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Everything posted by Laszlo

  1. Really? It shows the Vibe passes on your account on the mobil App?
  2. We only had a few hundred down. Are you on the GA January 8th cruise?
  3. For as many cruises we have done on the larger ships with the Vibe Beach Club I think only 5% of the passengers even know what or where it is. I've been asked a few dozen times by people while I was swiping my card to go in or coming out what is that place. They seem to heavily advertise the Thermal Spa's, not much the VBC
  4. The first two times we had Vibe passes their was a separate pass we used to get in. The last time we used our cabin card I believe
  5. Yes! Make sure you get an email conformation. The person I booked with on Monday was ready to hang up after I gave her my CC info. She said it would be on my online summary. Nope, she told me to sign off and sign on again. Nope, that didn't work and 4 days later its still not listed. Maybe after final payment? Maybe after check in is complete. I said I not hanging up until I see an email conformation and proof I paid. Granted my proof would be on my CC statement but I wanted proof from NCL we bought the passes. Our final payment is not until September
  6. Just make sure you have some kind of hard copy conformation.... either in your online account or an email
  7. Thats strange. When I called NCL two days ago to book I was told since it had to be payed for in full at the time of booking. I was then sent an email conformation. The woman said since it was considered "Entertainment" it was payed for when booking
  8. September of 2013 on the BA was $79..... and we thought that was expensive Lol
  9. My wife and I have had Thermal Spa passes twice on the BA, Escape and Gem. They have always asked for our cabin cards and they file them. After a few days they know your face. I've seen a few people try to sneak in and they were asked to leave. I guess it all depends who's running it
  10. I won't mess the running to get passes, they should have done it years ago. I believe the BA and Escape are 100?? On the Escape my wife and I had number 99 and 100 and told we were the last to get them. The Getaway was expanded to about twice the size of the BA
  11. Another success..... booked two for our 12 sailing on the Getaway in January. The women I spoke with said I was her 8th call today getting Vibe passes for that cruise
  12. Does anyone know if you can cancel your prepaid Vibe passes when you board?
  13. $269 pp for a 12 day cruise on the Getaway
  14. Wow, so $229 pp on a 7 day cruise. I wonder what they will be for a 12 day cruise on the Getaway in Jan. On hold now. I remember the first time we got them on the BA they were $79pp for a 7 day pass
  15. Book your alternative..... When you board go right to the excursions desk. They might have a few open spots or they might have had some cancelations. If not get your name on a list. My wife and I did this on a few excursions we really wanted to take and it worked out. People canceled and we got in
  16. We are booked on the NCL Jade that will be stopping there February 2021. I'm not able to find much info about this stop including on NCL's site, its not even listed under excursions. Any info would be helpful Thanks
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