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Everything posted by sprint180

  1. You got me thinking, I wonder if I have. I don't think I do but hey, it could be an absent minded thing.
  2. Oh my goodness Tom Collins. I quit my job once working for my inlaws. Went to the bar with my two co workers and one of them liked Tom Collins'. I had never had one made the bad choice of drinking a lot of them, loved them apparently and left the bar with no shoes on. Walked across the street and about got hit by my mother in law (wasn't as close as I make it sound). A third co worker drove me home. I do not drink now (barely did them) maybe I should have one again just to see what I liked so much.
  3. Baltic and Alaska. I can't choose. I loved Alaska because it is absolutely beautiful, I loved the Baltics because of the history. Especially Russia as I used to have a pen pal from there.
  4. Is there a place to go to, to see what shows are on which ship? Thanks Vicki
  5. Sailed on both. Both have fabulous entertainment but I do prefer NCL's. Other then that I think both lines are comparable. Don't worry and enjoy your trip!
  6. But you didn't overpay, you paid the price you agreed to pay.
  7. As I mentioned earlier my kids at that age loved cruising. But we usually just hang out as a family. Go to the shows. Go to supper. Listen to the music. Eat some more. Maybe spend time as a family
  8. My kids loved cruising at that age. Why do you have to drink to have fun. Meet some people (on deck, at deck parties, at any event) and hang out. Spend time with your family. They have always had a blast.
  9. I hope someone can clarify for me. I have looked on the Canadian website and I think I understand the answer but there are so many different answers on the web. Anyway, If you are going to Canada on a cruise with a birth certificate (a passport may not be possible) You will not be able to get off in Canada, is that correct? Just asking for those with experience. Some things I read say absolutely need a passport, others say not necessarily. Thank you in advance for your kind answers.
  10. I have been on Princess and NCL (next year Royal) Both itineraries were the same. Neither was better but the ships do have a different atmosphere. Princess had speakers to listen to and probably a "classier" atmosphere. If going with my husband I'd go Princess again or try another line like Celebrity if it had the itinerary I wanted. I'd take NCL again too, but with my children because the ship had things on they would like. That is why we are going Royal next year, the kids chose the ship.
  11. I have used Harv and Marv and they were awesome. We got close to the whales without intruding. Meaning we went to a spot and they swam by us. So close I could have touched them. It was amazing. Only 6 people on our boat.
  12. We headed to the A-List bar when it was time for muster. Found a chair and waited. The room started filling up and people were confused wondering where they were to meat as on your card there is a letter and a number. But we were all to meet in that bar I guess. First I want to say I think the muster drill is important and I would never try to skip it but this one was worthless. I will tell you a year ago when we were on this ship I had to watch the video twice. Once when I did the online checkin. and once again when I was on the ship, then when we boarded we went and found the muster station. This time I believe we watched a video during the online checkin (to be honest i'm not for sure) Then this muster drill. OK so the crew came in and started scanning our cards and my number was 7 so they pointed me out a side door. Didn't say anything just said to go out. So we went out the side door and waited we listened to a message. Some people left, some stayed. No one seemed to know what we were supposed to do. So we stood there a while and the emergency sound went off and the message started again and a few more people came out. We left at that point. Doing it this way was absolutely no better then the check in type of muster. I'm sure it gets people to get it done though and they don't have to spend so much time waiting.
  13. Around 3 it was announced that our rooms were ready so we headed down. We are in balcony room 10308. We dropped our stuff and headed out to look around the ship some. Then around 4:30 it was time for the muster drill.
  14. Waiting patiently with the Encore behind us. Once on the ship we ate at the buffet and then went to the solarium (?) to wait. What we ended up doing is falling asleep right away. Which was fine as our rooms weren't ready until around three. So we got a good nap in. This would be the only time we could get chairs here in the front of the ship and at this time it was really loud in there. The rest of the trip it was quiet and a good place to just sit and relax.
  15. Our check in time was 9-9:30 I believe. We were up around 8. Repacked and called an uber or lyft. Sorry I can't remember how much it was as my daughter paid for it. Our lyft showed up and we jumped in and were off. It was an interesting ride. We tried to ask him some questions but he didn't want to talk, and about half way to the port he turned on his hazard lights but didn't slow down so I'm not sure what that was about. Either way we got to the port, left our luggage with the porter and went in. There was a table you were to go to if you were not vaxed but we were so I'm not sure of that process was. At this time it was around 9:30 there wasn't much of a line to check in we zig zagged through their maze and were checked in in no time. But then the waiting began in the terminal. We found a seat and waited till boarding started. Amanda chatted with her family and I mostly people watched. Everyone seems so happy when you are waiting for a cruise. We were in group 2 so when boarding started we were on pretty fast. We went to the Social (I believe that is what it is called) and booked our entertainment, The only thing we wanted was Choir of Man. Then we went to book our included special meal. Which we did. But we didn't pay much attention when she gave us our slip and she booked it for the wrong night. It was no problem to us. We had nothing going on that night.
