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  1. Tova Friedman and her family came to the US in 1950.She graduated Brooklyn College with a degree in Psychology. This book in my opinion should be read by everyone.
  2. My primary regret is only meeting and becoming friends with 12 CC regulars.I wish I would have met and become friends with more.
  3. I took the ferry every day from Manhattan to the Henry Kaufman Campgrounds in 1959 where I was working as an Asst.Counsellor. My pay for the summer was $25.00 plus lunches and beverages .
  4. I had never heard about her.After watching the movie I googled her name and read that Randy Levine,President of the Yankees arranged for Megan to be honored at Yankee Stadium in 2012.I “worked “ with Randy for several years.Prior to him working for the Yankees he was a member of a law firm that represented the company that I worked for from 1972 to 1997.That was something that I could see Randy doing.
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