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Posts posted by Daisyloo

  1. Thanks for the heads up.


    For the life of me, I have yet to figure out why people buy fancy stuff on a ship or overseas. We have lots of great stores right here in the good ole USA.



    I agree. I never buy anything expensive while on the ship or in port. I really doubt there is much savings to be had and I want to buy expensive things from a store near my home where I can easily get service if I need it.

  2. I'm trying to decide among: Best of Barbados, Barbados Coast-to-Coast, and Natural Wonders of Barbados.


    Has anyone done any of these, and can you give me feedback (positive or negative) and recommendations?





    It's not one of the tours you mentioned, but we did the Photograhic tour when we were in Barbados last year in April. It was really good and I would recommend it.

    The guide was Ronnie Carrington, a photographer from Barbados. He was very knowledgable about photography but also the whole island of Barbados. He took us through many different areas so we saw lots of the island. He told us all about the history and geography of the island. We had many stops at interesting places, and at each one he pointed out what was a good photographic subject and why, and gave hints for ways to improve our photos. He also showed us some of his work, and they were wonderful photos.

    I would recommend this tour.

  3. If you think you may wish to rent one, it is a good idea to arrange it in advance as the ships have a limited number on hand to rent out.


    You can arrange it by calling Ship's Services at 800-541-1576





    Yes, we have always arranged the rental a few months ahead and the fridge was always waiting in our cabin when we boarded. A bonus: they bring a power strip to plug the fridge into so that gives you more outlets to use for things like charging electronics!

  4. What you tip is obviously up to you. I would base it on the length of the tour, how happy you were with it and how well the guide did their job. On a 4 hour tour costing $59 each I think about $3 to $5 each is average. If your guide really did a great job, went above and beyond then more would be proper. Maybe $8 to $10. On a longer more expensive tour you might want to leave more.

    Some cultures don't tip at all. Some people are big tippers. I am sure the tour operators have seen it all.

    Does that help, or make it more confusing? :confused:

  5. We recently flew BUF to FLL and both DH and I got handed these cards (red I think) and told to go to different line, then told we don't have to take off shoes, take liquids out of carry-on etc. We had no idea why but I certainly was happy. I had been suffering with a very sore back and bending to take off and put on shoes was torture. Actually, for most of the cruise DH had to help me on with socks and shoes.

    Then on our return flight FLL to BUF, DH gets the same thing but I have to take off the shoes, take out liquids etc. I wonder what criteria they use deciding who gets to do the easier way.

  6. I guess the big question is about the air conditioning and the toilets. I have to admit that issue is putting us off of booking on the Zuiderdam. We were thinking of doing the Panama Canal cruise on her, but after reading so much about the ac problems we are looking at other cruises. Both my husband and I like a cool room, especially at night for sleeping. A overly warm cabin would be very unpleasant for us. So for any recent Zuiderdam cruisers, how was the ac?

  7. Not sure what the cons are with not having to pay in advance.


    I know some people like to not have a big bill at the end of a cruise, but if that is the case, one can "gift" oneself onboard credit equal to the cost of the desired excursions, effectively paying in advance.


    What cons do you see with the Princess method?


    With HAL we would buy one excursion at a time, maybe one a month or so to spread out the costs. It just made it easier to budget. With the Princess excursions there is a big bill at the end of the cruise. Not a big deal, just different and for some people not as desirable. The end result is the same, just different ways of getting there.

  8. I'm considering my 1st HAL cruise (on Prinsendam). How do the HAL shore excursions compare to Princess price-wise? I can 'explore' them on the HAL site, but can't get the prices w/o booking.




    They are very similar in price and content. I think you have to be booked on a cruise and sign in to your account to see the availability and cost for the excursions on your sailing.

    The biggest difference is that on HAL if you book your excursion prior to your cruise, you pay for it on your credit card at that time. Princess, you reserve the excursion but the charge goes on your onboard account. Both ways have their pros and cons.

  9. I've spent hours last night and today looking into hotels in FLL. When I called this hotel, they said they did not have transportation back to the hotel after the cruise. Bummer. This hotel seemed like our best bet.


    We are flying into FLL, staying 2 nights and boarding the ship. Upon return, we are staying 2 nights again, then flying home.


    I can't seem to find anything that does both air and cruise, RT.


    Does anyone know anything about getting transportation back to the hotel?




    Is this the Best Western at corner of SW 12th and State road 84? If so, it is not very far from the port or airport. A taxi from the port to the hotel shouldn't be very much. I would be surprised if it was much more than about $15.00.

    Also, there is a Hampton Inn right next door to the Best Western. We have stayed there 5 times. I am pretty sure they have a shuttle back to the hotel from the port. Why don't you call them and find out.

  10. My husband and I disembarked a cruise in FLL on Sun. and picked up a taxi at the terminal in the taxi line to the airport. The meter indicated the fare was $13.30. I handed him $16.00 and he asked for more money:eek: He said the fare was $18.00.


    I said look at the meter and he started to argue but then just left. He also talked about the $40.00 buses to the pier during the ride.


    Did we underpay or avoid a scam. I'm leaning toward avoiding a scam but I would appreciate hearing from you knowledgeable FLL posters.


    Thank you


    You avoided a scam. Good for you. Our first time getting a cab to FLL from the port the cabbie told us it was $25.00 flat rate. We believed him. Now we know better. I think most of the cab drivers are honest, but there are always going to be the ones who try to cheat people.

  11. We were on board Maasdam in October and they need to carry our much more than has been suggested in previous posts!! There was a massive leak in the ceiling of the lido, which took 6 days to find the cause of, and was so bad that they had to have 5 huge plastic bins beneath it to catch the water!!! Our daily entertainment was waiting to see how many crew members would be there looking at the ceiling. 2 cabins along our deck were flooding and for nearly the whole 2 weeks, crew were trying to dry them out as they were unable to offer passengers an alternative as the ship was full. The window in our cabin rattled almost constantly and looked as if it were about to fall out, as well as the fact that the seal was coming away all around it!!

    We will NEVER cruise with HAL again.


    I don't think you should say never cruise on Hal again based on that. Ships, any ship on any line is a big hunk of machinery with tons of parts and pieces. Things can and will go wrong. We sailed on Grand Princess about 18 months ago. There were leaks all along the hallway our cabin was on. Every day for 2 weeks we had to dodge the fans and dehumidifiers up and down the corridor. And whatever the leak was stunk! So we tried to walk it with our breath held. It Didn't ruin our cruise: it was a mere inconvienience. Would it keep me from sailing Princess again? No, I have a Princess cruise coming up in March.

    We also sailed twice recently on the Maasdam and never saw anything like you mentioned. We loved the Maasdam and would like to sail on her again some day.

  12. I am another vote for Bonine. I get sick on a porch swing and Bonine works for me. I start taking it the night before the cruise. (at night so that if you suffer any drowsiness with the Bonine, you'll be asleep anyway). I take it every day of the cruise. It is one pill a day and can be upped to 2 a day if needed. The idea is to prevent the sea sickness from starting, not trying to cure it once it's there.

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