  16. the pics are a bit out of order as I am sending from a different device. Sorry about that us at the airport waiting for the shuttle. My daughters luggage kills me. She keeps saying she is going to get a new suitcase but never does. She did say she should have duct taped the front down. our room at the hotel. Very nice and lots of room. Of course we did t need it as we weren’t there long. out view from our room. It was really pretty
  17. Once on the plane we went from Omaha, to somewhere, then to Miami. We got to Miami late, around 9 I think. Waited what seemed like a long time for our luggage and then went out to wait for the shuttle for the Hilton Miami Airport Blue Lagoon. It seemed to take a while for the shuttle to come. Probably because we were tired from our day of travel but finally to the hotel. It was nice, I mean it was no Sleep Inn but... Just kidding. It was very nice and we ate at the restaurant in the hotel and went to bed.
  18. this is what I was leaving. I can’t believe I didn’t have more wanting to go with me It’s so pretty. It was supposed to be nice weather while we were gone. Mostly in the 20’s and 30’s so I didn't feel too bad leaving.
  19. Oops, not sure how I did that but I will keep going. The above is just an interesting not sure what you would call it in the airport, somewhere. So leading up to the cruise... My last day of work was the day before we left for the airport. It wasn't all that exciting and I left early. just had to mail out statements then I was done!!! You have no idea how good that felt. I hadn't packed yet which was unusual because I usually start a month in advance. My husband even asked if I was still planning on going. I promised him I would leave and he could have a week to himself. Although I know he was super busy with the animals and wouldn't notice either way if I was there or not. The airport (Omaha) is a 4 hour drive from my house. We didn't want to get up early and go in the morning so we left in the afternoon before our flight. I got up that morning and did laundry, packed, and was out the door about 2. We had a ton of errands to do including picking up my daughters son at school and taking him with us to drop off, return a coat to a store, stop at a bank., meet my other daughter in Norfolk where she was celebrating her birthday and ended up having supper there as by that time it was about that time. Holy cow we thought we were never going to get to Omaha. But finally we did. We did not have a hotel reserved for us and just went to a Sleep Inn when we got there. It was inexpensive my daughter said and it was nice enough. I'm not high maintenance so it was fine with me. We did take notice that there was only 6 cars in the lot though. What did everyone know but us we wondered?!?!! The rooms were fine and clean. We had a nights sleep, and got up to go to the included breakfast. We did not end up eating there. The food didn't even look very good so we went across the street to Perkins. Then back to the hotel for Amanda to finish a little bit of work and off we were to the airport and off on our adventure.
  20. your cast of characters. My daughter Amanda and myself Vicki We usually park in a lot but I knew we were getting in late and didn’t want to wait when we got back. So glad we parked in the garage at the airport now!
  21. Hi everyone. I wasn't going to do a review of my trip but after I waited a week I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms (wanting to go on another) so I decided to put it in words. A little background: When my family decides to cruise it goes something like this. One of us says, "We should go on a cruise" Then we decide who is interested, where they want to go and when. You all know the drill. Usually I book (usually a year out) then everyone just pays me back. On this trip only one of my children could go which was disappointing, to me it is the more the merrier. We are farmers / ranchers and January is generally the only time we can go easily and some of my children have jobs that they work for others so it is just when we can get off. In this case I wanted to go and everyone said no they couldn't . Except, my one daughter showed interest, so I just worked on her a bit. It reminded me of going to ports and having all the people pounce on you trying to sell you something, Never Engage! So I said I'd pay for the cruise portion as I would have to pay double anyway. That is all it took and she said yes. Then finding the date that would work for my work schedule and hers. She has unlimited vacay and I can get off any time just so it works with the other lady in the office. It was decided that early February would be the best so in December we booked. That is the closest to a cruise I have ever booked and it was a bit weird not having to wait! But also, some time in the beginning of January I decided to quit my job, but said I would stay until the end of January because January is extremely busy in our office. So that made things go even faster. We decided to go on the exact cruise I went on last year with my sisters. Amanda, my daughter, had seen my pics of Virgin Gorda and wanted to go there and this ship took us there. I didn't care where we went as long as it wasn't here so the Encore it was. The time until the cruise was very stressful to me and it wasn't enjoyable like it usually is. I did very little planning ahead for this cruise. My one goal was to get our Taxes to the accountant before we left. I did that...the day before. I absolutely hate doing taxes. There is so much paperwork and I am always afraid I am going to miss something so it was a relief when I dropped it off. Anyway, That is the back story not for the cruise....
  22. I would not switch from Celebrity to Carnival thinking it will be better. All lines are cutting back, including Carnival.
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