy, healthy retirement ahead of him!
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I can't imagine the gut wrenching feeling of being a parent of a missing child, and there are far too many of them. I brown bagged it most of my work life, and have never seen the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but will honour Towel Day by washing ours. And yes, it is Wine Day!!! We had rain off and on yesterday and throughout the night, and it looks like we may still get more today - that is definitely going to help the farmers; I hope it is also raining in the forest fire areas because they certainly need it. I'm really glad we had the fellow over last week to clean out the gutters, or I'm sure we'd have a real mess on our hands. @Denise T I remember the excitement I had on my last work day before a cruise - it'll either go by really fast, or really slow. @0106 I've heard that vegans won't eat "anything that has a parent." @kazu your flowers are beautiful and your photography is so nice! @dfish I hope you were able to get some rest last night and can go home today. @superoma I'm glad to hear your day went well yesterday; they are never easy. I think I'd like to try today's drink of the day; it looks like adult Kool-Aid! We stopped at the port of Gibraltar on one of our trans-Altantic cruises, and we actually got to walk across the runway, which was really scary! I was supposed to get my hair cut at 9:30 but I just received a text from my stylist who said she has to run to the medi clinic this morning as she may have a UTI. We have rescheduled to lunch, but depending on how she feels we may have to postpone it to another day. Because I have a birthday that falls on a holiday (Christmas Day), DH has given me an alternate date and that's May 25th because there's nothing really happening in our family in May. I'm going to be relieved of cooking dinner tonight, as DH will be taking me out somewhere to celebrate - I've already opened the pretty card he had waiting for me at the computer this morning. So it looks like I'll be taking a pass on the menu suggestion and will choose something for someone else to cook for me at a restaurant table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry Cardboardeaux
  15. Good evening, time for a quick check-in. I just heard from @dfish who said her surgery went well and as she thought, her doctor is keeping her overnight. Great news that it went well, and I’m sure she’s happy it’s over.
  16. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I still have the tiara from my high school graduation and wore it to breakfast with colleagues at the beginning of the month. Love, love, love escargot. I have a recipe that a friend created and although I haven't used it in a long time, just start salivating thinking about how delicious it is. Whenever escargot appears on a BHB, we always order it. I have a 1/2 brother in Toronto (we have the same birth mother), but we haven't seen each other in years. Thankfully we still have FB to connect with and stay in touch that way. Several people are being given special thoughts today - @superoma as she lays her dear father to rest today. @dfish undergoing surgery. @57redbird dealing with the news of her brother's terminal illness. Prayers for comfort and peace, and well being for all of them. Happy Birthday Jack @Heartgrove, I hope you have a great day today with many happy returns as well. I'm really late to the party today - for some strange reason I woke up at 3:23 and couldn't get back to sleep. I think I dozed for a little bit, but then we had more lightning and thunder which added to the wakefulness I was experiencing. Strangely, DH didn't hear a thing - he's usually the one who could hear a mouse hiccup in the basement, but he slept through it. I think I'll be needing a nap today. Still thundering outside so we won't be doing any yard work today, but it also means I likely won't have to water the plants, which will be nice. And it's great for the trees, helping wash off the dust and pollen covering all of them. @kazu I think you outdid yourself yesterday with all your plants - too bad Ivan couldn't dig the holes for you. LOL I'd love to try the wine, but I really don't want to sell a kidney, so will take a pass on it. Tequila sunrises are nice, though. I've never been a fan of fried or cooked cabbage, although it's the main ingredient in the borscht I make. A friend of mine used to hollow out a head of cabbage, stuff it with a rice/onion/ground beef mixture, cover it with tomato sauce and bake it. She called it the world's largest cabbage roll. I don't think DH is going to want to stand in the rain to barbecue tonight, so I'll take a look in the freezer - I think there's still a couple of containers of stew that will be thawed and heated for us to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  17. @57redbird will definitely offer up prayers for your cousin’s peaceful and pain free passing, and for comfort to those who loved him.
