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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Band trivia:Do you know the birth name of Robbie Robertson ?
  2. I used to bring a bag to carry maps and brochures
  3. I just finished watching the series Mr.and Mrs, Smith.The first 6 episodes were fair but the last 2 were great.I hope there will be a season 2.
  4. I have a vivid memory of seeing Bob Dylan in concert in 1961.
  5. I just began watching Mr.and Mrs.Smith on Prime.I am a huge fan of Donald Glover.The show was highly recommended to me.One Season ,8 episodes.
  6. Everyone who I knew who took a class with Professor S.all thought he was great. I had an excellent education there.I had a dual major of Psychology and Sociology ,a Minor in English with a concentration in Literature. My GPA at graduation was 3.59 out of 4.00.I took the GRE and only had one wrong answer.I was the only student to have achieved that .
  7. I was at the very first concert of the great group,Once Again.I believe I am likely the only person on CC to make that claim.
  8. The college that I referenced is one of the very best in the entire US. After leaving there he taught at a college in PA that I am familiar with but do not know anything about the school.
  9. I was in the audience at the very first SNL show.It is hard to fathom that it will be 50 years this year.
  10. He was actually the best Professor that I ever encountered in all my years of higher education .He was absolutely brilliant.
  11. In all my years of cruising nobody ever attempted a political discussion with me.If they were to do so I would politely decline.
  12. I have had 4 distinctly different careers in my lifetime.I was able to choose which one and have described all 4 on cruises but never more than one per cruise.
  13. I took an Elective in Latin American History in my Senior year of college. On the first day the Professor let everyone in the class know that he would be teaching the class from his political point of view.He explained that he was giving anyone who wished the opportunity to drop the course without penalty if they so desired.Three students did so.
  14. I was in college in 1964.I had a part time job working for Life Magazine.I had part time jobs every semester as well as every summer.Working for Life was the very best.
  15. I will never be okay but I try my very best to have a positive attitude .My family is very supportive .I have an Occupational Therapist who aside from being excellent is one of the most caring human beings I have ever met. She has set goals for me to accomplish that I was certain I would never be able to do and somehow I have.She has increased my strength greatly.
  16. Someday,hopefully.One is Ulcerative Colitis .I was diagnosed in 2004 .While I still have the illness I have not had it bad since 2013.I have to follow a diet and do not eat foods that can cause problems.I have had 7;skin cancer surgeries.Will there ever be a cure for that ,I do not know .I stay out of the sun whenever I am outside.I have Post Traumatic Vertigo I get attacks several times a year.I have Fuchs Dystrophy and will need a Corneal Transplant at some point .I have Occular Migraines and I am fine if I do not drink alcohol or eat chocolate.I have had many surgeries for Spinal Stenosis .I could go on but I think you understand my points of reference.
  17. I try to stay positive . I belong to a very caring Support Group and that has helped me greatly. Thanks for your posts,H.
  18. Late this afternoon my BP spiked again.I called my doctor and he told me to take a higher dose of one of the medications I am taking.I had been taking a higher dose but it lowered my BP so much that my doctor changed it.I am going to try one more day on what I am taking currently.
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