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Posts posted by newparents

  1. Firstly, I must point out we have already purchased our packages so I am in noooo way planning on doing this, this is simply a question out of curiosity, nothing else.


    Obviously, if anyone does and is caught then they have lost the package and no refund ... but do folk still chance it??


    In my head I have a funny image of someone acting suspicious, passing a sneaky labadoozie to their partner, like some dodgy drug deal from an old movie lol, changing bathing suit and sunglasses several times a day as a disguise lol :D


    So what do u reckon, do folk still risk it?

  2. I am hearing about UK passengers getting fab rates from US travel agents so my question is how do u find these agents, I have no clue where to start :confused:

    I input all my details into a US travel website but could not go any further as I didn't have a zip code.

    I know you cant recommend an agent but can you tell me how you found yours if its a US agent, thanks everyone :)

  3. Firstly, I know that there is the Ports of call section but there are not as many answers there so thought I would ask you guys for your suggestions if u dont mind.

    Going on Freedom in Oct, when we get to Falmouth we are thinking a beach day might be nice, not a clue where to go though, a clean beach where we are not getting hassled by vendors, we will have 2 small children with us.

    Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. :)

  4. Cant see anything about a hairdressers on Freedom, I know ladies used to be able to get their hair done onboard, can we still because heat and humidity makes me hair look like a total frizz bomb, not a good look for formal photos, is there still a hairdressers onboard and if so where is it located?? Thanks

  5. Just wondering what the real advantages are for booking onboard? There seems to be a thing where u can pay ur deposit onboard then actually choose at a later date what holiday u want the deposit attached to, but if you do this what are the benefits as travel agents will all try undercut each other so you can get great deals out there and you can get onboard credit, upgrades etc with travel agents, just wondering, thank you

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