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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Seriously, this is like watching paint dry . . . waiting to get 2 pallet jacks off. Sigh.
  2. I think I heard a toot. Either that or it was a sigh of relief from the Eurodam.
  3. Well that's just inconsiderate! Don't they know we're waiting here? (end sarcasm font)
  4. I wish the Eurodam could simply back up and go around the big blocker.
  5. Pleased come back and let us know if they were able to accommodate your request.
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like apple cider, especially when it's spiced up with cinnamon and cloves. Who doesn't like Mickey Mouse; he's the guy who started it all! I'm especially lucky because I have a DH who makes me feel like a princess every day. The quote is interesting, but I usually turn the outside lights on before we go out in the evening so we don't have to come home in the dark. Clear blue skies this morning and we're currently sitting at a temp of +1 (33F) with an expected high of +10 (50) again today. I say again because we had that as our daily high yesterday, which was absolutely lovely. DH and I finally got the lights up on the house - after going up and down the ladder at least eleventeen times each, and putting up with electrical issues (a timer that gave up the ghost), they are up and working properly. Now it can snow as much as it wants, the outside jobs are done. @smitty34877safe travels as you go to visit your DS for a week - hopefully you'll be able to really relax there and catch your breath without having to take care of others. You'll be able to take care of you for a change. I'm sure everyone at home will be fine, and if not, they know emergency numbers, right? @Lady Hudson sorry to hear your DH is still having issues; I hope he can get some relief for his pain. And your DS as well - at least she's in the hospital where they can figure out the source of her pain. @Cruise Suzy Bon Voyage!! Just a few groceries to be purchased this morning - currently there's a shortage of sugar . . . who could have predicted that!?! - as the Rogers Sugar company employees are on strike for better wages and benefits. We do have a secondary company (Redpath) who supplies some stores, so those wanting to do serious Christmas baking will be making their way to those places even if they don't normally shop there. I've got a couple of 2kg pkgs in the storage room, so we'll be good until the new year at least. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, as well as the wine, but oh, how I love a good Indian Butter Chicken!!! Possibly the best we've ever had was at a teeny little restaurant in Tokyo just around the corner from our DS and DDIL's apartment. It only seated 8 patrons and the elderly Indian gentleman proprietor did everything from cooking to washing dishes. We won't be having that for our dinner this evening, but will have something simple like rotisserie chicken (from our grocery run), green beans and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! About the only hiking I'm going to be doing today will be up and down stairs as I do laundry. We've hosted several international students over the years and have made new friends in many countries because of it. I'd love some fresh baklava, but often it's a couple of days old and the butter congeals if it isn't served hot. I completely disagree with today's quote. It's still dark and -3C (26F), but it's supposed to go up to +8(46F), so I think we'll head out to the back yard and try to clean up the remainder of the leaves that have come off the trees for the compost bin. In the fall it seems like the leaf drop is never ending, along with the pine cones that the neighbourhood squirrels keep snipping off - little litterbugs! @seagarsmokerI'm sorry to hear about your job situation; what a rotten time of year for layoffs. Hopefully you'll be able to find other employment, but if not, is it time for early retirement? @RMLincolnI hope you had a good night's sleep in the guest suite and wish you the best as you and your helpers unpack in your new home. @arzz Bon Voyage! @marshhawkas others have mentioned, I do hope you get to have a few minutes with DH's doctor today so you can get some help, too. @Quartzsite Cruiser safe travels to you and DH as you make your way back to Arizona! Not a lot happening today for us, although it's our DS and DDIL's 13th wedding anniversary, so we'll be doing a video call with them this evening. It's hard to believe they've been married that long already! I'm sure I'd like the drink of the day, although we did have a lot of rum last night with our friends. I'll pass on the wine, and will also pass on the menu suggestion. I guess if someone served it to me, I'd eat it, but I wouldn't make an effort to recreate the recipe at home unless it was really good. It's Friday night, pizza night at our house, so I'll send DH out to see what appeals to him and we'll enjoy it at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the innocents in the midst of wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Nobody around us plays the clarinet, but it can certainly add to a piece of music. I agree with others, every day should be tolerance day. Does anyone actually use the additional buttons that come with some sweaters/shirts, etc? I had a ton of them in their little plastic bags that finally went into recycling a couple of years ago. Today's quote is interesting - Robert Fulghum was a warm and fuzzy kind of guy. It's clear and cold out this morning; I can see Venus shining brilliantly in the sky, but we've got a temperature of -9C (15F), so anyone who has to walk a dog had better be sure to bundle up. Grateful that we have a cat who doesn't need walking. It was funny yesterday at the grocery store - about 1:55 in the afternoon there was the semi-annual emergency alert test and everyone's cell phones were going off with a terrible noise. There were a few shrieks from some folks, while others just grumbled about it being a big annoyance. It's good to know it works if needed! I must tell you - I've seen the website for @kazu's DDDH's bursary and she did a beautiful job of it. It's a wonderful way to keep Jose's memory alive while helping people in the nursing profession. I am going to lobby for her to post the link here, as I'm sure you'll all agree with me once you've seen it. Not much happening here today - time to get my nails done, and DH and his son are heading out to the acreage to check things out. We are heading over to the friends we'll be cruising with, as this past weekend they were at a function and won a ham, so have invited us for dinner. It's looking like we'll be having a lovely ham dinner with great conversation at their kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, and in sorrow. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We're fortunate that our city recycles a lot - paper, plastic, glass, as well as compost (kitchen waste) in a separate bin. Next year we'll downgrade to a smaller garbage bin, as it is rarely half full and will cost about 50% less each month on our utility bill. I have a couple of Bundt pans, but really only use one on Christmas morning to make cinnamon pull-aparts. I remember my mom making pistachio Bundt cake - yum! I cleaned out the fridge last week and already I see there are a few containers that need to be moved on their way out. It's never ending in there, just like laundry! It's windy, dark, and -4C out there right now - I don't think we're going to get much above freezing today, but that's to be expected for this time of year. When I look at my FB memories, on this day in 2017 we had a tremendous amount of snow, so I'm grateful for small mercies. Welcome back to our Daily family from your cruises - hopefully you all had a great time on your itineraries. @RMLincoln safe travels today as you make your way to Maryland. I hope your sleep tonight is better than last night's; I dislike a hard bed, but a super soft one can be really hard on your back, too. @NextOne so glad you got a good medical report . . . cheers to the wine! Looking at the port of the day got me to wondering where the earthquake/volcanic activity is happening in Iceland right now - it's about 6 hours south of Isafjordur. Scary times for the people of Grindavik where the entire town has been evacuated. Not a lot on the agenda today, but DH will have coffee with his band this afternoon. I think I'll take that alone time to go through my closet and pack away the summer tops, etc., replacing them with long sleeves and sweaters from the upper shelves. It's like cleaning out a room, first you have to make a mess to make it tidy again. I'd like the drink of the day, please, and yes to the wine. Our DDIL makes a great miso soup, so I'm looking forward to seeing the recipes @dfish has for us. I don't feel like cooking today, so I went down to the freezer and brought up a container of chili that we'll heat up and will enjoy with some crusty bread and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in grief, in pain, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Girls should be celebrated just as much as boys; all children, really, as they are our future. I love all kinds of pickles - dill, sweet, bread & butter. As a child, I loved eating the cauliflower from the sweet pickle jar. Today's quote reminds me of a Roger Whittaker song that starts with: "When they begin the overture, they start to end the show." Kind of pessimistic, I know, but it's a pretty song. It's cool, dark and windy out there this morning, although I'm not complaining about the temperature which is at 0 (32F); looking back at my FB memories, I see that on this day in 2017 we were covered in snow and it was -27C (-16F). We're tough though, so I'm sure DH and I went out for coffee or something. Thinking about a lot of our Daily family today - @RMLincoln as you get through your pack up and move, @marshhawk hoping you get some good drugs to help you onto the road of recovery, @smitty34877 dealing with the burden of grief and trying to assist Tana and keep your family going. My heart goes out to each of you today. Well I took my car over to a tech shop yesterday, expecting to have to take up a paper route to pay for the repairs of my remote starter, but to my surprise, the fellow said it was just a couple of loose wires that shorted and the module needed reprogramming, and I left after paying only $30. He did warn me though, he'd seen many Mitsubishi's come to his shop with starters like mine that were installed at the dealer and they were a mess - mine was no different. If it happens again, he will likely have to remove it and re-install it and that's going to be about 10 times what I paid today. Fingers crossed it won't. Yesterday I had a message from a young friend who is teaching at a school in an economically depressed area of the city, asking if we had any extra Christmas wrapping paper, as they were hoping to set up a gift store for students to go and choose something for their caregivers. I asked if they needed donations for the store to which she said yes, so I sprang into action. I ended up going through our gift boxes in the spare room closet and was able to get an assortment of items from candles to