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Posts posted by Daisyloo

  1. I have had swollen feet and legs on the cruises I have been on. I am going to buy some of the cherry capsules to try for the next cruise. Also, I have a massage therapist who does a special lymphatic drainage massage. I wonder if I went for one of them a few days prior to the cruise if it would help minimize the swelling? Has anyone tried this? :confused:

  2. Hi Ladies! Am looking for a little advice. We're sailing Royal in a month or so, and while I'm not in any way a dress-up person, we do prefer the MDR so I'll be wearing a dress for formal nights. I'm hoping that these will be appropriate (with the addition of a little bling!) I tend to look like an upended VW beetle, especially in a long dress (being old and round), so I tend to do better with shorter dresses...with sleeves...that don't cost much! :D Thank you!



    I think your dresses will look great. Add a little sparkley bling and you are good to go.

    On an aside, can I take it from your name that you have a Maine Coon?

    Us too! She is a 6 year old named Daisy. Brown tabby with white. Love her to bits.

  3. When we end our cruise on 3/17/13, there will be eight ships in Port Everglades port. Will we have trouble getting a taxi to Fort Lauderdale airport? Thanks for any help/advice.


    There will be lots of cabs available so you should have no problem. But with that many ships don't make the mistake of booking too early of a flight home as the airport will be a zoo and there will be long lines for check-in and security.

  4. Hi all,

    My first time cruising out of Fort Lauderdale. Just 2 adults, mid-40's with no health issues aside from a tendency to overpack, lol. A co-worker recommends a taxi from airport to pier rather than a shuttle - said it's cheaper. Would you all agree? Any idea on a cost/time? Rough estimate is fine, not looking for anything exact, just want to make sure taxi driver doesn't try to pad the trip/fare by taking us on a 2 hour tour of the city.




    Taxi is definitely the best choice. There should be many many taxis waiting at the airport. Expect to pay about $15 -$18 plus a tip. It is only about a 8 to 10 minute drive. You can actually see the port from certain areas of the airport, that's how close they are.

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