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Everything posted by travelnap

  1. Thanks Leanne and fellow addicts. Have a good weekend all.
  2. Gerry, I hereby nominate you for Super Woman Status. With all of things that you are dealing with, with Maurice's Heart issues, and family coming for the Easter Holiday, and at the drop of a hat, you drop everything to help out with your friends Gord and Ollie. All that you do for others really stands out on Good Friday. I would nominate you for sainthood, but unfortunately, I am not Catholic so Super Woman is the best I can do. May God Bless you, as you have blessed so many other people.
  3. I like today's quote. My handwriting has always been a scribble. Chickens scratching in the dirt are more legible than my handwriting. As far as whiskey day, I will drink to that. I agree with Gerry, I do prefer the scotch, but I am an equal opportunity sort of guy, so I will also support the other whiskeys, but whisky will always be #1. A balmy 5 degrees F this morning, but hopefully will warm a little before the day is over. Have a good day all.
  4. Thanks Leanne and the rest of the addicts for another nice sailaway. We have blizzard warnings here so it is nice to see some warm weather. Good night all.
  5. Redneck Bob in all his glory. Nice toots from NS.
  6. I have had to reboot a couple of times already Gerry, and I am just getting the shorter one that you can skip after 5 seconds.
  7. Maybe they stopped to fill the shopping cart before going to check out.
  8. I hope you are wearing your mask this week. It scared me last week when we got to actually see you. Bon Voyage RNB, have a great cruise.
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