lotions to jewelry(purchased on cruises and never worn) that will hopefully bring good cheer to some who might not otherwise get something. I hope she brings her strong husband along because the Rubbermaid tub is full and heavy! I'd like to try the drink of the day, am sure I'd enjoy the wine, and think today's menu suggestion would make a great Christmas morning breakfast/brunch item. I've got a couple of hamburger patties thawing that will make their way into the George Foreman and we'll be enjoying them with air fried French fries and crudites at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I will definitely hug my DH today. I've never had a pupusa, but they sound quite delicious. In high school we always had a Sadie Hawkins dance on the last Saturday in February, and of course, the girls could ask the boys to dance. I disagree with today's quote - if you have intelligence, you can survive. We haven't been to today's port, but what a difficult way to spell Leery! LOL Still dark out there, with sunrise not happening till 8:23, so I don't know what the weather's really going to be like. Right now we've got clouds, but yesterday's forecast was for "brilliant sunshine" . . . only time will tell. We have to take my car in to get the remote start looked at; hopefully it will only need to be reprogrammed, and not replaced. It's funny, because I can use the button on my Mitsubishi key to unlock the doors, yet the remote start fob won't do it - and I just had a new battery installed in the fob. @RMLincolnthinking of you today as the movers come to pack up your precious belongings. I'm sure it's going to feel strange camping out in your own home for a couple of days. It really got me to thinking what we'd need if we were in that situation. @Norseh2oBon Voyage! @marshhawkI'm so sorry to hear you ended up ill on your trip; I do hope you'll be able to shake whatever it is you had/have! @Quartzsite CruiserI'm excited for you getting your new motorhome today! Thanks everyone for the suggestions for hotels in FLL - we talked it over with our friends and I let them decide which one they wanted. We're like Gumby, totally flexible. They'd done some work on the computer and found the Marriott FLL Airport had club rooms that weren't going to require a kidney to pay for them, so I made the reservations for us last night. I'm sure I'd like the drink of the day, but chuckled when I saw "Garnish with a lightly slapped mint sprig." Pretty sure I'd like the wine, and would like to try today's menu suggestion in a restaurant - no point in making it if DH won't eat it. Yesterday DH mentioned we hadn't had omelettes for dinner in a while, so we'll be having Denver omelettes and toast at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in ill health, in pain, and in grief. Extra prayers for the innocents in the midst of war. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Sorry to hear about the cold water and bed issues - that's not good. And about the gas-bag a couple of loungers down; a simple "Do You Mind?" would be my response!
  13. Darn, I was hoping for an on-time departure because I can only be here for about 15 minutes before we have to leave the house. @rafinmdsmooth sailing to you - I'll wave to you in my mind.
  14. Bon Voyage @rafinmd; unfortunately I won't be able to watch sail-away today, so I hope someone else can capture a screen shot of you!
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I enjoy a French Dip sandwich once in a while, although I haven't ordered one in ages. Pneumonia is a debilitating condition that would be great if it could be eradicated. Both DH and I have our shots for it. Happy Hour gets it's own day? Who knew! Bless the computer scientists who developed the WWW; it has enabled us to stay in touch with family and friends around the world. Today's quote is weird to me. 7:50AM and it's still dark, but it isn't freezing, we're at 0 right now. Ever the optimist, we should reach a high of +6 (42F), which for November 12th is quite acceptable. I noticed yesterday morning the cars on the street had a thick layer of frost on them - DH was glad he put his in the garage. Welcome home @marshhawk and @Lady Hudson; I hope you both enjoyed your cruises. @rafinmd Bon Voyage! @Crazy For Catswishing you a Happy Birthday with many healthy returns of the day! @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DS. @RMLincolnI'm excited for your move - it's a big one, but you sound like you've got everything under control. Good luck to you! Not a lot happening for us today, except that this afternoon we're heading over to our friends (the ones we'll be cruising with in February) to discuss hotels in Ft Lauderdale. Right now we've got one booked, but aren't happy having to pay a king's ransom ($500+ CAD a night) for a clean, safe place to lay our heads and keep our luggage while we go out shopping, dining, etc., so we're looking at alternatives. Ideally we'd like to be in the Port Everglades area or near the FLL airport and can take Uber or taxis to the places we want to get to. Any suggestions from my Daily family on places you might have stayed that fill these requirements? I'd like the drink of the day (minus the salt), would like the wine, and would also enjoy the soup of the day. It's looking like I won't be in charge of dinner tonight as our friends are making a big pot of chili and home made buns that we'll enjoy at their kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially the innocents involved in wars. Cheers for all with celebrations today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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