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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. Saw this on Countdown earlier It’s bang out of order
  2. That’s really bad kalos - even for you! 🙂 Yes - hope we’re not speaking too soon, but the pop-up seems to have popped-off 🤞
  3. I keep forgetting to welcome Megabear’s new family arrival. So - no more forgetting, welcome to the world Remy Is anyone else being plagued by a large pop-up competition advert? It’s annoying me - I’ll have to research how to zap it (perhaps I should ask zap???)
  4. We were apprehensive about Iona but found her to be really nice, and very clever at hiding 5000 passengers! Our walk was nice but sadly we found one unavoidable stile, so it won’t be suitable for one of the group who has a hip replacement which doesn’t allow her to negotiate stiles. Six and a half miles and back to the drawing board! Ho hum. We found many of the paths very overgrown. I think it’s because it has been such a wet and muddy year - people just couldn’t negotiate them over winter & spring, as they were waterlogged, so the grasses, brambles & nettles have run riot. We could have done with a machete!
  5. Morning! It’s sunny, bright and warm 😳 Could summer finally be here? 🤞 We’re leading the Wednesday walk this week, so are off to recce it this morning. It ends at a pub, so looks like we might be refreshing ourselves there afterwards Hope your day is good
  6. French toast/eggy bread, with maple syrup & cinnamon, topped with chantilly crème and “berries” - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries I thought it would be too sweet for me but it was gorgeous Weight - I thought the BMI/height to weight metric has been discredited by now. It’s far too simplistic and certainly doesn’t suit athletes. All the England rugby team would be termed obese using BMI 🙄 Would you tell them? 😱
  7. Is the weather finally changing? It’s felt quite nice this morning Son took us out for brekkie for Father’s Day. I went absolutely against what I would normally have. I was apprehensive but it was really lovely. Have a good day all (Gentle hug to Jane @Beckett - hope it won’t be too long before you feel the tide has turned and things are back on the up)
  8. Not removed for me kalos i see it twice, @59460 and above this @59463 Should have gone to Specsavers? 🙂
  9. Morning all Proper horrible this morning, grey & glowering, very windy, threatening rain at any minute. Our boiler decided to go o the blink yesterday lunchtime but a quick phone call & the service engineer was here and the thing fixed within 2 hours. Good service! It was only a little part & a fairly common issue I gather - error code 321 🤷‍♀️ Bit of a shock for Scotland in the footie last night. Shame, though no doubt the hosts loved it and will hope that it’s an omen for them going on to win the tournament. England had better get their act together in the cricket this evening. Fingers crossed the weather is OK There - I’ve prattled on, even though I said pretty much nothing. Make the best of today everyone
  10. Dull weather here, after a really nasty day yesterday, with a virtual gale through the evening and a ton of rain. Blimmin’ jet stream! No news, so I’ll just say Bob Voyage to anyone setting off this weekend, on land or sea, and Welcome Home to anyone returning
  11. Well done - that’s some stepping! Are you scheduled to do more? You won’t need to diet, for sure More power to your leafleting elbow - we all need to be politically aware and, whatever campaign colour, party workers should be appreciated
  12. @P&O SUE I hope you’re feeling more relaxed now, and ready for your well-deserved cruise. @Adawn47’s advice is spot on. You need to look after yourself. You can’t help Mum if you’re frazzled We’ve had a busy day, joining a dog-walking walking group! 11 dogs, 11 adults and 2 impeccably well-behaved pre-schoolers. Great fun was had by all, and good exercise. The weather is hardly tropical, but at least there was some sun, and it didn’t rain @grapau27 - I hope you and Pauline are enjoying yourselves
  13. Morning all Lovely to hear from you Jane. I hope you make some progress with your health - all of this stemming from a fall is a horrible shock for you. Sunshine here after a murky couple of hours. I think the SW is going to get the best of today’s weather. It was lovely yesterday, with the Regal Princess round-Britain cruise passengers enjoying the sunshine
  14. Morning all. It’s bright & sunny here but a whippy breeze (?wind) will take the edge off, I think Michelle - hope your Mum is improving and returning to her previous self Enjoy Sunday everyone. Last weekend before the footie starts. Cricket T20 already on the go. Not looking great for England but Scotland will be hoping
  15. Michelle - I’m so sorry; I hope your Mum makes a smooth, full recovery. It might be an idea to contact your local Councillor if there are obvious trip hazards on the pavements? It’s sunny but breezy here Aidasol is in port, so the passengers should enjoy themselves Some wild flowers for Avril. They’re probably a week beyond their best but still putting up a good show And my lovely pooch
  16. Morning all. Lovely sunny day, though with a sea breeze to take the edge off a bit. No plans, just enjoying being in the caravan and the relaxed feel that brings Enjoy your day
  17. Thanks to Megabear for this lovely thread and fabulous pictures. I was late finding it, so had a lovely day earlier this week when I started from the beginning and read up the first week in one glorious, vicarious, session Nice to get Selbourne’s input too I Hope disembarkation is smooth for you both. It takes the edge off a little when there a problems at the end of a lovely trip (though I hope your disembarkation is nothing like the emergency rescue of two regular posters on the P&O boards, who were stranded in the German floods. Very dramatic pictures of crowds in life jackets) Thanks again. Safe onward journey
  18. Beautiful dragon! Sunny now, but not forecast to last. It’s Wednesday walk, and at least it’s dry
  19. I’ve heard there’s this really good ship … African Queen, I think she was called
  20. Good that you are safely home Happy Birthday to Mrs YP - and it can’t be that big Phil, surely 🎂
  21. Just in case anyone else is as slow as me, and has missed it, @Megabear2 is doing a super “Live From” on her lovely Queen Anne trip. @Selbourne is on board too, and contributing a lot. There are regular P&O contributors also chipping in It’s a good read, over on the Cunard boards (I only found it today. D’oh)
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