  18. Here's DH waiting for me at Villa D with a cold drink as I returned from the stingray excursion at Half Moon Cay.
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Although we don't have pennies here any longer, I still see nickels and dimes on the ground. I was taught the following: "See a penny, pick it up, give it to a friend for luck." So whenever I see a coin on the ground, I pick it up and give it to DH who is usually with me - I figure both of us are lucky then. I tend to stay away from taffy, knowing they could release one of my crowns. Besides the Geiko gecko, turtles are the only reptile I don't find abhorrent. I enjoy seeing videos of the babies heading off to sea. @dobiemom I can't imagine heading off to work with so little sleep - good luck today! @Denise T we always let our insurance company know when we're going to be gone over more than 1 prescription cycle so we can be sure to take enough to cover the time away. @StLouisCruisers we were cruising with friends one year and the 4 couples got together and rented Villa D - what a delight seeing your photo of it! @marshhawk welcome back - I'm sorry to hear you were ill and had such poor weather, but it's good that your DH wants to switch over to HAL permanently! @superoma thinking of you and your family with care. @dfishgood luck with your surgery tomorrow. @Cruzin Terri re: your dryer . . . you go girl!!!! We had a hot day yesterday, but it ended with lightning, thunder, and some rain. The thunder went on for over 3 hours, some of it seeming very close. This morning we're still looking at grey brown skies, so there wasn't enough rain to wash all the smoke and ash out of the clouds, because the cool air coming into the house smells like freshly tanned moose hide. About 2 hours north of us there are heavy rain warnings for the day, which could lead to flooding - what a strange place we live in. I think I'd like to try today's menu suggestion another time, but do have a question for @dfish - you often speak of riced cauliflower; how do you make it? Does it still have the strong cauliflower taste? Now that we've got good weather, DH wants to continue using the barbecue, so I've got some sweet Italian sausages thawing that will be grilled and served along with crudites and a bean salad on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  20. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Please, no more musical instruments in this house - we have more than we need. Yay for National Maritime Day - it might be the day to book another cruise, who knows? Goth certainly has taken a back seat to other fashion trends, at least around here. Happy Victoria Day weekend to all my Canadian friends - if you're traveling, please stay safe. We've got cloudy skies and a gentle rain began about half an hour ago - I don't think it's enough to wash the smoke and ash from the skies, but it will help the trees and lawns a little bit. Once the rain stops, we're expecting a high temp of +31C (87F), so we'll be monitoring the house heat and closing windows as soon as the temperature creeps up. Trying to be environmentally aware, we attempt to regulate the house heat as much as we can, only turning on the A/C when necessary. We had a nice day yesterday, heading out into the country for a meeting with the president of Sumy University in Ukraine. We chatted with him for a good hour before they had to continue on their way. We learned that Sumy is in the NW part of Ukraine, only 30 miles from the Russian border, so they are constantly on high alert for missiles going overhead. I can't imagine it, can you? Not a lot going on here today, so will do some computer clean up and perhaps work on setting up an email list and creating an invitation to our Summerfest barbecue for July. Neither of us is a fan of eggplant, so will take a pass on today's menu suggestion. I'd like the drink of the day, and YAY for an affordable wine! We've still got a few uncooked cobs of corn in the fridge, so we'll have a scaled down version of Saturday night's barbecue, with just a burger each, some coleslaw and corn on the cob out on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all who are celebrating. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  21. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Yay for the person who founded the Red Cross. Do post-its count as memos? Bless all those serving in restaurants - so many working for minimum wage and relying on tips to make a living. I'm late to the party today - I slept in until nearly 9AM - something that is unheard of around here! We had a great time with our friends yesterday afternoon and evening, and that may have contributed to my lengthy sleep. We did consume a lot of wine, as I recall. LOL We served grilled burgers, purchased at a small store nearby and found they were better than the ones we'd bought from a larger operation, so went off in search of more to put in the freezer for cook-outs later in the season. While we were there, we ran into other friends, so ended up going for coffee with them, and now the morning is almost gone. The weather is browny grey clouds from the smoke and when you come indoors, you smell like a freshly tanned moccasin. There's a good wind blowing, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to move the smoke along, so I don't know what's happening. Thanks to all of you for your good wishes for our kids safe return from Japan - they made their flight without any issues, and arrived home by mid-afternoon. The 2 littles didn't sleep a wink on the 9 hour flight, so it was hoped they could keep them awake until a reasonable bedtime last night. I'm not sure what time they all crashed, but DS messaged me to say that at 3:14AM, all 4 of them were wide awake, as it should have been 6:14PM in Japan. I think it's going to take a few days to get their internal clocks straightened out again. Thankfully it's the long weekend, so they don't have to resume their normal activities until Tuesday. @Denise T go to the dollar store and pick up a sleep mask - it will be your best friend, trying to sleep when