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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. Yes…dining changes for a whole host of reasons….as do excursions!
  2. You’ve been heard. Consider your bountiful thanks recorded and totally fulfilled.
  3. Dang...you guys sound old. Still got my hair, albeit it's gone from brown to grey. While not near my fighting weight, I like to believe I'm just a bigger version of my 19 year old love machine self. My only request...if you want to thank me for anything, don't foist your "thanks" upon me. Now, if you want to buy me drinks, that's an entirely different "thing". I'll take them. GI Bill.....it paid for my tuition, books, housing. If I were an 18 year old today, and wanting to go to college, I'd enlist. You get tuition, books, housing, and while your compatriots are coming out with a mountain of debt, you'd be getting a degree for free.
  4. Give it a shot and let us know if it works.
  5. That's a good question. I'm not really sure. I've only been able to use it for the Haven. Give them a call and see what they say.
  6. See what you did? Now you've gone and done it!!!!! Speaking of the GI Bill, I know it was a while ago, but tuition has sky rocketed in recent years. So, that benefit is worth a whole lot more than when I collected it.
  7. (855) 625-4283. Have your reservation number, date of sailing and ship you're sailing on ready to give to them so they can confirm you're in the Haven. There will be a couple of "menu options" before you get to the NCL Concierge. They've been great doing my pre-cruise choices and planning. Pillows, coffee, snacks, dinner reservations, etc. I'm all set once I board. I use the Concierges for changes on board, but mostly, I'm all set by using the Concierge Phone Number.
  8. I had heard Wounded Warror Project (by one of my VFW buds) paid more to the administrative/administrators than they gave to any Wounded Vet. I tend to stay away from the charities who dump a lot of money into ads to raise more money. I always think "why not use the advertising money on the charity itself?" Don't know if that's right or wrong. Just a data point from one person who happened to be a wounded vet.
  9. Great! We agree. The Jersey sounds great. My family and my friends know of my service. They know some of the "stories". I don't wish to share them with strangers and I don't feel comfortable when someone approaches me with "THANKS" just so they can "feel good about themselves" (which I'm trying to wrap my head around). I'll smile and nod most of the time when approached. I used to attend all the Veterans functions in my community, but those functions dwindled over time. Again, just the last couple of years, they seem to have picked up again. Maybe I'll attend once again. Not sure. Doesn't really matter to me. Appreciate the discounts. I go to my local VFW, where vets and their wives/GFs hang out. But, as mentioned, we're neighbors, not strangers, and have known each other for a long time. Plus, the beer is cheap and we have a big screen TV to watch sports on.
  10. While I served after you, anyone who has read about that period of time knows what happened. That's the part of "ebb and flow" of how we're perceived. It has changed over the last couple of years. I like your idea of a "nod". But, I still get a little anxious when someone I don't even know finds out I was in the service and wants to "thank" me. I walk away thinking "you don't even know me!" It does indeed ring hollow. Want to thank someone? Go to a Veterans Hospital. Volunteer there.
  11. OK......good advice! Far be it from me to "steal" your "joy"!
  12. Even though, as a complete stranger you insist on approaching and thanking me for a job I had 35+ years ago? Please don't. It makes me uncomfortable.
  13. YES. Communication is key. I always call the Haven Concierge, probably at least a half dozen times, before embarkation. I have them make note of my preferences BEFORE I even step on to the ship. My Butler already knows what I want upon our first meeting.
  14. I don't think any of us discount our service. Why do people get so upset when we tell them no thanks are required or needed? We're not offended. We just find it a little unnerving when complete strangers want to thank us for doing our job (which in essence, is what it was).
  15. All true. But, I've sailed in a solo cabin. The solo lounge, while nice for coffee and danish, really wasn't all that helpful. The bar was limited and only open a short time each day. The solo get togethers published in the Dailies are a better source for solo activities.
  16. The spread of responses is interesting. Said it before, this Veterans recognition seems to be a recent phenomena over the last couple of years. These "thanks" that are offered seem to ebb and flow over time. The general sentiment now seems to be one of appreciation. Give it time and that will indeed change. Those of us who served a long time ago have seen this. The thanks come and go. I've said it before. It was a line item on my resume.....a means to an end and my service met the objective (got a free college education out of it). It was a job. The big difference, I couldn't quit it when I became unhappy with it....LOL! Some here were drafted. I came after that. I enlisted (which I was derided for quite a bit, mostly by Veterans who thought I was an idiot to enlist). I'd say most of those I have met at these Meet and Greets enlisted. We CHOSE to enlist. We did it because we wanted to. We weren't FORCED to serve. Want to thank someone? Thank those who didn't have a choice but to enlist. Personally, I don't require nor seek any sort of thanks. I'm always a little uneasy when thanks are offered by people I don't even know when they find out I'm a Vet. I do enjoy belonging to my local Veterans Organizations, but that's only because those who are members are also neighbors, and a fair number of us served at the same time, if not together. Is it nice that NCL gives us a discount? Absolutely. I'll take a discount anywhere I can find it. The Meet and Greet? Those I attended with, seem to be nice people. Not much for the long winded monologs some insist on giving, however. It was a different time, a different age, I was a way different person back then. I will only share that with whom I'm the closest to...not strangers. But, I'll take the discount and be on my way.
  17. I’ve stayed in and seen some very nice cabins….but this one? DANG!!!!!
  18. I don’t remember any photos taken! Then again, I grabbed a drink, said “hi…bye” and left.
  19. “so what do you want? a rubber beesquit?” I remember that movie! LOL! Agree with your sentiments. Appreciate “thanks”. But, that was decades ago! I’ll take the discount, though! THANKS? Hey, if it makes you feel better, thank away!
  20. Coudn't agree more. Rome is so rich in history that your kids have or will learn about. They'll get to see it up close. Vatican I've done. I'm Catholic and I was still disappointed at how little time they let you linger there. ....stopped at an outdoor cafe for a cappuccino. it was a beautiful bright sunny day, clear blue skies, great for people watching, Could not agree with this more. It's a great way, at any of the ports, to get a real feel for the area.
  21. I get a lot of mailers from Oceania (who I've never sailed). I get about one/week from Royal and NCL. Not much from Carnival, but will get one on occasion but it's a Carnival ad that's sent by my TA. Assuming Carnival gives her marketing dollars to do those mailers.
  22. I do believe it depends on the server. You can always tell the less experienced ones...as they tend to be slower. Ordinarily, if the restaurant manager happens by, which they often do, I just give them a quick comment about how they must be really busy (whether they are or not) since the service is lagging. Things seem pick up from that point.
  23. Same here. I like the discount. The "swag" was a nice touch. The rest? I went to the first one (trying to remember the ship, but it escapes me), but took a pass since then. It's about 10 mins. The discount is "the big thing" for me. ID.me should get you registered on your sailing. I think they only checked mine once and all subsequent cruises they added the discount.
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