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Everything posted by Sleep7

  1. Cabin 313.. spacious and beautiful. We had sailed on the Imagery II seven years ago already and she hadn't aged a day. Wish I could say that about us! lol
  2. Aaaaah.. as I always say.. the BEST time of a cruise is when you are walking up the gangway for the first time. You have the whole week ahead of you to enjoy!!๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿค—
  3. Meeting the always cheerful and friendly Avalon representative was a treat for weary travelers. We pretty quickly boarded the bus for a short ride to the ship.
  4. Goodbye New York.. see you in a week!! Quick flying time of 6 hours and 20 minutes.๐Ÿ˜Š
  5. Three years into the pandemic.. to mask or not to mask aboard a flight.. that is the question. We chose not to.๐Ÿ˜ท Checked the Delta app to double check our bags made it to the plane and they did. ๐Ÿ‘
  6. And then onto the Delta Skyclub which had a big line brewing.. it moved pretty quickly though.
  7. Went lounge hopping as usual.. first to the American Express Lounge where there was no line as of yet.
  8. Checked in and ready to GO on Saturday afternoon for our nonstop flight from JFK to Amsterdam!
  9. Checked the weather before we left and it certainly looked drippy from point A to point B so I packed some extra hats, a tiny travel umbrella, boots and 2 hooded jackets.
  10. ๐ŸŒทHellooooo to everyone on the River Cruise boards! We are just back.. literally just back yesterday.. from an absolutely Tip Top seven day "Tulip Time" cruise aboard Avalon's Imagery II. A little about us.. we both just recently hit the big 6-0 and this is our fourth European river cruise. Might I venture to say we are now seasoned veterans of river cruising; first sailing the Rhine on Avalon back in 2016, followed by a Viking cruise on the Seine in 2017, and then an AMA cruise on the Danube right after International travel started up again in 2021. It's super exciting now to have circled back to the beginning and we were thrilled to sail with Avalon again. Our week (March 19, 2023 to March 26, 2023) on the Imagery II was truly delightful in every way. It was a journey filled with historic ports, delicious food, plentiful wine, smooth waters and lovely new friends. Although we didn't actually didn't see any tulips (except in the flower market in Amsterdam) we did have the best tulip-less time ever! Our cruise was the first of the season and the tulips, being weather dependent, weren't blooming just yet. Keukenhof Gardens opened on March 23rd this year and we left Amsterdam on March 19th so we ended up being two blooms that passed in the night. The only thing that could have been improved upon was the weather. I would say it was about 60% rain.. 20% drizzle..10% mist and only about 10% sun. However.. even though nonstop (or even just a little) sunshine would have been nice.. the less than ideal weather didn't put a damper on things at all. I can't wait to share all of our wonderful experiences during this magical week as we sailed from Amsterdam to Brussels. So now that the suitcases are unpacked and the last load of laundry is done.. I'm ready to write. Come sail along with us on our truly TUL-rific, TUL-ightful and TUL-icious yet TUL-ipless journey!๐ŸŒท
  11. Oh my!! Those are GORGEOUS! What a great purchase!!๐Ÿ˜
  12. ๐Ÿ‘‹Hello again! Thank you for being so very sweet.. I'm thrilled that my happy review prompted you to book this cruise. You are going to have the best time ever. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!๐Ÿค—
  13. ๐Ÿ‘‹Hi OneSixtyToOne! I just saw your thread now and I'm just loving the happy tale of your trip! Interesting commentary, fantastic pictures and a great sense of humor. Perfect!๐Ÿ˜Š
  14. ๐Ÿ‘Yay! 3 weeks of fine food, fun and frolic! So so happy for you. Enjoy every moment.๐Ÿ˜Š
  15. ๐Ÿ‘‹Helloooooo terry&mike!!! Wow wow wow!!! How did I just see this now?? Your travel blog is absolutely AMAZING!!! Truly outstanding. I feel like I have been to Asia and back and I don't have a lick of jetlag.๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thank you so much for posting all about your journey. This is a trip I would absolutely love to take one day. Your pictures and commentary made it so real. One day when hubs is retired I hope we can go. Loved all your pix too.. your dress and Mike's tux are fabulous. Thank you for sharing the smiles.
  16. ๐Ÿ‘‹Welcome back Feta Cheese! Thanks for taking us along on your Transatlantic Adventure. Safe travels home.๐Ÿค—
  17. Hmm... not sure if there are any other plugs in the cabin that are so easily accessible. Maybe behind the desk because there is a lamp there that needs to be plugged in? And yes! Both sides of the bed have the same outlets. We actually found the outlets to be very plentiful and that was with charging 2 laptops, 2 phones, a watch, and a hairdryer. ๐Ÿ˜Š So glad that the pix were helpful!
  18. Hello! As someone who records everything I have pix of the outlets!๐Ÿ˜Š This is by the desk. This is by the bed.
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