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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. I'm not sure how it works, but imagine how frustrated we are waiting for the ships to start sailing, how about the camera operators for PTZtv? Dedication beyond belief. Thanks to them.
  2. I'm glad I don't have to start dinner for another hour; I might get to see one of the ships leave.
  3. Seriously, this is like watching paint dry . . . waiting to get 2 pallet jacks off. Sigh.
  4. I think I heard a toot. Either that or it was a sigh of relief from the Eurodam.
  5. Well that's just inconsiderate! Don't they know we're waiting here? (end sarcasm font)
  6. I wish the Eurodam could simply back up and go around the big blocker.
  7. Pleased come back and let us know if they were able to accommodate your request.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like apple cider, especially when it's spiced up with cinnamon and cloves. Who doesn't like Mickey Mouse; he's the guy who started it all! I'm especially lucky because I have a DH who makes me feel like a princess every day. The quote is interesting, but I usually turn the outside lights on before we go out in the evening so we don't have to come home in the dark. Clear blue skies this morning and we're currently sitting at a temp of +1 (33F) with an expected high of +10 (50) again today. I say again because we had that as our daily high yesterday, which was absolutely lovely. DH and I finally got the lights up on the house - after going up and down the ladder at least eleventeen times each, and putting up with electrical issues (a timer that gave up the ghost), they are up and working properly. Now it can snow as much as it wants, the outside jobs are done. @smitty34877safe travels as you go to visit your DS for a week - hopefully you'll be able to really relax there and catch your breath without having to take care of others. You'll be able to take care of you for a change. I'm sure everyone at home will be fine, and if not, they know emergency numbers, right? @Lady Hudson sorry to hear your DH is still having issues; I hope he can get some relief for his pain. And your DS as well - at least she's in the hospital where they can figure out the source of her pain. @Cruise Suzy Bon Voyage!! Just a few groceries to be purchased this morning - currently there's a shortage of sugar . . . who could have predicted that!?! - as the Rogers Sugar company employees are on strike for better wages and benefits. We do have a secondary company (Redpath) who supplies some stores, so those wanting to do serious Christmas baking will be making their way to those places even if they don't normally shop there. I've got a couple of 2kg pkgs in the storage room, so we'll be good until the new year at least. I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, as well as the wine, but oh, how I love a good Indian Butter Chicken!!! Possibly the best we've ever had was at a teeny little restaurant in Tokyo just around the corner from our DS and DDIL's apartment. It only seated 8 patrons and the elderly Indian gentleman proprietor did everything from cooking to washing dishes. We won't be having that for our dinner this evening, but will have something simple like rotisserie chicken (from our grocery run), green beans and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars. Cheers to all with celebrations! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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