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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. My granddaughters were not on camera at the game they went to last week .A meet and greet with my youngest granddaughter has been set for her and her favorite player,Braden Schneider.It will be sometime in March. Her father,my son in law also knows Tom Laidlaw well.
  2. I watched a movie today on Netflix titled Desierto.It is in Spanish and limited English.Only two of the actors speak English.The strange thing is that there are no subtitles.I Director is the son of a very famous Spanish Director.
  3. My doctor had other doctors in his practice but did not recommend them . My Nephrologist treats me for the BP,I plan on asking him if he can refer me to a Cardiologist.
  4. I had a very bad early morning.I woke up with a very bad headache and chills.Nurse Toby took my blood pressure and it was 173/82. I took my blood pressure medication and 30 minutes later it went down to 159/65 and 30 minutes after that it was normal. My Cardiologist retired Dec.20 and as of yet I have not found a new doctor.
  5. I may have posted this previously.We cruised to Alaska in May 2008. We brought winter clothes and they had the highest temperatures to date.
  6. My parents went to the Worlds Fair in 1939.They came home with a three dimensional folder of how Washington DC would look in the year 2000.It was surprisingly accurate.
  7. There are posts from 2002 where one can no longer post.
  8. My sister-in-law was recently on a river cruise with 210 passengers.
  9. Yes,I gather that .I watched a bit of the Jets-Patriots game .I wonder if football is the only team sport played in snow.
  10. From our first cruise in 1973 to our last n 2019;we always used a TA with one exception.I called the cruise line for some info and the person I was talking to had the same first and last name as me.I took it as an omen and booked with him.Even though our surname is not a common one we were not related as far as we knew.
  11. We never use cell phones on a ship.A friend tree a walk-in e talkie once and that did not work.
  12. Tonight is the Golden Globes awards.Saltburn has two acting nominations. Society of the Snow has a Best Foreign Picture nomination.
  13. We only had rain.It is still raining but the temperature is 41 degrees. My granddaughters flight that was supposed to leave at 4:15 did not leave till 6:30.
  14. I have been a Mets fan since 1962.Prior to this occurrence I had rooted for both guys but never again.Conversely a retired Yankee player could not attend because he was seriously sick.He sent a nephew of his with more than 100 autographed memorabilia .I called to thank him and spoke to his wife.She said he really wished he could have come .
  15. I saw an excellent movie on Netflix last night :Society of the Snow. It is in Spanish with subtitles.I highly recommend it and expect it to be nominated for many awards.
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