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Everything posted by cr8tiv1

  1. This is a question for @sfpd3000. Hope he will see this alert.
  2. I’ve only received one animal by request on Princess. I know there are staff that have this talent…watched them in the Piazza. Guess I never had the talented steward on my deck.
  3. I travel with a CPAP and an adapter. The adapter part is important: make sure it has a European Plug (male) that will go into the wall...AND 2 outlets (one European for the lamp and one US for the CPAP). You will not need a converter since most medical devices are dual voltage. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004SY5O5K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I used to travel with a small collapsible stool to fit inside the bedside table drawer. Now I take a small box that I can flatten to pack and open once on the ship. AND yes, there is almost always an outlet near/under the bed for the lamp. When I was in isolation in a balcony cabin on the Caribbean Princess, the bed was next to the desk with an US outlet. I also carry my own extension cord for short distances.
  4. Ha Ha...you could have saved yourself a cruise fare. Good luck on this voyage spotting the Northern Lights. I can't believe you are giving up another "DUCK BOAT" for crabs. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/weather/2024/05/09/northern-lights-forecast-auroras-possible-this-weekend/73629276007/
  5. Yes, that sounds correct. I had a flight out with Delta. Delta changed the time. I had it timed perfectly. I could not convince Customer Service to waive my request. Thanks for providing correct information.
  6. Funny that we all have different favorites. When Princess did this, they had 3 (I think: milk, dark, and mint). I would trade/give away all of my dark chocolate. Same with chocolate covered strawberries (which I don't like strawberries...and white chocolate doesn't count).
  7. EZ check works for any flight leaving AFTER 10:30 AM and not a minute before (validated by experience).
  8. UBER "may be" faster than taxi line. Some one once told me that taxi's are heavily regulated. NOT....i was cheated: oh, meter doesn't work, etc.
  9. From the videos that have come out, it seems the Sun Princess has smart elevators. I just recently had experience with them in HNL. What a great invention! I detest the middle elevators where you have to push the button for the glass elevator AND the other banks. Then play elevator roulette. I've missed so many open elevators. Princess never had towel animals. There are a few who know how to, but by request or rare.
  10. Correct....but ... we are "designing" the perfect ship to include all the things we would like to see happen by design or policy. This is just a pipe dream. We can wish all we want.
  11. What time was dinner so that you were out in time for the 9 pm show? You are the master of game show timing. Do you have to attend the 7:30 theater in order to make it to the Explorer’s Lounge? Is there anything worth while if I do the 9:30 shows?
  12. The Future Cruise DESK/office is very tricky. They do not have brochures nor handouts to give to passengers. You may "look" at what they have, sometimes they let you take a photo, but will not hand you anything in writing for a promotion/sale.
  13. A 30 day LA to Sydney cruise is still possible. They will probably send a Princess ship to Australia to replace the Grand.
  14. Best suggestion yet. You win the happiness award.
  15. Thanks to everyone who have chimed in (or lurked). Too many great posts to "like". Maybe Princess will listen to our requests? We can always dream.
  16. I really do not mind walkers on the Promenade Deck. I strongly object to runners who use this deck instead of the one above the Lido Deck. So refreshing to hear about the entertainers through the eyes/ears of a musician. Thank you.
  17. She's just too big...to get under the Lions Gate Bridge at low tide. She has to wait it out. At least her passengers will have a full day in Vancouver. And then she will head out to sea (not Inside Passage).
  18. Several years ago, I booked a cruise to Iceland and Greenland on the Grand when it was first announced. Forward several months. Received a “move over, (sort of) to the Regal. Then again to the Sky. Very disappointed since my heart was set on the Grand. Disappointed, I cancelled. This happens in other industries too. I just reviewed my upcoming flight. I received no notice that the plane equipment was changed from an Airbus 350 to the dreaded Boeing 787. Had to spend a few minutes getting my seat back (they did reassign seat to one that I didn’t want). Princess should have given current passengers notice BEFORE the general public saw the Press Release. Another fail by Princess.
  19. oops...I new there was a "newer" name for the Sun/Star. Thanks @reedprincess for Sphere Class. As I have mentioned in the past, no Royal/Sphere in my immediate future.
  20. No, you are not required to get Princess Insurance.
  21. Princess currently has 4 classes of ships: Panamax Grand/GEM Royal Sun Let's cannibalize all the good from each ship. What would you like this NEW/but old Princess ship to look like? You may not add venues that are currently not on any Princess ship. I'll start (in no particular order): 1. a theater forward and aft to spread out the entertainment 2. Gigi's 3. Grand Class Window Suites on Deck 6 4, International Cafe 5. Crooners, Wheelhouse, Explorer's Lounge 6. Keep the Piazza clear of large events 7. No smoking in the casino Your turn.
  22. With a Family Suite, it IS a FULL suite with all amenities for all and probably cheaper than 2 Reserve Collection Minis (not sure about regular minis) . I believe you only have to pay full price for 2 in one cabin and 2 in the other cabin. If there are other passengers booked under the 3 or 4 sail free, this would apply. Cabin can sleep 7 to 8 passengers. My only objection is that it is on the bow/front of the ship. I believe only Grand/GEM Class ships have these cabins.
  23. At first, I thought your "Live" was started sooo early, until I realized we are already in MAY. haha. Thanks for taking the time to do a live. Best yet, thanks for adding white spaces between your photos. Enjoy your tranAtlantic voyage. I look forward to your updates.
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