the sun is up and trying to peek in your windows. We originally had a free day ahead of us, but DH had an email from a university colleague who said later this morning he was picking up the president of a university in Ukraine and would be taking him on a tour of historical sites near Saskatoon - that would include some of the sites on the Riverlands Heritage tour that DH created. Sooo, it appears that we'll be heading out there and will be meeting with the fellow, bringing along some snacks and drinks to enjoy at one of the picnic tables along the tour. I just hope there aren't any ticks. Finally, a wine I don't have to sell a kidney to enjoy; even though it's a white, I'd try it, just for the price! I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, and would definitely go with the first offering, but would cut the Sriracha in half so DH could enjoy it as well. I'm thinking after we have a mid afternoon lunch in the countryside, that this evening we'll have a light dinner of leftovers from last night on the deck. And wine. Prayers to all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  22. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'd love to be a millionaire - must keep buying those lottery tickets, I guess. It was National Bike To Work day here yesterday - it seems not many people were into it, even though our current mayor has installed bike lanes around the city. We have to protect our endangered species, the list of which keeps growing longer by the day. I'll pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), but think it would be nice subbing in vodka instead. The wine sounds lovely, but until I win that lottery, it won't be served at our place! @superoma again, my condolences to you on your father's passing. My dad, like yours, had all his arrangements in place when he died, leaving us very little to do at a difficult time. Sending you caring thoughts as you go through the process in the coming weeks and months. @Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise! @Horizon chaser 1957 welcome home - I don't envy you having to deal with tent caterpillars; ugh! We haven't had them for a couple of years, but they do go in cycles, so who knows when they'll show up here next. @kazusending you strength to deal with the bureaucracy involved in settling the estate - I can't begin to imagine your frustration level at this point. Well it seems the crossed fingers, prayers and good thoughts worked, as our family is in the air as we speak. The flight left Tokyo on time, and I started using the Flight Aware app as soon as I got up, tracking their progress. Another 6 hours until they land back in Calgary and they can sleep in their own beds again. The temperature is supposed to get up to a balmy +27 today, but we've woken up to brown cloudy skies from the wildfires in both provinces. The air quality index is very high again, but even with smoke in the air, it will be nice weather for those hitting the camping sites to celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend. Normally our May long weekend is very much like @kazu's meme, ending in snow. I'm not kidding. I really like today's menu suggestion, and think I'll use it the next time we have salmon. Today though, friends are coming over for a late afternoon visit and we've decided to grill some burgers so we can just enjoy their company for a few hours, rather than having to make a great big meal. It's looking like burgers, Caesar salad, and great conversation around the deck table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, extra for those fighting fires in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  23. @superoma Oh my gosh, what a horrible shock for you! I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing; may his soul rest in peace. Prayers for you and your family as you deal with your loss.
  24. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Boy's and Girl's clubs provide a great service to children in various parts of the city; we support them whenever we can. My mom always planted a garden, even in her last year, and they were always beautiful. I didn't inherit that gene. Not a fan of Nascar - can't figure out how people can spend hours watching cars going around in circles. I know @marshhawk is likely taping it so she can watch it on her return. Sure hope she, DH and BFF are having a good time. I checked the overnight forecast before turning in last night and saw it was only supposed to go down to +4 overnight, but when I got up a short time ago, see that we're at +2. Our yard sits lower down than other areas of the city, so I'm hoping we didn't get frost. It's too late to do anything about it now, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We do have bright sunshine and clear skies (no smoke), and it should get back up to +26 again, so maybe we're back on track. It looks like people will have good weather for the Victoria Day weekend. The first thing I did when I got up this morning was check the WestJet site and saw that the pilots and the airline reached an agreement overnight. I'm hoping the flight that will bring the plane to Tokyo today will be a go, which means that our family can board it tomorrow night for their return home to Calgary. Fingers crossed. @dobiemom I hope everything goes well with your eye appointment. @Denise T I can feel your excitement building; I do the same thing with a countdown before every cruise. @kazu I hope you and your workers manage to get most of your yard work done - that's a huge job! @StLouisCruisers I hope your feeling unwell is short lived. I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, and would really like to try the wine, but again, $$$. I like the menu suggestion and might just make the celery salad to see what it's like. It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll head out and pick up something from our local pizza joint to enjoy on the deck tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the people of Ukraine. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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